Example usage for javax.servlet.http HttpServlet init

List of usage examples for javax.servlet.http HttpServlet init


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.servlet.http HttpServlet init.


public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException 

Source Link


Called by the servlet container to indicate to a servlet that the servlet is being placed into service.


From source file:com.qwazr.webapps.transaction.ControllerManager.java

private void handleJavaClass(WebappTransaction transaction, String className) throws IOException,
        InterruptedException, ScriptException, ReflectiveOperationException, ServletException {
    final Class<? extends HttpServlet> servletClass = ClassLoaderUtils.findClass(ClassLoaderManager.classLoader,
            className);//  ww  w. j  av a 2 s  . c  o  m
    Objects.requireNonNull(servletClass, "Class not found: " + className);
    final ServletInfo servletInfo = new ServletInfo(className, servletClass);
    HttpServlet servlet = servletMap.getOrCreate(servletClass, new Supplier() {
        public HttpServlet get() {
            try {
                HttpServlet servlet = servletClass.newInstance();
                WebServlet webServlet = AnnotationsUtils.getFirstAnnotation(servletClass, WebServlet.class);
                servlet.init(new ServletConfigImpl(servletInfo, transaction.getRequest().getServletContext()));
                return servlet;
            } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | ServletException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
    servlet.service(transaction.getRequest(), transaction.getResponse());

From source file:de.micromata.genome.tpsb.httpmockup.MockServletContext.java

public MockServletContext addServlet(final String name, final Class<? extends HttpServlet> servletClass,
        final Map<String, String> initParams) {

    try {/*from  ww  w .ja v  a2s .  co m*/
        final HttpServlet servlet = servletClass.newInstance();
        final MockServletConfig sc = new MockServletConfig();
        if (initParams != null) {

        this.servletsConfig.addServlet(name, servlet);
        return this;
    } catch (final Exception ex) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Exception in initializing filter: " + name + "; " + servletClass.getName()
                + "; " + ex.getMessage(), ex);

From source file:com.google.gwt.dev.shell.GWTShellServlet.java

private HttpServlet tryGetOrLoadServlet(TreeLogger logger, ModuleDef moduleDef, String className) {

    // Maps className to live servlet for this module.
    Map<String, HttpServlet> moduleServlets;
    synchronized (loadedServletsByModuleAndClassName) {
        moduleServlets = loadedServletsByModuleAndClassName.get(moduleDef);
        if (moduleServlets == null) {
            moduleServlets = new HashMap<String, HttpServlet>();
            loadedServletsByModuleAndClassName.put(moduleDef, moduleServlets);
        }//from  w  ww  . j  a  v a  2  s  .  co m

    synchronized (moduleServlets) {
        HttpServlet servlet = moduleServlets.get(className);
        if (servlet != null) {
            // Found it.
            return servlet;

        // Try to load and instantiate it.
        Throwable caught = null;
        try {
            Class<?> servletClass = Class.forName(className);
            Object newInstance = servletClass.newInstance();
            if (!(newInstance instanceof HttpServlet)) {
                logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Not compatible with HttpServlet: " + className
                        + " (does your service extend RemoteServiceServlet?)", null);
                return null;

            // Success. Hang onto the instance so we can reuse it.
            servlet = (HttpServlet) newInstance;

            // We create proxies for ServletContext and ServletConfig to enable
            // RemoteServiceServlets to load public and generated resources via
            // ServletContext.getResourceAsStream()
            ServletContext context = new HostedModeServletContextProxy(getServletContext(), moduleDef,
            ServletConfig config = new HostedModeServletConfigProxy(getServletConfig(), context);


            moduleServlets.put(className, servlet);
            return servlet;
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            caught = e;
        } catch (InstantiationException e) {
            caught = e;
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            caught = e;
        } catch (ServletException e) {
            caught = e;
        String msg = "Unable to instantiate '" + className + "'";
        logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, msg, caught);
        return null;

