Example usage for javax.servlet.http HttpServletRequest getContentLength

List of usage examples for javax.servlet.http HttpServletRequest getContentLength


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.servlet.http HttpServletRequest getContentLength.


public int getContentLength();

Source Link


Returns the length, in bytes, of the request body and made available by the input stream, or -1 if the length is not known ir is greater than Integer.MAX_VALUE.


From source file:org.sakaiproject.dav.DavServlet.java

 * PROPPATCH Method./*from  w w w. ja  va  2  s  .  c o  m*/
protected void doProppatch(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
        throws ServletException, IOException {
    // Check that the resource is not locked
    if (isLocked(req)) {

    // we can't actually do this, but MS requires us to. Say we did.
    // I'm trying to be as close to valid here, so I generate an OK
    // for all the properties they tried to set. This is really hairy because
    // it gets into name spaces. But if we ever try to implement this for real,
    // we'll have to do this. So might as well start now.
    //    During testing I found by mistake that it's actually OK to send
    // an empty multistatus return, so I don't actually  need all of this stuff.
    //    The big problem is that the properties are typically not in the dav namespace
    // we build a hash table of namespaces, with the prefix we're going to use
    // since D: is used for dav, we start with E:, actually D+1

    DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = null;
    try {
        DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
        factory.setFeature("http://xml.org/sax/features/external-general-entities", false);
        factory.setFeature("http://xml.org/sax/features/external-parameter-entities", false);

        documentBuilder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
    } catch (Exception e) {

    int contentLength = req.getContentLength();

    // a list of the properties with the new prefix
    List<String> props = new ArrayList<String>();
    // hash of namespace, prefix
    Hashtable<String, String> spaces = new Hashtable<String, String>();

    // read the xml document
    if (contentLength > MAX_XML_STREAM_LENGTH) {
    } else if (contentLength > 0) {

        byte[] byteContent = new byte[contentLength];
        InputStream inputStream = req.getInputStream();

        int lenRead = 0;

        try {
            while (lenRead < contentLength) {
                int read = inputStream.read(byteContent, lenRead, contentLength - lenRead);
                if (read <= 0)
                lenRead += read;
        } catch (Exception ignore) {

        // Parse the input XML to see what they really want
        if (lenRead > 0)
            try {
                // if we got here, "is" is the xml document
                InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(byteContent, 0, lenRead);
                Document document = documentBuilder.parse(new InputSource(is));

                // Get the root element of the document
                Element rootElement = document.getDocumentElement();
                // find all the property nodes
                NodeList childList = rootElement.getElementsByTagNameNS("DAV:", "prop");

                int nextChar = 1;

                for (int i = 0; i < childList.getLength(); i++) {

                    // this should be a prop node
                    Node currentNode = childList.item(i);
                    // this should be the actual property
                    NodeList names = currentNode.getChildNodes();
                    // this should be the name
                    for (int j = 0; j < names.getLength(); j++) {
                        String namespace = names.item(j).getNamespaceURI();
                        String prefix = spaces.get(namespace);
                        // see if we know about this namespace. If not add it and
                        // generate a prefix
                        if (prefix == null) {
                            prefix = "" + Character.toChars('D' + nextChar)[0];
                            spaces.put(namespace, prefix);
                        props.add(prefix + ":" + names.item(j).getLocalName());
            } catch (Exception ignore) {

    resp.setContentType("text/xml; charset=UTF-8");

    Writer writer = resp.getWriter();

    writer.write("<D:multistatus xmlns:D=\"DAV:\"");
    // dump all the name spaces and their prefix
    for (String namespace : spaces.keySet())
        writer.write(" xmlns:" + spaces.get(namespace) + "=\"" + namespace + "\"");
    writer.write("><D:response><D:href>" + javax.servlet.http.HttpUtils.getRequestURL(req) + "</D:href>");
    // now output properties, claiming we did it
    for (String pname : props) {
        writer.write("<D:propstat><D:prop><" + pname
                + "/></D:prop><D:status>HTTP/1.1 201 OK</D:status></D:propstat>");


