Example usage for java.util.regex Matcher end

List of usage examples for java.util.regex Matcher end


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util.regex Matcher end.


public int end(String name) 

Source Link


Returns the offset after the last character of the subsequence captured by the given named-capturing group during the previous match operation.


From source file:tr.edu.gsu.nerwip.recognition.internal.modelless.subee.Subee.java

 * Takes advantage of hyperlinks in the text, in order
 * to detect entities. Most of the time, in a Wikipedia
 * article, the hyperlink is defined only for the very 
 * first occurrence of the entity. For this reason,
 * an additional processing is required to find the possible
 * other occurrences (cf. {@link #processOccurrences(Article, List)}). 
 * //from  w  w w. j  av  a2  s.c o  m
 * @param article
 *       Processed article.
 * @return
 *       The list of entities detected by this method.
 * @throws ParserException
 *       Problem while parsing the hyperlinks.
 * @throws ClientProtocolException
 *       Problem while accessing Freebase.
 * @throws ParseException
 *       Problem while accessing Freebase.
 * @throws IOException
 *       Problem while accessing Freebase.
 * @throws org.json.simple.parser.ParseException
 *       Problem while accessing Freebase.
private List<AbstractEntity<?>> processHyperlinks(Article article) throws ParserException,
        ClientProtocolException, ParseException, IOException, org.json.simple.parser.ParseException {
    List<AbstractEntity<?>> result = new ArrayList<AbstractEntity<?>>();

    // parse linked text to automatically get hyperlink list
    logger.log("Get hyperlink list");
    String linkedText = article.getLinkedText();
    Parser parser = new Parser(TAG_PAR_START + linkedText + TAG_PAR_END);
    NodeList linkList = parser.parse(new TagNameFilter(TAG_LINK));
    int offset = TAG_PAR_START.length();

    // process each hyperlink
    logger.log("Process each hyperlink");
    for (int i = 0; i < linkList.size(); i++) {
        LinkTag linkTag = (LinkTag) linkList.elementAt(i);
        String valueStr = linkTag.getLinkText();
        int length = valueStr.length();
        String test = linkTag.toHtml();
        logger.log("Hyperlink '" + test + "'");

        // get type from Freebase
        EntityType type = null;
        // only process strings with uppercase initial
        if (StringTools.hasInitial(valueStr)) {
            String hyperlink = linkTag.getLink();
            String[] linkParts = hyperlink.split("/");
            String lastPart = linkParts[linkParts.length - 1];
            String wikipediaTitle = URLDecoder.decode(lastPart, "UTF-8"); //TODO we may take advantage of this to automatically detect the type
            String wikipediaTitleEscaped = FbCommonTools.escapeMqlKey(wikipediaTitle); //TODO or this
            logger.log("Wikipedia title: " + wikipediaTitle);
            logger.log("Escaped Wikipedia title: " + wikipediaTitleEscaped);
            // use only the notable type
            if (notableType) {
                String possibleType = FbTypeTools.getNotableType(wikipediaTitleEscaped);
                if (possibleType == null)
                    logger.log("No notable Freebase type found for \"" + valueStr + "\"");
                else {
                    List<String> possibleTypes = new ArrayList<String>();
                    type = retrieveEntityType(possibleTypes);
            // use all available types
            if (type == null) {
                List<String> possibleTypes = FbTypeTools.getAllTypes(wikipediaTitleEscaped);
                logger.log("Possible types: " + possibleTypes.toString());
                if (possibleTypes.isEmpty())
                    logger.log("WARNING: no Freebase type found at all for \"" + valueStr + "\"");
                    type = retrieveEntityType(possibleTypes);

        // set up the entity position
        int startPos = linkTag.getStartPosition() - offset;
        int endPos = startPos + length;
        offset = offset + test.length() - length;
        //String text = article.getRawText();
        //String valueStr2 = text.substring(startPos,endPos);
        //boolean test2 = valueStr.equals(valueStr2);
        //   System.out.println("ERROR: entity and article do not match (position problem)");

