Example usage for java.util.function BooleanSupplier getAsBoolean

List of usage examples for java.util.function BooleanSupplier getAsBoolean


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util.function BooleanSupplier getAsBoolean.


boolean getAsBoolean();

Source Link


Gets a result.


From source file:org.codice.ddf.migration.util.MigratableUtil.java

private void copy(Path sourceFile, Path exportDirectory, Collection<MigrationWarning> warnings,
        BooleanSupplier isSourceMigratable) throws MigrationException {
    notNull(sourceFile, "Source file cannot be null");
    notNull(exportDirectory, "Destination cannot be null");
    notNull(warnings, "Warning collection cannot be null");

    try {//  w w w . j ava  2 s  . com
        if (isSourceMigratable.getAsBoolean()) {
            FileUtils.copyFile(sourceFile.toFile(), exportDirectory.resolve(sourceFile).toFile());
    } catch (IOException e) {
        String message = String.format("Unable to copy [%s] to [%s]", sourceFile.toString(),
        LOGGER.error(message, e);
        throw new ExportMigrationException(message, e);

From source file:org.jitsi.meet.test.base.Participant.java

 * Waits for a condition./*from  w w  w .  j a v a 2  s.co  m*/
 * @param condition a {@link BooleanSupplier} which return {@code true} when
 * the condition has been met.
 * @param timeoutSeconds a timeout in seconds.
 * @param label a label which will appear in a timeout exception when
 * the condition is not met withing the time limit.
public void waitForCondition(final BooleanSupplier condition, int timeoutSeconds, String label) {
    TestUtils.waitForCondition(driver, timeoutSeconds, new ExpectedCondition<Boolean>() {
        public Boolean apply(WebDriver webDriver) {
            return condition.getAsBoolean();

        public String toString() {
            return label;

From source file:com.addthis.hydra.data.tree.nonconcurrent.NonConcurrentTree.java

 * Iteratively delete all the children of the input node.
 * Use a non-negative value for the counter parameter to
 * tally the nodes that have been deleted. Use a negative
 * value to disable logging of the number of deleted nodes.
 * @param rootNode root of the subtree to delete
 *///w  w w  .j a v a  2s.c  o  m
void deleteSubTree(NonConcurrentTreeNode rootNode, MutableLong totalCount, MutableLong nodeCount,
        BooleanSupplier terminationCondition) {
    long nodeDB = rootNode.nodeDB();
    IPageDB.Range<DBKey, NonConcurrentTreeNode> range = fetchNodeRange(nodeDB);
    DBKey endRange;
    boolean reschedule;
    try {
        while (range.hasNext() && !terminationCondition.getAsBoolean()) {
            if ((totalCount.longValue() % deletionLogInterval) == 0) {
                log.info("Deleted {} total nodes in {} trash nodes from the trash.", totalCount.longValue(),
            Map.Entry<DBKey, NonConcurrentTreeNode> entry = range.next();
            NonConcurrentTreeNode next = entry.getValue();
            if (next.hasNodes() && !next.isAlias()) {
                deleteSubTree(next, totalCount, nodeCount, terminationCondition);
        if (range.hasNext()) {
            endRange = range.next().getKey();
            reschedule = true;
        } else {
            endRange = new DBKey(nodeDB + 1);
            reschedule = false;
    } finally {
    source.remove(new DBKey(nodeDB), endRange);
    if (reschedule) {

From source file:net.mozq.picto.core.ProcessCore.java

public static void findFiles(ProcessCondition processCondition, Consumer<ProcessData> processDataSetter,
        BooleanSupplier processStopper) throws IOException {

    Set<FileVisitOption> fileVisitOptionSet;
    if (processCondition.isFollowLinks()) {
        fileVisitOptionSet = EnumSet.of(FileVisitOption.FOLLOW_LINKS);
    } else {/*  w  ww. j  a  va  2  s .  c o m*/
        fileVisitOptionSet = Collections.emptySet();

    Files.walkFileTree(processCondition.getSrcRootPath(), fileVisitOptionSet, processCondition.getDept(),
            new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() {
                public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs)
                        throws IOException {
                    if (processStopper.getAsBoolean()) {
                        return FileVisitResult.TERMINATE;

                    return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

                public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {

                    if (attrs.isDirectory()) {
                        return FileVisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE;

                    if (processStopper.getAsBoolean()) {
                        return FileVisitResult.TERMINATE;

                    if (!processCondition.getPathFilter().accept(file, attrs)) {
                        return FileVisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE;

                    Path rootRelativeSubPath = processCondition.getSrcRootPath().relativize(file.getParent());