From source file:org.sakaiproject.dav.DavServlet.java

 * PROPFIND Method.//from ww w  . ja  v  a 2s  .c  o  m
protected void doPropfind(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
        throws ServletException, IOException {

    String path = getRelativePathSAKAI(req);

    if (path.endsWith("/"))
        path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 1);

    if ((path.toUpperCase().startsWith("/WEB-INF")) || (path.toUpperCase().startsWith("/META-INF"))
            || prohibited(path)) {

    // Properties which are to be displayed.
    Vector<String> properties = null;
    // Propfind depth
    int depth = INFINITY;
    // Propfind type
    int type = FIND_ALL_PROP;

    String depthStr = req.getHeader("Depth");

    if (depthStr == null) {
        depth = INFINITY;
    } else {
        if (depthStr.equals("0")) {
            depth = 0;
        } else if (depthStr.equals("1")) {
            depth = 1;
        } else if (depthStr.equals("infinity")) {
            depth = INFINITY;

    Node propNode = null;

    DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = getDocumentBuilder();

    // be careful how we get content, as we've had hangs in mod_jk
    // Rather than passing the XML parser a stream on the network
    // input, we read it into a buffer and pass them a stream
    // on the buffer. This is an experiment to see if it fixes
    // the hangs.

    // Note that getContentLength can return -1. As everyone seems
    // to use the content-length header, ignore that case for now
    // It is strongly discouraged by the spec.

    int contentLength = req.getContentLength();

    if (contentLength > MAX_XML_STREAM_LENGTH) {
    } else if (contentLength > 0) {

        byte[] byteContent = new byte[contentLength];
        InputStream inputStream = req.getInputStream();

        int lenRead = 0;

        try {
            while (lenRead < contentLength) {
                int read = inputStream.read(byteContent, lenRead, contentLength - lenRead);
                if (read <= 0)
                lenRead += read;
        } catch (Exception ignore) {
        // if anything goes wrong, we treat it as find all props

        // Parse the input XML to see what they really want
        if (lenRead > 0)
            try {
                InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(byteContent, 0, lenRead);
                // System.out.println("have bytes");
                Document document = documentBuilder.parse(new InputSource(is));

                // Get the root element of the document
                Element rootElement = document.getDocumentElement();
                NodeList childList = rootElement.getChildNodes();
                // System.out.println("have nodes " + childList.getLength());

                for (int i = 0; i < childList.getLength(); i++) {
                    Node currentNode = childList.item(i);
                    // System.out.println("looking at node " + currentNode.getNodeName());
                    switch (currentNode.getNodeType()) {
                    case Node.TEXT_NODE:
                    case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
                        if (currentNode.getNodeName().endsWith("prop")) {
                            type = FIND_BY_PROPERTY;
                            propNode = currentNode;
                        if (currentNode.getNodeName().endsWith("propname")) {
                            type = FIND_PROPERTY_NAMES;
                        if (currentNode.getNodeName().endsWith("allprop")) {
                            type = FIND_ALL_PROP;
            } catch (SAXParseException se) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                M_log.warn("Exception parsing DAV request", e);
        // again, in case of exception, we'll have the default
        // FIND_ALL_PROP

    // System.out.println("Find type " + type);

    if (type == FIND_BY_PROPERTY) {
        properties = new Vector<String>();
        NodeList childList = propNode.getChildNodes();

        for (int i = 0; i < childList.getLength(); i++) {
            Node currentNode = childList.item(i);
            switch (currentNode.getNodeType()) {
            case Node.TEXT_NODE:
            case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
                String nodeName = currentNode.getNodeName();
                String propertyName = null;
                if (nodeName.indexOf(':') != -1) {
                    propertyName = nodeName.substring(nodeName.indexOf(':') + 1);
                } else {
                    propertyName = nodeName;
                // href is a live property which is handled differently


    // Retrieve the resources
    DirContextSAKAI resources = getResourcesSAKAI();

    if (resources == null) {

    // Point the resource object at a particular path and catch the error if necessary.

