Example usage for javax.naming.directory BasicAttributes BasicAttributes

List of usage examples for javax.naming.directory BasicAttributes BasicAttributes


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.naming.directory BasicAttributes BasicAttributes.


public BasicAttributes(String attrID, Object val) 

Source Link


Constructs a new instance of Attributes with one attribute.


From source file:SerObjWithCodebase.java

public static void main(String[] args) {

    if (args.length != 1) {
        System.err.println("usage: java SerObjWithCodebase <codebase URL>");
        System.exit(-1);//from  ww w  .  j  ava2 s.  c om

    String codebase = args[0];

    // Set up environment for creating initial context
    Hashtable<String, Object> env = new Hashtable<String, Object>(11);
    env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory");
    env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldap://localhost:389/o=JNDITutorial");

    try {
        // Create the initial context
        DirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext(env);

        // Create object to be bound
        Flower f = new Flower("rose", "pink");

        // Perform bind and specify codebase
        ctx.bind("cn=Flower", f, new BasicAttributes("javaCodebase", codebase));

        // Check that it is bound
        Flower f2 = (Flower) ctx.lookup("cn=Flower");

        // Close the context when we're done
    } catch (NamingException e) {
        System.out.println("Operation failed: " + e);

From source file:org.nuxeo.ecm.directory.ldap.MockLdapServer.java

public void createGroup(String cn, String ou, String[] memberDns) {
    Attributes group = new BasicAttributes("cn", cn);
    Attribute members = new BasicAttribute("member");
    Attribute orgUnit = new BasicAttribute("ou", ou);

    for (String memberDn : memberDns) {
        members.add(memberDn);//from w  ww.  ja  v  a  2 s  .c  o m

    Attribute objectClass = new BasicAttribute("objectClass");


    try {
        serverContext.createSubcontext("cn=" + cn + ",ou=groups", group);
    } catch (NameAlreadyBoundException ignore) {
        // System.out.println(" group " + cn + " already exists.");
    } catch (NamingException ne) {
        log.error("Failed to create group", ne);

From source file:org.nuxeo.ecm.directory.ldap.MockLdapServer.java

public void createOu(String name) {
    Attributes ou = new BasicAttributes("ou", name);
    Attribute objectClass = new BasicAttribute("objectClass");
    ou.put(objectClass);/*  w w  w  . ja va2s .c  o m*/

    try {
        serverContext.createSubcontext("ou=" + name, ou);
    } catch (NameAlreadyBoundException ignore) {
        log.warn("ou " + name + " already exists.");
    } catch (NamingException ne) {
        log.error("Failed to create ou: ", ne);

From source file:LDAPTest.java

     * Saves the changes that the user made.
     *//*from   w  ww . j  av a2 s  . c  o  m*/
    public void saveEntry() {
        try {
            if (dataPanel == null)
            if (context == null)
                context = getContext();
            if (uidField.getText().equals(uid)) // update existing entry
                String dn = "uid=" + uidField.getText() + ",ou=people,dc=mycompany,dc=com";
                Attributes editedAttrs = dataPanel.getEditedAttributes();
                NamingEnumeration<? extends Attribute> attrEnum = attrs.getAll();
                while (attrEnum.hasMore()) {
                    Attribute attr = attrEnum.next();
                    String id = attr.getID();
                    Attribute editedAttr = editedAttrs.get(id);
                    if (editedAttr != null && !attr.get().equals(editedAttr.get()))
                        context.modifyAttributes(dn, DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE,
                                new BasicAttributes(id, editedAttr.get()));
            } else
            // create new entry
                String dn = "uid=" + uidField.getText() + ",ou=people,dc=mycompany,dc=com";
                attrs = dataPanel.getEditedAttributes();
                Attribute objclass = new BasicAttribute("objectClass");
                attrs.put("uid", uidField.getText());
                context.createSubcontext(dn, attrs);

        } catch (NamingException e) {
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(LDAPFrame.this, e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(LDAPFrame.this, e);

From source file:org.nuxeo.ecm.directory.ldap.MockLdapServer.java

public void createUser(String uid, String cn, String password) {
    Attributes user = new BasicAttributes("uid", uid);
    user.put("cn", cn);
    user.put("userPassword", password);

    Attribute objectClass = new BasicAttribute("objectClass");
    user.put(objectClass);/*from  w w  w . j  a  v  a2 s .c om*/
    user.put("sn", uid);

    try {
        serverContext.createSubcontext("uid=" + uid + ",ou=people", user);
    } catch (NameAlreadyBoundException ignore) {
        // System.out.println(" user " + uid + " already exists.");
    } catch (NamingException ne) {
        System.err.println("Failed to create user.");