                    ImageMetadata imageMetadata = getImageMetadata(file);

                    Date baseDate;
                    if (processCondition.isChangeFileCreationDate()
                            || processCondition.isChangeFileModifiedDate()
                            || processCondition.isChangeFileAccessDate()
                            || processCondition.isChangeExifDate()) {
                        baseDate = getBaseDate(processCondition, file, attrs, imageMetadata);
                    } else {
                        baseDate = null;

                    String destSubPathname = processCondition.getDestSubPathFormat().format(varName -> {
                        try {
                            switch (varName) {
                            case "Now":
                                return new Date();
                            case "ParentSubPath":
                                return rootRelativeSubPath.toString();
                            case "FileName":
                                return file.getFileName().toString();
                            case "BaseName":
                                return FileUtilz.getBaseName(file.getFileName().toString());
                            case "Extension":
                                return FileUtilz.getExt(file.getFileName().toString());
                            case "Size":
                                return Long.valueOf(Files.size(file));
                            case "CreationDate":
                                return (processCondition.isChangeFileCreationDate()) ? baseDate
                                        : new Date(attrs.creationTime().toMillis());
                            case "ModifiedDate":
                                return (processCondition.isChangeFileModifiedDate()) ? baseDate
                                        : new Date(attrs.lastModifiedTime().toMillis());
                            case "AccessDate":
                                return (processCondition.isChangeFileAccessDate()) ? baseDate
                                        : new Date(attrs.lastAccessTime().toMillis());
                            case "PhotoTakenDate":
                                return (processCondition.isChangeExifDate()) ? baseDate
                                        : getPhotoTakenDate(file, imageMetadata);
                            case "Width":
                                return getEXIFIntValue(imageMetadata,
                            case "Height":
                                return getEXIFIntValue(imageMetadata,
                            case "FNumber":
                                return getEXIFDoubleValue(imageMetadata, ExifTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_FNUMBER);
                            case "Aperture":
                                return getEXIFDoubleValue(imageMetadata,
                            case "MaxAperture":
                                return getEXIFDoubleValue(imageMetadata,
                            case "ISO":
                                return getEXIFIntValue(imageMetadata, ExifTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_ISO);
                            case "FocalLength":
                                return getEXIFDoubleValue(imageMetadata,
                                        ExifTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_FOCAL_LENGTH); // ?
                            case "FocalLength35mm":
                                return getEXIFDoubleValue(imageMetadata,
                            case "ShutterSpeed":
                                return getEXIFDoubleValue(imageMetadata,
                            case "Exposure":
                                return getEXIFStringValue(imageMetadata, ExifTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_EXPOSURE); // 
                            case "ExposureTime":
                                return getEXIFDoubleValue(imageMetadata,
                                        ExifTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_EXPOSURE_TIME); // 
                            case "ExposureMode":
                                return getEXIFIntValue(imageMetadata, ExifTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_EXPOSURE_MODE);
                            case "ExposureProgram":
                                return getEXIFIntValue(imageMetadata,
                            case "Brightness":
                                return getEXIFDoubleValue(imageMetadata,
                            case "WhiteBalance":
                                return getEXIFIntValue(imageMetadata,
                            case "LightSource":
                                return getEXIFIntValue(imageMetadata, ExifTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_LIGHT_SOURCE);
                            case "Lens":
                                return getEXIFStringValue(imageMetadata, ExifTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_LENS);
                            case "LensMake":
                                return getEXIFStringValue(imageMetadata, ExifTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_LENS_MAKE);
                            case "LensModel":
                                return getEXIFStringValue(imageMetadata, ExifTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_LENS_MODEL);
                            case "LensSerialNumber":
                                return getEXIFStringValue(imageMetadata,
                            case "Make":
                                return getEXIFStringValue(imageMetadata, TiffTagConstants.TIFF_TAG_MAKE);
                            case "Model":
                                return getEXIFStringValue(imageMetadata, TiffTagConstants.TIFF_TAG_MODEL);
                            case "SerialNumber":
                                return getEXIFStringValue(imageMetadata,
                            case "Software":
                                return getEXIFStringValue(imageMetadata, ExifTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_SOFTWARE);
                            case "ProcessingSoftware":
                                return getEXIFStringValue(imageMetadata,
                            case "OwnerName":
                                return getEXIFStringValue(imageMetadata, ExifTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_OWNER_NAME);
                            case "CameraOwnerName":
                                return getEXIFStringValue(imageMetadata,
                            case "GPSLat":
                                return getEXIFGpsLat(imageMetadata);
                            case "GPSLatDeg":
                                return getEXIFDoubleValue(imageMetadata, GpsTagConstants.GPS_TAG_GPS_LATITUDE,
                            case "GPSLatMin":
                                return getEXIFDoubleValue(imageMetadata, GpsTagConstants.GPS_TAG_GPS_LATITUDE,
                            case "GPSLatSec":
                                return getEXIFDoubleValue(imageMetadata, GpsTagConstants.GPS_TAG_GPS_LATITUDE,
                            case "GPSLatRef":
                                return getEXIFStringValue(imageMetadata,
                            case "GPSLon":
                                return getEXIFGpsLon(imageMetadata);
                            case "GPSLonDeg":
                                return getEXIFDoubleValue(imageMetadata, GpsTagConstants.GPS_TAG_GPS_LONGITUDE,
                            case "GPSLonMin":
                                return getEXIFDoubleValue(imageMetadata, GpsTagConstants.GPS_TAG_GPS_LONGITUDE,
                            case "GPSLonSec":
                                return getEXIFDoubleValue(imageMetadata, GpsTagConstants.GPS_TAG_GPS_LONGITUDE,
                            case "GPSLonRef":
                                return getEXIFStringValue(imageMetadata,
                            case "GPSAlt":
                                return getEXIFDoubleValue(imageMetadata, GpsTagConstants.GPS_TAG_GPS_ALTITUDE);
                            case "GPSAltRef":
                                return getEXIFIntValue(imageMetadata, GpsTagConstants.GPS_TAG_GPS_ALTITUDE_REF);
                                throw new PictoInvalidDestinationPathException(Messages
                                        .getString("message.warn.invalid.destSubPath.varName", varName));
                        } catch (PictoException e) {
                            throw e;
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            throw new PictoInvalidDestinationPathException(
                                    Messages.getString("message.warn.invalid.destSubPath.pattern"), e);

