Example usage for java.util.concurrent Executors callable

List of usage examples for java.util.concurrent Executors callable


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util.concurrent Executors callable.


public static <T> Callable<T> callable(Runnable task, T result) 

Source Link


Returns a Callable object that, when called, runs the given task and returns the given result.


From source file:com.github.vatbub.tictactoe.view.AnimationThreadPoolExecutor.java

 * @throws RejectedExecutionException {@inheritDoc}
 * @throws NullPointerException       {@inheritDoc}
 *///from   w w w . j a  va2  s  .c  o m
public <T> Future<T> submit(Runnable task, T result) {
    Runnable effectiveTask = () -> Platform.runLater(task);
    return super.schedule(Executors.callable(effectiveTask, result), 0, NANOSECONDS);

From source file:com.github.vatbub.tictactoe.view.AnimationThreadPoolExecutor.java

public <T> Future<T> submitWaitForUnlock(Runnable task, T result) {
    Runnable effectiveTask = createEffectiveWaitingTask(task);
    return super.schedule(Executors.callable(effectiveTask, result), 0, NANOSECONDS);

From source file:meme.singularsyntax.concurrency.ContinuableFutureTask.java

 * Creates a <tt>ContinuableFutureTask</tt> that will, upon running, execute the
 * given <tt>Runnable</tt>, and arrange that <tt>get</tt> will return the
 * given result on successful completion.
 * @param runnable the runnable task/* w  ww. j a va 2 s . c  o  m*/
 * @param result the result to return on successful completion. If
 * you don't need a particular result, consider using
 * constructions of the form:
 * <tt>Future&lt;?&gt; f = new ContinuableFutureTask&lt;Object&gt;(runnable, null)</tt>
 * @throws NullPointerException if runnable is null
public ContinuableFutureTask(Runnable runnable, V result) {
    sync = new Sync(Executors.callable(runnable, result));
    task = Executors.callable(runnable, result);

From source file:com.twitter.graphjet.bipartite.edgepool.EdgePoolConcurrentTestHelper.java

 * This helper method sets up a concurrent read-write situation with a single writer and multiple
 * readers that access the same underlying edgePool, and tests for correct edge access during
 * simultaneous edge writes. This helps test read consistency during arbitrary points of
 * inserting edges. Note that the exact read-write sequence here is non-deterministic and would
 * vary depending on the machine, but the hope is that given the large number of readers the reads
 * would be done at many different points of edge insertion. The test itself checks only for
 * partial correctness (it could have false positives) so this should only be used as a supplement
 * to other testing.// www  . j a  va  2s. c om
 * @param edgePool           is the underlying
 *                           {@link com.twitter.graphjet.bipartite.edgepool.EdgePool}
 * @param numReadersPerNode  is the number of reader threads to use per node
 * @param leftSize           is the number of left nodes
 * @param rightSize          is the number of right nodes
 * @param edgeProbability    is the probability of an edge between a left-right node pair
 * @param random             is the random number generator to use for generating a random graph
public static void testRandomConcurrentReadWriteThreads(EdgePool edgePool, int numReadersPerNode, int leftSize,
        int rightSize, double edgeProbability, Random random) {
    int maxWaitingTimeForThreads = 20; // in milliseconds
    int numReaders = leftSize * numReadersPerNode;
    CountDownLatch readersDoneLatch = new CountDownLatch(numReaders);
    // First, construct a random set of edges to insert in the graph
    Set<Pair<Integer, Integer>> edges = Sets
            .newHashSetWithExpectedSize((int) (leftSize * rightSize * edgeProbability));
    List<EdgePoolReader> readers = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(numReaders);
    Int2ObjectMap<IntSet> leftSideGraph = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<IntSet>(leftSize);
    int averageLeftDegree = (int) (rightSize * edgeProbability);
    for (int i = 0; i < leftSize; i++) {
        IntSet nodeEdges = new IntOpenHashSet(averageLeftDegree);
        for (int j = 0; j < rightSize; j++) {
            if (random.nextDouble() < edgeProbability) {
                edges.add(Pair.of(i, j));
        leftSideGraph.put(i, nodeEdges);

