Example usage for javax.activation MimeTypeParseException getMessage

List of usage examples for javax.activation MimeTypeParseException getMessage


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.activation MimeTypeParseException getMessage.


public String getMessage() 

Source Link


Returns the detail message string of this throwable.


From source file:eu.peppol.outbound.transmission.As2MessageSender.java

SendResult send(InputStream inputStream, ParticipantId recipient, ParticipantId sender,
        PeppolDocumentTypeId peppolDocumentTypeId, SmpLookupManager.PeppolEndpointData peppolEndpointData,
        PeppolAs2SystemIdentifier as2SystemIdentifierOfSender) {

    if (peppolEndpointData.getCommonName() == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("No common name in EndPoint object. " + peppolEndpointData);
    }//from www.  ja  v  a2s .c om
    X509Certificate ourCertificate = keystoreManager.getOurCertificate();

    SMimeMessageFactory sMimeMessageFactory = new SMimeMessageFactory(keystoreManager.getOurPrivateKey(),
    MimeMessage signedMimeMessage = null;
    Mic mic = null;
    try {
        MimeBodyPart mimeBodyPart = MimeMessageHelper.createMimeBodyPart(inputStream,
                new MimeType("application/xml"));
        mic = MimeMessageHelper.calculateMic(mimeBodyPart);
        log.debug("Outbound MIC is : " + mic.toString());
        signedMimeMessage = sMimeMessageFactory.createSignedMimeMessage(mimeBodyPart);
    } catch (MimeTypeParseException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Problems with MIME types: " + e.getMessage(), e);

    String endpointAddress = peppolEndpointData.getUrl().toExternalForm();
    HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(endpointAddress);

    ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    try {

    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to stream S/MIME message into byte array output stream");

    httpPost.addHeader(As2Header.AS2_FROM.getHttpHeaderName(), as2SystemIdentifierOfSender.toString());
    try {
    } catch (InvalidAs2SystemIdentifierException e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "Unable to create valid AS2 System Identifier for receiving end point: " + peppolEndpointData);

    httpPost.addHeader(As2Header.DISPOSITION_NOTIFICATION_TO.getHttpHeaderName(), "not.in.use@difi.no");
    httpPost.addHeader(As2Header.AS2_VERSION.getHttpHeaderName(), As2Header.VERSION);
    httpPost.addHeader(As2Header.SUBJECT.getHttpHeaderName(), "AS2 message from OXALIS");

    TransmissionId transmissionId = new TransmissionId();
    httpPost.addHeader(As2Header.MESSAGE_ID.getHttpHeaderName(), transmissionId.toString());
    httpPost.addHeader(As2Header.DATE.getHttpHeaderName(), As2DateUtil.format(new Date()));

    // Inserts the S/MIME message to be posted.
    // Make sure we pass the same content type as the SignedMimeMessage, it'll end up as content-type HTTP header
    try {
        String contentType = signedMimeMessage.getContentType();
        ContentType ct = ContentType.create(contentType);
        httpPost.setEntity(new ByteArrayEntity(byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray(), ct));
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to set request header content type : " + ex.getMessage());

    CloseableHttpResponse postResponse = null; // EXECUTE !!!!
    try {
        CloseableHttpClient httpClient = createCloseableHttpClient();
        log.debug("Sending AS2 from " + sender + " to " + recipient + " at " + endpointAddress + " type "
                + peppolDocumentTypeId);
        postResponse = httpClient.execute(httpPost);
    } catch (HttpHostConnectException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("The Oxalis server does not seem to be running at " + endpointAddress);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
                "Unexpected error during execution of http POST to " + endpointAddress + ": " + e.getMessage(),

    if (postResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
        log.error("AS2 HTTP POST expected HTTP OK, but got : " + postResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()
                + " from " + endpointAddress);
        throw handleFailedRequest(postResponse);

    // handle normal HTTP OK response
    log.debug("AS2 transmission " + transmissionId + " to " + endpointAddress
            + " returned HTTP OK, verify MDN response");
    MimeMessage mimeMessage = handleTheHttpResponse(transmissionId, mic, postResponse, peppolEndpointData);

