Example usage for javax.servlet.http HttpServlet getServletName

List of usage examples for javax.servlet.http HttpServlet getServletName


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.servlet.http HttpServlet getServletName.


public String getServletName() 

Source Link


Returns the name of this servlet instance.


From source file:org.apache.axis.transport.http.AxisServletBase.java

 * This is a uniform method of initializing AxisServer in a servlet
 * context.//from   ww  w  . j a  va2  s  . c  om
 * @todo add catch for not being able to cast the context attr to an
 * engine and reinit the engine if so.
public static AxisServer getEngine(HttpServlet servlet) throws AxisFault {
    AxisServer engine = null;
    if (isDebug)
        log.debug("Enter: getEngine()");

    ServletContext context = servlet.getServletContext();
    synchronized (context) {
        engine = retrieveEngine(servlet);
        if (engine == null) {
            Map environment = getEngineEnvironment(servlet);

            // Obtain an AxisServer by using whatever AxisServerFactory is
            // registered.  The default one will just use the provider we
            // passed in, and presumably JNDI ones will use the ServletContext
            // to figure out a JNDI name to look up.
            // The point of doing this rather than just creating the server
            // manually with the provider above is that we will then support
            // configurations where the server instance is managed by the
            // container, and pre-registered in JNDI at deployment time.  It
            // also means we put the standard configuration pattern in one
            // place.
            engine = AxisServer.getServer(environment);
            //              attach the AxisServer with the current Servlet
            storeEngine(servlet, engine);

    if (isDebug)
        log.debug("Exit: getEngine()");

    return engine;

From source file:org.apache.axis.transport.http.AxisServletBase.java

 * put the engine back in to the context.
 * @param context servlet context to use
 * @param engine reference to the engine. If null, the engine is removed
 */// w ww  .j  a v  a 2s . com
private static void storeEngine(HttpServlet servlet, AxisServer engine) {
    ServletContext context = servlet.getServletContext();
    String axisServletName = servlet.getServletName();
    if (engine == null) {
        context.removeAttribute(axisServletName + ATTR_AXIS_ENGINE);
        // find if there is other AxisEngine in Context
        AxisServer server = (AxisServer) context.getAttribute(ATTR_AXIS_ENGINE);

        // no other AxisEngine in ServletContext
        if (server != null && servlet.getServletName().equals(server.getName())) {
    } else {
        if (context.getAttribute(ATTR_AXIS_ENGINE) == null) {
            // first Axis servlet to store its AxisEngine
            // use default name
            context.setAttribute(ATTR_AXIS_ENGINE, engine);
        context.setAttribute(axisServletName + ATTR_AXIS_ENGINE, engine);

From source file:org.apache.axis.transport.http.AxisServletBase.java

 * Get an engine from the servlet context; robust againt serialization
 * issues of hot-updated webapps. Remember than if a webapp is marked
 * as distributed, there is more than 1 servlet context, hence more than
 * one AxisEngine instance/*  www.  j a v a2 s .co  m*/
 * @param servlet
 * @return the engine or null if either the engine couldnt be found or
 *         the attribute wasnt of the right type
private static AxisServer retrieveEngine(HttpServlet servlet) {
    Object contextObject = servlet.getServletContext()
            .getAttribute(servlet.getServletName() + ATTR_AXIS_ENGINE);
    if (contextObject == null) {
        // if AxisServer not found :
        // fall back to the "default" AxisEngine
        contextObject = servlet.getServletContext().getAttribute(ATTR_AXIS_ENGINE);
    if (contextObject instanceof AxisServer) {
        AxisServer server = (AxisServer) contextObject;
        // if this is "our" Engine
        if (server != null && servlet.getServletName().equals(server.getName())) {
            return server;
        return null;
    } else {
        return null;

From source file:org.apache.tapestry.asset.AssetExternalizer.java

 *  Gets the externalizer singleton for the application.  If it does not already
 *  exist, it is created and stored into the {@link ServletContext}.
 *  <p>Each Tapestry application within a single {@link ServletContext}
 *  will have its own externalizer; they are differentiated by the
 *  application name./*from w ww.  java 2s.  c o  m*/
 *  @see org.apache.tapestry.spec.ApplicationSpecification#getName()

public static AssetExternalizer get(IRequestCycle cycle) {
    HttpServlet servlet = cycle.getRequestContext().getServlet();
    ServletContext context = servlet.getServletContext();

    String servletName = servlet.getServletName();

    String attributeName = "org.apache.tapestry.AssetExternalizer:" + servletName;

    AssetExternalizer result = (AssetExternalizer) context.getAttribute(attributeName);

    if (result == null) {
        result = new AssetExternalizer(cycle);
        context.setAttribute(attributeName, result);

    return result;