    boolean exists = true;
    try {
    } catch (NamingException e) {
        exists = false;
        int slash = path.lastIndexOf('/');
        if (slash != -1) {
            String parentPath = path.substring(0, slash);
            Vector<String> currentLockNullResources = lockNullResources.get(parentPath);
            if (currentLockNullResources != null) {
                Enumeration<String> lockNullResourcesList = currentLockNullResources.elements();
                while (lockNullResourcesList.hasMoreElements()) {
                    String lockNullPath = lockNullResourcesList.nextElement();
                    if (lockNullPath.equals(path)) {
                        resp.setContentType("text/xml; charset=UTF-8");
                        // Create multistatus object
                        XMLWriter generatedXML = new XMLWriter(resp.getWriter());
                        generatedXML.writeElement("D", "multistatus" + generateNamespaceDeclarations(),
                        parseLockNullProperties(req, generatedXML, lockNullPath, type, properties);
                        generatedXML.writeElement("D", "multistatus", XMLWriter.CLOSING);

    if (!exists) {
        resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, "/dav" + path);


    resp.setContentType("text/xml; charset=UTF-8");

    // Create multistatus object
    XMLWriter generatedXML = new XMLWriter(resp.getWriter());

    generatedXML.writeElement("D", "multistatus" + generateNamespaceDeclarations(), XMLWriter.OPENING);

    if (depth == 0) {
        parseProperties(req, resources, generatedXML, path, type, properties);
    } else {
        // The stack always contains the object of the current level
        Stack<String> stack = new Stack<String>();

        // Stack of the objects one level below
        Stack<String> stackBelow = new Stack<String>();

        while ((!stack.isEmpty()) && (depth >= 0)) {

            String currentPath = (String) stack.pop();

            try {
                // if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) M_log.debug("Lookup currentPath="+currentPath);
            } catch (NamingException e) {

            parseProperties(req, resources, generatedXML, currentPath, type, properties);

            if ((resources.isCollection) && (depth > 0)) {

                Iterator<ContentEntity> it = resources.list(currentPath);
                while (it.hasNext()) {
                    Entity mbr = it.next();
                    String resourceName = getResourceNameSAKAI(mbr);

                    String newPath = currentPath;
                    if (!(newPath.endsWith("/")))
                        newPath += "/";
                    newPath += resourceName;
                    if (!(newPath.toLowerCase().indexOf("/protected") >= 0
                            && !contentHostingService.allowAddCollection(newPath)))
                    // if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) M_log.debug("SAKAI found resource " + newPath);

                // Displaying the lock-null resources present in that
                // collection
                String lockPath = currentPath;
                if (lockPath.endsWith("/"))
                    lockPath = lockPath.substring(0, lockPath.length() - 1);
                Vector<String> currentLockNullResources = lockNullResources.get(lockPath);
                if (currentLockNullResources != null) {
                    Enumeration<String> lockNullResourcesList = currentLockNullResources.elements();
                    while (lockNullResourcesList.hasMoreElements()) {
                        String lockNullPath = (String) lockNullResourcesList.nextElement();

                        parseLockNullProperties(req, generatedXML, lockNullPath, type, properties);


            if (stack.isEmpty()) {
                stack = stackBelow;

                stackBelow = new Stack<String>();
            // if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) M_log.debug("SAKAIDAV.propfind() " + generatedXML.toString());

    generatedXML.writeElement("D", "multistatus", XMLWriter.CLOSING);
    // if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) M_log.debug("SAKAIDAV.propfind() at end:" + generatedXML.toString());


From source file:de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.WGPDispatcher.java

private void dispatchTmlRequest(WGPRequestPath path, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
        javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, Date startDate) throws java.lang.Exception {

    WGContent content = path.getContent();
    WGDatabase database = path.getDatabase();
    if (database == null) {
        throw new HttpErrorException(404, "No database of key " + path.getDatabaseKey(), null);
    }/*from w  ww .j  a va2 s. com*/

    WGARequestInformation info = (WGARequestInformation) request
    if (info != null) {
        if (content != null) {
        } else {

    boolean ajax = false;

    HttpSession session = request.getSession();