        // no type: we can't create the entity
        if (type == null) {
            logger.log("WARNING: no entity was created, because no type could be identified for \"" + valueStr
                    + "\"");
        // otherwise, we try
        else { // ignore if purely numerical
            if (StringTools.hasNoLetter(valueStr))
                logger.log("The string is only numerical (no letters) so no entity is created for " + valueStr);

            // ignore if recognized as a location/organization but actually a demonym
            else if (discardDemonyms && (type == EntityType.LOCATION || type == EntityType.ORGANIZATION)
                    && DEMONYMS.contains(valueStr))
                logger.log("The string is in the demonym list, so no entity is created for " + valueStr);

            else {
                //   System.out.print("");

                // possibly look for an acronym
                if (useAcronyms) { // only organization and locations have relevant acronyms
                                   // (for a person, acronyms usually correspond to titles or awards)
                    if (type == EntityType.ORGANIZATION || type == EntityType.LOCATION) { // check if there's an acronym inside the entity name itself
                        Pattern r = Pattern.compile("\\([^\\(a-z]+?\\)$"); // must be in uppercase
                        Matcher m = r.matcher(valueStr);
                        if (m.find()) { // create an additional entity (acronym) with the same type
                            int last = m.groupCount();
                            String acro = m.group(last);
                            int l = acro.length();
                            acro = acro.substring(1, l - 1);
                            int s = startPos + m.start(last) + 1;
                            int e = startPos + m.end(last) - 1;
                            if (!StringTools.hasNoLetter(acro)) {
                                //String valueStr3 = text.substring(s,e);
                                //boolean test3 = acro.equals(valueStr3);
                                //   System.out.println("ERROR: entity acronym and article do not match (position problem)");
                                AbstractEntity<?> entity = AbstractEntity.build(type, s, e,
                                        RecognizerName.SUBEE, acro);
                                logger.log("Creation of an extra entity (acronym) " + entity);
                            // remove the acronym from the original string
                            valueStr = valueStr.substring(0, valueStr.length() - l).trim();
                            endPos = startPos + valueStr.length();
                        // check if there's an acronym right after the entity 
                        else {
                            r = Pattern.compile("\\([^\\(a-z]+?\\)"); // must be in uppercase
                            m = r.matcher(linkedText);
                            if (m.find(linkTag.getEndTag().getEndPosition() - TAG_PAR_START.length())) { // possibly create an additional entity (acronym) with the same type
                                int last = m.groupCount();
                                String acro = m.group(last);
                                acro = acro.substring(1, acro.length() - 1);
                                int s = m.start(last) - 1 - (offset - TAG_PAR_END.length()) + 1; // actually <a/> and not <p/>, but same length...
                                // the acronym must be right after the original entity
                                if (s == endPos + 2 && !StringTools.hasNoLetter(acro)) {
                                    int e = m.end(last) - 1 - (offset - TAG_PAR_END.length()) - 1;
                                    //String valueStr3 = text.substring(s,e);
                                    //boolean test3 = acro.equals(valueStr3);
                                    //   System.out.println("ERROR: entity acronym and article do not match (position problem)");
                                    AbstractEntity<?> entity = AbstractEntity.build(type, s, e,
                                            RecognizerName.SUBEE, acro);
                                    logger.log("Creation of an extra entity (acronym) " + entity);

                // create the entity
                AbstractEntity<?> entity = AbstractEntity.build(type, startPos, endPos, RecognizerName.SUBEE,
                logger.log("Creation of the entity " + entity);

    return result;

From source file:com.akop.bach.parser.XboxLiveParser.java

public static String getStandardIcon(String loadBalIcon) {
    if (loadBalIcon == null)
        return null;

    Matcher m;
    if (!(m = PATTERN_LOADBAL_ICON.matcher(loadBalIcon)).find())
        return loadBalIcon;