From source file:org.jboss.additional.testsuite.jdkall.present.elytron.sasl.OtpSaslTestCase.java

 * Check correct user attribute values in the LDAP when using OTP algorithm.
 *///from   www  .  ja  v  a  2 s .  co  m
private void assertSequenceAndHash(Integer expectedSequence, byte[] expectedHash) throws NamingException {
    final Properties env = new Properties();
    env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory");
    env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, LDAP_URL);
    env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
    env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "uid=admin,ou=system");
    env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "secret");
    final LdapContext ctx = new InitialLdapContext(env, null);
    NamingEnumeration<?> namingEnum = ctx.search("dc=wildfly,dc=org", new BasicAttributes("cn", "jduke"));
    if (namingEnum.hasMore()) {
        SearchResult sr = (SearchResult) namingEnum.next();
        Attributes attrs = sr.getAttributes();
        assertEquals("Unexpected sequence number in LDAP attribute", expectedSequence,
                new Integer(attrs.get("telephoneNumber").get().toString()));
        assertEquals("Unexpected hash value in LDAP attribute",
                Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(expectedHash), attrs.get("title").get().toString());
    } else {
        fail("User not found in LDAP");


From source file:org.nuxeo.ecm.directory.ldap.LDAPReference.java

 * Store new links using the LDAP staticAttributeId strategy.
 * @see org.nuxeo.ecm.directory.Reference#addLinks(List, String)
 *//*w w  w  .j  ava 2s.c  o  m*/
public void addLinks(List<String> sourceIds, String targetId) throws DirectoryException {
    String attributeId = getStaticAttributeId();
    if (attributeId == null && !sourceIds.isEmpty()) {
        log.warn("trying to edit a non-static reference: ignoring");
    LDAPDirectory ldapTargetDirectory = (LDAPDirectory) getTargetDirectory();
    LDAPDirectory ldapSourceDirectory = (LDAPDirectory) getSourceDirectory();

    String emptyRefMarker = ldapSourceDirectory.getDescriptor().getEmptyRefMarker();
    try (LDAPSession targetSession = (LDAPSession) ldapTargetDirectory.getSession();
            LDAPSession sourceSession = (LDAPSession) ldapSourceDirectory.getSession()) {
        if (!sourceSession.isReadOnly()) {
            // compute the target dn to add to all the matching source
            // entries
            SearchResult ldapEntry = targetSession.getLdapEntry(targetId);
            if (ldapEntry == null) {
                throw new DirectoryException(
                        String.format("could not add links to unexisting %s in directory %s", targetId,
            String targetAttributeValue;
            if (staticAttributeIdIsDn) {
                targetAttributeValue = ldapEntry.getNameInNamespace();
            } else {
                targetAttributeValue = targetId;

            for (String sourceId : sourceIds) {
                // fetch the entry to be able to run the security policy
                // implemented in an entry adaptor
                DocumentModel sourceEntry = sourceSession.getEntry(sourceId, false);
                if (sourceEntry == null) {
                            "entry %s in directory %s not found: could not add link to %s in directory %s",
                            sourceId, ldapSourceDirectory.getName(), targetId, ldapTargetDirectory.getName()));
                if (BaseSession.isReadOnlyEntry(sourceEntry)) {
                    // skip this entry since it cannot be edited to add the
                    // reference to targetId
                            "entry %s in directory %s is readonly: could not add link to %s in directory %s",
                            sourceId, ldapSourceDirectory.getName(), targetId, ldapTargetDirectory.getName()));
                ldapEntry = sourceSession.getLdapEntry(sourceId);
                String sourceDn = ldapEntry.getNameInNamespace();
                Attribute storedAttr = ldapEntry.getAttributes().get(attributeId);
                if (storedAttr.contains(targetAttributeValue)) {
                    // no need to readd
                try {
                    // add the new dn
                    Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(attributeId, targetAttributeValue);

                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                "LDAPReference.addLinks([%s], %s): LDAP modifyAttributes dn='%s'"
                                        + " mod_op='ADD_ATTRIBUTE' attrs='%s' [%s]",
                                StringUtils.join(sourceIds, ", "), targetId, sourceDn, attrs, this));
                    sourceSession.dirContext.modifyAttributes(sourceDn, DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, attrs);

