Example usage for java.time Period of

List of usage examples for java.time Period of


In this page you can find the example usage for java.time Period of.


public static Period of(int years, int months, int days) 

Source Link


Obtains a Period representing a number of years, months and days.


From source file:Main.java

public static void main(String[] args) {

    Period p = Period.of(2011, 12, 12);



From source file:Main.java

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Period p1 = Period.of(2, 3, 5);
    Period p2 = Period.of(1, 15, 28);
    System.out.println(p1);/*  ww w. j  a va2  s  .c  o  m*/

From source file:com.qwazr.externalizor.SimpleTime.java

public SimpleTime() {

    calNullValue = null;/*ww w .  j  a va  2 s .  c o m*/
    calValue = Calendar.getInstance();
    calArray = new Calendar[] { calNullValue, calValue };
    calList = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(calValue, calNullValue));

    dateNullValue = null;
    dateValue = new Date(RandomUtils.nextLong());
    dateArray = new Date[] { dateNullValue, dateValue };
    dateList = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(dateValue, dateNullValue));

    durationNullValue = null;
    durationValue = Duration.ofSeconds(RandomUtils.nextLong());
    durationArray = new Duration[] { durationNullValue, durationValue };
    durationList = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(durationValue, durationNullValue));

    instantNullValue = null;
    instantValue = Instant.ofEpochSecond(RandomUtils.nextLong(0, Instant.MAX.getEpochSecond()));
    instantArray = new Instant[] { instantNullValue, instantValue };
    instantList = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(instantValue, instantNullValue));

    localTimeNullValue = null;
    localTimeValue = LocalTime.of(RandomUtils.nextInt(0, 24), RandomUtils.nextInt(0, 60),
            RandomUtils.nextInt(0, 60));
    localTimeArray = new LocalTime[] { localTimeNullValue, localTimeValue };
    localTimeList = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(localTimeValue, localTimeNullValue));

    localDateNullValue = null;
    localDateValue = LocalDate.of(RandomUtils.nextInt(2000, 3000), RandomUtils.nextInt(1, 13),
            RandomUtils.nextInt(1, 29));
    localDateArray = new LocalDate[] { localDateNullValue, localDateValue };
    localDateList = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(localDateValue, localDateNullValue));

    localDateTimeNullValue = null;
    localDateTimeValue = LocalDateTime.of(
            LocalDate.of(RandomUtils.nextInt(2000, 3000), RandomUtils.nextInt(1, 13),
                    RandomUtils.nextInt(1, 29)),
            LocalTime.of(RandomUtils.nextInt(0, 24), RandomUtils.nextInt(0, 60), RandomUtils.nextInt(0, 60)));
    localDateTimeArray = new LocalDateTime[] { localDateTimeNullValue, localDateTimeValue };
    localDateTimeList = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(localDateTimeValue, localDateTimeNullValue));

    monthDayNullValue = null;
    monthDayValue = MonthDay.of(RandomUtils.nextInt(1, 13), RandomUtils.nextInt(1, 29));
    monthDayArray = new MonthDay[] { monthDayNullValue, monthDayValue };
    monthDayList = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(monthDayValue, monthDayNullValue));

    periodNullValue = null;
    periodValue = Period.of(RandomUtils.nextInt(0, Year.MAX_VALUE), RandomUtils.nextInt(1, 13),
            RandomUtils.nextInt(1, 29));
    periodArray = new Period[] { periodNullValue, periodValue };
    periodList = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(periodValue, periodNullValue));

    yearNullValue = null;
    yearValue = Year.of(RandomUtils.nextInt(0, Year.MAX_VALUE));
    yearArray = new Year[] { yearNullValue, yearValue };
    yearList = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(yearValue, yearNullValue));


From source file:ca.phon.session.io.xml.v12.XMLSessionReader_v12.java

private Participant copyParticipant(SessionFactory factory, ParticipantType pt, LocalDate sessionDate) {
    final Participant retVal = factory.createParticipant();

    retVal.setId(pt.getId());/*from   w ww  .  j  a va  2  s .c om*/

    final XMLGregorianCalendar bday = pt.getBirthday();
    if (bday != null) {
        final LocalDate bdt = LocalDate.of(bday.getYear(), bday.getMonth(), bday.getDay());

        // calculate age up to the session date
        final Period period = Period.between(bdt, sessionDate);

    final Duration ageDuration = pt.getAge();
    if (ageDuration != null) {
        // convert to period
        final Period age = Period.of(ageDuration.getYears(), ageDuration.getMonths(), ageDuration.getDays());