    String replacement = loadBalIcon.substring(0, m.start(1)) + loadBalIcon.substring(m.end(1));

    return replacement;

From source file:de.escalon.hypermedia.spring.PartialUriTemplate.java

 * Creates a new {@link PartialUriTemplate} using the given template string.
 * @param template must not be {@literal null} or empty.
 *///w ww .ja  v a 2  s . c om
public PartialUriTemplate(String template) {
    Assert.hasText(template, "Template must not be null or empty!");

    Matcher matcher = VARIABLE_REGEX.matcher(template);
    // first group is the variable start without leading {: "", "/", "?", "#",
    // second group is the comma-separated name list without the trailing } of the variable
    int endOfPart = 0;
    while (matcher.find()) {

        // 0 is the current match, i.e. the entire variable expression
        int startOfPart = matcher.start(0);
        // add part before current match
        if (endOfPart < startOfPart) {
            final String partWithoutVariables = template.substring(endOfPart, startOfPart);
            final StringTokenizer stringTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(partWithoutVariables, "?", true);
            boolean inQuery = false;
            while (stringTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
                final String token = stringTokenizer.nextToken();
                if ("?".equals(token)) {
                    inQuery = true;
                } else {
                    if (!inQuery) {
                    } else {
                        urlComponents.add("?" + token);


        endOfPart = matcher.end(0);

        // add current match as part
        final String variablePart = template.substring(startOfPart, endOfPart);

        // collect variablesInPart and track for each part which variables it contains
        // group(1) is the variable head without the leading {
        TemplateVariable.VariableType type = TemplateVariable.VariableType.from(matcher.group(1));
        // group(2) is the
        String[] names = matcher.group(2).split(",");
        List<Integer> variablesInPart = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        for (String name : names) {
            TemplateVariable variable = new TemplateVariable(name, type);
    // finish off remaining part
    if (endOfPart < template.length()) {


From source file:com.github.hateoas.forms.affordance.PartialUriTemplate.java

 * Creates a new {@link PartialUriTemplate} using the given template string.
 * @param template must not be {@literal null} or empty.
 *///from w  w  w. j a v a  2 s .c o  m
public PartialUriTemplate(String template) {
    Assert.hasText(template, "Template must not be null or empty!");

    Matcher matcher = VARIABLE_REGEX.matcher(template);
    // first group is the variable start without leading {: "", "/", "?", "#",
    // second group is the comma-separated name list without the trailing } of the variable
    int endOfPart = 0;
    while (matcher.find()) {

        // 0 is the current match, i.e. the entire variable expression
        int startOfPart = matcher.start(0);
        // add part before current match
        if (endOfPart < startOfPart) {
            final String partWithoutVariables = template.substring(endOfPart, startOfPart);
            final StringTokenizer stringTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(partWithoutVariables, "?", true);
            boolean inQuery = false;
            while (stringTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
                final String token = stringTokenizer.nextToken();
                if ("?".equals(token)) {
                    inQuery = true;
                } else {
                    if (!inQuery) {
                    } else {
                        urlComponents.add("?" + token);
        endOfPart = matcher.end(0);

        // add current match as part
        final String variablePart = template.substring(startOfPart, endOfPart);

        // collect variablesInPart and track for each part which variables it contains
        // group(1) is the variable head without the leading {
        TemplateVariable.VariableType type = TemplateVariable.VariableType.from(matcher.group(1));
        // group(2) are the variable names
        String[] names = matcher.group(2).split(",");
        List<Integer> variablesInPart = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        for (String name : names) {
            TemplateVariable variable = new TemplateVariable(name, type);
    // finish off remaining part
    if (endOfPart < template.length()) {

From source file:com.cyberway.issue.crawler.extractor.ExtractorHTML.java

protected void processGeneralTag(CrawlURI curi, CharSequence element, CharSequence cs) {