                    Path destSubPath = processCondition.getDestRootPath().resolve(destSubPathname).normalize();

                    if (!destSubPath.startsWith(processCondition.getDestRootPath())) {
                        throw new PictoInvalidDestinationPathException(
                                Messages.getString("message.warn.invalid.destination.path", destSubPath));

                    ProcessData processData = new ProcessData();


                    return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

From source file:com.addthis.hydra.data.tree.nonconcurrent.NonConcurrentTree.java

public void foregroundNodeDeletion(BooleanSupplier terminationCondition) {
    IPageDB.Range<DBKey, NonConcurrentTreeNode> range = fetchNodeRange(treeTrashNode.nodeDB());
    Map.Entry<DBKey, NonConcurrentTreeNode> entry;
    MutableLong totalCount = new MutableLong();
    MutableLong nodeCount = new MutableLong();
    try {/*from ww  w  .j ava 2  s.  c o m*/
        while (range.hasNext() && !terminationCondition.getAsBoolean()) {
            entry = range.next();
            if (entry != null) {
                NonConcurrentTreeNode node = entry.getValue();
                NonConcurrentTreeNode prev = source.remove(entry.getKey());
                if (prev != null) {
                    deleteSubTree(node, totalCount, nodeCount, terminationCondition);
    } finally {

From source file:fr.treeptik.cloudunit.docker.DockerContainerJSON.java

public DockerContainer start(DockerContainer dockerContainer, String hostIp) throws DockerJSONException {
    URI uri = null;//from   w w  w .  ja  v a  2 s  .c  om
    try {
        uri = new URIBuilder().setScheme(dockerEndpointMode).setHost(hostIp)
                .setPath("/containers/" + dockerContainer.getName() + "/start").build();
        JSONObject config = new JSONObject();

        config.put("Privileged", Boolean.FALSE);
        config.put("PublishAllPorts", Boolean.TRUE);

        JSONArray link = new JSONArray();
        if (dockerContainer.getLinks() != null) {
            config.put("Links", link);

        if (dockerContainer.getVolumesFrom() != null) {
            JSONArray listVolumesFrom = new JSONArray();
            if (dockerContainer.getVolumesFrom() != null) {
                for (int i = 0, iMax = dockerContainer.getVolumesFrom().size(); i < iMax; i++) {
            config.put("VolumesFrom", listVolumesFrom);

        if (dockerContainer.getPortsToOpen() != null) {
            JSONObject portsBinding = new JSONObject();
            dockerContainer.getPortsToOpen().stream().map(t -> t.toString() + "/tcp").forEach(
                    t -> portsBinding.put(t, Arrays.asList((new JSONObject(new HashMap<String, String>() {

                        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

                            put("HostPort", portUtils.getARandomHostPorts(hostIp).toString());
                            put("HostIp", "");

            config.put("PortBindings", portsBinding);

