Example usage for java.util.stream StreamSupport stream

List of usage examples for java.util.stream StreamSupport stream


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util.stream StreamSupport stream.


public static <T> Stream<T> stream(Spliterator<T> spliterator, boolean parallel) 

Source Link


Creates a new sequential or parallel Stream from a Spliterator .


From source file:org.fcrepo.apix.jena.Util.java

 * Perform a sparql query against a model.
 * @param sparql A sparql CONSTRUCT query
 * @param model the model//w  w  w. ja  va  2s.c o m
 * @return Stream of matching triples.
public static Stream<Triple> query(final String sparql, final Model model) {
    final Iterable<Triple> i = () -> QueryExecutionFactory.create(QueryFactory.create(sparql), model)
    return StreamSupport.stream(i.spliterator(), false);

From source file:ch.heigvd.gamification.api.BadgesEndpoint.java

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ResponseEntity<List<BadgeDTO>> badgesGet(
        @ApiParam(value = "token that identifies the app sending the request", required = true) @RequestHeader(value = "X-Gamification-Token", required = true) String xGamificationToken) {

    AuthenKey apiKey = authenKeyRepository.findByAppKey(xGamificationToken);

    //Application app = apprepository.findByAppKey(apiKey);
    if (apiKey == null) {
        return new ResponseEntity(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED);
    }/*from w w w .  java 2 s.c  om*/

    Application app = apiKey.getApp();

    if (app != null) {
        return new ResponseEntity<>(StreamSupport.stream(badgeRepository.findAllByApp(app).spliterator(), true)
                .map(p -> toDTO(p)).collect(toList()), HttpStatus.OK);
    return new ResponseEntity("no content available", HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);


From source file:com.thinkbiganalytics.metadata.modeshape.user.JcrUserGroup.java

public GroupPrincipal getPrincial() {
    Set<Principal> members = StreamSupport.stream(getGroups().spliterator(), false).map(g -> g.getPrincial())

    return new GroupPrincipal(getSystemName(), members);

From source file:com.epam.reportportal.extension.bugtracking.jira.JiraStrategy.java

public Ticket submitTicket(final PostTicketRQ ticketRQ, ExternalSystem details) {
    expect(ticketRQ.getFields(), not(isNull())).verify(UNABLE_INTERACT_WITH_EXTRERNAL_SYSTEM,
            "External System fields set is empty!");
    List<PostFormField> fields = ticketRQ.getFields();

    // TODO add validation of any field with allowedValues() array
    // Additional validation required for unsupported
    // ticket type and/or components in JIRA.
    PostFormField issuetype = new PostFormField();
    PostFormField components = new PostFormField();
    for (PostFormField object : fields) {
        if ("issuetype".equalsIgnoreCase(object.getId()))
            issuetype = object;//from   w w  w . ja  v a 2  s  .  c  o  m
        if ("components".equalsIgnoreCase(object.getId()))
            components = object;

    expect(issuetype.getValue().size(), equalTo(1)).verify(UNABLE_INTERACT_WITH_EXTRERNAL_SYSTEM,
            formattedSupplier("[IssueType] field has multiple values '{}' but should be only one",
    final String issueTypeStr = issuetype.getValue().get(0);
    expect(JIRATicketType.findByName(issueTypeStr), not(isNull())).verify(UNABLE_INTERACT_WITH_EXTRERNAL_SYSTEM,
            formattedSupplier("Ticket with [IssueType] '{}' cannot be send to external system", issueTypeStr));

    try (JiraRestClient client = getClient(details.getUrl(), ticketRQ.getUsername(), ticketRQ.getPassword())) {
        Project jiraProject = getProject(client, details);

        if (null != components.getValue()) {
            Set<String> validComponents = StreamSupport.stream(jiraProject.getComponents().spliterator(), false)
            validComponents.forEach(component -> expect(component, in(validComponents)).verify(
                    formattedSupplier("Component '{}' not exists in the external system", component)));