    // Create a bunch of leftReaders per node that'll read from the graph at random
    for (int i = 0; i < leftSize; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < numReadersPerNode; j++) {
            readers.add(new EdgePoolReader(edgePool, new CountDownLatch(0), readersDoneLatch, i,

    // Create a single writer that will insert these edges in random order
    List<WriterInfo> writerInfo = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(edges.size());
    List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> edgesList = Lists.newArrayList(edges);
    CountDownLatch writerDoneLatch = new CountDownLatch(edgesList.size());
    for (Pair<Integer, Integer> edge : edgesList) {
        writerInfo.add(new WriterInfo(edge.getLeft(), edge.getRight(), new CountDownLatch(0), writerDoneLatch));

    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numReaders + 1); // single writer
    List<Callable<Integer>> allThreads = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(numReaders + 1);
    // First, we add the writer
    allThreads.add(Executors.callable(new EdgePoolWriter(edgePool, writerInfo), 1));
    // then the readers
    for (int i = 0; i < numReaders; i++) {
        allThreads.add(Executors.callable(readers.get(i), 1));
    // these will execute in some non-deterministic order
    Collections.shuffle(allThreads, random);

    // Wait for all the processes to finish
    try {
        List<Future<Integer>> results = executor.invokeAll(allThreads, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        for (Future<Integer> result : results) {
            assertEquals(1, result.get().intValue());
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Execution for a thread was interrupted: ", e);
    } catch (ExecutionException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Execution issue in an executor thread: ", e);

    // confirm that these worked as expected
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Execution for last reader was interrupted: ", e);

    // Check that all readers' read info is consistent with the graph
    for (EdgePoolReader reader : readers) {
        IntSet expectedEdges = leftSideGraph.get(reader.queryNode);
        assertTrue(reader.getQueryNodeDegree() <= expectedEdges.size());
        if (reader.getQueryNodeDegree() == 0) {
        } else {
            for (int edge : reader.getQueryNodeEdges()) {

From source file:com.twitter.graphjet.bipartite.GraphConcurrentTestHelper.java

 * This helper method sets up a concurrent read-write situation with a single writer and multiple
 * readers that access the same underlying bipartiteGraph, and tests for correct edge access during
 * simultaneous edge writes. This helps test read consistency during arbitrary points of
 * inserting edges. Note that the exact read-write sequence here is non-deterministic and would
 * vary depending on the machine, but the hope is that given the large number of readers the reads
 * would be done at many different points of edge insertion. The test itself checks only for
 * partial correctness (it could have false positives) so this should only be used as a supplement
 * to other testing.// w ww . j av  a2  s . com
 * @param graph              is the underlying
 *                           {@link BipartiteGraph}
 * @param numReadersPerNode  is the number of reader threads to use per node
 * @param leftSize           is the number of left nodes
 * @param rightSize          is the number of right nodes
 * @param edgeProbability    is the probability of an edge between a left-right node pair
 * @param random             is the random number generator to use for generating a random graph
public static <T extends BipartiteGraph & DynamicBipartiteGraph> void testRandomConcurrentReadWriteThreads(
        T graph, int numReadersPerNode, int leftSize, int rightSize, double edgeProbability, Random random) {
    int maxWaitingTimeForThreads = 20; // in milliseconds
    int numLeftReaders = leftSize * numReadersPerNode;
    int numRightReaders = rightSize * numReadersPerNode;
    int totalNumReaders = numLeftReaders + numRightReaders;
    CountDownLatch readersDoneLatch = new CountDownLatch(totalNumReaders);
    // First, construct a random set of edges to insert in the graph
    Set<Pair<Long, Long>> edges = Sets
            .newHashSetWithExpectedSize((int) (leftSize * rightSize * edgeProbability));
    List<BipartiteGraphReader> leftReaders = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(numLeftReaders);
    List<BipartiteGraphReader> rightReaders = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(numRightReaders);
    Long2ObjectMap<LongSet> leftSideGraph = new Long2ObjectOpenHashMap<LongSet>(leftSize);
    Long2ObjectMap<LongSet> rightSideGraph = new Long2ObjectOpenHashMap<LongSet>(leftSize);
    int averageLeftDegree = (int) (rightSize * edgeProbability);
    for (int i = 0; i < leftSize; i++) {
        LongSet nodeEdges = new LongOpenHashSet(averageLeftDegree);
        for (int j = 0; j < rightSize; j++) {
            if (random.nextDouble() < edgeProbability) {
                if (!rightSideGraph.containsKey(j)) {
                    rightSideGraph.put(j, new LongOpenHashSet(new long[] { i }));
                } else {
                edges.add(Pair.of((long) i, (long) j));
        leftSideGraph.put(i, nodeEdges);

