Example usage for java.util.concurrent.atomic AtomicReference get

List of usage examples for java.util.concurrent.atomic AtomicReference get


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util.concurrent.atomic AtomicReference get.


public final V get() 

Source Link


Returns the current value, with memory effects as specified by VarHandle#getVolatile .


From source file:com.microsoft.tfs.client.clc.commands.Command.java

 * Displays a merge event.//from   www.jav a 2s .co m
 * @param e
 *        the event to display
private void displayMergingEvent(final MergingEvent e) {
    final AtomicReference<String> errorHolder = new AtomicReference<String>();
    final String message = e.getMessage(errorHolder);

    // Display the merge info.
    if (e.getStatus() == OperationStatus.CONFLICT) {
    } else {

    if (e.getStatus() == OperationStatus.GETTING || e.getStatus() == OperationStatus.REPLACING
            || e.getStatus() == OperationStatus.DELETING || e.getStatus() == OperationStatus.CONFLICT) {
        // Nothing to do
    } else if (e.getStatus() == OperationStatus.SOURCE_DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY
            || e.getStatus() == OperationStatus.SOURCE_WRITABLE
            || e.getStatus() == OperationStatus.TARGET_IS_DIRECTORY
            || e.getStatus() == OperationStatus.TARGET_LOCAL_PENDING
            || e.getStatus() == OperationStatus.TARGET_WRITABLE) {

From source file:com.microsoft.tfs.core.clients.versioncontrol.internal.localworkspace.LocalDataAccessLayer.java

public static void syncPendingChanges(final Workspace workspace, final GetOperation[] getOperations,
        final String[] itemPropertyFilters) {
    // This method has two goals in its execution. The primary goal is to
    // replace the pending changes for the workspace with those that we just
    // downloaded from the server. The second goal is to make sure that
    // local version rows for uncommitted items are cleaned up if their
    // pending changes have disappeared. The server will have already done
    // this cleanup for us.

    // We can't remove a pending add from PC and its uncommitted local
    // version row from LV in a single transaction since they are in
    // different tables. And we would much rather have an orphaned PC row
    // than an orphaned LV row. So we will get rid of the local version row
    // first in this case. (If there are no rows to clean up from LV, we
    // will not open the table at all.)

    // To do the scan of the GetOperations to check for this condition, we
    // need to have the new pending changes in a tree structure. The
    // LocalPendingChangesTable would do this anyway when we give it the
    // pending changes -- so we'll cheat a little bit here on the
    // encapsulation and do the work for it ahead of time, so we can use the
    // SparseTree for our own check.

    final AtomicReference<GUID> outServerPendingChangeSignature = new AtomicReference<GUID>();

    final PendingChange[] pendingChanges = workspace.getClient().getWebServiceLayer()
            .queryServerPendingChanges(workspace, outServerPendingChangeSignature);

    final GUID serverPendingChangeSignature = outServerPendingChangeSignature.get();

    final SparseTree<LocalPendingChange> pendingChangesTarget = new SparseTree<LocalPendingChange>(

    for (final PendingChange pendingChange : pendingChanges) {
        final LocalPendingChange pcEntry = LocalPendingChange.fromPendingChange(pendingChange);
        pendingChangesTarget.set(pcEntry.getTargetServerItem(), pcEntry);
    }// w w  w.  jav  a  2  s. co  m

    if (null != getOperations) {
        final List<KeyValuePair<String, Boolean>> localVersionsToRemove = new ArrayList<KeyValuePair<String, Boolean>>();
        final List<String> localVersionsToUpdate = new ArrayList<String>();

        for (final GetOperation getOp : getOperations) {
            // Make sure any adds still have pending changes. The server
            // will remove the local version row for a pending add when the
            // pending change is removed, and for a pending branch when we
            // are syncing an item on top of it.
            if (getOp.getChangeType().contains(ChangeType.ADD)
                    || (getOp.getChangeType().contains(ChangeType.BRANCH)
                            && null != getOp.getTargetLocalItem())) {
                final LocalPendingChange pcEntry = pendingChangesTarget.get(getOp.getTargetServerItem());
                if (pcEntry == null) {
                    localVersionsToRemove.add(new KeyValuePair<String, Boolean>(getOp.getSourceServerItem(),
                            getOp.getVersionLocal() != 0));

