Example usage for java.util.regex Pattern pattern

List of usage examples for java.util.regex Pattern pattern


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util.regex Pattern pattern.


String pattern

To view the source code for java.util.regex Pattern pattern.

Click Source Link


The original regular-expression pattern string.


From source file:com.rapidminer.tools.Tools.java

 * Replace quote chars in-quote characters by escapeChar+quotingChar
 * Example: seperatorPatern = ',' , quotingChar = '"' , escapeCahr = '\\'
 * line = '"Charles says://from   w  w  w  .  ja  va2  s . c  o  m
 * "Some people never go crazy, What truly horrible lives they must live"", 1968, "
 * US"' return = '"Charles says:
 * \"Some people never go crazy, What truly horrible lives they must live\"", "1968", "US"'
public static String escapeQuoteCharsInQuotes(String line, Pattern separatorPattern, char quotingChar,
        char escapeChar, boolean showWarning) {
    // first remember quoteChar positions which should be escaped:
    char lastChar = '0';
    boolean openedQuote = false;

    List<Integer> rememberQuotePosition = new LinkedList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < line.length(); i++) {
        if (lastChar == quotingChar) {
            if (openedQuote) {
                boolean matches = Pattern.matches(separatorPattern.pattern() + ".*", line.substring(i));
                if (matches) {
                    openedQuote = false;
                } else {
                    rememberQuotePosition.add(i - 1);

            } else {
                openedQuote = true;
        lastChar = line.charAt(i);
    if (openedQuote && lastChar == quotingChar) {
        openedQuote = false;

    // print warning
    if (showWarning && !rememberQuotePosition.isEmpty()) {

        StringBuilder positions = new StringBuilder();
        int j = 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < rememberQuotePosition.size(); i++) {
            if (j % 10 == 0) {
            if (i + 1 < rememberQuotePosition.size()) {
                positions.append(", ");

        String lineBeginning = line;
        if (line.length() > 20) {
            lineBeginning = line.substring(0, 20);
        String warning = "While reading the line starting with \n\n\t" + lineBeginning + "   ...\n\n"
                + ",an unescaped quote character was substituted by an escaped quote at the position(s) "
                + positions.toString() + ". " + "In particular der character '" + Character.toString(lastChar)
                + "' was replaced by '" + Character.toString(escapeChar) + Character.toString(lastChar) + ".";

        LogService.getRoot().log(Level.WARNING, warning);

    // then build new line:
    if (!rememberQuotePosition.isEmpty()) {
        String newLine = "";
        int pos = rememberQuotePosition.remove(0);
        int i = 0;
        for (Character c : line.toCharArray()) {
            if (i == pos) {
                newLine += Character.toString(escapeChar) + c;
                if (!rememberQuotePosition.isEmpty()) {
                    pos = rememberQuotePosition.remove(0);
            } else {
                newLine += c;
        line = newLine;
    return line;

From source file:com.aiwoapp.crawler.writer.DBWriterProcessor.java

protected void validate(Pattern pat, String s) {
    if (!pat.matcher(s).matches()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid value: " + s + " does not match " + pat.pattern());
    }/*from  ww  w  .j a va2 s . co m*/

From source file:org.finra.dm.service.helper.Hive13DdlGenerator.java

 * Gets a list of Hive partitions. For single level partitioning, no auto-discovery of sub-partitions (sub-directories) is needed - the business object data
 * will be represented by a single Hive partition instance.  For multiple level partitioning, this method performs an auto-discovery of all sub-partitions
 * (sub-directories) and creates a Hive partition object instance for each partition.
 * @param businessObjectDataKey the business object data key.
 * @param autoDiscoverableSubPartitionColumns the auto-discoverable sub-partition columns.
 * @param s3KeyPrefix the S3 key prefix.
 * @param storageFiles the storage files.
 * @param businessObjectDataEntity the business object data entity.
 * @param storageName the storage name.//from  www.  ja va2  s.c  om
 * @return the list of Hive partitions
public List<HivePartitionDto> getHivePartitions(BusinessObjectDataKey businessObjectDataKey,
        List<SchemaColumn> autoDiscoverableSubPartitionColumns, String s3KeyPrefix, List<String> storageFiles,
        BusinessObjectDataEntity businessObjectDataEntity, String storageName) {
    // We are using linked hash map to preserve the order of the discovered partitions.
    LinkedHashMap<List<String>, HivePartitionDto> linkedHashMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();