        // TODO consider to modify code below - project cached
        Optional<IssueType> issueType = StreamSupport.stream(jiraProject.getIssueTypes().spliterator(), false)
                .filter(input -> issueTypeStr.equalsIgnoreCase(input.getName())).findFirst();

        expect(issueType, Preconditions.IS_PRESENT).verify(UNABLE_INTERACT_WITH_EXTRERNAL_SYSTEM,
                formattedSupplier("Unable post issue with type '{}' for project '{}'.",
                        issuetype.getValue().get(0), details.getProject()));
        IssueInput issueInput = JIRATicketUtils.toIssueInput(client, jiraProject, issueType, ticketRQ,
                ticketRQ.getBackLinks().keySet(), descriptionService);

        Map<String, String> binaryData = findBinaryData(issueInput);

         * Claim because we wanna be sure everything is OK
        BasicIssue createdIssue = client.getIssueClient().createIssue(issueInput).claim();

        // post binary data
        Issue issue = client.getIssueClient().getIssue(createdIssue.getKey()).claim();

        AttachmentInput[] attachmentInputs = new AttachmentInput[binaryData.size()];
        int counter = 0;
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> binaryDataEntry : binaryData.entrySet()) {
            BinaryData data = dataStorage.fetchData(binaryDataEntry.getKey());
            if (null != data) {
                attachmentInputs[counter] = new AttachmentInput(binaryDataEntry.getValue(),
        if (counter != 0)
                    Arrays.copyOf(attachmentInputs, counter));
        return getTicket(createdIssue.getKey(), details, client).orElse(null);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        throw new ReportPortalException(e.getMessage(), e);

From source file:org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.DetachTemplateFromAllDocuments.java

protected List<String> getDocumentsWithTemplate(CoreSession session, String query) {
    List<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>();
    IterableQueryResult it = null;//  ww w  .  ja v a2s .c  o  m
    try {
        it = session.queryAndFetch(query, NXQL);
        Spliterator<Map<String, Serializable>> spliterator = Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(it.iterator(),
        ids = StreamSupport.stream(spliterator, false).map(map -> (String) map.get(ECM_UUID))
    } finally {
        if (it != null) {
    return ids;

From source file:alluxio.server.ft.MultiWorkerIntegrationTest.java

private void createFileOnWorker(int total, AlluxioURI filePath, WorkerNetAddress address) throws IOException {
    FileSystemTestUtils.createByteFile(mResource.get().getClient(), filePath,
                    .setLocationPolicy((workerInfoList, blockSizeBytes) -> StreamSupport
                            .stream(workerInfoList.spliterator(), false)
                            .filter(x -> x.getNetAddress().equals(address)).findFirst().get().getNetAddress()),
            total);//from ww  w  .  ja  v  a 2  s .  c  o  m

From source file:jp.classmethod.aws.brian.BrianClient.java

public List<String> listTriggerGroups() throws BrianClientException, BrianServerException {
    logger.debug("list trigger groups: {}");
    HttpResponse httpResponse = null;//from w w  w. j  av  a 2 s . co  m
    try {
        URI uri = new URI(scheme, null, hostname, port, "/triggers", null, null);
        HttpUriRequest httpRequest = RequestBuilder.get().setUri(uri).build();
        httpResponse = httpClientExecute(httpRequest);
        int statusCode = httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
        logger.debug("statusCode: {}", statusCode);
        if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
            JsonNode tree = mapper.readTree(httpResponse.getEntity().getContent());
            return StreamSupport.stream(tree.spliterator(), false).map(item -> item.textValue())
        } else if (statusCode >= 500) {
            throw new BrianServerException("status = " + statusCode);
        } else if (statusCode >= 400) {
            throw new BrianClientException("status = " + statusCode);
        } else {
            throw new Error("status = " + statusCode);
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new BrianServerException(e);
    } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
        throw new Error(e);
    } finally {
        if (httpResponse != null) {

From source file:com.epam.ta.reportportal.database.dao.TestItemRepositoryCustomImpl.java

private Collection<String> obtainIds(Iterable<Launch> launches) {
    return StreamSupport.stream(launches.spliterator(), false).map(Launch::getId).collect(toList());