            // if the server pushed an edit to us, we need to update the
            // local version
            if (getOp.getVersionLocal() == -1) {

        if (localVersionsToRemove.size() > 0 || localVersionsToUpdate.size() > 0) {
            final LocalWorkspaceTransaction lvTrans = new LocalWorkspaceTransaction(workspace);
            try {
                lvTrans.execute(new LocalVersionTransaction() {
                    public void invoke(final WorkspaceVersionTable lv) {
                        for (final KeyValuePair<String, Boolean> item : localVersionsToRemove) {
                            lv.removeByServerItem(item.getKey(), item.getValue(), false);

                        for (final String serverItem : localVersionsToUpdate) {
                            final WorkspaceLocalItem item = lv.getByServerItem(serverItem, true);

                            if (item != null && item.getVersion() != -1) {
                                lv.removeByServerItem(item.getServerItem(), item.isCommitted(), false);
            } finally {
                try {
                } catch (final IOException e) {
                    throw new VersionControlException(e);

    final LocalWorkspaceTransaction transaction = new LocalWorkspaceTransaction(workspace);
    try {
        transaction.execute(new PendingChangesTransaction() {
            public void invoke(final LocalPendingChangesTable pc) {
                // The method taking a SparseTree is a violation of
                // encapsulation, but having us build the SparseTree gives
                // us a perf benefit since we need it earlier in the method.
    } finally {
        try {
        } catch (final IOException e) {
            throw new VersionControlException(e);

From source file:org.apache.bookkeeper.mledger.impl.ManagedLedgerTest.java

 * It verifies that asyncRead timesout if it doesn't receive response from bk-client in configured timeout
 * //from ww w. j  ava2 s .  com
 * @throws Exception
public void testManagedLedgerWithReadEntryTimeOut() throws Exception {
    ManagedLedgerConfig config = new ManagedLedgerConfig().setReadEntryTimeoutSeconds(1);
    ManagedLedgerImpl ledger = (ManagedLedgerImpl) factory.open("timeout_ledger_test", config);

    BookKeeper bk = mock(BookKeeper.class);
    doNothing().when(bk).asyncCreateLedger(anyInt(), anyInt(), anyInt(), any(), any(), any(), any(), any());
    AtomicReference<ManagedLedgerException> responseException1 = new AtomicReference<>();
    CountDownLatch latch1 = new CountDownLatch(1);

    CompletableFuture<LedgerEntries> entriesFuture = new CompletableFuture<>();
    ReadHandle ledgerHandle = mock(ReadHandle.class);

    // (1) test read-timeout for: ManagedLedger.asyncReadEntry(..)
    ledger.asyncReadEntry(ledgerHandle, PositionImpl.earliest, new ReadEntryCallback() {
        public void readEntryComplete(Entry entry, Object ctx) {

        public void readEntryFailed(ManagedLedgerException exception, Object ctx) {
    }, null);
    ledger.asyncCreateLedger(bk, config, null, new CreateCallback() {
        public void createComplete(int rc, LedgerHandle lh, Object ctx) {

    }, Collections.emptyMap());
    latch1.await(config.getReadEntryTimeoutSeconds() + 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

    // (2) test read-timeout for: ManagedLedger.asyncReadEntry(..)
    CountDownLatch latch2 = new CountDownLatch(1);
    AtomicReference<ManagedLedgerException> responseException2 = new AtomicReference<>();
    PositionImpl readPositionRef = PositionImpl.earliest;
    ManagedCursorImpl cursor = new ManagedCursorImpl(bk, config, ledger, "cursor1");
    OpReadEntry opReadEntry = OpReadEntry.create(cursor, readPositionRef, 1, new ReadEntriesCallback() {

        public void readEntriesComplete(List<Entry> entries, Object ctx) {

        public void readEntriesFailed(ManagedLedgerException exception, Object ctx) {

    }, null);
    ledger.asyncReadEntry(ledgerHandle, PositionImpl.earliest.getEntryId(), PositionImpl.earliest.getEntryId(),
            false, opReadEntry, null);
    latch2.await(config.getReadEntryTimeoutSeconds() + 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);


