Example usage for javax.script ScriptEngineManager subclass-usage

List of usage examples for javax.script ScriptEngineManager subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.script ScriptEngineManager subclass-usage.


From source file org.jahia.services.render.scripting.bundle.BundleScriptEngineManager.java

 * A replacement for the JDK's {@link ScriptEngineManager} that properly deals with {@link ScriptEngineFactory}
 * implementations provided in OSGi modules. In particular, bundles that provide a {@code
 * javax.script.ScriptEngineFactory} file in their {@code META-INF/services} directory (Java Service Provider
 * infrastructure) will be handled by this ScriptEngineManager, wrapping the provided ScriptEngineFactory implementation
 * in a {@link BundleScriptEngineFactory} so that the appropriate class loader will be used to resolve views and