    String langs = "";
    for (String lang : pt.getLanguage())
        langs += (langs.length() > 0 ? ", " : "") + lang;

    if (pt.getSex() == SexType.MALE)
    else if (pt.getSex() == SexType.FEMALE)

    ParticipantRole prole = ParticipantRole.fromString(pt.getRole());
    if (prole == null)
        prole = ParticipantRole.TARGET_CHILD;


    return retVal;

From source file:org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.io.Model.java

private Model() {
    final Configuration conf = new BaseConfiguration();
    final TinkerGraph graph = TinkerGraph.open(conf);
    final GraphTraversalSource g = graph.traversal();

    final Compatibility[] noTypeGraphSONPlusGryo3_2_3 = Compatibilities.with(GryoCompatibility.class)
    final Compatibility[] noTypeGraphSONPlusGryo3_3_0 = Compatibilities.with(GryoCompatibility.class)
    final Compatibility[] noGraphSONBeforeV3 = Compatibilities.with(GraphSONCompatibility.class)

    // IMPORTANT - the "title" or name of the Entry needs to be unique

    // Serialization of Class in Gryo 1.0 had a bug that prevented proper operation in versions prior to 3.2.4.
    addCoreEntry(File.class, "Class", "", noTypeGraphSONPlusGryo3_2_3);
    addCoreEntry(new Date(1481750076295L), "Date");
    addCoreEntry(100.00d, "Double");
    addCoreEntry(100.00f, "Float", "", Compatibilities.UNTYPED_GRAPHSON.matchToArray());
    addCoreEntry(100, "Integer");
    addCoreEntry(Arrays.asList(1, "person", true), "List",
            "List is used to distinguish between different collection types as JSON is not explicit enough for all of Gremlin's requirements.",
            noGraphSONBeforeV3);/*  w  w  w .  ja va2 s .co m*/
    addCoreEntry(100L, "Long", "", Compatibilities.UNTYPED_GRAPHSON.matchToArray());
    final Map<Object, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
    map.put("test", 123);
    map.put(new Date(1481750076295L), "red");
    map.put(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3), new Date(1481750076295L));
    addCoreEntry(map, "Map",
            "Map is redefined so that to provide the ability to allow for non-String keys, which is not possible in JSON.",
    addCoreEntry(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(1, "person", true)), "Set",
            "Allows a JSON collection to behave as a Set.", noGraphSONBeforeV3);
    // Timestamp was added to Gryo 1.0 as of 3.2.4. It was not supported in 3.2.3.
    addCoreEntry(new java.sql.Timestamp(1481750076295L), "Timestamp", "", noTypeGraphSONPlusGryo3_2_3);
    addCoreEntry(UUID.fromString("41d2e28a-20a4-4ab0-b379-d810dede3786"), "UUID");

    addGraphStructureEntry(graph.edges().next(), "Edge", "");
    addGraphStructureEntry(g.V().out().out().path().next(), "Path", "");
    addGraphStructureEntry(graph.edges().next().properties().next(), "Property", "");
    // TODO: missing a stargraph deserializer in graphson v1/v2
    addEntry("Graph Structure", StarGraph.of(graph.vertices().next()), "StarGraph", "",
    addGraphStructureEntry(graph, "TinkerGraph",
            "`TinkerGraph` has a custom serializer that is registered as part of the `TinkerIoRegistry`.");
    // TODO: tree has bugs for graphson
    addEntry("Graph Structure", g.V(1).out().out().tree().next(), "Tree", "",
    addGraphStructureEntry(graph.vertices().next(), "Vertex", "");
    addGraphStructureEntry(graph.vertices().next().properties().next(), "VertexProperty", "");