From source file:org.eclipse.hono.adapter.http.AbstractVertxBasedHttpProtocolAdapter.java

private void doUploadMessage(final RoutingContext ctx, final String tenant, final String deviceId,
        final Buffer payload, final String contentType, final Future<MessageSender> senderTracker,
        final String endpointName) {

    if (!isPayloadOfIndicatedType(payload, contentType)) {
        HttpUtils.badRequest(ctx,/*w  ww.ja  v  a2 s .  c om*/
                String.format("Content-Type %s does not match with the payload", contentType));
    } else {
        final Integer qosHeader = getQoSLevel(ctx.request().getHeader(Constants.HEADER_QOS_LEVEL));
        if (contentType == null) {
            HttpUtils.badRequest(ctx, String.format("%s header is missing", HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE));
        } else if (qosHeader != null && qosHeader == HEADER_QOS_INVALID) {
            HttpUtils.badRequest(ctx, "Bad QoS Header Value");
        } else {

            final Device authenticatedDevice = getAuthenticatedDevice(ctx);
            final Future<JsonObject> tokenTracker = getRegistrationAssertion(tenant, deviceId,
            final Future<TenantObject> tenantConfigTracker = getTenantConfiguration(tenant);

            // AtomicBoolean to control if the downstream message was sent successfully
            final AtomicBoolean downstreamMessageSent = new AtomicBoolean(false);
            // AtomicReference to a Handler to be called to close an open command receiver link.
            final AtomicReference<Handler<Void>> closeLinkAndTimerHandlerRef = new AtomicReference<>();

            // Handler to be called with a received command. If the timer expired, null is provided as command.
            final Handler<Message> commandReceivedHandler = commandMessage -> {
                // reset the closeHandler reference, since it is not valid anymore at this time.
                if (downstreamMessageSent.get()) {
                    // finish the request, since the response is now complete (command was added)
                    if (!ctx.response().closed()) {

            CompositeFuture.all(tokenTracker, tenantConfigTracker, senderTracker).compose(ok -> {

                if (tenantConfigTracker.result().isAdapterEnabled(getTypeName())) {
                    final MessageSender sender = senderTracker.result();
                    final Message downstreamMessage = newMessage(
                            ResourceIdentifier.from(endpointName, tenant, deviceId),
                            sender.isRegistrationAssertionRequired(), ctx.request().uri(), contentType, payload,
                            tokenTracker.result(), HttpUtils.getTimeTilDisconnect(ctx));
                    customizeDownstreamMessage(downstreamMessage, ctx);

                    // first open the command receiver link (if needed)
                    return openCommandReceiverLink(ctx, tenant, deviceId, commandReceivedHandler)
                            .compose(closeLinkAndTimerHandler -> {

                                if (qosHeader == null) {
                                    return sender.send(downstreamMessage);
                                } else {
                                    return sender.sendAndWaitForOutcome(downstreamMessage);
                } else {
                    // this adapter is not enabled for the tenant
                    return Future.failedFuture(new ClientErrorException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN));
            }).compose(delivery -> {
                        "successfully processed message for device [tenantId: {}, deviceId: {}, endpoint: {}]",
                        tenant, deviceId, endpointName);
                metrics.incrementProcessedHttpMessages(endpointName, tenant);

                // if no command timer was created, the request now can be responded
                if (closeLinkAndTimerHandlerRef.get() == null) {

                return Future.succeededFuture();

            }).recover(t -> {

                LOG.debug("cannot process message for device [tenantId: {}, deviceId: {}, endpoint: {}]",
                        tenant, deviceId, endpointName, t);


                if (ClientErrorException.class.isInstance(t)) {
                    final ClientErrorException e = (ClientErrorException) t;
                } else {
                    metrics.incrementUndeliverableHttpMessages(endpointName, tenant);
                    HttpUtils.serviceUnavailable(ctx, 2);
                return Future.failedFuture(t);

From source file:com.clxcommunications.xms.ApiConnectionIT.java

public void canHandle500WhenDeletingGroup() throws Exception {
    String spid = TestUtils.freshServicePlanId();
    GroupId groupId = TestUtils.freshGroupId();

    String path = "/v1/" + spid + "/groups/" + groupId;

            .withHeader("Content-Type", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN.toString()).withBody("BAD")));

    ApiConnection conn = ApiConnection.builder().servicePlanId(spid).token("tok")
            .endpoint("http://localhost:" + wm.port()).start();

    /*//from  w w w . ja v a 2 s. co  m
     * The exception we'll receive in the callback. Need to store it to
     * verify that it is the same exception as received from #get().
    final AtomicReference<Exception> failException = new AtomicReference<Exception>();

    try {
         * Used to make sure callback and test thread are agreeing about the
         * failException variable.
        final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);

        FutureCallback<Void> testCallback = new TestCallback<Void>() {

            public void failed(Exception exception) {
                if (!failException.compareAndSet(null, exception)) {
                    fail("failed called multiple times");



        Future<Void> future = conn.deleteGroupAsync(groupId, testCallback);

