Example usage for java.util.function DoubleBinaryOperator interface-usage

List of usage examples for java.util.function DoubleBinaryOperator interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util.function DoubleBinaryOperator interface-usage.


From source file at.gridtec.lambda4j.operator.binary.DoubleBinaryOperator2.java

 * Represents an operation that accepts two {@code double}-valued input arguments and produces a
 * {@code double}-valued result.
 * This is a primitive specialization of {@link BinaryOperator2}.
 * <p>
 * This is a {@link FunctionalInterface} whose functional method is {@link #applyAsDouble(double, double)}.

From source file at.gridtec.lambda4j.operator.binary.ThrowableDoubleBinaryOperator.java

 * Represents an operation that accepts two {@code double}-valued input arguments and produces a
 * {@code double}-valued result which is able to throw any {@link Throwable}.
 * This is a primitive specialization of {@link ThrowableBinaryOperator}.
 * <p>
 * This is a {@link FunctionalInterface} whose functional method is {@link #applyAsDoubleThrows(double, double)}.