    Pattern pattern = getHivePathPattern(autoDiscoverableSubPartitionColumns);
    for (String storageFile : storageFiles) {
        // Remove S3 key prefix from the file path. Please note that the storage files are already validated to start with S3 key prefix.
        String relativeFilePath = storageFile.substring(s3KeyPrefix.length());

        // Try to match the relative file path to the expected subpartition folders.
        Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(relativeFilePath);
        Assert.isTrue(matcher.matches(), String.format(
                "Registered storage file or directory does not match the expected Hive sub-directory pattern. "
                        + "Storage: {%s}, file/directory: {%s}, business object data: {%s}, S3 key prefix: {%s}, pattern: {^%s$}",
                storageName, storageFile,
                dmDaoHelper.businessObjectDataEntityAltKeyToString(businessObjectDataEntity), s3KeyPrefix,

        // Add the top level partition value.
        HivePartitionDto newHivePartition = new HivePartitionDto();
        // Extract relative partition values.
        for (int i = 1; i <= matcher.groupCount(); i++) {

        // Remove the trailing "/" plus an optional file name from the file path and store the result string as this partition relative path.
        newHivePartition.setPath(relativeFilePath.replaceAll("/[^/]*$", ""));

        // Check if we already have that partition discovered - that would happen if partition contains multiple data files.
        HivePartitionDto hivePartition = linkedHashMap.get(newHivePartition.getPartitionValues());

        if (hivePartition != null) {
            // Partition is already discovered, so just validate that the relative file paths match.
            Assert.isTrue(hivePartition.getPath().equals(newHivePartition.getPath()), String.format(
                    "Found two different locations for the same Hive partition. Storage: {%s}, business object data: {%s}, "
                            + "S3 key prefix: {%s}, path[1]: {%s}, path[2]: {%s}",
                    storageName, dmDaoHelper.businessObjectDataEntityAltKeyToString(businessObjectDataEntity),
                    s3KeyPrefix, hivePartition.getPath(), newHivePartition.getPath()));
        } else {
            // Add this partition to the hash map of discovered partitions.
            linkedHashMap.put(newHivePartition.getPartitionValues(), newHivePartition);

    List<HivePartitionDto> hivePartitions = new ArrayList<>();

    return hivePartitions;

From source file:adalid.commons.velocity.Writer.java

private void deletePreviouslyGeneratedFiles(String name, String[] stringArray, boolean recursive) {
    String root = getRoot().getPath();
    String raiz = root.replace('\\', '/');
    String path, pathname, wildcard;
    String recursively = recursive ? "and all its subdirectories" : "";
    String slashedPath, regex, pattern, message;
    String hint = "; check property: {0}={1}";
    boolean delete;
    File directory;//www .ja v a 2 s.  c  om
    IOFileFilter fileFilter;
    IOFileFilter dirFilter = recursive ? ignoreVersionControlFilter : null;
    Collection<File> matchingFiles;
    for (String string : stringArray) {
        pathname = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(string, SLASH);
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(string) || !StringUtils.contains(string, SLASH)
                || StringUtils.isBlank(pathname)) {
            pattern = "directory is missing or invalid" + hint;
            message = MessageFormat.format(pattern, name, string);
            log(_alertLevel, message);
        wildcard = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(string, SLASH);
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(wildcard)) {
            pattern = "wildcard is missing or invalid" + hint;
            message = MessageFormat.format(pattern, name, string);
            log(_alertLevel, message);
        directory = new File(pathname);
        if (FilUtils.isNotWritableDirectory(directory)) {
            pattern = "{2} is not a writable directory" + hint;
            message = MessageFormat.format(pattern, name, string,
                    StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase(pathname, raiz));
            log(_alertLevel, message);
        log(_detailLevel, "deleting files " + wildcard + " from "
                + StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase(pathname, raiz) + " " + recursively);
        fileFilter = new WildcardFileFilter(wildcard);
        matchingFiles = FileUtils.listFiles(directory, fileFilter, dirFilter);
        for (File file : matchingFiles) {
            path = file.getPath();
            slashedPath = path.replace('\\', '/');
            delete = true;
            for (Pattern fxp : filePreservationPatterns) {
                regex = fxp.pattern();
                if (slashedPath.matches(regex)) {
                    delete = false;
                    pattern = "file {0} will not be deleted; it matches preservation expression \"{1}\"";
                    message = MessageFormat.format(pattern,
                            StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase(slashedPath, raiz), regex);
                    log(_alertLevel, message);
            if (delete) {
                logger.trace("deleting " + StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase(path, root));