        // Give plenty of time for the callback to be called.

        fail("unexpected future get success");
    } catch (ExecutionException ee) {
         * The exception cause should be the same as we received in the
         * callback.
        assertThat(failException.get(), is(theInstance(ee.getCause())));
        assertThat(ee.getCause(), is(instanceOf(UnexpectedResponseException.class)));

        UnexpectedResponseException ure = (UnexpectedResponseException) ee.getCause();

        HttpResponse response = ure.getResponse();
        assertThat(response, notNullValue());
        assertThat(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(), is(500));
        assertThat(response.getEntity().getContentType().getValue(), is(ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN.toString()));

        byte[] buf = new byte[100];
        int read;

        InputStream contentStream = null;
        try {
            contentStream = response.getEntity().getContent();
            read = contentStream.read(buf);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw new AssertionError("unexpected exception: " + ioe.getMessage(), ioe);
        } finally {
            if (contentStream != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException ioe) {
                    throw new AssertionError("unexpected exception: " + ioe.getMessage(), ioe);

        assertThat(read, is(3));
        assertThat(Arrays.copyOf(buf, 3), is(new byte[] { 'B', 'A', 'D' }));
    } finally {


From source file:com.clxcommunications.xms.ApiConnectionIT.java

public void canHandle500WhenFetchingBatch() throws Exception {
    String spid = TestUtils.freshServicePlanId();
    BatchId batchId = TestUtils.freshBatchId();

    String path = "/v1/" + spid + "/batches/" + batchId;

            .withHeader("Content-Type", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN.toString()).withBody("BAD")));

    ApiConnection conn = ApiConnection.builder().servicePlanId(spid).token("tok")
            .endpoint("http://localhost:" + wm.port()).start();

    /*/*from w ww. j  a  v  a  2 s. c  om*/
     * The exception we'll receive in the callback. Need to store it to
     * verify that it is the same exception as received from #get().
    final AtomicReference<Exception> failException = new AtomicReference<Exception>();

    try {
         * Used to make sure callback and test thread are agreeing about the
         * failException variable.
        final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);

        FutureCallback<MtBatchSmsResult> testCallback = new TestCallback<MtBatchSmsResult>() {

            public void failed(Exception exception) {
                if (!failException.compareAndSet(null, exception)) {
                    fail("failed called multiple times");



        Future<MtBatchSmsResult> future = conn.fetchBatchAsync(batchId, testCallback);

        // Give plenty of time for the callback to be called.

        fail("unexpected future get success");
    } catch (ExecutionException ee) {
         * The exception cause should be the same as we received in the
         * callback.
        assertThat(failException.get(), is(theInstance(ee.getCause())));
        assertThat(ee.getCause(), is(instanceOf(UnexpectedResponseException.class)));

        UnexpectedResponseException ure = (UnexpectedResponseException) ee.getCause();

        HttpResponse response = ure.getResponse();
        assertThat(response, notNullValue());
        assertThat(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(), is(500));
        assertThat(response.getEntity().getContentType().getValue(), is(ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN.toString()));

        byte[] buf = new byte[100];
        int read;

        InputStream contentStream = null;
        try {
            contentStream = response.getEntity().getContent();
            read = contentStream.read(buf);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw new AssertionError("unexpected exception: " + ioe.getMessage(), ioe);
        } finally {
            if (contentStream != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException ioe) {
                    throw new AssertionError("unexpected exception: " + ioe.getMessage(), ioe);

        assertThat(read, is(3));
        assertThat(Arrays.copyOf(buf, 3), is(new byte[] { 'B', 'A', 'D' }));
    } finally {


From source file:io.cloudslang.lang.tools.build.SlangBuilderTest.java

public void testProcessRunTestsMixed() {
    final Map<String, SlangTestCase> testCases = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    final SlangTestCase testCase1 = new SlangTestCase("test1", "testFlowPath", "desc", asList("abc", "new"),
            "mock", null, null, false, "SUCCESS");
    final SlangTestCase testCase2 = new SlangTestCase("test2", "testFlowPath", "desc", asList("efg", "new"),
            "mock", null, null, false, "SUCCESS");
    final SlangTestCase testCase3 = new SlangTestCase("test3", "testFlowPath", "desc", asList("new", "new2"),
            "mock", null, null, false, "SUCCESS");
    final SlangTestCase testCase4 = new SlangTestCase("test4", "testFlowPath", "desc", asList("new", "new2"),
            "mock", null, null, false, "SUCCESS");