    // Transforms the signed MDN into a generic a As2RemWithMdnTransmissionEvidenceImpl
    MdnMimeMessageInspector mdnMimeMessageInspector = new MdnMimeMessageInspector(mimeMessage);
    Map<String, String> mdnFields = mdnMimeMessageInspector.getMdnFields();
    String messageDigestAsBase64 = mdnFields.get(MdnMimeMessageFactory.X_ORIGINAL_MESSAGE_DIGEST);
    if (messageDigestAsBase64 == null) {
        messageDigestAsBase64 = new String(Base64.getEncoder().encode("null".getBytes()));
    String receptionTimeStampAsString = mdnFields.get(MdnMimeMessageFactory.X_PEPPOL_TIME_STAMP);
    Date receptionTimeStamp = null;
    if (receptionTimeStampAsString != null) {
        receptionTimeStamp = As2DateUtil.parseIso8601TimeStamp(receptionTimeStampAsString);
    } else {
        receptionTimeStamp = new Date();

    // Converts the Oxalis DocumentTypeIdentifier into the corresponding type for peppol-evidence
    DocumentTypeIdentifier documentTypeIdentifier = new DocumentTypeIdentifier(peppolDocumentTypeId.toString());

    As2RemWithMdnTransmissionEvidenceImpl evidence = as2TransmissionEvidenceFactory.createEvidence(
            EventCode.DELIVERY, TransmissionRole.C_2, mimeMessage,
            new ParticipantIdentifier(recipient.stringValue()), // peppol-evidence uses it's own types
            new ParticipantIdentifier(sender.stringValue()), // peppol-evidence uses it's own types
            documentTypeIdentifier, receptionTimeStamp, Base64.getDecoder().decode(messageDigestAsBase64),

    ByteArrayOutputStream evidenceBytes;
    try {
        evidenceBytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        IOUtils.copy(evidence.getInputStream(), evidenceBytes);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
                "Unable to transform transport evidence to byte array." + e.getMessage(), e);

    return new SendResult(transmissionId, evidenceBytes.toByteArray());

From source file:net.di2e.ecdr.source.rest.CDROpenSearchSource.java

protected ResourceResponse doRetrieval(WebClient retrieveWebClient, Map<String, Serializable> requestProperties)
        throws ResourceNotFoundException, IOException {
    ResourceResponse resourceResponse = null;
    setSecurityCredentials(retrieveWebClient, requestProperties);
    URI uri = retrieveWebClient.getCurrentURI();
    try {//from  w ww  .jav  a  2s . co  m

        Long bytesToSkip = null;
        // If a bytesToSkip property is present add range header
        if (requestProperties != null && requestProperties.containsKey(BYTES_TO_SKIP)) {
            bytesToSkip = (Long) requestProperties.get(BYTES_TO_SKIP);
            if (bytesToSkip != null) {
                        "Setting Range header on retrieve request from remote CDR Source [{}] with bytes to skip [{}]",
                        localId, bytesToSkip);
                // This creates a Range header in the following manner if
                // 100 bytes were to be skipped. The end - means its open
                // ended
                // Range: bytes=100-
                retrieveWebClient.header(HEADER_RANGE, BYTES_EQUAL + bytesToSkip + "-");

        Response clientResponse = retrieveWebClient.get();

        MediaType mediaType = clientResponse.getMediaType();
        MimeType mimeType = null;
        try {
            mimeType = (mediaType == null) ? new MimeType("application/octet-stream")
                    : new MimeType(mediaType.toString());
                    "Creating mime type from CDR Source named [{}] using uri [{}] with value [{}] defaulting to [{}]",
                    localId, uri, mediaType);
        } catch (MimeTypeParseException e) {
            try {
                mimeType = new MimeType("application/octet-stream");
                        "Creating mime type from CDR Source named [{}] using uri [{}] with value [{}] defaulting to [{}]",
                        localId, uri, "application/octet-stream");
            } catch (MimeTypeParseException e1) {
                LOGGER.error("Could not create MIMEType for resource being retrieved", e1);


        String dispositionString = clientResponse.getHeaderString(HEADER_CONTENT_DISPOSITION);

        String fileName = null;
        if (dispositionString != null) {
            ContentDisposition contentDisposition = new ContentDisposition(dispositionString);
            fileName = contentDisposition.getParameter("filename");
            if (fileName == null) {
                fileName = contentDisposition.getParameter("\"filename\"");
            if (fileName == null) {
                // ECDR-74 use MIMEType parser to get the file extension in
                fileName = getId() + "-" + System.currentTimeMillis();
        } else {
            // ECDR-74 use MIMEType parser to get the file extension in this
            // case
            fileName = getId() + "-" + System.currentTimeMillis();