    // Determine requested mime type and type key
    String mediaKey = path.getMediaKey();
    if (mediaKey == null) {
        mediaKey = database.getAttribute(WGACore.DBATTRIB_DEFAULT_MEDIAKEY).toString();

    // Ensure existing SO registry for this session/database
    SessionScopeResolver.getRegistry(request.getSession(), database.getDbReference(), true);

    // Look if a session cookie has to be set
    _core.setSessionCookie(request, response, database);

    // Context request, if content key filled or we have a title path
    if (content != null) {

        if (!content.mayBePublished(
                isBrowserInterface(session) || isAuthoringMode(database.getDbReference(), session),
                WGContent.DISPLAYTYPE_NONE)) {
            sendNoContentNotification(path, request, response, database);

        if (content.isVirtual()) {
            if (isBrowserInterface(session)) {
                if (!content.getStatus().equals(WGContent.STATUS_DRAFT)
                        && request.getParameter("forceVLink") == null) {

                    String url = getVirtualContentURL(request, database, path, content);
                    sendRedirect(request, response, url);
            } else {
                String vLink = buildVirtualLink(WGA.get(request, response, getCore()), content,
                        path.getMediaKey(), path.getLayoutKey());
                if (vLink != null) {
                    sendRedirect(request, response, vLink);
                } else {
                    throw new HttpErrorException(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND,
                            "Unresolveable virtual link on content " + content.getContentKey().toString(),


    // Contextless request. We use a dummy content
    else {
        content = database.getDummyContent(path.getRequestLanguage());

    // Test browsability of content
    if (!content.isDummy() && getBrowsingSecurity(database) <= BrowsingSecurity.NO_BROWSING) {
        throw new HttpErrorException(java.net.HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN,
                "Browsing not allowed in database '" + path.getDatabaseKey() + "'", path.getDatabaseKey());

    // Drop cache if requested by url param
    if (request.getQueryString() != null && request.getQueryString().toLowerCase().indexOf("dropcache") != -1
            && isAdminLoggedIn(request)) {

    // Preparse TMLForm data into multipart form data
    TMLForm.MultipartFormData formData = null;
    String ajaxFormdataSessionKey = request.getParameter("$ajaxformkey");
    if (ajaxFormdataSessionKey != null && !ajaxFormdataSessionKey.trim().equals("")) {
        formData = (TMLForm.MultipartFormData) request.getSession().getAttribute(ajaxFormdataSessionKey);
        if (formData != null && !formData.isValid()) {
            formData = null;
    } else if (ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request) && request.getContentLength() != -1) {
        try {
            formData = new TMLForm.MultipartFormData(request, getCore());
        } catch (IOException e) {
                    "Could not parse multipart form data because of IO exception: " + WGUtils.getRootCause(e));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            getCore().getLog().error("Exception parsing multipart form data", e);

    // Read ajax information, to be able to determine AJAX requests
    String encAjaxInfo = request.getParameter("$ajaxInfo");
    boolean isAjax = (encAjaxInfo != null);

    TMLUserProfile tmlUserProfile = null;
    try {
        tmlUserProfile = getCore().getPersManager().prepareUserProfileForRequest(request, response, content,
                database, formData, isAjax);
        if (info != null && tmlUserProfile != null) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        _log.error("Unable to personalize WebTML request " + path.getCompleteURL(), e);

    // Set some basic attributes for WebTML processing
    request.setAttribute(WGACore.ATTRIB_WGPPATH, path.getPublisherURL());
    request.setAttribute(WGACore.ATTRIB_TAGIDS, new ConcurrentHashMap<String, BaseTagStatus>());
    request.setAttribute(WGACore.ATTRIB_REQUESTURL, path.getCompleteURL());
    request.setAttribute(WGACore.ATTRIB_FORMDATA, formData);
    request.setAttribute(WGACore.ATTRIB_COOKIES, fetchHttpCookies(request));