    addGraphProcessEntry(SackFunctions.Barrier.normSack, "Barrier", "",
    addGraphProcessEntry(new Bytecode.Binding("x", 1), "Binding",
            "A \"Binding\" refers to a `Bytecode.Binding`.", Compatibilities.UNTYPED_GRAPHSON.matchToArray());
    addGraphProcessEntry(g.V().hasLabel("person").out().in().tree().asAdmin().getBytecode(), "Bytecode",
            "The following `Bytecode` example represents the traversal of `g.V().hasLabel('person').out().in().tree()`. Obviously the serialized `Bytecode` woudl be quite different for the endless variations of commands that could be used together in the Gremlin language.",
    addGraphProcessEntry(VertexProperty.Cardinality.list, "Cardinality", "",
    addGraphProcessEntry(Column.keys, "Column", "", Compatibilities.UNTYPED_GRAPHSON.matchToArray());
    addGraphProcessEntry(Direction.OUT, "Direction", "", Compatibilities.UNTYPED_GRAPHSON.matchToArray());
    addGraphProcessEntry(Operator.sum, "Operator", "", Compatibilities.UNTYPED_GRAPHSON.matchToArray());
    addGraphProcessEntry(Order.incr, "Order", "", Compatibilities.UNTYPED_GRAPHSON.matchToArray());
    addGraphProcessEntry(TraversalOptionParent.Pick.any, "Pick", "",
    addGraphProcessEntry(Pop.all, "Pop", "", Compatibilities.UNTYPED_GRAPHSON.matchToArray());
    addGraphProcessEntry(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.util.function.Lambda.function("{ it.get() }"), "Lambda",
            "", Compatibilities.UNTYPED_GRAPHSON.matchToArray());
    final TraversalMetrics tm = createStaticTraversalMetrics();
    final MutableMetrics metrics = new MutableMetrics(tm.getMetrics("7.0.0()"));
    metrics.addNested(new MutableMetrics(tm.getMetrics("3.0.0()")));
    addGraphProcessEntry(metrics, "Metrics", "", noTypeGraphSONPlusGryo3_3_0);
    addGraphProcessEntry(P.gt(0), "P", "", Compatibilities.UNTYPED_GRAPHSON.matchToArray());
    addGraphProcessEntry(P.within(1), "P within", "", Compatibilities.UNTYPED_GRAPHSON.matchToArray());
    addGraphProcessEntry(P.without(1, 2), "P without", "", Compatibilities.UNTYPED_GRAPHSON.matchToArray());
    // A bug in the the Gryo serialization of ConjunctiveP prevented its proper serialization in versions prior to 3.3.0 and 3.2.4.
    addGraphProcessEntry(P.gt(0).and(P.lt(10)), "P and", "", noTypeGraphSONPlusGryo3_2_3);
    // A bug in the the Gryo serialization of ConjunctiveP prevented its proper serialization in versions prior to 3.3.0 and 3.2.4.
    addGraphProcessEntry(P.gt(0).or(P.within(-1, -10, -100)), "P or", "", noTypeGraphSONPlusGryo3_2_3);
    addGraphProcessEntry(Scope.local, "Scope", "", Compatibilities.UNTYPED_GRAPHSON.matchToArray());
    addGraphProcessEntry(T.label, "T", "", Compatibilities.UNTYPED_GRAPHSON.matchToArray());
    addGraphProcessEntry(createStaticTraversalMetrics(), "TraversalMetrics", "", noTypeGraphSONPlusGryo3_3_0);
    addGraphProcessEntry(g.V().hasLabel("person").asAdmin().nextTraverser(), "Traverser", "",

    final Map<String, Object> requestBindings = new HashMap<>();
    requestBindings.put("x", 1);

    final Map<String, Object> requestAliases = new HashMap<>();
    requestAliases.put("g", "social");

    // RequestMessage is not testable prior to Gryo 3.0 as serialization was handled by an intermediate component
    // (MessageSerializer) that doesn't fit the test model.
    RequestMessage requestMessage;
    requestMessage = RequestMessage.build("authentication")
            .add("saslMechanism", "PLAIN", "sasl", "AHN0ZXBocGhlbgBwYXNzd29yZA==").create();
    addRequestMessageEntry(requestMessage, "Authentication Response",
            "The following `RequestMessage` is an example of the response that should be made to a SASL-based authentication challenge.");
    requestMessage = RequestMessage.build("eval").processor("session")
            .add("gremlin", "g.V(x)", "bindings", requestBindings, "language", "gremlin-groovy", "session",
    addRequestMessageEntry(requestMessage, "Session Eval",
            "The following `RequestMessage` is an example of a simple session request for a script evaluation with parameters.");
    requestMessage = RequestMessage.build("eval").processor("session")
            .add("gremlin", "social.V(x)", "bindings", requestBindings, "language", "gremlin-groovy", "aliases",
                    requestAliases, "session", UUID.fromString("41d2e28a-20a4-4ab0-b379-d810dede3786"))
    addRequestMessageEntry(requestMessage, "Session Eval Aliased",
            "The following `RequestMessage` is an example of a session request for a script evaluation with an alias that binds the `TraversalSource` of \"g\" to \"social\".");
    requestMessage = RequestMessage.build("close").processor("session")
            .add("session", UUID.fromString("41d2e28a-20a4-4ab0-b379-d810dede3786")).create();
    addRequestMessageEntry(requestMessage, "Session Close",
            "The following `RequestMessage` is an example of a request to close a session.");
    requestMessage = RequestMessage.build("eval")
            .add("gremlin", "g.V(x)", "bindings", requestBindings, "language", "gremlin-groovy").create();
    addRequestMessageEntry(requestMessage, "Sessionless Eval",
            "The following `RequestMessage` is an example of a simple sessionless request for a script evaluation with parameters.");
    requestMessage = RequestMessage.build("eval")
            .add("gremlin", "social.V(x)", "bindings", requestBindings, "language", "gremlin-groovy", "aliases",
    addRequestMessageEntry(requestMessage, "Sessionless Eval Aliased",
            "The following `RequestMessage` is an example of a sessionless request for a script evaluation with an alias that binds the `TraversalSource` of \"g\" to \"social\".");