From source file:org.j2free.invoker.InvokerFilter.java

 * @param req/*  ww w .  j  a  va 2 s. co  m*/
 * @param chain The filter chain we are processing
 * @param resp
 * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs
 * @exception ServletException if a servlet error occurs
public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse resp, FilterChain chain)
        throws IOException, ServletException {
    HttpServletRequest httpReq = (HttpServletRequest) req;
    HttpServletResponse httpResp = (HttpServletResponse) resp;

    // Get the path after the context-path (final so we can't accidentally fuck with it)
    final String path = httpReq.getRequestURI().substring(httpReq.getContextPath().length()) // chop the context-path
            .toLowerCase(); // all comparisons in lower-case

    // Benchmark vars
    final long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); // start time

    long resolve = 0, // time after figuring out what to do
            process = 0, // time after processing
            finish = 0; // finish time

    // Set cache-control based on content
    if (Constants.RUN_MODE.compareTo(RunMode.PRODUCTION) == -1) // dev mode
        httpResp.setHeader(HEADER_PRAGMA, "no-cache");
        httpResp.setHeader(HEADER_CACHE_CONTROL, "no-store");
    } else if (path.matches(SHORT_CACHE_REGEX) && !path.contains(CAPTCHA_PATH)) {
        httpResp.setHeader(HEADER_PRAGMA, PRAGMA_VAL);
        httpResp.setHeader(HEADER_CACHE_CONTROL, SHORT_CACHE_VAL);
    } else if (path.matches(LONG_CACHE_REGEX)) {
        httpResp.setHeader(HEADER_PRAGMA, PRAGMA_VAL);
        httpResp.setHeader(HEADER_CACHE_CONTROL, LONG_CACHE_VAL);

    try {
        // This will block requests during configuration

        if (log.isTraceEnabled())
            log.trace("InvokerFilter for path: " + path);

        // Try to get an explicit mapping from the whole URL to a class
        Class<? extends HttpServlet> klass = urlMap.get(path);

        // Try to a fast lookup using the whole URL for a previously resolved partial URL.
        if (klass == null)
            klass = partialsMap.get(path);

         * If we don't already have an exact match for this path,
         * try to break it down.
         * Certain extensions are known to be mapped in web.xml,
         * known to never be dynamic resources (e.g. .swf), or
         * were discovered earlier to be static content, so don't
         * process those.
        if (klass == null && !path.matches(bypassPath)) {
            // (1) Look for *.ext wildcard matches
            String partial;

            int index = path.lastIndexOf("."); // If the path contains a "." then check for the *.ext patterns
            if (index != -1) {
                partial = "*" + path.substring(index); // gives us the *.<THE_EXTENSION>
                klass = urlMap.get(partial);

            // (2) Check any regex mapping against the path
            if (klass == null) {
                // @TODO this iteration could be coslty... perhaps it would be more efficient to have
                //       constructed one long regex of all the possible regex mapping with
                String regex;
                Iterator<String> itr = regexMap.keySet().iterator();
                while (itr.hasNext()) {
                    regex = itr.next();
                    if (path.matches(regex)) {
                        // Sweet, we have a match, but make sure we actually get the klass
                        // since it could have been altered since we got the iterator (though, unlikely)
                        klass = regexMap.get(regex);
                        if (klass != null) {
                            // Even better, we got the klass, so move on

            // (3) Check for possible /something/* patterns
            if (klass == null) {
                // start with the full path
                partial = path;

                // Start with most specific and move down to just /*
                while ((index = partial.lastIndexOf("/")) > 0) {
                    // Chop off everything past the last "/" and add the "*"
                    partial = partial.substring(0, index + 1) + "*"; // if we had /first/second, we'd get /first/*

                    if (log.isTraceEnabled())
                        log.trace("Trying wildcard partial resource: " + partial);

                    klass = urlMap.get(partial);

                    // if we found a match, or if we made it to the simplest form and didn't find anything, get out
                    if (klass != null || partial.equals("/*"))

