Example usage for java.util.stream Node getClass

List of usage examples for java.util.stream Node getClass


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util.stream Node getClass.


public final native Class<?> getClass();

Source Link


Returns the runtime class of this Object .


From source file:com.heliosdecompiler.helios.tasks.DecompileTask.java

private String recursivelyHandleNameExpr(MethodCallExpr methodCallExpr, NameExpr nameExpr, int depth) { //fixme generics
    if (methodCallExpr.getNameExpr() != nameExpr)
        return null;
    print(depth, "RHNE " + methodCallExpr + " " + nameExpr);
    print(depth,//from w  w w.j  a v  a2s  . c  o  m
            "Scope is " + ((methodCallExpr.getScope() == null) ? null : methodCallExpr.getScope().getClass())
                    + " " + methodCallExpr.getScope());
    Pair<Integer, Integer> offsets = getOffsets(lineSizes, nameExpr);
    ClickableSyntaxTextArea.Link link = new ClickableSyntaxTextArea.Link(nameExpr.getBeginLine(),
            nameExpr.getBeginColumn(), offsets.getValue0(), offsets.getValue1());

    Set<String> possibleClassNames = new HashSet<>();

    if (methodCallExpr.getScope() instanceof NameExpr || methodCallExpr.getScope() instanceof ArrayAccessExpr) {
        Node tmp = methodCallExpr.getScope();

        if (tmp instanceof ArrayAccessExpr) {
            ArrayAccessExpr expr = (ArrayAccessExpr) tmp;
            tmp = expr.getName(); //todo could be other than nameexpr

         * Cases:
         * Static method
         *   SomeClass.someStaticMethod()
         * Variable
         *   myVar.someVirtualMethod()
         * Field
         *   field.someVirtualMethod()
        Node fnode = tmp;
        NameExpr scopeExpr = (NameExpr) tmp;
        String scope = scopeExpr.toString();
        if (scope.contains(".")) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Was not expecting '.' in " + scope);

         * In Java, variables have priority
         * Therefore, something like this
         * Object Integer = null;
         * Integer.parseInt("4");
         * would fail

        Node node = methodCallExpr.getParentNode();
        List<com.github.javaparser.ast.type.Type> ref = new ArrayList<>();
        List<Node> parentChain = new ArrayList<>();
        Node tmpNode = node;
        while (tmpNode != null) {
            tmpNode = tmpNode.getParentNode();
        while (ref.size() == 0 && node != null) {
            print(depth, "Trying to find localvar in " + node.getClass());
            node.accept(new VoidVisitorAdapter<Node>() {
                public void visit(VariableDeclarationExpr n, Node arg) {
                    boolean equals = false;
                    for (VariableDeclarator var : n.getVars()) {
                        if (var.getId().getName().equals(scopeExpr.getName())) {
                            equals = true;
                    if (equals) {
                        print(depth, "Found VariableDeclarationExpr " + n);
                        print(depth, "This is it! Type is " + n.getType());
                    super.visit(n, n);

                public void visit(MultiTypeParameter n, Node arg) {
                    if (n.getId().getName().equals(((NameExpr) fnode).getName())) {
                        print(depth, "Found VariableDeclarationExpr " + n);
                        print(depth, "This is it! Type is " + n.getType());

                public void visit(Parameter n, Node arg) {
                    if (n.getId().getName().equals(((NameExpr) fnode).getName())) {
                        print(depth, "Found Parameter " + n);
                        print(depth, "This is it! Type is " + n.getType());

                public void visit(BlockStmt n, Node arg) {
                    if (parentChain.contains(n)) {
                        super.visit(n, n);
            }, null);
            if (node instanceof BodyDeclaration) {
                // We don't want to check for variables outside of this method. That would be a field
            node = node.getParentNode();
        if (ref.size() > 0) {
            if (ref.size() > 1) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Was not expecting more than one localvar " + ref);
            com.github.javaparser.ast.type.Type type = ref.get(0); //fixme check all
            while (type instanceof ReferenceType) {
                type = ((ReferenceType) type).getType();
            print(depth, "Final type is " + type.getClass() + " " + type);
            if (type instanceof ClassOrInterfaceType) {
                ClassOrInterfaceType coit = (ClassOrInterfaceType) type;
                possibleClassNames.add("java/lang/" + coit.getName() + ".class");
                if (packageName != null) {
                    possibleClassNames.add(packageName + "/" + coit.getName() + ".class");
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Got unexpected type " + type.getClass());