        InputStream binaryStream = (InputStream) clientResponse.getEntity();
        if (binaryStream != null) {
            Map<String, Serializable> responseProperties = new HashMap<String, Serializable>();
            if (bytesToSkip != null) {
                // Since we sent a range header an accept-ranges header
                // should be returned if the
                // remote endpoint support it. If is not present, the
                // inputStream hasn't skipped ahead
                // by the given number of bytes, so we need to take care of
                // it here.
                String rangeHeader = clientResponse.getHeaderString(HEADER_ACCEPT_RANGES);
                if (rangeHeader == null || !rangeHeader.equals(BYTES)) {
                            "Skipping {} bytes in CDR Remote Source because endpoint didn't support Range Headers",
                    try {
                        // the Java inputStream.skip() method is not
                        // guaranteed to skip all the bytes so we use a
                        // utility method that is
                        IOUtils.skipFully(binaryStream, bytesToSkip);
                    } catch (EOFException e) {
                                "Skipping the requested number of bytes [{}] for URI [{}] resulted in an End of File, so re-retrieving the complete file without skipping bytes: {}",
                                bytesToSkip, uri, e.getMessage());
                        try {
                        } catch (IOException e1) {
                            LOGGER.debug("Error encountered while closing inputstream");
                        return doRetrieval(retrieveWebClient, null);
                } else if (rangeHeader != null && rangeHeader.equals(BYTES)) {
                            "CDR Remote source supports Range Headers, only retrieving part of file that has not been downloaded yet.");
                    responseProperties.put(BYTES_SKIPPED_RESPONSE, Boolean.TRUE);
            resourceResponse = new ResourceResponseImpl(new ResourceRequestByProductUri(uri, requestProperties),
                    responseProperties, new ResourceImpl(binaryStream, mimeType, fileName));
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                "Expected exception encountered when trying to retrieve resource with URI [{}] from source [{}]",
                uri, localId);
    return resourceResponse;

From source file:net.di2e.ecdr.source.rest.AbstractCDRSource.java

protected ResourceResponse doRetrieval(WebClient retrieveWebClient, Map<String, Serializable> requestProperties)
        throws ResourceNotFoundException, IOException {
    ResourceResponse resourceResponse = null;
    setSecurityCredentials(retrieveWebClient, requestProperties);
    URI uri = retrieveWebClient.getCurrentURI();
    try {/* ww  w .jav a2s .  c  o m*/

        Long bytesToSkip = null;
        // If a bytesToSkip property is present add range header
        if (requestProperties != null && requestProperties.containsKey(BYTES_TO_SKIP)) {
            bytesToSkip = (Long) requestProperties.get(BYTES_TO_SKIP);
            if (bytesToSkip != null) {
                        "Setting Range header on retrieve request from remote CDR Source [{}] with bytes to skip [{}]",
                        getId(), bytesToSkip);
                // This creates a Range header in the following manner if
                // 100 bytes were to be skipped. The end - means its open ended
                // Range: bytes=100-
                retrieveWebClient.header(HEADER_RANGE, BYTES_EQUAL + bytesToSkip + "-");

        Response clientResponse = retrieveWebClient.get();

        MediaType mediaType = clientResponse.getMediaType();
        MimeType mimeType = null;
        try {
            mimeType = (mediaType == null) ? new MimeType("application/octet-stream")
                    : new MimeType(mediaType.toString());
                    "Creating mime type from CDR Source named [{}] using uri [{}] with value [{}] defaulting to [{}]",
                    getId(), uri, mediaType);
        } catch (MimeTypeParseException e) {
            try {
                mimeType = new MimeType("application/octet-stream");
                        "Creating mime type from CDR Source named [{}] using uri [{}] with value [{}] defaulting to [{}]",
                        getId(), uri, "application/octet-stream");
            } catch (MimeTypeParseException e1) {
                LOGGER.error("Could not create MIMEType for resource being retrieved", e1);


        String dispositionString = clientResponse.getHeaderString(HEADER_CONTENT_DISPOSITION);

        String fileName = null;
        if (dispositionString != null) {
            ContentDisposition contentDisposition = new ContentDisposition(dispositionString);
            fileName = contentDisposition.getParameter("filename");
            if (fileName == null) {
                fileName = contentDisposition.getParameter("\"filename\"");
            if (fileName == null) {
                // ECDR-74 use MIMEType parser to get the file extension in
                fileName = getId() + "-" + System.currentTimeMillis();
        } else {
            // ECDR-74 use MIMEType parser to get the file extension in this case
            fileName = getId() + "-" + System.currentTimeMillis();