    testCases.put("test1", testCase1);
    testCases.put("test2", testCase2);
    testCases.put("test3", testCase3);
    testCases.put("test4", testCase4);

    final List<String> testSuites = newArrayList("new");
    final Map<String, CompilationArtifact> compiledFlows = new HashMap<>();
    final String projectPath = "aaa";

    final AtomicReference<ThreadSafeRunTestResults> theCapturedArgument = new AtomicReference<>();
    final AtomicReference<Map<String, SlangTestCase>> capturedTestsSeq = new AtomicReference<>();
    final AtomicReference<Map<String, SlangTestCase>> capturedTestsPar = new AtomicReference<>();

    doCallRealMethod().when(slangTestRunner).isTestCaseInActiveSuite(any(SlangTestCase.class), anyList());
            .getRunModeForTestCase(any(SlangTestCase.class), any(ConflictResolutionStrategy.class),

    doAnswer(new Answer() {
        @Override//from w  ww.ja v  a  2s  .c  o m
        public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocationOnMock) throws Throwable {
            Object[] arguments = invocationOnMock.getArguments();
            Object argument = arguments[arguments.length - 2];
            theCapturedArgument.set((ThreadSafeRunTestResults) argument);

            return invocationOnMock.callRealMethod();
    }).when(slangTestRunner).splitTestCasesByRunState(any(BulkRunMode.class), anyMap(), anyList(),
            any(IRunTestResults.class), eq(buildModeConfig));

    doAnswer(new Answer() {
        public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocationOnMock) throws Throwable {
            Object[] arguments = invocationOnMock.getArguments();
            capturedTestsSeq.set((Map<String, SlangTestCase>) arguments[1]);

            return null;
    }).when(slangTestRunner).runTestsSequential(anyString(), anyMap(), anyMap(), any(IRunTestResults.class));
    doAnswer(new Answer() {
        public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocationOnMock) throws Throwable {
            Object[] arguments = invocationOnMock.getArguments();
            capturedTestsPar.set((Map<String, SlangTestCase>) arguments[1]);

            return null;
    }).when(slangTestRunner).runTestsParallel(anyString(), anyMap(), anyMap(),

    // Tested call
    slangBuilder.processRunTests(projectPath, testSuites, POSSIBLY_MIXED, compiledFlows, testCases,

    InOrder inOrder = inOrder(slangTestRunner);
    inOrder.verify(slangTestRunner).splitTestCasesByRunState(eq(POSSIBLY_MIXED), eq(testCases), eq(testSuites),
            isA(ThreadSafeRunTestResults.class), eq(buildModeConfig));
    inOrder.verify(slangTestRunner).runTestsSequential(eq(projectPath), anyMap(), eq(compiledFlows),
    inOrder.verify(slangTestRunner).runTestsParallel(eq(projectPath), anyMap(), eq(compiledFlows),

    final List<SlangTestCase> listSeq = newArrayList(capturedTestsSeq.get().values());
    final List<SlangTestCase> listPar = newArrayList(capturedTestsPar.get().values());
    assertEquals(0, ListUtils.intersection(listSeq, listPar).size()); // assures that a test is run only once
    assertEquals(newHashSet(testCases.values()), newHashSet(ListUtils.union(listSeq, listPar)));

From source file:de.schildbach.pte.AbstractEfaProvider.java

public QueryTripsResult queryMoreTrips(final QueryTripsContext contextObj, final boolean later)
        throws IOException {
    final Context context = (Context) contextObj;
    final HttpUrl commandUrl = HttpUrl.parse(context.context);
    final HttpUrl.Builder url = commandUrl.newBuilder();
    url.addEncodedQueryParameter("command", later ? "tripNext" : "tripPrev");
    final AtomicReference<QueryTripsResult> result = new AtomicReference<>();

    final HttpClient.Callback callback = new HttpClient.Callback() {
        @Override//from   www. j a v a  2s  .  co m
        public void onSuccessful(final CharSequence bodyPeek, final ResponseBody body) throws IOException {
            try {
                result.set(queryTrips(url.build(), body.byteStream()));
            } catch (final XmlPullParserException x) {
                throw new ParserException("cannot parse xml: " + bodyPeek, x);
            } catch (final RuntimeException x) {
                throw new RuntimeException("uncategorized problem while processing " + url, x);

    httpClient.getInputStream(callback, url.build(), httpRefererTrip);

    return result.get();