    // Determine tml design for this request
    WGA wga = WGA.get(request, response, getCore());
    Design outerLayout = null;
    if (path.getLayoutKey() != null) {
        outerLayout = wga.design(database).resolve(path.getLayoutKey());
        WGTMLModule tmlLib = outerLayout.getTMLModule(mediaKey);
        if (tmlLib != null && tmlLib.isDirectAccessAllowed() == false) {
            throw new HttpErrorException(java.net.HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN,
                    "This design is not allowed for direct access: " + tmlLib.getName() + " ("
                            + tmlLib.getMediaKey() + ")",
    } else {
        WGStructEntry entry = content.getStructEntry();
        if (entry == null) {
            throw new HttpErrorException(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
                    "Content " + content.getContentKey().toString() + " has no struct entry",
        outerLayout = wga.design(database).resolve(entry.getContentType().getOuterLayoutName());

    request.setAttribute(WGACore.ATTRIB_OUTER_DESIGN, outerLayout.getBaseReference().getResourceName());

    // If AJAX read the AJAX data and use WebTML module from there
    AjaxInfo ajaxInfo = null;
    if (encAjaxInfo != null) {
        ajaxInfo = readAjaxInformation(request, database, encAjaxInfo);
        ajax = true;
        WGTMLModule tmlLib = getAjaxTMLModule(request, database, ajaxInfo);
        outerLayout = wga.design(tmlLib.getDatabase()).resolve(tmlLib.getName());
        mediaKey = tmlLib.getMediaKey();

    // Set these here for once, so the following scripts can fetch them. Might be changed by the renderer.
    MediaKey mediaKeyObj = _core.getMediaKey(mediaKey);
    request.setAttribute(WGACore.ATTRIB_MIMETYPE, mediaKeyObj.getMimeType());
    request.setAttribute(WGACore.ATTRIB_MEDIAKEY, mediaKeyObj.getKey());

    // Update usage statistics
    getCore().getUsageStatistics().addRequestStatistic(request, session, database, tmlUserProfile);

    // Prepare WebTML environment
    TMLContext mainContext = new WebTMLEnvironmentBuilder(getCore(), content, request, response, tmlUserProfile,

    // Dispatch
    try {
        rootDispatch(wga, outerLayout, mainContext, mediaKey);

        // Eventually do redirect
        if (request.getAttribute(WGACore.ATTRIB_REDIRECT) != null) {
            if (!ajax) { // On AJAX requests the redirect is performed by Root.tmlEndTag()
                if (!response.isCommitted()) {
                    if (!session.isNew()) { // on new sessions we must not reset the response (#00000147)
                } else { // Out of luck for redirect. We only can log that we could not redirect
                            .warn("Unable to perform redirect to '"
                                    + String.valueOf(request.getAttribute(WGACore.ATTRIB_REDIRECT))
                                    + "' because response was already committed");

    } catch (Exception t) {
        throw t;
    } finally {
        if (info != null) {
            info.setMimeType((String) request.getAttribute(WGACore.ATTRIB_MIMETYPE));
            info.setDesign(outerLayout.getTMLModule((String) request.getAttribute(WGACore.ATTRIB_MEDIAKEY)));


From source file:com.portfolio.data.provider.MysqlAdminProvider.java

public Object postPortfolioZip(MimeType mimeType, MimeType mimeType2, HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest,
        int userId, int groupId, String modelId) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
    if (!credential.isAdmin(userId))
        throw new RestWebApplicationException(Status.FORBIDDEN, "No admin right");

    DataInputStream inZip = new DataInputStream(httpServletRequest.getInputStream());

    ByteArrayOutputStream byte2 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    StringBuffer outTrace = new StringBuffer();

    String portfolioId = null;/*from  ww w  .j av  a 2s  .  c o  m*/
    portfolioId = httpServletRequest.getParameter("portfolio");

    String foldersfiles = null;
    String filename;
    String[] xmlFiles;
    String[] allFiles;
    String[] ImgFiles;
    int formDataLength = httpServletRequest.getContentLength();
    byte[] buff = new byte[formDataLength];

