Example usage for javax.management.timer Timer ONE_SECOND

List of usage examples for javax.management.timer Timer ONE_SECOND


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.management.timer Timer ONE_SECOND.



To view the source code for javax.management.timer Timer ONE_SECOND.

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Number of milliseconds in one second.


From source file:diplomawork.model.ViewForDiagram.java

public void run() {
    while (this != null) {
        Float price = (GetDataFormYahoo.getPriceValue() != null) ? GetDataFormYahoo.getPriceValue().floatValue()
                : 1;//from   w  w  w. ja va  2s  . c om
        timeSeries.add(new Second(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())), price);
        synchronized (this) {
            try {
                System.out.println("Name" + this.getName() + " waiting");
                this.wait(Timer.ONE_SECOND * 5);
            } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
                Logger.getLogger(ViewForDiagram.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

From source file:playground.pieter.singapore.demand.InputDataCollection.java

private void loadHouseholdsAndPersons() {
    inputLog.info("Loading persons and households");
    households = new HashMap<>();
    persons = new HashMap<>();
    String synthHouseholdIdField = diverseScriptProperties.getProperty("synthHouseholdId");
    String carAvailabilityField = diverseScriptProperties.getProperty("carAvailability");
    String homeFacilityIdField = diverseScriptProperties.getProperty("homeFacilityId");
    String householdTableNameField = diverseScriptProperties.getProperty("householdTableName");
    String householdSelectorTableNameField = diverseScriptProperties.getProperty("householdSelectorTableName");
    String householdSelectorField = diverseScriptProperties.getProperty("householdSelectorField");

    String personTableNameField = diverseScriptProperties.getProperty("personTableName");
    String paxIdField = diverseScriptProperties.getProperty("paxId");
    String foreignerField = diverseScriptProperties.getProperty("foreigner");
    String carLicenseHolderField = diverseScriptProperties.getProperty("carLicenseHolder");
    String ageField = diverseScriptProperties.getProperty("age");
    String sexField = diverseScriptProperties.getProperty("sex");
    String incomePaxField = diverseScriptProperties.getProperty("incomePax");
    String modeSuggestionField = diverseScriptProperties.getProperty("modeSuggestion");
    String incomeHouseholdField = diverseScriptProperties.getProperty("incomeHousehold");
    String occupField = diverseScriptProperties.getProperty("occup");
    String chainField = diverseScriptProperties.getProperty("chain");
    String chainTypeField = diverseScriptProperties.getProperty("chainType");
    String mainActStartField = diverseScriptProperties.getProperty("mainActStart");
    String mainActDurField = diverseScriptProperties.getProperty("mainActDur");
    String mainActTypeField = diverseScriptProperties.getProperty("mainActType");

    int householdLoadLimit = Integer.parseInt(diverseScriptProperties.getProperty("householdLoadLimit"));
    Date startDate = new Date();

    int counter = 0;
    ResultSet rs;//from   ww w.ja  va  2  s.c  o  m
    try {
        // sample random household ids without replacement
        //         rs = dba.executeQuery(String.format("SELECT max(%s) FROM %s;",
        //               synthHouseholdIdField, householdTableNameField));
        //         rs.next();
        //         int[] hhids = Sample.sampleMfromN(householdLoadLimitField,
        //               rs.getInt(1));
        //         //
        //         if (householdLoadLimitField > 1000000) {
        //            rs = dba.executeQuery(String.format(
        //                  "SELECT DISTINCT %s, %s, %s FROM %s LIMIT %d;",
        //                  synthHouseholdIdField, homeFacilityIdField,
        //                  carAvailabilityField, householdTableNameField,
        //                  householdLoadLimitField));
        //         } else {
        //            String hhidsToLoad = "" + hhids[0];
        //            for (int i = 1; i < hhids.length; i++) {
        //               hhidsToLoad = hhidsToLoad + "," + hhids[i];
        //            }

