Java Signature fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java Signature fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for Signature.

The text is from its open source code.

Subclass has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.


booleanequals(Object obj)
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
Returns the name of the algorithm for this signature object.
SignaturegetInstance(String algorithm)
Returns a Signature object that implements the specified signature algorithm.
SignaturegetInstance(Instance instance, String algorithm)
SignaturegetInstance(String algorithm, String provider)
Returns a Signature object that implements the specified signature algorithm.
SignaturegetInstance(String algorithm, Provider provider)
Returns a Signature object that implements the specified signature algorithm.
Returns the parameters used with this signature object.
Returns the provider of this signature object.
voidinitSign(PrivateKey privateKey)
Initialize this object for signing.
voidinitSign(PrivateKey privateKey, SecureRandom random)
Initialize this object for signing.
voidinitVerify(PublicKey publicKey)
Initializes this object for verification.
voidinitVerify(Certificate certificate)
Initializes this object for verification, using the public key from the given certificate.
voidsetParameter(AlgorithmParameterSpec params)
Initializes this signature engine with the specified parameter set.
Returns a string representation of this signature object, providing information that includes the state of the object and the name of the algorithm used.
voidupdate(byte b)
Updates the data to be signed or verified by a byte.
voidupdate(byte[] data)
Updates the data to be signed or verified, using the specified array of bytes.
voidupdate(ByteBuffer data)
Updates the data to be signed or verified using the specified ByteBuffer.
voidupdate(byte[] data, int off, int len)
Updates the data to be signed or verified, using the specified array of bytes, starting at the specified offset.