    // Recuperation de l'heure  laquelle le zip est cr
    //Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    //SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss_S");
    //String now = sdf.format(cal.getTime());


    javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session = httpServletRequest.getSession(true);
    String ppath = session.getServletContext().getRealPath(File.separator);
    String outsideDir = ppath.substring(0, ppath.lastIndexOf(File.separator)) + "_files" + File.separator;
    File outsideDirectoryFile = new File(outsideDir);
    // if the directory does not exist, create it
    if (!outsideDirectoryFile.exists()) {

    //Creation du zip
    filename = outsideDir + "xml_" + this.portfolioUuidPreliminaire + ".zip";
    FileOutputStream outZip = new FileOutputStream(filename);

    int len;

    while ((len = inZip.read(buff)) != -1) {
        outZip.write(buff, 0, len);


    //-- unzip --
    foldersfiles = unzip(filename, outsideDir + this.portfolioUuidPreliminaire + File.separator);
    //TODO Attention si plusieurs XML dans le fichier
    xmlFiles = findFiles(outsideDir + this.portfolioUuidPreliminaire + File.separator, "xml");
    allFiles = findFiles(outsideDir + this.portfolioUuidPreliminaire + File.separator, null);

    for (int i = 0; i < allFiles.length; i++) {
        String tmpFileName = allFiles[i].substring(allFiles[i].lastIndexOf(File.separator) + 1);
        String uuid = tmpFileName.substring(0, tmpFileName.indexOf("_"));

        tmpFileName = allFiles[i].substring(allFiles[i].lastIndexOf(File.separator) + 1);
        String lang;
        try {
            int tmpPos = tmpFileName.indexOf("_");
            lang = tmpFileName.substring(tmpPos + 1, tmpPos + 3);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            lang = "";
        InputStream is = new FileInputStream(allFiles[i]);
        byte b[] = new byte[is.available()];
        String extension;
        try {
            extension = tmpFileName.substring(tmpFileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            extension = null;


        // trop long
        //String tmpMimeType = FileUtils.getMimeType("file://"+allFiles[i]);
        String tmpMimeType = FileUtils.getMimeTypeFromExtension(extension);

        // Attention on initialise la ligne file
        // avec l'UUID d'origine de l'asmContext parent
        // Il sera mis  jour avec l'UUID asmContext final dans writeNode
        try {
            UUID tmpUuid = UUID.fromString(uuid);

            if (tmpUuid.toString().equals(uuid))
                this.putFile(uuid, lang, tmpFileName, outsideDir, tmpMimeType, extension, b.length, b, userId);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // Le nom du fichier ne commence pas par un UUID,
            // ce n'est donc pas une ressource

    //TODO Supprimer le zip quand a fonctionnera bien

    //--- Read xml fileL ----
    for (int i = 0; i < xmlFiles.length; i++) {
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(xmlFiles[i])));
        String line;
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
        String xml = "?";
        xml = sb.toString();

        if (xml.contains("<portfolio id=")) {
            try {
                Object returnValue = postPortfolio(new MimeType("text/xml"), new MimeType("text/xml"), xml,
                        userId, groupId, null);
                return returnValue;
            } catch (MimeTypeParseException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block


    return false;

From source file:org.metis.pull.WdsResourceBean.java

 * This method gets called by the WdsRdbMapper bean to handle a HTTP
 * request. This method must be multi-thread capable. Note that since we're
 * not using Views, this method must return null.
 * //  w w w  .j  a va  2 s.  c o  m
 * @param request
 *            the http request that is being serviced
 * @param response
 *            the response that will be sent back to the service consumer
 * @return must return null since we're not using a view
 * @throws Exception
protected ModelAndView handleRequestInternal(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws Exception {

    LOG.debug(getBeanName() + ": handleRequestInternal - **** new request ****");

    // dump the request if trace is on
    if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
        LOG.trace(getBeanName() + ":handleRequestInternal - method = " + request.getMethod());
        LOG.trace(getBeanName() + ":handleRequestInternal - uri  = " + request.getRequestURI());
        LOG.trace(getBeanName() + ":handleRequestInternal - protocol  = " + request.getProtocol());
        LOG.trace(getBeanName() + ":handleRequestInternal - secure  = " + request.isSecure());

