Example usage for java.security SecureClassLoader subclass-usage

List of usage examples for java.security SecureClassLoader subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for java.security SecureClassLoader subclass-usage.


From source file org.nebulaframework.deployment.classloading.AbstractNebulaClassLoader.java

 * Provides common functionality required for custom class loaders
 * of Nebula Framework.
 * <p>
 * Specifically, this class provide routines
 * to identify untrusted code from remote jobs and to mark such code

From source file FireWallClassLoader.java

 * The FireWallClassLoader is a classloader that can block request from going up
 * in the classloader hierarchy.
 * <P>
 * Normally, when a classloader receives a request for a resource, it will
 * consult its parent class loader first for that resource. The parent class

From source file com.github.wolf480pl.mias4j.core.runtime.BMClassLoader.java

 * This classloader is a CREDENTIAL. Anyone having a reference to it can SET THE RUNTIME POLICY for anyone using Bootstraps class loaded with this classloader.
public class BMClassLoader extends SecureClassLoader {
    public static final String BNAME = Bootstraps.class.getCanonicalName();
    public static final String INAME = Type.getInternalName(Bootstraps.class);

From source file com.github.wolf480pl.mias4j.util.AbstractTransformingClassLoader.java

 * WARNING: This classloader does NOT guarantee correctness of the CodeSource and ProtectionDomain of the loaded classes
public abstract class AbstractTransformingClassLoader extends SecureClassLoader {
    private static final Method getPermsMeth;
    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractTransformingClassLoader.class);

From source file org.echocat.nodoodle.classloading.FileClassLoader.java

 * This implements {@link SecureClassLoader} and creates its class path over a given collection of jarFiles or directories. This implements also {@link Closeable}.
public class FileClassLoader extends SecureClassLoader implements Closeable {

    private final AccessControlContext _acc = AccessController.getContext();

From source file com.seeburger.vfs2.util.VFSClassLoader.java

 * A class loader that can load classes and resources from a search path
 * VFS FileObjects refering both to folders and JAR files. Any FileObject
 * of type FileType.FILE is asumed to be a JAR and is opened
 * by creating a layered file system with the "jar" scheme.
 * TODO - Test this with signed Jars and a SecurityManager.

From source file com.googlecode.onevre.utils.ServerClassLoader.java

 * A Class loader for loading classes from the server
 * @author Andrew G D Rowley
 * @version 1.0