         * Check for static method invocation
         * If this class was called "Test" we want to check for
         * Test.staticMethod();

        print(depth, "Simple name is " + simpleName);
        if (scopeExpr.getName().equals(simpleName)) {

         * Finally, check imports
        for (ImportDeclaration importDeclaration : compilationUnit.getImports()) {
            if (importDeclaration.isAsterisk()) {
                String fullImport = importDeclaration.getName().toString();
                String internalName = fullImport.replace('.', '/');
                possibleClassNames.add(internalName + "/" + scope + ".class");
            } else if (importDeclaration.isStatic()) {

            } else {
                NameExpr importName = importDeclaration.getName();
                if (importName.getName().equals(scope)) {
                    String javaName = importDeclaration.getName().toString();
                    String internalName = javaName.replace('.', '/');
                    possibleClassNames.add(internalName + ".class");

         * java.lang.* classes don't need to be imported
         * Add it just in case
        possibleClassNames.add("java/lang/" + scope + ".class");

        FieldAccessExpr expr = new FieldAccessExpr(null, scope);
        Set<String> owners = handleFieldExpr(expr, className, depth);

         * Classes in the current package don't need to be imported
         * Add it just in case
        if (packageName != null) {
            possibleClassNames.add(packageName + "/" + scope + ".class");
    } else if (methodCallExpr.getScope() instanceof MethodCallExpr) {
         * Recursively handle the chained method. The return should be the class name we want
        possibleClassNames.add(recursivelyHandleNameExpr((MethodCallExpr) methodCallExpr.getScope(),
                ((MethodCallExpr) methodCallExpr.getScope()).getNameExpr(), depth + 1));
    } else if (methodCallExpr.getScope() == null) {
         * Another way of calling a static/virtual method within the same class.
         * someStaticMethod();
    } else if (methodCallExpr.getScope() instanceof ThisExpr) {
         * Another way of calling a static/virtual method within the same class
         * this.someVirtualMethod();
         * fixme what about Outer.this.method();
    } else if (methodCallExpr.getScope() instanceof SuperExpr) {
         * Calling a super method
         * super.someVirtualMethod();
        LoadedFile loadedFile = Helios.getLoadedFile(fileName);
        ClassNode node = loadedFile.getClassNode(this.className);
    } else if (methodCallExpr.getScope() instanceof EnclosedExpr) {
         * fixme We could be missing CastExprs elsewhere but it's unlikely
         * EnclosedExpr represents an expression surrounded by brackets
         * It's assumed that there may be a cast within
         * ((String) obj).toCharArray();
        EnclosedExpr enclosedExpr = (EnclosedExpr) methodCallExpr.getScope();
        if (enclosedExpr.getInner() instanceof CastExpr) {
            CastExpr castExpr = (CastExpr) enclosedExpr.getInner();
            com.github.javaparser.ast.type.Type type = castExpr.getType();
            while (type instanceof ReferenceType) {
                type = ((ReferenceType) type).getType();
            if (type instanceof ClassOrInterfaceType) {
                ClassOrInterfaceType coit = (ClassOrInterfaceType) type;
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Got unexpected type " + type.getClass());
    } else if (methodCallExpr.getScope() instanceof FieldAccessExpr) { // Handle fields
         * Could either be a field OR a FQN
         * System.out.println(); -> System.out is the FieldAccessExpr
         * java.lang.System.out.println(); -> java.lang.System.out is the FieldAccessExpr