        // dump all the http headers and their values
        Enumeration<String> headerNames = request.getHeaderNames();
        if (headerNames != null) {
            while (headerNames.hasMoreElements()) {
                String headerName = headerNames.nextElement();
                LOG.trace(getBeanName() + ":handleRequestInternal - " + headerName + " = "
                        + request.getHeader(headerName));

        if (request.getQueryString() != null) {
            LOG.trace(getBeanName() + ":handleRequestInternal - queryString  = " + request.getQueryString());

    long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

    // give the response a Date header with the current time
    response.setDateHeader(DATE_HDR, currentTime);

    // assign the Server header this container's info
    response.setHeader(SERVER_HDR, getServerInfo());

    // determine the HTTP protocol version being used by the client
    // default version will be 0
    int protocolVersion = 0;
    try {
        protocolVersion = Integer
    } catch (Exception exc) {
        LOG.warn(getBeanName() + ": handleRequestInternal - unable to get http protocol "
                + "version, stack trace follows: ");
        LOG.error(getBeanName() + ": exception stack trace follows:");

    LOG.trace(getBeanName() + ":handleRequestInternal - using this " + "protocol version: " + protocolVersion);

     * Ok, the request first needs to run the security gauntlet
     * We do not want to send any error messages back to the client that
     * would give it a hint that we're invoking SQL statements. This is a
     * countermeasure for SQL injection probes.

    // see if this RDB is restricting user agents and if so, validate user
    // agent
    if ((getAllowedAgents() != null && !getAllowedAgents().isEmpty())
            || (getNotAllowedAgents() != null && !getNotAllowedAgents().isEmpty())) {

        String userAgent = request.getHeader(USER_AGENT_HDR);

        if (userAgent != null && userAgent.length() > 0) {
                    getBeanName() + ": handleRequestInternal - validating this " + "user agent: " + userAgent);

            // Convert to lower case as allowed agents have been
            // converted to lower case as well
            userAgent = userAgent.toLowerCase();

            boolean allow = false;
            if (getAllowedAgents() != null && !getAllowedAgents().isEmpty()) {
                for (String agent : getAllowedAgents()) {
                    LOG.trace(getBeanName() + ": handleRequestInternal - comparing to this "
                            + "allowed agent : " + agent);
                    if (userAgent.indexOf(agent) >= 0) {
                        LOG.trace(getBeanName() + ": handleRequestInternal - this allowed agent "
                                + "was found: " + agent);
                        allow = true;
            } else {
                allow = true;
                for (String agent : getNotAllowedAgents()) {
                    LOG.trace(getBeanName() + ": handleRequestInternal - comparing to this "
                            + "non-allowed agent : " + agent);
                    if (userAgent.indexOf(agent) >= 0) {
                        LOG.trace(getBeanName() + ": handleRequestInternal - this non-allowed "
                                + "agent was found: " + agent);
                        allow = false;
            if (!allow) {
                response.sendError(SC_UNAUTHORIZED, "ERROR, user agent " + "is not authorized");
                LOG.error(getBeanName() + ": handleRequestInternal - ERROR, user agent is " + "not authorized");
                return null;
        } else {
                    "ERROR, user agent info " + "was not received and is required!");
            LOG.error(getBeanName() + ": handleRequestInternal - ERROR, user agent header "
                    + "is required but was not provided by the client");
            return null;

    // we do not support chunked transfer encoding, which is a http
    // 1.1 feature.
    if (request.getHeader(TRANSFER_ENCODING_HDR) != null
            && request.getHeader(TRANSFER_ENCODING_HDR).equalsIgnoreCase(CHUNKED)) {
        response.sendError(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Chunked tranfer encoding is not " + "supported");
        return null;

     * isSecure returns a boolean indicating whether this request was made
     * using a secure channel, such as HTTPS. so, if the channel must be
     * secure, but it is not, then throw an exception and return an error.
    if (isSecure() && !request.isSecure()) {
        response.sendError(SC_UNAUTHORIZED, "ERROR, channel is not secure");
        LOG.error(getBeanName() + ": handleRequestInternal - ERROR, channel is not secure");
        return null;