From source file:org.etudes.component.app.melete.MeleteUtil.java

public ArrayList findEmbedItemPattern(String checkforimgs) {
    ArrayList returnData = new ArrayList();
    // a and link uses href, applet uses archive, object uses data
    Pattern p1 = Pattern.compile(
    Pattern pi = Pattern.compile(">|\\s[sS][rR][cC]\\s*=");
    Pattern pa = Pattern.compile(">|\\s[hH][rR][eE][fF]\\s*=");
    Pattern pa1 = Pattern.compile(">|\\s[aA][rR][cC][hH][iI][vV][eE]\\s*=");
    Pattern pd = Pattern.compile(">|\\s[dD][aA][tT][aA]\\s*=");
    Pattern ps = Pattern.compile("\\S");
    Pattern pe = Pattern.compile("\\s|>");

    int startSrc = 0;
    int endSrc = 0;
    String foundPattern = null;//from  w w w .  j  a va2  s  .  c o m
    while (checkforimgs != null) {
        foundPattern = null;
        // look for <img or <a
        Matcher m = p1.matcher(checkforimgs);
        if (!m.find()) // found anything?
        checkforimgs = checkforimgs.substring(m.start());
        // look for src= or href=
        if (checkforimgs.startsWith("<i") || checkforimgs.startsWith("<I") || checkforimgs.startsWith("<e")
                || checkforimgs.startsWith("<E") || checkforimgs.startsWith("<s")
                || checkforimgs.startsWith("<S"))
            m = pi.matcher(checkforimgs);
        else if (checkforimgs.startsWith("<applet") || checkforimgs.startsWith("<Applet")
                || checkforimgs.startsWith("<APPLET"))
            m = pa1.matcher(checkforimgs);
        else if (checkforimgs.startsWith("<o") || checkforimgs.startsWith("<O"))
            m = pd.matcher(checkforimgs);
            m = pa.matcher(checkforimgs);

        if (m.pattern().pattern().equals(pa.pattern())) {
            if (checkforimgs.startsWith("<a") || checkforimgs.startsWith("<A"))
                foundPattern = "link";
        // end = start+1 means that we found a >
        // i.e. the attribute we're looking for isn't there
        if (!m.find() || (m.end() == m.start() + 1)) {
            // prevent infinite loop by consuming the <
            checkforimgs = checkforimgs.substring(1);

        checkforimgs = checkforimgs.substring(m.end());

        // look for start of arg, a non-whitespace
        m = ps.matcher(checkforimgs);
        if (!m.find()) // found anything?

        checkforimgs = checkforimgs.substring(m.start());

        startSrc = 0;
        endSrc = 0;

        // handle either quoted or nonquoted arg
        if (checkforimgs.startsWith("\"") || checkforimgs.startsWith("\'")) {
            String quotestr = checkforimgs.substring(0, 1);
            startSrc = 1;
            endSrc = checkforimgs.indexOf(quotestr, startSrc);
        } else {
            startSrc = 0;
            // ends with whitespace or >
            m = pe.matcher(checkforimgs);
            if (!m.find()) // found anything?
            endSrc = m.start();
    } //while end