From source file:com.quartercode.eventbridge.test.def.extra.extension.DefaultReturnEventExtensionReturnerTest.java

@Test//w w  w  .  ja  v a2  s.c  om
public void testReturnEventSenders() throws BridgeConnectorException {


    final BridgeConnector source1 = null;
    final BridgeConnector source2 = context.mock(BridgeConnector.class, "source2");
    final BridgeConnector source3 = context.mock(BridgeConnector.class, "source3");

    final EmptyEvent1 returnEvent1 = new EmptyEvent1();
    final EmptyEvent2 returnEvent2 = new EmptyEvent2();
    final EmptyEvent3 returnEvent3 = new EmptyEvent3();
    final ReturnEventExtensionWrapper returnEvent1Wrapper = new ReturnEventExtensionWrapper(returnEvent1, 0,
    final ReturnEventExtensionWrapper returnEvent2Wrapper = new ReturnEventExtensionWrapper(returnEvent2, 1,
    final ReturnEventExtensionWrapper returnEvent3Wrapper = new ReturnEventExtensionWrapper(returnEvent3, 2,

    final RequestHandleInterceptor interceptor = context.mock(RequestHandleInterceptor.class);
    extension.getRequestHandleChannel().addInterceptor(new DummyRequestHandleInterceptor(interceptor), 1);

    final RequestEventHandler<Event> handler = context.mock(RequestEventHandler.class, "handler");
    final EventPredicate<Event> predicate = context.mock(EventPredicate.class, "predicate");
    final EventPredicate<?> wrapperPredicate = new ReturnEventExtensionWrapperPredicate(predicate);

    final AtomicReference<LowLevelHandler> lowLevelHandler = new AtomicReference<>();
    final AtomicReference<ReturnEventSender> returnEventSender1FromInterceptor = new AtomicReference<>();
    final AtomicReference<ReturnEventSender> returnEventSender2FromInterceptor = new AtomicReference<>();
    final AtomicReference<ReturnEventSender> returnEventSender3FromInterceptor = new AtomicReference<>();
    final AtomicReference<ReturnEventSender> returnEventSender1FromHandler = new AtomicReference<>();
    final AtomicReference<ReturnEventSender> returnEventSender2FromHandler = new AtomicReference<>();
    final AtomicReference<ReturnEventSender> returnEventSender3FromHandler = new AtomicReference<>();

    // @formatter:off
    context.checking(new Expectations() {


            final Sequence interceptorCalls = context.sequence("interceptorCalls");
            oneOf(interceptor).handleRequest(with(any(ChannelInvocation.class)), with(any(EmptyEvent1.class)),
                    with(source1), with(handler), with(any(ReturnEventSender.class)));
            oneOf(interceptor).handleRequest(with(any(ChannelInvocation.class)), with(any(EmptyEvent2.class)),
                    with(source2), with(handler), with(any(ReturnEventSender.class)));
            oneOf(interceptor).handleRequest(with(any(ChannelInvocation.class)), with(any(EmptyEvent3.class)),
                    with(source3), with(handler), with(any(ReturnEventSender.class)));

            final Sequence handlerCalls = context.sequence("handlerCalls");
            oneOf(handler).handle(with(any(EmptyEvent1.class)), with(any(ReturnEventSender.class)));
            oneOf(handler).handle(with(any(EmptyEvent2.class)), with(any(ReturnEventSender.class)));
            oneOf(handler).handle(with(any(EmptyEvent3.class)), with(any(ReturnEventSender.class)));

            final Sequence returnSenderCalls = context.sequence("returnSenderCalls");
            oneOf(bridge).handle(returnEvent1Wrapper, source1);
            // Test exception suppression
            will(throwException(new BridgeConnectorException(source3)));

    // @formatter:on

    extension.addRequestHandler(handler, predicate);

    lowLevelHandler.get().handle(new ReturnEventExtensionWrapper(new EmptyEvent1(), 0, true), source1);
    lowLevelHandler.get().handle(new ReturnEventExtensionWrapper(new EmptyEvent2(), 1, true), source2);
    lowLevelHandler.get().handle(new ReturnEventExtensionWrapper(new EmptyEvent3(), 2, true), source3);

    assertTrue("Return event sender changes over time",
            returnEventSender1FromInterceptor.get() == returnEventSender1FromHandler.get());
    assertTrue("Return event sender changes over time",
            returnEventSender2FromInterceptor.get() == returnEventSender2FromHandler.get());
    assertTrue("Return event sender changes over time",
            returnEventSender3FromInterceptor.get() == returnEventSender3FromHandler.get());