    // ResponseMessage is not testable prior to Gryo 3.0 as serialization was handled by an intermediate component
    // (MessageSerializer) that doesn't fit the test model
    ResponseMessage responseMessage = ResponseMessage
    addResponseMessageEntry(responseMessage, "Authentication Challenge",
            "When authentication is enabled, an initial request to the server will result in an authentication challenge. The typical response message will appear as follows, but handling it could be different depending on the SASL implementation (e.g. multiple challenges maybe requested in some cases, but not in the default provided by Gremlin Server).");
    responseMessage = ResponseMessage.build(UUID.fromString("41d2e28a-20a4-4ab0-b379-d810dede3786"))
    addResponseMessageEntry(responseMessage, "Standard Result",
            "The following `ResponseMessage` is a typical example of the typical successful response Gremlin Server will return when returning results from a script.");

    addExtendedEntry(new BigDecimal(new java.math.BigInteger("123456789987654321123456789987654321")),
            "BigDecimal", "", Compatibilities.UNTYPED_GRAPHSON.matchToArray());
    addExtendedEntry(new BigInteger("123456789987654321123456789987654321"), "BigInteger", "",
    addExtendedEntry(new Byte("1"), "Byte", "", Compatibilities.UNTYPED_GRAPHSON.matchToArray());
    // ByteBuffer was added to Gryo 1.0 as of 3.2.4. It was not supported in earlier versions.
    addEntry("Extended", () -> java.nio.ByteBuffer.wrap("some bytes for you".getBytes()), "ByteBuffer", "",
    addExtendedEntry("x".charAt(0), "Char", "", Compatibilities.UNTYPED_GRAPHSON.matchToArray());
    addExtendedEntry(Duration.ofDays(5), "Duration", "The following example is a `Duration` of five days.",
    try {
        // InetAddress was added to Gryo 1.0 as of 3.2.4. It was not supported in earlier versions.
        addEntry("Extended", InetAddress.getByName("localhost"), "InetAddress", "",
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new RuntimeException(ex);
    addExtendedEntry(Instant.parse("2016-12-14T16:39:19.349Z"), "Instant", "",
    addExtendedEntry(LocalDate.of(2016, 1, 1), "LocalDate", "",
    addExtendedEntry(LocalDateTime.of(2016, 1, 1, 12, 30), "LocalDateTime", "",
    addExtendedEntry(LocalTime.of(12, 30, 45), "LocalTime", "",
    addExtendedEntry(MonthDay.of(1, 1), "MonthDay", "", Compatibilities.UNTYPED_GRAPHSON.matchToArray());
    addExtendedEntry(OffsetDateTime.parse("2007-12-03T10:15:30+01:00"), "OffsetDateTime", "",
    addExtendedEntry(OffsetTime.parse("10:15:30+01:00"), "OffsetTime", "",
    addExtendedEntry(Period.of(1, 6, 15), "Period",
            "The following example is a `Period` of one year, six months and fifteen days.",
    addExtendedEntry(new Short("100"), "Short", "", Compatibilities.UNTYPED_GRAPHSON.matchToArray());
    addExtendedEntry(Year.of(2016), "Year", "The following example is of the `Year` \"2016\".",
    addExtendedEntry(YearMonth.of(2016, 6), "YearMonth",
            "The following example is a `YearMonth` of \"June 2016\"",
    addExtendedEntry(ZonedDateTime.of(2016, 12, 23, 12, 12, 24, 36, ZoneId.of("GMT+2")), "ZonedDateTime", "",
    addExtendedEntry(ZoneOffset.ofHoursMinutesSeconds(3, 6, 9), "ZoneOffset",
            "The following example is a `ZoneOffset` of three hours, six minutes, and nine seconds.",