Java JMX fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java JMX fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for JMX.

The text is from its open source code.


booleanisMXBeanInterface(Class interfaceClass)

Test whether an interface is an MXBean interface.

TnewMBeanProxy(MBeanServerConnection connection, ObjectName objectName, Class interfaceClass, boolean notificationEmitter)

Make a proxy for a Standard MBean in a local or remote MBean Server that may also support the methods of NotificationEmitter .

This method behaves the same as #newMBeanProxy(MBeanServerConnection,ObjectName,Class) , but additionally, if notificationEmitter is true , then the MBean is assumed to be a NotificationBroadcaster or NotificationEmitter and the returned proxy will implement NotificationEmitter as well as interfaceClass .

TnewMBeanProxy(MBeanServerConnection connection, ObjectName objectName, Class interfaceClass)

Make a proxy for a Standard MBean in a local or remote MBean Server.

If you have an MBean Server mbs containing an MBean with ObjectName name , and if the MBean's management interface is described by the Java interface MyMBean , you can construct a proxy for the MBean like this:

 MyMBean proxy = JMX.newMBeanProxy(mbs, name, MyMBean.class); 

Suppose, for example, MyMBean looks like this:

 public interface MyMBean { public String getSomeAttribute(); public void setSomeAttribute(String value); public void someOperation(String param1, int param2); } 

Then you can execute:

  • proxy.getSomeAttribute() which will result in a call to mbs.
TnewMXBeanProxy(MBeanServerConnection connection, ObjectName objectName, Class interfaceClass)
Make a proxy for an MXBean in a local or remote MBean Server.
TnewMXBeanProxy(MBeanServerConnection connection, ObjectName objectName, Class interfaceClass, boolean notificationEmitter)

Make a proxy for an MXBean in a local or remote MBean Server that may also support the methods of NotificationEmitter .

This method behaves the same as #newMXBeanProxy(MBeanServerConnection,ObjectName,Class) , but additionally, if notificationEmitter is true , then the MXBean is assumed to be a NotificationBroadcaster or NotificationEmitter and the returned proxy will implement NotificationEmitter as well as interfaceClass .