From source file:com.microsoft.tfs.core.clients.versioncontrol.engines.internal.GetEngine.java

 * Process all the GetOperations the server returned to us as a result of
 * its get() method. This is generally not called directly from users of
 * this library. Instead, call the get methods in the {@link Workspace}
 * class.//from ww  w. j a  v a 2  s. c o m
 * <p>
 * <!-- Event Origination Info -->
 * <p>
 * This method is an <b>core event origination point</b>. The
 * {@link EventSource} object that accompanies each event fired by this
 * method describes the execution context (current thread, etc.) when and
 * where this method was invoked.
 * @param the
 *        workspace to process operations in (must not be <code>null</code>)
 * @param type
 *        the type of process to perform on the get operations (must not be
 *        <code>null</code>)
 * @param requestType
 *        the type of request for the operations (must not be
 *        <code>null</code>)
 * @param results
 *        the array of arrays of operations the server returned. Null items
 *        in the arrays will be skipped. Null arrays are not allowed.
 * @param options
 *        options for the get operation (must not be <code>null</code>)
 * @param deleteUndoneAdds
 *        if <code>true</code> adds which are undone can be deleted
 * @param onlineOperation
 *        true if this is for a server workspace
 * @param flags
 *        flags returned by the server when pending changes (must not be
 *        <code>null</code>; pass ChangePendedFlags.UNKNOWN if no server
 *        value available in your operation)
 * @return the status of the operation. Failure information for each item is
 *         available inside this object.
 * @throws CanceledException
 *         if the user canceled the processing through the default
 *         {@link TaskMonitor}
public GetStatus processGetOperations(final Workspace workspace, final ProcessType type,
        final RequestType requestType, final GetOperation[][] results, final GetOptions options,
        final boolean deleteUndoneAdds, final boolean onlineOperation, final ChangePendedFlags flags)
        throws CanceledException {
    Check.notNull(workspace, "workspace"); //$NON-NLS-1$
    Check.notNull(type, "type"); //$NON-NLS-1$
    Check.notNull(requestType, "requestType"); //$NON-NLS-1$
    Check.notNull(results, "results"); //$NON-NLS-1$
    Check.notNull(options, "options"); //$NON-NLS-1$
    Check.notNull(flags, "flags"); //$NON-NLS-1$

    log.debug("Set all get operations type to: " + type.toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$
    int getOpsCount = 0;
    for (final GetOperation[] getOperations : results) {
        for (final GetOperation getOp : getOperations) {
    log.debug("Get operations count: " + String.valueOf(getOpsCount)); //$NON-NLS-1$

    final UpdateLocalVersionQueueOptions localUpdateOptions = calculateUpdateLocalVersionOptions(workspace,
            type, requestType, onlineOperation);

    log.debug("localUpdateOptions: " + localUpdateOptions.toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$
    log.debug("options: " + options.toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$

    final List<ClientLocalVersionUpdate> remapUpdates = new ArrayList<ClientLocalVersionUpdate>();

    if (WorkspaceLocation.LOCAL == workspace.getLocation() && options.contains(GetOptions.REMAP)) {
        final LocalWorkspaceTransaction transaction = new LocalWorkspaceTransaction(workspace);
        try {
            log.debug("Trying to remap versions in the local workspace"); //$NON-NLS-1$
            transaction.execute(new LocalVersionTransaction() {
                public void invoke(final WorkspaceVersionTable lv) {
                    // In a server workspace, when Remap is specified, the
                    // local version table is updated for you when an item
                    // is remapped. In a local workspace, the local version
                    // table is not updated, and a GetOperation is returned
                    // with VersionLocal set equal to VersionServer and
                    // SourceLocalItem equal to TargetLocalItem.
                    // VersionLocal is not actually set to that value yet.
                    // We must update the local version table (both local
                    // and server) in response to these GetOperations.

                    final boolean setLastFileTimeToCheckin = workspace.getOptions()

                    for (final GetOperation[] getOperations : results) {
                        for (final GetOperation getOp : getOperations) {
                            if (null != getOp.getTargetLocalItem()
                                    && LocalPath.equals(getOp.getSourceLocalItem(), getOp.getTargetLocalItem())
                            // Here the server is lying and telling us
                            // VersionLocal is equal to VersionServer
                            // even though it does not (yet). It is a
                            // signal that this is a remap operation.
                            getOp.getVersionLocal() == getOp.getVersionServer()) {