                    // Otherwise, let's try the next chunk, so chop the ending "/*" off
                    partial = partial.substring(0, index); // If we had /first/second to start, we'd get /first

                    if (log.isTraceEnabled())
                        log.trace("Next partial: " + partial);

            // (4) If we found a class in any way, register it with the currentPath for faster future lookups
            //     UNLESS the config for that klass prohibits it (e.g. a servlet mapped to /user/* in an app
            //     with millions of users could increase the size of urlMap well beyond what is optimal, so
            //     if a servlet knows that is a possibility, it can specify to not save direct mapping when
            //     the servlet was found via a partial mapping)
            if (klass != null) {
                if (log.isTraceEnabled())
                    log.trace("Matched path " + path + " to " + klass.getName());

                // Make sure the ServletConfig supports direct lookups before storing the resolved path
                if (servletMap.get(klass).config.preferDirectLookups()) {
                    partialsMap.putIfAbsent(path, klass);

        // If we didn't find it, then just pass it on
        if (klass == null) {
            if (log.isTraceEnabled())
                log.trace("Dynamic resource not found for path: " + path);

            // Save this path in the staticSet so we don't have to look it up next time
            urlMap.putIfAbsent(path, StaticResource.class);

            resolve = System.currentTimeMillis();
            chain.doFilter(req, resp);
            process = System.currentTimeMillis();
        } else if (klass == StaticResource.class) {
            // If it's known to be static, then pass it on
            if (log.isTraceEnabled())
                log.trace("Processing known static path: " + path);

            resolve = System.currentTimeMillis();
            chain.doFilter(req, resp);
            process = System.currentTimeMillis();
        } else {
            ServletMapping mapping = servletMap.get(klass);

            // If the klass requires SSL, make sure we're on an SSL connection
            boolean isSsl = requestExaminer.isSSL(httpReq);

            SSLOption sslOpt = mapping.config.ssl();
            if (sslOpt == SSLOption.UNSPECIFIED)
                sslOpt = defaultSSLOption;

            if (sslOpt == SSLOption.REQUIRE && !isSsl) {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    log.debug("Redirecting over SSL: " + path + " [url=" + httpReq.getRequestURL() + "]");
                redirectOverSSL(httpReq, httpResp, sslRedirectPort);
            } else if (sslOpt == SSLOption.DENY && isSsl) {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    log.debug("Redirecting off SSL: " + path + " [url=" + httpReq.getRequestURL() + "]");
                redirectOverNonSSL(httpReq, httpResp, nonSslRedirectPort);

            try {
                if (log.isTraceEnabled())
                    log.trace("Dynamic resource found, servicing with " + klass.getName());

                // Get the time after finding the resource
                resolve = System.currentTimeMillis();

                // Service the end-point on the chain
                if (log.isTraceEnabled())
                    log.trace("ServiceChain [path=" + path + ", endPoint=" + mapping.getName() + "]");

                new ServiceChain(filters.iterator(), path, mapping).service(httpReq, httpResp);

                // Get the time after running
                process = System.currentTimeMillis();

                if (httpReq.getParameter("benchmark") != null)
                    log.info(klass.getName() + " execution time: " + (process - start));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                process = System.currentTimeMillis();

                if (uncaughtExceptionHandler != null)
                    uncaughtExceptionHandler.handleException(req, resp, e);
                    throw new ServletException(e);
            } finally {
                // maxUses values less than 0 indicate the value is not set and the default should be used
                // maxUses == 0 indicates the servlet should NOT be reloaded
                int maxUses = mapping.config.maxUses() < 0 ? maxServletUses : mapping.config.maxUses();
                if (maxUses > 0) {
                    long instanceUses = mapping.incrementUses(); // only increment if servlet reloading is enabled
                    if (instanceUses >= maxUses) {
                        try {
                            HttpServlet newInstance = klass.newInstance(); // Create a new instance
                            newInstance.init(mapping.servlet.getServletConfig()); // Copy over the javax.servlet.ServletConfig