        // ajout des volumes provenant de l'hote
        final List volumes = new ArrayList<String>() {

        BooleanSupplier isRunningIntoKVM = () -> "true".equalsIgnoreCase(System.getenv().get("CU_KVM"));
        if (isRunningIntoKVM.getAsBoolean()) {

        Predicate<String> isContainerGit = s -> s.contains("-git-");
        if (isContainerGit.test(dockerContainer.getName())) {
            volumes.add("/var/log/cloudunit/git/auth-" + dockerContainer.getId() + ":/var/log/cloudunit");

        config.put("Binds", volumes);

         * Gestion du binding de port
        JSONObject portBindsConfigJSONFinal = new JSONObject();
        if (dockerContainer.getPortBindings() != null) {
             * pour chaque ports  Binder (ex: 53/udp) on rcupre le
             * tableau avec les deux maps ex :- map1 = HostIp ,
             * - map2 = HostPort , 53
            for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, String>[]> portKey : dockerContainer.getPortBindings()
                    .entrySet()) {

                logger.info("port/protocol to configure : " + portKey.getKey());

                // On convertie le tableau en list pour itrer dessus
                List<Map<String, String>> listOfMapsConfig = Arrays.asList(portKey.getValue());

                JSONObject portConfigJSON = new JSONObject();
                for (Map<String, String> portConfigMap : listOfMapsConfig) {
                    JSONArray portConfigJSONArray = new JSONArray();

                    // transfert HostIP and HostPort avec leur valeurs dans
                    // un JSONArray
                    for (Entry<String, String> hostBindingMap : portConfigMap.entrySet()) {
                        logger.info(hostBindingMap.getKey() + " : " + hostBindingMap.getValue());

                        portConfigJSON.put(hostBindingMap.getKey(), hostBindingMap.getValue());
                    portBindsConfigJSONFinal.put(portKey.getKey(), portConfigJSONArray);
                    config.put("PortBindings", portBindsConfigJSONFinal);

        int statusCode = client.sendPostForStart(uri, config.toJSONString(), "application/json");

        switch (statusCode) {
        case 304:
            throw new WarningDockerJSONException("container already started");
        case 404:
            throw new ErrorDockerJSONException("docker : no such container");
        case 500:
            throw new ErrorDockerJSONException("docker : error server");
        dockerContainer = this.findOne(dockerContainer.getName(), hostIp);
    } catch (URISyntaxException | IOException e) {
        StringBuilder msgError = new StringBuilder(256);
        logger.error("" + msgError, e);
        throw new FatalDockerJSONException("docker : error fatal");
    return dockerContainer;


From source file:com.addthis.hydra.data.tree.concurrent.ConcurrentTree.java

 * Recursively delete all the children of the input node.
 * Use a non-negative value for the counter parameter to
 * tally the nodes that have been deleted. Use a negative
 * value to disable logging of the number of deleted nodes.
 * @param rootNode root of the subtree to delete
 *///from   www .java  2  s  . c  o m
void deleteSubTree(ConcurrentTreeNode rootNode, MutableLong totalCount, MutableLong nodeCount,
        BooleanSupplier terminationCondition, Logger deletionLogger) {
    long nodeDB = rootNode.nodeDB();
    IPageDB.Range<DBKey, ConcurrentTreeNode> range = fetchNodeRange(nodeDB);
    DBKey endRange;
    boolean reschedule;
    try {
        while (range.hasNext() && !terminationCondition.getAsBoolean()) {
            if ((totalCount.longValue() % deletionLogInterval) == 0) {
                deletionLogger.info("Deleted {} total nodes in {} trash nodes from the trash.",
                        totalCount.longValue(), nodeCount.longValue());
            Map.Entry<DBKey, ConcurrentTreeNode> entry = range.next();
            ConcurrentTreeNode next = entry.getValue();

            if (next.hasNodes() && !next.isAlias()) {
                deleteSubTree(next, totalCount, nodeCount, terminationCondition, deletionLogger);
            String name = entry.getKey().rawKey().toString();
            CacheKey key = new CacheKey(nodeDB, name);
            ConcurrentTreeNode cacheNode = cache.remove(key);
            /* Mark the node as deleted so that it will not be
             * pushed to disk when removed from the eviction queue.
            if (cacheNode != null) {
        if (range.hasNext()) {
            endRange = range.next().getKey();
            reschedule = true;
        } else {
            endRange = new DBKey(nodeDB + 1);
            reschedule = false;
    } finally {
    source.remove(new DBKey(nodeDB), endRange);
    if (reschedule) {