                                final WorkspaceLocalItem lvExisting = lv

                                if (null != lvExisting) {
                                    // If necessary, update the
                                    // last-modified time of the item on
                                    // disk to match the new check-in date
                                    // of the item that now occupies that
                                    // local path.
                                    if (setLastFileTimeToCheckin
                                            && !DotNETDate.MIN_CALENDAR.equals(getOp.getVersionServerDate())
                                            && VersionControlConstants.ENCODING_FOLDER != getOp.getEncoding()
                                            && new File(getOp.getTargetLocalItem()).exists()) {
                                        try {
                                            final File targetLocalFile = new File(getOp.getTargetLocalItem());
                                            final FileSystemAttributes attrs = FileSystemUtils.getInstance()
                                            boolean restoreReadOnly = false;

                                            if (attrs.isReadOnly()) {
                                                restoreReadOnly = true;


                                            if (restoreReadOnly) {
                                        } catch (final Exception ex) {
                                            log.warn("Error setting file time for get with remap", ex); //$NON-NLS-1$

                                    remapUpdates.add(new ClientLocalVersionUpdate(getOp.getSourceServerItem(),
                                            getOp.getItemID(), getOp.getTargetLocalItem(),
                                            getOp.getVersionServer(), getOp.getVersionServerDate(),
                                            getOp.getEncoding(), lvExisting.getHashValue(),
                                            lvExisting.getLength(), lvExisting.getBaselineFileGUID(),
                                            null /* pendingChangeTargetServerItem */,

        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (final IOException e) {
                throw new VersionControlException(e);

        log.debug("The remapUpdates list has been prepared"); //$NON-NLS-1$

    final WorkspaceLock wLock = workspace.lock();

    try {
         * Create a BaselineFolderCollection object to speed up read
         * operations on the baseline folders (so that each simple operation
         * like creating a new baseline file, deleting a baseline file, etc.
         * does not require us to open/close the WP table). Then attach that
         * BaselineFolderCollection to the WorkspaceLock which protects this
         * ProcessGetOperations().
        final AtomicReference<BaselineFolderCollection> baselineFolders = new AtomicReference<BaselineFolderCollection>();

        if (workspace.getLocation() == WorkspaceLocation.LOCAL) {
            final LocalWorkspaceTransaction transaction = new LocalWorkspaceTransaction(workspace);
            try {
                transaction.execute(new WorkspacePropertiesTransaction() {
                    public void invoke(final LocalWorkspaceProperties wp) {
                        baselineFolders.set(new BaselineFolderCollection(workspace, wp.getBaselineFolders()));
            } finally {
                try {
                } catch (final IOException e) {
                    throw new VersionControlException(e);


        log.debug("remapUpdates.size(): " + remapUpdates.size()); //$NON-NLS-1$

        if (remapUpdates.size() > 0) {
            // If we have any remap update requests for the local version
            // table, execute them using a larger batch size than we
            // normally use. No file downloads are happening so these should
            // go through very quickly.
                    "localUpdateOptions.contains(UpdateLocalVersionQueueOptions.UPDATE_SERVER)"); //$NON-NLS-1$

            final UpdateLocalVersionQueue ulvq = new UpdateLocalVersionQueue(workspace, localUpdateOptions,
                    wLock, 5000 /* flushTriggerLevel */, 10000 /* maximumLevel */,
                    Integer.MAX_VALUE /* timeTriggerInMilliseconds */);

            try {
                for (final ClientLocalVersionUpdate remapUpdate : remapUpdates) {
            } finally {

            log.debug("Local version updates have been successfully queued."); //$NON-NLS-1$

        // Now, create an object to track the state for this get operation.
        final AsyncGetOperation asyncOp = new AsyncGetOperation(workspace, type, requestType, options,
                deleteUndoneAdds, wLock, localUpdateOptions, flags,
                new AccountingCompletionService<WorkerStatus>(client.getUploadDownloadWorkerExecutor()));

        log.debug("Preparing Get Operation actions"); //$NON-NLS-1$

        final GetOperation[] actions = prepareGetOperations(asyncOp, results);

        log.debug("Number of Get Operation actions prepared: " + actions.length); //$NON-NLS-1$

        processOperations(asyncOp, actions);

        log.debug("All Get Operation actions have been processed."); //$NON-NLS-1$

        return asyncOp.getStatus();
    } catch (final CoreCancelException e) {
        throw new CanceledException();
    } finally {
        if (wLock != null) {