    Matcher attr = TextUtils.getMatcher(EACH_ATTRIBUTE_EXTRACTOR, cs);

    // Just in case it's an OBJECT or APPLET tag
    String codebase = null;/*from  ww  w . j  av  a2  s.  c om*/
    ArrayList<String> resources = null;

    // Just in case it's a FORM
    CharSequence action = null;
    CharSequence actionContext = null;
    CharSequence method = null;

    final boolean framesAsEmbeds = ((Boolean) getUncheckedAttribute(curi, ATTR_TREAT_FRAMES_AS_EMBED_LINKS))

    final boolean ignoreFormActions = ((Boolean) getUncheckedAttribute(curi, ATTR_IGNORE_FORM_ACTION_URLS))

    final boolean extractValueAttributes = ((Boolean) getUncheckedAttribute(curi, EXTRACT_VALUE_ATTRIBUTES))

    final String elementStr = element.toString();

    while (attr.find()) {
        int valueGroup = (attr.start(14) > -1) ? 14 : (attr.start(15) > -1) ? 15 : 16;
        int start = attr.start(valueGroup);
        int end = attr.end(valueGroup);
        assert start >= 0 : "Start is: " + start + ", " + curi;
        assert end >= 0 : "End is :" + end + ", " + curi;
        CharSequence value = cs.subSequence(start, end);
        value = TextUtils.unescapeHtml(value);
        if (attr.start(2) > -1) {
            // HREF
            CharSequence context = Link.elementContext(element, attr.group(2));
            if (elementStr.equalsIgnoreCase(LINK)) {
                // <LINK> elements treated as embeds (css, ico, etc)
                processEmbed(curi, value, context);
            } else {
                // other HREFs treated as links
                if (value.toString().indexOf("java") != -1)
                    System.out.println(value + "--------javascript--------");
                processLink(curi, value, context);
            if (elementStr.equalsIgnoreCase(BASE)) {
                try {
                } catch (URIException e) {
                    if (getController() != null) {
                        // Controller can be null: e.g. when running
                        // ExtractorTool.
                        getController().logUriError(e, curi.getUURI(), value.toString());
                    } else {
                        logger.info("Failed set base uri: " + curi + ", " + value.toString() + ": "
                                + e.getMessage());
        } else if (attr.start(3) > -1) {
            // ACTION
            if (!ignoreFormActions) {
                action = value;
                actionContext = Link.elementContext(element, attr.group(3));
                // handling finished only at end (after METHOD also collected)
        } else if (attr.start(4) > -1) {
            // ON____
            processScriptCode(curi, value); // TODO: context?
        } else if (attr.start(5) > -1) {
            // SRC etc.
            CharSequence context = Link.elementContext(element, attr.group(5));

            // true, if we expect another HTML page instead of an image etc.
            final char hopType;

            if (!framesAsEmbeds
                    && (elementStr.equalsIgnoreCase(FRAME) || elementStr.equalsIgnoreCase(IFRAME))) {
                hopType = Link.NAVLINK_HOP;
            } else {
                hopType = Link.EMBED_HOP;
            processEmbed(curi, value, context, hopType);
        } else if (attr.start(6) > -1) {
            // CODEBASE
            codebase = (value instanceof String) ? (String) value : value.toString();
            CharSequence context = Link.elementContext(element, attr.group(6));
            processEmbed(curi, codebase, context);
        } else if (attr.start(7) > -1) {
            // CLASSID, DATA
            if (resources == null) {
                resources = new ArrayList<String>();
        } else if (attr.start(8) > -1) {
            // ARCHIVE
            if (resources == null) {
                resources = new ArrayList<String>();
            String[] multi = TextUtils.split(WHITESPACE, value);
            for (int i = 0; i < multi.length; i++) {
        } else if (attr.start(9) > -1) {
            // CODE
            if (resources == null) {
                resources = new ArrayList<String>();
            // If element is applet and code value does not end with
            // '.class' then append '.class' to the code value.
            if (elementStr.equalsIgnoreCase(APPLET) && !value.toString().toLowerCase().endsWith(CLASSEXT)) {
                resources.add(value.toString() + CLASSEXT);
            } else {
        } else if (attr.start(10) > -1) {
            // VALUE, with possibility of URI
            if (extractValueAttributes && TextUtils.matches(LIKELY_URI_PATH, value)) {
                CharSequence context = Link.elementContext(element, attr.group(10));
                processLink(curi, value, context);