    if (foundPattern != null && foundPattern.equals("link")) {
        String anchorStr = checkforimgs.substring(startSrc, endSrc);
        anchorStr = anchorStr.trim();
        if (anchorStr != null && (anchorStr.startsWith("#") || anchorStr.startsWith("mailto:"))) {
            checkforimgs = checkforimgs.substring(endSrc);
            if (checkforimgs != null) {
                ArrayList r = findEmbedItemPattern(checkforimgs);
                checkforimgs = (String) r.get(0);
                if (r.size() > 1 && ((Integer) r.get(2)).intValue() > 0) {
                    startSrc = ((Integer) r.get(1)).intValue();
                    endSrc = ((Integer) r.get(2)).intValue();
                    foundPattern = (String) r.get(3);
                } else {
                    startSrc = 0;
                    endSrc = 0;

    if (endSrc != 0) {
        returnData.add(new Integer(startSrc));
        returnData.add(new Integer(endSrc));

    return returnData;

From source file:me.Wundero.Ray.utils.TextUtils.java

 * Replace regular expression in a LiteralText object's content.
 * /*ww  w.  ja  v  a2s .c o  m*/
 * Note: this method does NOT check between object nodes. So if there is a
 * match between the original and one of it's children, it is not parsed.
 * @param original
 *            The original text.
 * @param matcher
 *            The pattern to search for in the content.
 * @param replacer
 *            The function to call when a match is found in order to supply
 *            a textual replacement.
 * @param useClickHover
 *            Whether or not to parse click and hover actions as well.
public static LiteralText replaceRegex(LiteralText original, Pattern matcher,
        Function<LiteralText, Optional<LiteralText>> replacer, boolean useClickHover) {
    if (original == null) {
        return null;
    List<Text> children = original.getChildren();
    LiteralText.Builder builder = original.toBuilder();
    TextFormat f = builder.getFormat();
    Optional<ClickAction<?>> cl = builder.getClickAction();
    Optional<HoverAction<?>> ho = builder.getHoverAction();
    Optional<ShiftClickAction<?>> sc = builder.getShiftClickAction();
    String content = builder.getContent();
    if (matcher.matcher(content).find()) {
        Matcher m = matcher.matcher(content);
        if (m.matches()) {
            builder = replacer.apply(builder.build()).orElse(LiteralText.of("")).toBuilder();
        } else {
            String[] parts = content.split(matcher.pattern());
            if (parts.length == 0) {
                String c = content;
                builder = null;
                while ((m = m.reset(c)).find()) {
                    String g = m.group();
                    LiteralText t = replacer.apply(
                            (LiteralText) TextUtils.apply(LiteralText.builder(g).format(f), cl, ho, sc).build())
                    if (builder == null) {
                        builder = t.toBuilder();
                    } else {
                    c = m.replaceFirst("");
            } else {
                if (content.startsWith(parts[0])) {
                    List<String> alt = Utils.alternate(parts, allmatches(content, matcher));
                    LiteralText.Builder ob = builder;
                    builder = (LiteralText.Builder) LiteralText.builder();
                    List<String> pz = Utils.al(parts, true);
                    for (String s : alt) {
                        if (pz.contains(s)) {
                            LiteralText t = replaceRegex(bf(s, ob).build(), matcher, replacer, useClickHover);
                        } else {
                            Optional<LiteralText> t = replacer.apply((LiteralText) TextUtils
                                    .apply(LiteralText.builder(s).format(f), cl, ho, sc).build());
                } else {
                    List<String> alt = Utils.alternate(allmatches(content, matcher), parts);
                    LiteralText.Builder ob = builder;
                    builder = (LiteralText.Builder) LiteralText.builder();
                    List<String> pz = Utils.al(parts, true);
                    for (String s : alt) {
                        if (pz.contains(s)) {
                            builder.append(replaceRegex(bf(s, ob).build(), matcher, replacer, useClickHover));
                        } else {
                            Optional<LiteralText> t = replacer.apply((LiteralText) TextUtils
                                    .apply(LiteralText.builder(s).format(f), cl, ho, sc).build());
    } else {
        if (builder.getClickAction().isPresent()) {
            boolean r = builder.getClickAction().get() instanceof ClickAction.RunCommand;
            String click = replaceRegexAction(builder.getClickAction().get(), (s) -> {
                if (!matcher.matcher(s).find()) {
                    return s;
                String out = matcher.matcher(s).replaceAll("%s");
                String st = s;
                Matcher m = matcher.matcher(s);
                List<Object> b = Utils.al();
                while ((m = m.reset(st)).find()) {
                    String g = m.group();
                            (LiteralText) TextUtils.apply(LiteralText.builder(g).format(f), cl, ho, sc).build())
                    st = m.replaceFirst("");
                out = format(out, b);
                return out;
            }, "");
            if (!click.isEmpty()) {
                if (r) {
                } else {
        if (builder.getHoverAction().isPresent()) {
            Text hover = replaceRegexAction(builder.getHoverAction().get(), (s) -> {
                String a = TextSerializers.FORMATTING_CODE.serialize(s);
                if (!matcher.matcher(a).find()) {
                    return s;
                String out = matcher.matcher(a).replaceAll("%s");
                String st = a;
                Matcher m = matcher.matcher(a);
                List<Object> b = Utils.al();
                while ((m = m.reset(st)).find()) {
                    String g = m.group();
                            (LiteralText) TextUtils.apply(LiteralText.builder(g).format(f), cl, ho, sc).build())
                    st = m.replaceFirst("");
                out = format(out, b);
                return TextSerializers.FORMATTING_CODE.deserialize(out);
            }, Text.of());
            if (!hover.isEmpty()) {
    builder.append(children.stream().filter(t -> lit(t))
            .map(child -> replaceRegex((LiteralText) child, matcher, replacer, useClickHover))
    return builder.build();