From source file:com.yevster.spdxtra.Read.java

private static Stream<Relationship> getRelationshipsWithSparql(Dataset dataset, String sparql) {
    try (DatasetAutoAbortTransaction transaction = DatasetAutoAbortTransaction.begin(dataset, ReadWrite.READ)) {
        QueryExecution qe = QueryExecutionFactory.create(sparql, dataset);
        ResultSet results = qe.execSelect();
        Stream<QuerySolution> solutionStream = StreamSupport.stream(
                Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(results, Spliterator.ORDERED | Spliterator.NONNULL), false);

        return solutionStream.map((QuerySolution qs) -> {
            RDFNode relationshipNode = qs.get("o");
            assert (relationshipNode.isResource());
            return new Relationship(relationshipNode.asResource());
        });/*from   w  ww.j  a va 2s . co m*/


From source file:com.uber.hoodie.io.compact.HoodieRealtimeTableCompactor.java

private List<WriteStatus> compact(HoodieCopyOnWriteTable hoodieCopyOnWriteTable,
        HoodieTableMetaClient metaClient, HoodieWriteConfig config, CompactionOperation operation,
        String commitTime) throws IOException {
    FileSystem fs = metaClient.getFs();
    Schema readerSchema = HoodieAvroUtils.addMetadataFields(new Schema.Parser().parse(config.getSchema()));

    log.info("Compacting base " + operation.getDataFilePath() + " with delta files "
            + operation.getDeltaFilePaths() + " for commit " + commitTime);
    // TODO - FIX THIS
    // Reads the entire avro file. Always only specific blocks should be read from the avro file
    // (failure recover).
    // Load all the delta commits since the last compaction commit and get all the blocks to be
    // loaded and load it using CompositeAvroLogReader
    // Since a DeltaCommit is not defined yet, reading all the records. revisit this soon.
    String maxInstantTime = metaClient.getActiveTimeline()
            .getTimelineOfActions(Sets.newHashSet(HoodieTimeline.COMMIT_ACTION, HoodieTimeline.ROLLBACK_ACTION,

    log.info("MaxMemoryPerCompaction => " + config.getMaxMemoryPerCompaction());
    HoodieMergedLogRecordScanner scanner = new HoodieMergedLogRecordScanner(fs, metaClient.getBasePath(),
            operation.getDeltaFilePaths(), readerSchema, maxInstantTime, config.getMaxMemoryPerCompaction(),
            config.getCompactionLazyBlockReadEnabled(), config.getCompactionReverseLogReadEnabled(),
            config.getMaxDFSStreamBufferSize(), config.getSpillableMapBasePath());
    if (!scanner.iterator().hasNext()) {
        return Lists.<WriteStatus>newArrayList();
    }/*from w ww  . j  a  v a  2s .c o  m*/

    Optional<HoodieDataFile> oldDataFileOpt = hoodieCopyOnWriteTable.getROFileSystemView()
            .getLatestDataFilesOn(operation.getPartitionPath(), operation.getBaseInstantTime())
            .filter(df -> df.getFileId().equals(operation.getFileId())).findFirst();

    // Compacting is very similar to applying updates to existing file
    Iterator<List<WriteStatus>> result;
    // If the dataFile is present, there is a base parquet file present, perform updates else perform inserts into a
    // new base parquet file.
    if (operation.getDataFilePath().isPresent()) {
        result = hoodieCopyOnWriteTable.handleUpdate(commitTime, operation.getFileId(), scanner.getRecords(),
    } else {
        result = hoodieCopyOnWriteTable.handleInsert(commitTime, operation.getPartitionPath(),
                operation.getFileId(), scanner.iterator());
    Iterable<List<WriteStatus>> resultIterable = () -> result;
    return StreamSupport.stream(resultIterable.spliterator(), false).flatMap(Collection::stream).map(s -> {
        RuntimeStats runtimeStats = new RuntimeStats();
        return s;