        } else if (attr.start(11) > -1) {
            // STYLE inline attribute
            // then, parse for URIs
            this.numberOfLinksExtracted += ExtractorCSS.processStyleCode(curi, value, getController());

        } else if (attr.start(12) > -1) {
            // METHOD
            method = value;
            // form processing finished at end (after ACTION also collected)
        } else if (attr.start(13) > -1) {
            // any other attribute
            // ignore for now
            // could probe for path- or script-looking strings, but
            // those should be vanishingly rare in other attributes,
            // and/or symptomatic of page bugs

    // finish handling codebase/resources now that all available
    if (resources != null) {
        Iterator iter = resources.iterator();
        UURI codebaseURI = null;
        String res = null;
        try {
            if (codebase != null) {
                // TODO: Pass in the charset.
                codebaseURI = UURIFactory.getInstance(curi.getUURI(), codebase);
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                res = iter.next().toString();
                res = (String) TextUtils.unescapeHtml(res);
                if (codebaseURI != null) {
                    res = codebaseURI.resolve(res).toString();
                processEmbed(curi, res, element); // TODO: include attribute too
        } catch (URIException e) {
            curi.addLocalizedError(getName(), e, "BAD CODEBASE " + codebase);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            DevUtils.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "processGeneralTag()\n" + "codebase=" + codebase + " res=" + res
                    + "\n" + DevUtils.extraInfo(), e);

    // finish handling form action, now method is available
    if (action != null) {
        if (method == null || "GET".equalsIgnoreCase(method.toString())
                || !((Boolean) getUncheckedAttribute(curi, ATTR_EXTRACT_ONLY_FORM_GETS)).booleanValue()) {
            processLink(curi, action, actionContext);

From source file:net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.main.chat.ChatConversationPanel.java

 * Process provided replacers one by one sequentially. The output of the
 * first replacer is then fed as input into the second replacer, and so on.
 * <p>/*from  w  w w.j ava  2  s  . c om*/
 * {@link Replacer}s that expect HTML content (
 * {@link Replacer#expectsPlainText()}) will typically receive the complete
 * message as an argument. {@linkplain Replacer}s that expect plain text
 * content will typically receive small pieces that are found in between
 * HTML tags. The pieces of plain text content cannot be predicted as
 * results change when they are processed by other replacers.
 * </p>
 * @param content the original content to process
 * @param replacers the replacers to call
 * @return returns the final result message content after it has been
 *         processed by all replacers
private String processReplacers(final String content, final Replacer... replacers) {
    StringBuilder source = new StringBuilder(content);
    for (final Replacer replacer : replacers) {
        final StringBuilder target = new StringBuilder();
        if (replacer.expectsPlainText()) {
            int startPos = 0;
            final Matcher plainTextInHtmlMatcher = TEXT_TO_REPLACE_PATTERN.matcher(source);
            while (plainTextInHtmlMatcher.find()) {
                final String plainTextAsHtml = plainTextInHtmlMatcher.group(1);
                final int startMatchPosition = plainTextInHtmlMatcher.start(1);
                final int endMatchPosition = plainTextInHtmlMatcher.end(1);
                target.append(source.substring(startPos, startMatchPosition));
                final String plaintext = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(plainTextAsHtml);

