Example usage for java.time ZonedDateTime with

List of usage examples for java.time ZonedDateTime with


In this page you can find the example usage for java.time ZonedDateTime with.


public ZonedDateTime with(TemporalAdjuster adjuster) 

Source Link


Returns an adjusted copy of this date-time.


From source file:Main.java

public static void main(String[] args) {
    ZonedDateTime dateTime = ZonedDateTime.now();
    dateTime = dateTime.with(TemporalAdjusters.firstDayOfMonth());

From source file:sg.ncl.MainController.java

public String adminTeamUsage(Model model, @RequestParam(value = "start", required = false) String start,
        @RequestParam(value = "end", required = false) String end,
        @RequestParam(value = "organizationType", required = false) String organizationType,
        @RequestParam(value = "team", required = false) String team,
        final RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes, HttpSession session)
        throws IOException, WebServiceRuntimeException {
    if (!validateIfAdmin(session)) {
        return NO_PERMISSION_PAGE;
    }//from   w  w  w.j a  v  a2s  .  c o m

    DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd");
    ZonedDateTime nowDate = ZonedDateTime.now();
    String now = nowDate.format(formatter);
    if (start == null) {
        start = nowDate.with(firstDayOfMonth()).format(formatter);
    if (end == null) {
        end = now;
    if (now.compareTo(start) < 0 || now.compareTo(end) < 0) {
        redirectAttributes.addFlashAttribute(MESSAGE, "Period selected is beyond current date (today).");
        return REDIRECT_TEAM_USAGE;

    // get list of teamids
    HttpEntity<String> request = createHttpEntityHeaderOnly();
    ResponseEntity responseEntity = restTemplate.exchange(properties.getSioTeamsUrl(), HttpMethod.GET, request,
    JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(responseEntity.getBody().toString());

    List<Team2> searchTeams = new ArrayList<>();
    TeamManager2 teamManager2 = new TeamManager2();
    getSearchTeams(organizationType, team, jsonArray, searchTeams, teamManager2);

    if (!searchTeams.isEmpty()) {
        List<String> dates = getDates(start, end, formatter);

        Map<String, List<Long>> teamUsages = new HashMap<>();
        Long totalUsage = 0L;
        for (Team2 team2 : searchTeams) {
            try {
                List<Long> usages = new ArrayList<>();
                totalUsage += getTeamUsageStatistics(team2, start, end, request, usages);
                teamUsages.put(team2.getName(), usages);
            } catch (RestClientException rce) {
                log.warn("Error connecting to sio analytics service for team usage: {}", rce);
                redirectAttributes.addFlashAttribute(MESSAGE, ERR_SERVER_OVERLOAD);
                return REDIRECT_TEAM_USAGE;
            } catch (StartDateAfterEndDateException sde) {
                redirectAttributes.addFlashAttribute(MESSAGE, ERR_START_DATE_AFTER_END_DATE);
                return REDIRECT_TEAM_USAGE;
        model.addAttribute("dates", dates);
        model.addAttribute("teamUsages", teamUsages);
        model.addAttribute("totalUsage", totalUsage);

    List<Team2> allTeams = new ArrayList<>(teamManager2.getTeamMap().values());
    allTeams.sort(Comparator.comparing(Team2::getName, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER));
    model.addAttribute(ALL_TEAMS, allTeams);
    model.addAttribute("start", start);
    model.addAttribute("end", end);
    model.addAttribute("organizationType", organizationType);
    model.addAttribute("team", team);
    return "usage_statistics";

From source file:sg.ncl.MainController.java

@RequestMapping(value = "/admin/energy", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String adminEnergy(Model model, @RequestParam(value = "start", required = false) String start,
        @RequestParam(value = "end", required = false) String end, final RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes,
        HttpSession session) throws IOException {

    if (!validateIfAdmin(session)) {
        return NO_PERMISSION_PAGE;
    }//from w ww  .ja  v a  2 s  .co m

    DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd");
    ZonedDateTime now = ZonedDateTime.now();
    if (start == null) {
        ZonedDateTime startDate = now.with(firstDayOfMonth());
        start = startDate.format(formatter);
    if (end == null) {
        ZonedDateTime endDate = now.with(lastDayOfMonth());
        end = endDate.format(formatter);

    HttpEntity<String> request = createHttpEntityHeaderOnly();

    ResponseEntity responseEntity;
    try {
        responseEntity = restTemplate.exchange(
                properties.getEnergyStatistics("startDate=" + start, "endDate=" + end), HttpMethod.GET, request,
    } catch (RestClientException e) {
        log.warn("Error connecting to sio analytics service for energy usage: {}", e);
        redirectAttributes.addFlashAttribute(MESSAGE, ERR_SERVER_OVERLOAD);

    String responseBody = responseEntity.getBody().toString();
    JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(responseBody);

    // handling exceptions from SIO
    if (RestUtil.isError(responseEntity.getStatusCode())) {
        MyErrorResource error = objectMapper.readValue(responseBody, MyErrorResource.class);
        ExceptionState exceptionState = ExceptionState.parseExceptionState(error.getError());
        switch (exceptionState) {
            log.warn("Get energy usage : Start date after end date error");
            redirectAttributes.addFlashAttribute(MESSAGE, ERR_START_DATE_AFTER_END_DATE);
            return REDIRECT_ENERGY_USAGE;

            log.warn("Get energy usage : sio or deterlab adapter connection error");
            redirectAttributes.addFlashAttribute(MESSAGE, ERR_SERVER_OVERLOAD);
            return REDIRECT_ENERGY_USAGE;
    } else {
        log.info("Get energy usage info : {}", responseBody);

    DecimalFormat df2 = new DecimalFormat(".##");

    double sumEnergy = 0.00;
    List<String> listOfDate = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Double> listOfEnergy = new ArrayList<>();
    ZonedDateTime currentZonedDateTime = convertToZonedDateTime(start);
    String currentDate = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) {
        sumEnergy += jsonArray.getDouble(i);

        // add into listOfDate to display graph
        currentDate = currentZonedDateTime.format(formatter);

        // add into listOfEnergy to display graph
        double energy = Double.valueOf(df2.format(jsonArray.getDouble(i)));

        currentZonedDateTime = convertToZonedDateTime(currentDate).plusDays(1);

    sumEnergy = Double.valueOf(df2.format(sumEnergy));
    model.addAttribute("listOfDate", listOfDate);
    model.addAttribute("listOfEnergy", listOfEnergy);
    model.addAttribute("start", start);
    model.addAttribute("end", end);
    model.addAttribute("energy", sumEnergy);
    return "energy_usage";