        FieldAccessExpr expr = (FieldAccessExpr) methodCallExpr.getScope();

        String left = expr.getScope().toString();
        Set<String> possible;
        if (left.equals("this")) {
            possible = new HashSet<>();
        } else {
            ClassOrInterfaceType type = new ClassOrInterfaceType(left);
            possible = handleClassOrInterfaceType(type);

        if (possible.size() > 0) { // Maybe field
            print(depth, "FieldAccessExpr field: " + expr.getScope() + " " + expr.getField() + " "
                    + expr.getScope().getClass() + " " + possible);
            for (String p : possible) {
                Set<String> types = handleFieldExpr(expr, p, depth);
        } else {
            ClassOrInterfaceType type = new ClassOrInterfaceType(expr.toString());
            possible = handleClassOrInterfaceType(type);
            if (possible.size() == 0) {
                print(depth, "Error: Could not parse FieldAccessExpr");
            } else {
                print(depth, "FieldAccessExpr fqn: " + expr.getScope() + " " + expr.getField() + " "
                        + expr.getScope().getClass() + " " + possible);
    } else if (methodCallExpr.getScope() instanceof ArrayAccessExpr) {
         * somearray[index].method()
    } else if (methodCallExpr.getScope() instanceof ObjectCreationExpr) {
         * new Object().method()
        ObjectCreationExpr objectCreationExpr = (ObjectCreationExpr) methodCallExpr.getScope();

    print(depth, possibleClassNames.toString());
    Map<String, LoadedFile> mapping = possibleClassNames.stream()
            .map(name -> new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(name, getFileFor(name)))
            .filter(ent -> ent.getValue() != null)
            .collect(Collectors.toMap(AbstractMap.SimpleEntry::getKey, AbstractMap.SimpleEntry::getValue));

    if (mapping.size() == 0) {
        print(depth, "Error: Could not find classname");
    } else if (mapping.size() > 1) {
        print(depth, "Error: More than one classname found: " + mapping.keySet()); //fixme filter by which one contains the method
    } else {
        print(depth, "ClassName is " + mapping.keySet());
        String className = mapping.keySet().iterator().next();
        String internalName = className.substring(0, className.length() - 6);

        try {
            while (true) {
                LoadedFile readFrom = null;

                String fileName = internalName + ".class";
                LoadedFile file = Helios.getLoadedFile(this.fileName);
                if (file.getAllData().get(fileName) != null) {
                    readFrom = file;
                } else {
                    Set<LoadedFile> check = new HashSet<>();
                    for (LoadedFile loadedFile : check) {
                        if (loadedFile.getAllData().get(fileName) != null) {
                            readFrom = loadedFile;
                if (readFrom != null) {
                    print(depth, "Found in " + readFrom.getName());
                    link.fileName = readFrom.getName();
                    link.className = fileName;
                    link.jumpTo = " " + nameExpr.getName() + "(";

                    ClassNode classNode = readFrom.getEmptyClasses().get(internalName);
                    print(depth, "Looking for method with name " + methodCallExpr.getName() + " in "
                            + internalName + " " + classNode);
                    MethodNode node = classNode.methods.stream()
                            .filter(mn -> mn.name.equals(methodCallExpr.getName())).findFirst().orElse(null);
                    if (node != null) {
                        link.className = internalName + ".class";
                        Type returnType = Type.getType(node.desc);
                        if (returnType.getReturnType().getSort() == Type.OBJECT) {
                            print(depth, "Found method with return type " + returnType);
                            return returnType.getReturnType().getInternalName() + ".class";
                        } else if (returnType.getReturnType().getSort() == Type.ARRAY) {
                            return "java/lang/Object.class";
                        } else {
                            return null;
                    } else {
                        print(depth, "Could not find methodnode " + methodCallExpr.getName());
                    if (internalName.equals("java/lang/Object")) {
                    internalName = classNode.superName;
                } else {
                    print(depth, "Could not find readfrom ");
        } catch (Exception e) {
    return null;