From source file:adalid.commons.velocity.Writer.java

private void writeFile(WriterContext templateWriterContext, File templatePropertiesFile) {
    VelocityContext fileContext = templateWriterContext.getVelocityContextClone();
    Properties properties = mergeProperties(fileContext, templatePropertiesFile);
    putStrings(fileContext, properties);
    //      String rootPath = getRootPath(fileContext);
    String userPath = pathString(USER_DIR);
    String temptype = StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(properties.getProperty(TP_TYPE), TP_TYPE_VELOCITY);
    String template = StringUtils.trimToNull(properties.getProperty(TP_TEMPLATE));
    String filePath = StringUtils.trimToNull(properties.getProperty(TP_PATH));
    String filePack = StringUtils.trimToNull(properties.getProperty(TP_PACKAGE));
    String fileName = StringUtils.trimToNull(properties.getProperty(TP_FILE));
    String preserve = StringUtils.trimToNull(properties.getProperty(TP_PRESERVE));
    String charset1 = StringUtils.trimToNull(properties.getProperty(TP_ENCODING));
    String charset2 = StringUtils.trimToNull(properties.getProperty(TP_CHARSET));
    String root = getRoot().getPath();
    String raiz = root.replace('\\', '/');
    String hint = "; check property \"{0}\" at file \"{1}\"";
    if (ArrayUtils.contains(TP_TYPE_ARRAY, temptype)) {
    } else {//from w ww . j av  a  2s .  co m
        String pattern = "failed to obtain a valid template type" + hint;
        String message = MessageFormat.format(pattern, TP_TYPE, templatePropertiesFile);
    if (template == null) {
        String pattern = "failed to obtain a valid template name" + hint;
        String message = MessageFormat.format(pattern, TP_TEMPLATE, templatePropertiesFile);
    if (fileName == null) {
        String pattern = "failed to obtain a valid file name" + hint;
        String message = MessageFormat.format(pattern, TP_FILE, templatePropertiesFile);
    String templatePathString = pathString(template);
    String templatePath = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(templatePathString, FILE_SEPARATOR);
    fileContext.put(VC_TEMPLATE, StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(templatePathString));
    fileContext.put(VC_TEMPLATE_PATH, StringUtils.replace(templatePath, FILE_SEPARATOR, SLASH));
    fileContext.put(VC_FILE, fileName);
    if (filePath == null) {
        //          filePath = rootPath;
        filePath = userPath;
    } else {
        filePath = pathString(filePath);
        if (isRelativePath(filePath)) {
            if (filePath.startsWith(FILE_SEPARATOR)) {
                //                  filePath = rootPath + filePath;
                filePath = userPath + filePath;
            } else {
                //                  filePath = rootPath + FILE_SEPARATOR + filePath;
                filePath = userPath + FILE_SEPARATOR + filePath;
    fileContext.put(VC_PATH, StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(filePath));
    if (filePack != null) {
        filePath += FILE_SEPARATOR + pathString(StringUtils.replace(filePack, DOT, SLASH));
        fileContext.put(VC_PACKAGE, dottedString(filePack));
    File path = new File(filePath);
    if (path.exists()) {
        if (path.isDirectory() && path.canWrite()) {
        } else {
            String pattern = "{2} is not a valid directory" + hint;
            String message = MessageFormat.format(pattern, TP_PATH, templatePropertiesFile, path);