                            ServletMapping newMapping = new ServletMapping(newInstance, mapping.config); // new instance but old config

                            if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                                if (servletMap.replace(klass, mapping, newMapping))
                                    log.trace("Successfully replaced old " + klass.getSimpleName()
                                            + " with a new instance");
                                    log.trace("Failed to replace old " + klass.getSimpleName()
                                            + " with a new instance");
                            } else {
                                // if we're not tracing, don't bother checking the result, because
                                // either (a) it succeeded and the new servlet is in place, or
                                // (b) it failed meaning another thread beat us to it.
                                servletMap.replace(klass, mapping, newMapping);

                            // In either case, the old serlvet is no longer in use, but DON'T
                            // destroy it yet, since it may be in the process of serving other
                            // requests. By removing the mapping to it, it should be garbage
                            // collected.
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            log.error("Error replacing " + klass.getSimpleName() + " instance after "
                                    + instanceUses + " uses!", e);

        finish = System.currentTimeMillis();

        if (benchmark) {
            log.info(String.format("[path=%s, find=%d, run=%d, finish=%d]", path, (resolve - start),
                    (process - resolve), (finish - process)));
    } finally {
        read.unlock(); // Make sure to release the read lock

From source file:org.j2free.invoker.InvokerFilter.java

 * Locks to prevent request processing while mapping is added.
 * Finds all classes annotated with ServletConfig and maps the class to
 * the url specified in the annotation.  Wildcard mapping are allowed in
 * the form of *.extension or /some/path/*
 * @param context an active ServletContext
 *///from  www . j a v  a  2 s. co m
public void load(final ServletContext context) {
    try {

        LinkedList<URL> urlList = new LinkedList<URL>();

        URL[] urls = new URL[urlList.size()];
        urls = urlList.toArray(urls);

        AnnotationDB annoDB = new AnnotationDB();

        HashMap<String, Set<String>> annotationIndex = (HashMap<String, Set<String>>) annoDB
        if (annotationIndex != null && !annotationIndex.isEmpty()) {
            // Look for any classes annotated with @ServletConfig
            Set<String> classNames = annotationIndex.get(ServletConfig.class.getName());

            if (classNames != null) {
                for (String c : classNames) {
                    try {
                        final Class<? extends HttpServlet> klass = (Class<? extends HttpServlet>) Class

                        if (klass.isAnnotationPresent(ServletConfig.class)) {
                            final ServletConfig config = (ServletConfig) klass

                            // If the config specifies String mapppings...
                            if (config.mappings() != null) {
                                for (String url : config.mappings()) {
                                    // Leave the asterisk, we'll add it when matching...
                                    //if (url.matches("(^\\*[^*]*?)|([^*]*?/\\*$)"))
                                    //    url = url.replace("*", EMPTY);

                                    url = url.toLowerCase(); // all comparisons are lower-case

                                    if (urlMap.putIfAbsent(url, klass) == null) {
                                        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                                            log.debug("Mapping servlet " + klass.getName() + " to path " + url);
                                    } else
                                        log.error("Unable to map servlet  " + klass.getName() + " to path "
                                                + url + ", path already mapped to "
                                                + urlMap.get(url).getName());

                            // If the config specifies a regex mapping...
                            if (!empty(config.regex())) {
                                regexMap.putIfAbsent(config.regex(), klass);
                                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                                    log.debug("Mapping servlet " + klass.getName() + " to regex path "
                                            + config.regex());

                            // Create an instance of the servlet and init it
                            HttpServlet servlet = klass.newInstance();
                            servlet.init(new ServletConfigImpl(klass.getName(), context));

                            // Store a reference
                            servletMap.put(klass, new ServletMapping(servlet, config));

                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        log.error("Error registering servlet [name=" + c + "]", e);