    // Create a bunch of leftReaders per node that'll read from the graph at random
    for (int i = 0; i < leftSize; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < numReadersPerNode; j++) {
            leftReaders.add(new BipartiteGraphReader(graph, new CountDownLatch(0), readersDoneLatch, i, true,

    // Create a bunch of rightReaders per node that'll read from the graph at random
    for (int i = 0; i < rightSize; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < numReadersPerNode; j++) {
            rightReaders.add(new BipartiteGraphReader(graph, new CountDownLatch(0), readersDoneLatch, i, false,

    // Create a single writer that will insert these edges in random order
    List<WriterInfo> writerInfo = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(edges.size());
    List<Pair<Long, Long>> edgesList = Lists.newArrayList(edges);
    CountDownLatch writerDoneLatch = new CountDownLatch(edgesList.size());
    for (Pair<Long, Long> edge : edgesList) {
        writerInfo.add(new WriterInfo(edge.getLeft(), edge.getRight(), new CountDownLatch(0), writerDoneLatch));

    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(totalNumReaders + 1); // single writer
    List<Callable<Integer>> allThreads = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(totalNumReaders + 1);
    // First, we add the writer
    allThreads.add(Executors.callable(new BipartiteGraphWriter(graph, writerInfo), 1));
    // then the readers
    for (int i = 0; i < numLeftReaders; i++) {
        allThreads.add(Executors.callable(leftReaders.get(i), 1));
    for (int i = 0; i < numRightReaders; i++) {
        allThreads.add(Executors.callable(rightReaders.get(i), 1));
    // these will execute in some non-deterministic order
    Collections.shuffle(allThreads, random);

    // Wait for all the processes to finish
    try {
        List<Future<Integer>> results = executor.invokeAll(allThreads, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        for (Future<Integer> result : results) {
            assertEquals(1, result.get().intValue());
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Execution for a thread was interrupted: ", e);
    } catch (ExecutionException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Execution issue in an executor thread: ", e);

    // confirm that these worked as expected
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Execution for a latch was interrupted: ", e);

    // Check that all readers' read info is consistent with the graph
    // first check the left side
    for (int i = 0; i < numLeftReaders; i++) {
        LongSet expectedLeftEdges = leftSideGraph.get(leftReaders.get(i).queryNode);
        assertTrue(leftReaders.get(i).getQueryNodeDegree() <= expectedLeftEdges.size());
        if (leftReaders.get(i).getQueryNodeDegree() == 0) {
        } else {
            for (long edge : leftReaders.get(i).getQueryNodeEdges()) {

    // then the right side
    for (int i = 0; i < numRightReaders; i++) {
        LongSet expectedRightEdges = rightSideGraph.get(rightReaders.get(i).queryNode);
        assertTrue(rightReaders.get(i).getQueryNodeDegree() <= expectedRightEdges.size());
        if (rightReaders.get(i).getQueryNodeDegree() == 0) {
        } else {
            for (long edge : rightReaders.get(i).getQueryNodeEdges()) {