    } else if (path.mkdirs()) {
    } else {
        String pattern = "{2} is not a valid path" + hint;
        String message = MessageFormat.format(pattern, TP_PATH, templatePropertiesFile, path);
    String fullname = path.getPath() + FILE_SEPARATOR + fileName;
    String slashedPath = fullname.replace('\\', '/');
    File file = new File(fullname);
    if (file.exists()) {
        String regex, pattern, message;
        for (Pattern fxp : fileExclusionPatterns) {
            regex = fxp.pattern();
            if (slashedPath.matches(regex)) {
                pattern = "file {0} will be deleted; it matches exclusion expression \"{1}\"";
                message = MessageFormat.format(pattern, StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase(slashedPath, raiz),
                log(_alertLevel, message);
        if (BitUtils.valueOf(preserve)) {
            pattern = "file {2} will not be replaced" + hint;
            message = MessageFormat.format(pattern, TP_PRESERVE, templatePropertiesFile, fullname);
            log(_detailLevel, message);
        for (Pattern fxp : filePreservationPatterns) {
            regex = fxp.pattern();
            if (slashedPath.matches(regex)) {
                pattern = "file {0} will not be replaced; it matches preservation expression \"{1}\"";
                message = MessageFormat.format(pattern, StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase(slashedPath, raiz),
                log(_alertLevel, message);
    } else {
        String regex, pattern, message;
        for (Pattern fxp : fileExclusionPatterns) {
            regex = fxp.pattern();
            if (slashedPath.matches(regex)) {
                pattern = "file {0} will not be written; it matches exclusion expression \"{1}\"";
                message = MessageFormat.format(pattern, StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase(slashedPath, raiz),
                log(_alertLevel, message);
    if (charset1 != null && !Charset.isSupported(charset1)) {
        String pattern = "{2} is not a supported character set" + hint;
        String message = MessageFormat.format(pattern, TP_ENCODING, templatePropertiesFile, charset1);
    if (charset2 != null && !Charset.isSupported(charset2)) {
        String pattern = "{2} is not a supported character set" + hint;
        String message = MessageFormat.format(pattern, TP_CHARSET, templatePropertiesFile, charset2);
    fileContext.put(VC_FILE_PATH, StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(filePath));
    fileContext.put(VC_FILE_NAME, StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(fileName));
    fileContext.put(VC_FILE_PATH_NAME, StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(fullname));
    fileContext.put(VC_FILE_PATH_FILE, path);
    if (temptype.equals(TP_TYPE_VELOCITY)) {
        writeFile(fileContext, template, fullname, charset1, charset2);
    } else {
        writeFile(template, fullname);
    executeFile(fileContext, templatePropertiesFile);

From source file:edu.brown.workload.Workload.java

 * //  www  . j  av  a  2  s  .c o m
 * @param input_path
 * @param catalog_db
 * @param limit
 * @throws Exception
public Workload load(File input_path, Database catalog_db, Filter filter) throws Exception {
    if (debug.val)
        LOG.debug("Reading workload trace from file '" + input_path + "'");
    this.input_path = input_path;
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