                    // robustly clean any existing empty marker now that we
                    // are sure that the list in not empty
                    if (storedAttr.contains(emptyRefMarker)) {
                        Attributes cleanAttrs = new BasicAttributes(attributeId, emptyRefMarker);
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                    "LDAPReference.addLinks(%s, %s): LDAP modifyAttributes dn='%s'"
                                            + " mod_op='REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE' attrs='%s' [%s]",
                                    StringUtils.join(sourceIds, ", "), targetId, sourceDn,
                                    cleanAttrs.toString(), this));
                        sourceSession.dirContext.modifyAttributes(sourceDn, DirContext.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE,
                } catch (SchemaViolationException e) {
                    if (isDynamic()) {
                        // we are editing an entry that has no static part
                        log.warn(String.format("cannot add dynamic reference in field %s for target %s",
                                getFieldName(), targetId));
                    } else {
                        // this is a real schema configuration problem,
                        // wrap the exception
                        throw new DirectoryException(e);
    } catch (NamingException e) {
        throw new DirectoryException("addLinks failed: " + e.getMessage(), e);

From source file:org.nuxeo.ecm.directory.ldap.LDAPReference.java

 * Remove existing statically defined links for the given source id (dynamic references remain unaltered)
 * @see org.nuxeo.ecm.directory.Reference#removeLinksForSource(String)
 *///  ww w .  ja v  a 2 s  . c  o m
public void removeLinksForSource(String sourceId) throws DirectoryException {
    LDAPDirectory ldapTargetDirectory = (LDAPDirectory) getTargetDirectory();
    LDAPDirectory ldapSourceDirectory = (LDAPDirectory) getSourceDirectory();
    String attributeId = getStaticAttributeId();
    try (LDAPSession sourceSession = (LDAPSession) ldapSourceDirectory.getSession();
            LDAPSession targetSession = (LDAPSession) ldapTargetDirectory.getSession()) {
        if (sourceSession.isReadOnly() || attributeId == null) {
            // do not try to do anything on a read only server or to a
            // purely dynamic reference
        // get the dn of the entry that matches sourceId
        SearchResult sourceLdapEntry = sourceSession.getLdapEntry(sourceId);
        if (sourceLdapEntry == null) {
            throw new DirectoryException(
                    String.format("cannot edit the links hold by missing entry '%s' in directory '%s'",
                            sourceId, ldapSourceDirectory.getName()));
        String sourceDn = pseudoNormalizeDn(sourceLdapEntry.getNameInNamespace());

        Attribute oldAttr = sourceLdapEntry.getAttributes().get(attributeId);
        if (oldAttr == null) {
            // consider it as an empty attribute to simplify the following
            // code
            oldAttr = new BasicAttribute(attributeId);
        Attribute attrToRemove = new BasicAttribute(attributeId);

        NamingEnumeration<?> oldAttrs = oldAttr.getAll();
        String targetBaseDn = pseudoNormalizeDn(ldapTargetDirectory.getDescriptor().getSearchBaseDn());
        try {
            while (oldAttrs.hasMore()) {
                String targetKeyAttr = oldAttrs.next().toString();

                if (staticAttributeIdIsDn) {
                    String dn = pseudoNormalizeDn(targetKeyAttr);
                    if (forceDnConsistencyCheck) {
                        String id = getIdForDn(targetSession, dn);
                        if (id != null && targetSession.hasEntry(id)) {
                            // this is an entry managed by the current
                            // reference
                    } else if (dn.endsWith(targetBaseDn)) {
                        // this is an entry managed by the current
                        // reference
                } else {
        } finally {
        try {
            if (attrToRemove.size() == oldAttr.size()) {
                // use the empty ref marker to avoid empty attr
                String emptyRefMarker = ldapSourceDirectory.getDescriptor().getEmptyRefMarker();
                Attributes emptyAttribute = new BasicAttributes(attributeId, emptyRefMarker);
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            "LDAPReference.removeLinksForSource(%s): LDAP modifyAttributes key='%s' "
                                    + " mod_op='REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE' attrs='%s' [%s]",
                            sourceId, sourceDn, emptyAttribute, this));
                sourceSession.dirContext.modifyAttributes(sourceDn, DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE,
            } else if (attrToRemove.size() > 0) {
                // remove the attribute managed by the current reference
                Attributes attrsToRemove = new BasicAttributes();
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            "LDAPReference.removeLinksForSource(%s): LDAP modifyAttributes dn='%s' "
                                    + " mod_op='REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE' attrs='%s' [%s]",
                            sourceId, sourceDn, attrsToRemove, this));
                sourceSession.dirContext.modifyAttributes(sourceDn, DirContext.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, attrsToRemove);
        } catch (SchemaViolationException e) {
            if (isDynamic()) {
                // we are editing an entry that has no static part
                log.warn(String.format("cannot remove dynamic reference in field %s for source %s",
                        getFieldName(), sourceId));
            } else {
                // this is a real schma configuration problem, wrapup the
                // exception
                throw new DirectoryException(e);
    } catch (NamingException e) {
        throw new DirectoryException("removeLinksForSource failed: " + e.getMessage(), e);