            // Look for any classes annotated with @FiltersConfig
            classNames = annotationIndex.get(FilterConfig.class.getName());
            if (classNames != null) {
                for (String c : classNames) {
                    try {
                        final Class<? extends Filter> klass = (Class<? extends Filter>) Class.forName(c);

                        if (klass.isAnnotationPresent(FilterConfig.class)) {
                            final FilterConfig config = (FilterConfig) klass.getAnnotation(FilterConfig.class);

                            // Create an instance of the servlet and init it
                            Filter filter = klass.newInstance();
                            filter.init(new FilterConfigImpl(klass.getName(), context));

                            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                                log.debug("Mapping filter " + klass.getName() + " to path " + config.match());

                            // Store a reference
                            filters.add(new FilterMapping(filter, config));
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        log.error("Error registering servlet [name=" + c + "]", e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        log.error("Error loading urlMappings", e);
    } finally {
        write.unlock(); // ALWAYS Release the configure lock

From source file:org.openmrs.module.web.WebModuleUtil.java

 * This method will find and cache this module's servlets (so that it doesn't have to look them
 * up every time)//from   w  w w.ja  va 2  s  .c  o  m
 * @param mod
 * @param servletContext the servlet context
public static void loadServlets(Module mod, ServletContext servletContext) {
    Element rootNode = mod.getConfig().getDocumentElement();
    NodeList servletTags = rootNode.getElementsByTagName("servlet");

    for (int i = 0; i < servletTags.getLength(); i++) {
        Node node = servletTags.item(i);
        NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes();
        String name = "", className = "";
        for (int j = 0; j < childNodes.getLength(); j++) {
            Node childNode = childNodes.item(j);
            if ("servlet-name".equals(childNode.getNodeName())) {
                if (childNode.getTextContent() != null) {
                    name = childNode.getTextContent().trim();
            } else if ("servlet-class".equals(childNode.getNodeName()) && childNode.getTextContent() != null) {
                className = childNode.getTextContent().trim();
        if (name.length() == 0 || className.length() == 0) {
            log.warn("both 'servlet-name' and 'servlet-class' are required for the 'servlet' tag. Given '"
                    + name + "' and '" + className + "' for module " + mod.getName());

        HttpServlet httpServlet = null;
        try {
            httpServlet = (HttpServlet) ModuleFactory.getModuleClassLoader(mod).loadClass(className)
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            log.warn("Class not found for servlet " + name + " for module " + mod.getName(), e);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            log.warn("Class cannot be accessed for servlet " + name + " for module " + mod.getName(), e);
        } catch (InstantiationException e) {
            log.warn("Class cannot be instantiated for servlet " + name + " for module " + mod.getName(), e);

        try {
            log.debug("Initializing " + name + " servlet. - " + httpServlet + ".");
            ServletConfig servletConfig = new ModuleServlet.SimpleServletConfig(name, servletContext);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.warn("Unable to initialize servlet: ", e);
            throw new ModuleException("Unable to initialize servlet: " + httpServlet, mod.getModuleId(), e);

        // don't allow modules to overwrite servlets of other modules.
        HttpServlet otherServletUsingSameName = moduleServlets.get(name);
        if (otherServletUsingSameName != null) {
            //log.debug("A servlet mapping with name " + name + " already exists. " + mod.getModuleId() + "'s servlet is overwriting it");
            String otherServletName = otherServletUsingSameName.getClass().getPackage() + "."
                    + otherServletUsingSameName.getClass().getName();
            throw new ModuleException("A servlet mapping with name " + name
                    + " is already in use and pointing at: " + otherServletName
                    + " from another installed module and this module is trying"
                    + " to use that same name.  Either the module attempting to be installed ("
                    + mod.getModuleId()
                    + ") will not work or the other one will not.  Please consult the developers of these two"
                    + " modules to sort this out.");

        log.debug("Caching the " + name + " servlet.");
        moduleServlets.put(name, httpServlet);