    // HACK: Throw out traces unless they have the procedures that we're looking for
    Pattern temp_pattern = null;
    if (filter != null) {
        List<ProcedureNameFilter> procname_filters = filter.getFilters(ProcedureNameFilter.class);
        if (procname_filters.isEmpty() == false) {
            Set<String> names = new HashSet<String>();
            for (ProcedureNameFilter f : procname_filters) {
                for (String name : f.getProcedureNames()) {
                } // FOR
            } // FOR
            if (names.isEmpty() == false) {
                temp_pattern = Pattern.compile(
                        String.format("\"NAME\":[\\s]*\"(%s)\"", StringUtil.join("|", names)),
                if (debug.val) {
                    LOG.debug(String.format("Fast filter for %d procedure names", names.size()));
                    LOG.debug("PATTERN: " + temp_pattern.pattern());
    final Pattern pattern = temp_pattern;

    final AtomicInteger counters[] = new AtomicInteger[] { new AtomicInteger(0), // ELEMENT COUNTER
            new AtomicInteger(0), // TXN COUNTER
            new AtomicInteger(0), // QUERY COUNTER
            new AtomicInteger(0), // WEIGHTED TXN COUNTER
            new AtomicInteger(0), // WEIGHTED QUERY COUNTER

    List<Runnable> all_runnables = new ArrayList<Runnable>();
    int num_threads = ThreadUtil.getMaxGlobalThreads();

    // Create the reader thread first
    WorkloadUtil.ReadThread rt = new WorkloadUtil.ReadThread(this.input_path, pattern, num_threads);

    // Then create all of our processing threads
    for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) {
        WorkloadUtil.ProcessingThread lt = new WorkloadUtil.ProcessingThread(this, this.input_path, rt,
                catalog_db, filter, counters);
    } // FOR

    if (debug.val)
        LOG.debug(String.format("Loading workload trace using %d ProcessThreads", rt.processingThreads.size()));
    ThreadUtil.runNewPool(all_runnables, all_runnables.size());
    VerifyWorkload.verify(catalog_db, this);

    long stop = System.currentTimeMillis();
    LOG.info(String.format("Loaded %d txns / %d queries from '%s' in %.1f seconds using %d threads",
            this.txn_traces.size(), counters[2].get(), this.input_path.getName(), (stop - start) / 1000d,
    if (counters[1].get() != counters[3].get() || counters[2].get() != counters[4].get()) {
                String.format("Weighted Workload: %d txns / %d queries", counters[3].get(), counters[4].get()));
    return (this);

From source file:com.gitblit.utils.JGitUtils.java

 * Recursive function to find git repositories.
 * @param basePath/*from   w w  w  .  j a  v  a 2  s .c  o  m*/
 *            basePath is stripped from the repository name as repositories
 *            are relative to this path
 * @param searchFolder
 * @param onlyBare
 *            if true only bare repositories will be listed. if false all
 *            repositories are included.
 * @param searchSubfolders
 *            recurse into subfolders to find grouped repositories
 * @param depth
 *            recursion depth, -1 = infinite recursion
 * @param patterns
 *            list of regex patterns for matching to folder names
 * @return
private static List<String> getRepositoryList(String basePath, File searchFolder, boolean onlyBare,
        boolean searchSubfolders, int depth, List<Pattern> patterns) {
    File baseFile = new File(basePath);
    List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
    if (depth == 0) {
        return list;

    int nextDepth = (depth == -1) ? -1 : depth - 1;
    for (File file : searchFolder.listFiles()) {
        if (file.isDirectory()) {
            boolean exclude = false;
            for (Pattern pattern : patterns) {
                String path = FileUtils.getRelativePath(baseFile, file).replace('\\', '/');
                if (pattern.matcher(path).matches()) {
                            MessageFormat.format("excluding {0} because of rule {1}", path, pattern.pattern()));
                    exclude = true;
            if (exclude) {
                // skip to next file

