Java javax.imageio ImageTypeSpecifier fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java javax.imageio ImageTypeSpecifier fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for javax.imageio ImageTypeSpecifier.

The text is from its open source code.


ImageTypeSpecifier(ColorModel colorModel, SampleModel sampleModel)
Constructs an ImageTypeSpecifier directly from a ColorModel and a SampleModel .
ImageTypeSpecifier(RenderedImage image)
Constructs an ImageTypeSpecifier from a RenderedImage .


BufferedImagecreateBufferedImage(int width, int height)
Creates a BufferedImage with a given width and height according to the specification embodied in this object.
ImageTypeSpecifiercreateFromBufferedImageType(int bufferedImageType)
Returns an ImageTypeSpecifier that encodes one of the standard BufferedImage types (other than TYPE_CUSTOM ).
ImageTypeSpecifiercreateFromRenderedImage(RenderedImage image)
Returns an ImageTypeSpecifier that encodes the layout of a RenderedImage (which may be a BufferedImage ).
ImageTypeSpecifiercreateGrayscale(int bits, int dataType, boolean isSigned)
Returns a specifier for a grayscale image format that will pack pixels of the given bit depth into array elements of the specified data type.
ImageTypeSpecifiercreateInterleaved(ColorSpace colorSpace, int[] bandOffsets, int dataType, boolean hasAlpha, boolean isAlphaPremultiplied)
Returns a specifier for an interleaved image format that will use a ComponentColorModel and a PixelInterleavedSampleModel to store each pixel component in a separate byte, short, or int.
Returns an int containing one of the enumerated constant values describing image formats from BufferedImage .
Returns the ColorModel specified by this object.
Return the number of bands specified by this object.
Returns a SampleModel based on the settings encapsulated within this object.