                // Invoke replacer.
                try {
                    replacer.replace(target, plaintext);
                } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                    logger.error("An error occurred in replacer: " + replacer.getClass().getName(), e);

                startPos = endMatchPosition;
        } else {
            // Invoke replacer.
            try {
                replacer.replace(target, source.toString());
            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                logger.error("An error occurred in replacer: " + replacer.getClass().getName(), e);
        source = target;
    return source.toString();

From source file:com.github.gekoh.yagen.ddl.CreateDDL.java

public String updateCreateSequence(Dialect dialect, String sqlCreate, Type type) {
    Matcher matcher = SEQ_CREATE_PATTERN.matcher(sqlCreate);

    if (matcher.find()) {
        StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
        sql.append(sqlCreate.substring(0, matcher.start(1)));
        sqlCreate = sql.toString();/*from www  . j  ava2s  . c o  m*/

    return sqlCreate;

From source file:com.dwdesign.tweetings.util.Utils.java

public static final int matcherEnd(final Matcher matcher, final int group) {
    try {/* w w  w.j  a v a 2  s.  c o  m*/
        return matcher.end(group);
    } catch (final IllegalStateException e) {
        // Ignore.
    return -1;

From source file:com.github.gekoh.yagen.ddl.CreateDDL.java

public String updateCreateIndex(Dialect dialect, StringBuffer buf, String name, Table table,
        List<org.hibernate.mapping.Column> columns) {
    String newName = getProfile().getNamingStrategy().indexName(name);

    if (!name.equals(newName)) {
        Matcher matcher = IDX_CREATE_PATTERN.matcher(buf.toString());
        if (matcher.find()) {
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
            builder.append(buf.substring(0, matcher.start(2)));
            builder.append(newName);//from  w w  w. j a  v  a 2s.c  om
            buf = new StringBuffer(builder.toString());
        name = newName;

    String tableNameLC = getProfile().getNamingStrategy().tableName(table.getName()).toLowerCase();
    if (!renderTable(tableNameLC)) {
        return "-- skipped creation of index '" + name + "' for table '" + tableNameLC
                + "' as the mapped entity was not chosen to be processed";

    if (externalViews.contains(tableNameLC)) {
        return "-- skipped creation of index '" + name + "' on table '" + tableNameLC
                + "' since there is a view in place";
    TableConfig tableConfig = tblNameToConfig.get(tableNameLC);

    checkObjectName(dialect, name);

    IntervalPartitioning partitioning = tableConfig.getTableAnnotationOfType(IntervalPartitioning.class);
    if (partitioning != null && supportsPartitioning(dialect)) {
        Matcher matcher = IDX_CREATE_PATTERN.matcher(buf.toString());
        // find create index and define local not for unique indexes
        if (matcher.find() && matcher.group(1) == null) {
            buf.append(" local");

    String i18nFK = tableConfig.getI18nBaseEntityFkCol();

    if (i18nFK != null) {
        StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
        String i18nTblName = getI18NDetailTableName(tableNameLC);

        if (columns.size() == 1) {
            if (hasIndex(table, i18nTblName, columns.get(0))) {
                return "-- table " + i18nTblName + " already has an index on column "
                        + columns.get(0).getName();
            tblColNameHasSingleColIndex.add(i18nTblName + "." + columns.get(0).getName().toLowerCase());

        Matcher matcher = IDX_CREATE_PATTERN.matcher(buf.toString());
        if (matcher.find()) {
            sql.append(buf.substring(0, matcher.start(3))).append(i18nTblName)

        getProfile().duplex(ObjectType.INDEX, name, sql.toString());

        return sql.toString();

    if (columns.size() == 1) {
        if (hasIndex(table, tableNameLC, columns.get(0))) {
            return "-- table " + table.getName() + " already has an index on column "
                    + columns.get(0).getName();

        tblColNameHasSingleColIndex.add(tableNameLC + "." + columns.get(0).getName().toLowerCase());

    getProfile().duplex(ObjectType.INDEX, name, buf.toString());

    return buf.toString();