            File gitDir = FileKey.resolve(new File(searchFolder, file.getName()), FS.DETECTED);
            if (gitDir != null) {
                if (onlyBare && gitDir.getName().equals(".git")) {
                if (gitDir.equals(file) || gitDir.getParentFile().equals(file)) {
                    // determine repository name relative to base path
                    String repository = FileUtils.getRelativePath(baseFile, file);
                } else if (searchSubfolders && file.canRead()) {
                    // look for repositories in subfolders
                            getRepositoryList(basePath, file, onlyBare, searchSubfolders, nextDepth, patterns));
            } else if (searchSubfolders && file.canRead()) {
                // look for repositories in subfolders
                list.addAll(getRepositoryList(basePath, file, onlyBare, searchSubfolders, nextDepth, patterns));
    return list;

From source file:com.clustercontrol.hub.util.CollectStringDataParser.java

 * ????????????/* w w w .  j a va2 s  . c  o  m*/
 * @param data
 * @return
public CollectStringData parse(CollectStringData data) {
    Map<String, CollectDataTag> tagMap = new HashMap<>();
    for (CollectDataTag tag : data.getTagList()) {
        tagMap.put(tag.getKey(), tag);

    if (isNullOrZeroLength(format.getTimestampRegex()) && isNullOrZeroLength(format.getTimestampFormat())) {
        // do nothing, use currentTimeMillis as timestamp
    } else {
        Matcher m = timestampPattern.matcher(data.getValue());
        if (m.find() && m.groupCount() > 0) {
            String timestampStr = m.group(1);

            try {
                DateTime datetime = timestampFormatter.parseDateTime(timestampStr);

                if (datetime.year().get() == 0) {
                    // for messages without year, like syslog

                    DateTime now = new DateTime();
                    DateTimeFormatter timestampFormatterWithCurrentYear = timestampFormatter
                    DateTimeFormatter timestampFormatterWithLastYear = timestampFormatter
                            .withDefaultYear(now.year().get() - 1);

                    datetime = timestampFormatterWithCurrentYear.parseDateTime(timestampStr);
                    if (datetime.getMillis() - now.getMillis() > 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7) {
                        // treat messages as end of year (threshold : 1 week)
                        datetime = timestampFormatterWithLastYear.parseDateTime(timestampStr);

                        new CollectDataTag(
                                new CollectDataTagPK(data.getCollectId(), data.getDataId(),
                                ValueType.number, Long.toString(datetime.getMillis())));
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                log.warn(String.format("invalid timestamp string : format = %s, string = %s",
                        format.getTimestampRegex(), timestampStr));

    for (LogFormatKey keyword : format.getKeyPatternList()) {
        Pattern p = keywordPatternMap.get(keyword.getKey());
        if (null == p) {
            log.debug(String.format("Pattern is null keyword : pattern=%s", keyword.getPattern()));

        Matcher m = p.matcher(data.getValue());
        String matchedStr = null;
        switch (keyword.getKeyType()) {
        case parsing:
            if (m.find() && m.groupCount() > 0) {
                matchedStr = m.group(1);
        case fixed:
            if (m.find()) {
                matchedStr = keyword.getValue();

        if (matchedStr != null && keyword.getValueType() == ValueType.string) {
                    new CollectDataTag(
                            new CollectDataTagPK(data.getCollectId(), data.getDataId(), keyword.getKey()),
                            keyword.getValueType(), matchedStr));
        } else if (matchedStr != null && keyword.getValueType() != ValueType.string) {
                    new CollectDataTag(
                            new CollectDataTagPK(data.getCollectId(), data.getDataId(), keyword.getKey()),
                            keyword.getValueType(), matchedStr));

            switch (keyword.getValueType()) {
            case number:
                try {
                    new BigDecimal(matchedStr);
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    log.warn(String.format("not match number format : value=%s, source=%s, pattern=%s",
                            matchedStr, data.getValue(), p.pattern()));
            case bool:
                if (!"true".equalsIgnoreCase(matchedStr) || !"false".equalsIgnoreCase(matchedStr)) {
                    log.warn(String.format("not match boolean type : value=%s, source=%s, pattern=%s",
                            matchedStr, data.getValue(), p.pattern()));
                log.warn(String.format("unexpected value type : type=%s, value=source=%s, pattern=%s",
                        keyword.getValueType().name(), data.getValue(), p.pattern()));

    data.setTagList(new ArrayList<>(tagMap.values()));
    return data;