Example usage for javax.crypto Cipher interface-usage

List of usage examples for javax.crypto Cipher interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.crypto Cipher interface-usage.


From source file org.mayocat.security.DefaultCipher.java

public class DefaultCipher implements Cipher {

    private SecuritySettings configuration;

From source file org.sonar.process.AesCipher.java

final class AesCipher implements Cipher {

    // Can't be increased because of Java 6 policy files :
    // https://confluence.terena.org/display/~visser/No+256+bit+ciphers+for+Java+apps
    // http://java.sun.com/javase/6/webnotes/install/jre/README
    public static final int KEY_SIZE_IN_BITS = 128;

From source file org.jsecurity.crypto.BlowfishCipher.java

 * JSecurity's default symmetric block Cipher using the Blowfish algorithm.  As it is a symmetric Cipher, it uses the
 * same <tt>Key</tt> to both encrypt and decrypt data.  If one is not provided via the {@link #setKey setKey} method,
 * a default one will be used, BUT NOTE:
 * <p>Because JSecurity is an open-source project, if anyone knew that you were using JSecurity's default