        //            rs = dba.executeQuery(String.format(
        //                  "SELECT DISTINCT %s, %s, %s FROM %s WHERE %s IN(%s);",
        //                  synthHouseholdIdField, homeFacilityIdField,
        //                  carAvailabilityField, householdTableNameField,
        //                  synthHouseholdIdField, hhidsToLoad));
        rs = dba.executeQuery(String.format("SELECT count(*) as num FROM %s WHERE %s = 1;",
                householdSelectorTableNameField, householdSelectorField));
        int householdCount = rs.getInt("num");

        rs = dba.executeQuery(String.format(
                "SELECT hhs.%s, hhs.%s, hhs.%s FROM %s hhs,%s sel WHERE hhs.%s = sel.%s and %s = 1;",
                synthHouseholdIdField, homeFacilityIdField, carAvailabilityField, householdTableNameField,
                householdSelectorTableNameField, synthHouseholdIdField, synthHouseholdIdField,
        //         }
        while (rs.next()) {
            if (counter >= householdLoadLimit)
            int synthHouseholdId = rs.getInt(synthHouseholdIdField);
            int carAvailability = rs.getInt(carAvailabilityField);
            String homeFacilityId = "home_" + rs.getInt(homeFacilityIdField);
            HouseholdSG currentHousehold = new HouseholdSG(synthHouseholdId, carAvailability, homeFacilityId);
            households.put(synthHouseholdId, currentHousehold);
            ResultSet rspax = dba.executeQuery(String.format("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s = %d",
                    personTableNameField, synthHouseholdIdField, synthHouseholdId));
            while (rspax.next()) {
                String modeSuggestion = rspax.getString(modeSuggestionField);
                if ((modeSuggestion.equals("not_assigned") || modeSuggestion.equals("notravel")))
                String chainType = rspax.getString(chainTypeField);
                if (chainType == null)
                // generate half mixed mode users
                if (modeSuggestion.equals("ptmix") && Math.random() > 0.5)
                int paxId = rspax.getInt(paxIdField);
                String foreigner = rspax.getString(foreignerField);
                boolean carLicenseHolder = rspax.getInt(carLicenseHolderField) > 0;
                String chain = rspax.getString(chainField);
                int age = 0;
                if (rspax.getString(ageField).equals("age65_up"))
                    age = 70;
                    age = Integer.parseInt(new StringBuilder(rspax.getString(ageField)).substring(3, 5));
                String sex = rspax.getString(sexField);
                String occup = rspax.getString(occupField);
                int income = Integer.parseInt(rspax.getString(incomePaxField));
                int incomeHousehold = rspax.getInt(incomeHouseholdField);
                String mainActType = rspax.getString(mainActTypeField);
                double mainActStart = Math.max(rspax.getDouble(mainActStartField), 0);
                double mainActDur = rspax.getDouble(mainActDurField);
                //skip if this guy is not meant to be realised
                PaxSG newPax = new PaxSG(paxId, foreigner, currentHousehold, carLicenseHolder, age, sex, income,
                        occup, chain, chainType, mainActStart, mainActDur, mainActType, modeSuggestion);
                newPax.household.incomeHousehold = incomeHousehold;
                newPax.bizActFrequencies = assignSecondaryActFrequencies("b", newPax);
                newPax.leisureActFrequencies = assignSecondaryActFrequencies("l", newPax);
                this.persons.put(paxId, newPax);
                // timer info

            if ((counter % 10000) == 0) {

                Date currDate = new Date();
                long timePastLong = currDate.getTime() - startDate.getTime();
                double timePastSec = (double) timePastLong / (double) Timer.ONE_SECOND;
                int agentsToGo = householdCount - counter;
                double agentsPerSecond = (double) counter / timePastSec;
                long timeToGo = (long) ((double) agentsToGo / agentsPerSecond);
                        "%6d of %8d households done in %.3f seconds at %.3f hhs/sec, %s sec to go.", counter,
                        householdCount, timePastSec, agentsPerSecond, timeToGo));
    } catch (SQLException | NoConnectionException e) {
    inputLog.info("DONE: Loading persons and households");