From source file:org.nuxeo.ecm.directory.ldap.LDAPReference.java

 * Remove existing statically defined links for the given target id (dynamic references remain unaltered)
 * @see org.nuxeo.ecm.directory.Reference#removeLinksForTarget(String)
 *///  www . j a v a 2  s.  co m
public void removeLinksForTarget(String targetId) throws DirectoryException {
    if (!isStatic()) {
        // nothing to do: dynamic references cannot be updated
    LDAPDirectory ldapTargetDirectory = (LDAPDirectory) getTargetDirectory();
    LDAPDirectory ldapSourceDirectory = (LDAPDirectory) getSourceDirectory();
    String attributeId = getStaticAttributeId();
    try (LDAPSession targetSession = (LDAPSession) ldapTargetDirectory.getSession();
            LDAPSession sourceSession = (LDAPSession) ldapSourceDirectory.getSession()) {
        if (!sourceSession.isReadOnly()) {
            // get the dn of the target that matches targetId
            String targetAttributeValue;

            if (staticAttributeIdIsDn) {
                SearchResult targetLdapEntry = targetSession.getLdapEntry(targetId);
                if (targetLdapEntry == null) {
                    String rdnAttribute = ldapTargetDirectory.getDescriptor().getRdnAttribute();
                    if (!rdnAttribute.equals(targetSession.idAttribute)) {
                                "cannot remove links to missing entry %s in directory %s for reference %s",
                                targetId, ldapTargetDirectory.getName(), this));
                    // the entry might have already been deleted, try to
                    // re-forge it if possible (might not work if scope is
                    // subtree)
                    targetAttributeValue = String.format("%s=%s,%s", rdnAttribute, targetId,
                } else {
                    targetAttributeValue = pseudoNormalizeDn(targetLdapEntry.getNameInNamespace());
            } else {
                targetAttributeValue = targetId;

            // build a LDAP query to find entries that point to the target
            String searchFilter = String.format("(%s=%s)", attributeId, targetAttributeValue);
            String sourceFilter = ldapSourceDirectory.getBaseFilter();

            if (sourceFilter != null && !"".equals(sourceFilter)) {
                searchFilter = String.format("(&(%s)(%s))", searchFilter, sourceFilter);

            SearchControls scts = new SearchControls();
            scts.setReturningAttributes(new String[] { attributeId });

            // find all source entries that point to the target key and
            // clean
            // those references
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        "LDAPReference.removeLinksForTarget(%s): LDAP search baseDn='%s' "
                                + " filter='%s' scope='%s' [%s]",
                        targetId, sourceSession.searchBaseDn, searchFilter, scts.getSearchScope(), this));
            NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> results = sourceSession.dirContext
                    .search(sourceSession.searchBaseDn, searchFilter, scts);
            String emptyRefMarker = ldapSourceDirectory.getDescriptor().getEmptyRefMarker();
            Attributes emptyAttribute = new BasicAttributes(attributeId, emptyRefMarker);

            try {
                while (results.hasMore()) {
                    SearchResult result = results.next();
                    Attributes attrs = result.getAttributes();
                    Attribute attr = attrs.get(attributeId);
                    try {
                        if (attr.size() == 1) {
                            // the attribute holds the last reference, put
                            // the
                            // empty ref. marker before removing the
                            // attribute
                            // since empty attribute are often not allowed
                            // by
                            // the server schema
                            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                        "LDAPReference.removeLinksForTarget(%s): LDAP modifyAttributes key='%s' "
                                                + "mod_op='ADD_ATTRIBUTE' attrs='%s' [%s]",
                                        targetId, result.getNameInNamespace(), attrs, this));
                                    DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, emptyAttribute);
                        // remove the reference to the target key
                        attrs = new BasicAttributes();
                        attr = new BasicAttribute(attributeId);
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                    "LDAPReference.removeLinksForTarget(%s): LDAP modifyAttributes key='%s' "
                                            + "mod_op='REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE' attrs='%s' [%s]",
                                    targetId, result.getNameInNamespace(), attrs, this));
                                DirContext.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, attrs);
                    } catch (SchemaViolationException e) {
                        if (isDynamic()) {
                            // we are editing an entry that has no static
                            // part
                            log.warn(String.format("cannot remove dynamic reference in field %s for target %s",
                                    getFieldName(), targetId));
                        } else {
                            // this is a real schema configuration problem,
                            // wrapup the exception
                            throw new DirectoryException(e);
            } finally {
    } catch (NamingException e) {
        throw new DirectoryException("removeLinksForTarget failed: " + e.getMessage(), e);