        InputStream binaryStream = (InputStream) clientResponse.getEntity();
        if (binaryStream != null) {
            Map<String, Serializable> responseProperties = new HashMap<String, Serializable>();
            if (bytesToSkip != null) {
                // Since we sent a range header an accept-ranges header
                // should be returned if the
                // remote endpoint support it. If is not present, the
                // inputStream hasn't skipped ahead
                // by the given number of bytes, so we need to take care of
                // it here.
                String rangeHeader = clientResponse.getHeaderString(HEADER_ACCEPT_RANGES);
                if (rangeHeader == null || !rangeHeader.equals(BYTES)) {
                            "Skipping {} bytes in CDR Remote Source because endpoint didn't support Range Headers",
                    try {
                        // the Java inputStream.skip() method is not guaranteed to skip all the bytes so we use a
                        // utility method that is
                        IOUtils.skipFully(binaryStream, bytesToSkip);
                    } catch (EOFException e) {
                                "Skipping the requested number of bytes [{}] for URI [{}] resulted in an End of File, so re-retrieving the complete file without skipping bytes: {}",
                                bytesToSkip, uri, e.getMessage());
                        try {
                        } catch (IOException e1) {
                            LOGGER.debug("Error encountered while closing inputstream");
                        return doRetrieval(retrieveWebClient, null);
                } else if (rangeHeader != null && rangeHeader.equals(BYTES)) {
                            "CDR Remote source supports Range Headers, only retrieving part of file that has not been downloaded yet.");
                    responseProperties.put(BYTES_SKIPPED_RESPONSE, Boolean.TRUE);
            resourceResponse = new ResourceResponseImpl(new ResourceRequestByProductUri(uri, requestProperties),
                    responseProperties, new ResourceImpl(binaryStream, mimeType, fileName));
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                "Expected exception encountered when trying to retrieve resource with URI [{}] from source [{}}",
                uri, getId());
    return resourceResponse;

From source file:org.mule.endpoint.AbstractEndpointBuilder.java

public void setMimeType(String mimeType) {
    if (mimeType == null) {
        this.mimeType = null;
    } else {/*from w ww. ja v  a2  s . c o m*/
        MimeType mt;
        try {
            mt = new MimeType(mimeType);
        } catch (MimeTypeParseException e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage(), e);
        this.mimeType = mt.getPrimaryType() + "/" + mt.getSubType();

From source file:org.osaf.cosmo.dav.impl.StandardDavRequest.java

private Document getSafeRequestDocument(boolean requireDocument) throws DavException {
    try {/*ww w. j  a  v a  2  s . c  om*/
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(getContentType())) {
            if (requireDocument)
                throw new BadRequestException("No Content-Type specified");
            return null;
        MimeType mimeType = new MimeType(getContentType());
        if (!(mimeType.match(APPLICATION_XML) || mimeType.match(TEXT_XML)))
            throw new UnsupportedMediaTypeException(
                    "Expected Content-Type " + APPLICATION_XML + " or " + TEXT_XML);
        return getRequestDocument();
    } catch (MimeTypeParseException e) {
        throw new UnsupportedMediaTypeException(e.getMessage());
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        Throwable cause = e.getCause();
        String msg = cause != null ? cause.getMessage() : null;
        if (msg == null)
            msg = "Unknown error parsing request document";
        throw new BadRequestException(msg);

From source file:org.unitedinternet.cosmo.dav.impl.StandardDavRequest.java

 * /*  w ww . j a va2  s. co  m*/
 * @param requireDocument boolean 
 * @return Document
 * @throws CosmoDavException 
private Document getSafeRequestDocument(boolean requireDocument) throws CosmoDavException {
    try {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(getContentType()) && requireDocument) {
            throw new BadRequestException("No Content-Type specified");
        MimeType mimeType = new MimeType(getContentType());
        if (!(mimeType.match(APPLICATION_XML) || mimeType.match(TEXT_XML))) {
            throw new UnsupportedMediaTypeException(
                    "Expected Content-Type " + APPLICATION_XML + " or " + TEXT_XML);

        return getRequestDocument();

    } catch (MimeTypeParseException e) {
        throw new UnsupportedMediaTypeException(e.getMessage());
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
    } catch (DavException e) {

    return null;