Example usage for javafx.scene Node toString

List of usage examples for javafx.scene Node toString


In this page you can find the example usage for javafx.scene Node toString.


public String toString() 

Source Link


Returns a string representation for the object.


From source file:view.EditorView.java

// This method is called by the FXMLLoader when initialization is complete
void initialize() {
    assert insertRoom != null : "fx:id=\"insertRoom\" was not injected: check your FXML file 'EditorMain.fxml'.";
    assert drawing != null : "fx:id=\"drawing\" was not injected: check your FXML file 'EditorMain.fxml'.";
    assert insertPath != null : "fx:id=\"insertPath\" was not injected: check your FXML file 'EditorMain.fxml'.";

    currentEditorInstance = this;

    // modify the default exception handler to show the ReportingDialog on every uncaught exception
    final Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler currentUncaughtExceptionHandler = Thread
    Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler((thread, exception) -> {
        if (currentUncaughtExceptionHandler != null) {
            // execute current handler as we only want to append it
            currentUncaughtExceptionHandler.uncaughtException(thread, exception);
        }//  w w  w . jav  a2  s  .  c  o m
        Platform.runLater(() -> {
            new ExceptionAlert(exception).showAndWait();
            new ReportingDialog(stage.getScene()).show(AppConfig.gitHubUserName, AppConfig.gitHubRepoName,

    currentGame.addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> {
        if (newValue != null) {
            newValue.modifiedProperty().addListener((observable1, oldValue1, newValue1) -> {


    scrollPane.hvalueProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> unselectingDisabled = true);
    scrollPane.vvalueProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> unselectingDisabled = true);

    // add button icons
    insertRoom.setGraphic(new ImageView(new Image(EditorView.class.getResourceAsStream("add-room.png"))));
    moveButton.setGraphic(new ImageView(new Image(EditorView.class.getResourceAsStream("move-arrows.png"))));
            new ImageView(new Image(EditorView.class.getResourceAsStream("connecting-points.png"))));
            .setGraphic(new ImageView(new Image(EditorView.class.getResourceAsStream("autoLayout.png"))));
            .setGraphic(new ImageView(new Image(EditorView.class.getResourceAsStream("refreshView.png"))));

    // add tooltips
    insertRoom.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Insert a new room"));
    moveButton.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Move rooms"));
    insertPath.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Connect rooms to create walk paths"));
    autoLayoutButton.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Automatically rearrange the rooms in the view below"));
    refreshViewButton.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Refresh the current view"));

    // forward events to all selected items
    // drawing.setOnMouseClicked(forwardEventsToSelectableNodesHandler);
    // drawing.setOnMousePressed(forwardEventsToSelectableNodesHandler);
    // drawing.setOnMouseReleased(forwardEventsToSelectableNodesHandler);
    // drawing.setOnDragDetected(forwardEventsToSelectableNodesHandler);
    // drawing.setOnMouseDragged(forwardEventsToSelectableNodesHandler);
    scrollPane.setOnKeyPressed(event -> {
        if (event.getCode().equals(KeyCode.DELETE)) {
            for (Node child : new ArrayList<>(drawing.getChildren())) {
                if (child instanceof Disposable) {
                    if (((Disposable) child).isSelected() && event.getTarget() != child) {
                                "Sending disposal command to child, Child is:  " + child.toString()
                                        + "\ntarget is: " + event.getTarget().toString());
                        try {
                            ((Disposable) child).dispose();
                        } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
                            FOKLogger.log(EditorView.class.getName(), Level.INFO,
                                    "User tried to remove the current room (not allowed)", e);
                            new Alert(Alert.AlertType.ERROR, "Could not perform delete operation: \n\n"
                                    + ExceptionUtils.getRootCauseMessage(e)).show();
        } else if (event.getCode().equals(KeyCode.A) && event.isControlDown()) {
            // select everything
            for (Node child : new ArrayList<>(drawing.getChildren())) {
                if (child instanceof Selectable) {
                    ((Selectable) child).setSelected(true);