     * getUserPrincipal() returns a java.security.Principal containing the
     * name of the user making this request, else it returns null if the
     * user has not been authenticated. so, if it is mandated that the user
     * be authenticated, but has not been authenticated, then throw an
     * exception and return an error
    if (isAuthenticated() && request.getUserPrincipal() == null) {
        response.sendError(SC_UNAUTHORIZED, "ERROR, user is not authenticated");
        LOG.error(getBeanName() + ": handleRequestInternal - ERROR, user is not authenticated");
        return null;

     * Check for valid method - the only supported http methods are GET,
     * POST, PUT, and DELETE. Here are some good descriptions regarding the
     * methods and their use with respect to this servlet.
     * The GET method is used for projecting data from the DB. So it maps to
     * a select statement.
     * The PUT and POST methods are used for inserting or updating an entity
     * in the DB. So they map to either an update or insert.
     * The DELETE is used for removing one or more entities from the DB. So
     * it maps to a delete.
     * The bean must be assigned at least one of the methods to service
    Method method = null;
    try {
        method = Enum.valueOf(Method.class, request.getMethod().toUpperCase());
        LOG.debug(getBeanName() + ": handleRequestInternal - processing this method: " + method.toString());
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        LOG.error(getBeanName() + ":handleRequestInternal - This method is not allowed [" + request.getMethod()
                + "]");
        response.setHeader("Allow", allowedMethodsRsp);
        response.sendError(SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, "This method is not allowed [" + request.getMethod() + "]");
        return null;

    // do some more method validation; i.e., make sure requested method has
    // been assigned a SQL statement
    // TODO: we may be able to remove this block of code
    String s1 = null;
    if (method.isGet() && sqlStmnts4Get == null || method.isPost() && sqlStmnts4Post == null
            || method.isPut() && sqlStmnts4Put == null || method.isDelete() && sqlStmnts4Delete == null) {
        response.setHeader("Allow", allowedMethodsRsp);
        s1 = "HTTP method [" + method + "] is not supported";
        response.sendError(SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, s1);
        LOG.error(getBeanName() + ":handleRequestInternal - " + s1);
        return null;

    // If the client has specified an 'Accept' header field, then determine
    // if it is willing or capable of accepting JSON or anything (*/*)
    // TODO: what about the client accepting urlencoded strings??
    s1 = request.getHeader(ACCEPT_HDR);
    if (s1 != null && s1.length() > 0) {
        LOG.debug(getBeanName() + ":handleRequestInternal - client-specified media "
                + "type in accept header = " + s1);
        // parse the accept header's content
        String[] mediaTypes = s1.trim().split(COMMA_STR);
        boolean match = false;
        for (String mediaType : mediaTypes) {
            mediaType = mediaType.trim().toLowerCase();
            if (mediaType.startsWith(anyContentType) || mediaType.startsWith(jsonContentType)) {
                match = true;
        if (!match) {
            LOG.error(getBeanName() + ":handleRequestInternal - client-specified media type of '" + s1
                    + "' does not include '" + "'" + jsonContentType);
            response.sendError(SC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE, "client-specified media " + "type of '" + s1
                    + "' does not include '" + "'" + jsonContentType);
            return null;

    // pick up the corresponding list of SQL statements for this request
    List<SqlStmnt> sqlStmnts = null;
    switch (method) {
    case GET:
        sqlStmnts = getSqlStmnts4Get();
    case DELETE:
        sqlStmnts = getSqlStmnts4Delete();
    case PUT:
        sqlStmnts = getSqlStmnts4Put();
    case POST:
        sqlStmnts = getSqlStmnts4Post();
        response.sendError(SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, "ERROR, unsupported method type: " + method);
        LOG.error(getBeanName() + ": handleRequestInternal - ERROR, encountered unknown " + "method type: "
                + method);
        return null;

    // ~~~~~~ EXTRACT PARAMERTERS, IF ANY ~~~~~~~~~~~

    // GETs with entity bodies are illegal
    if (method.isGet() && request.getContentLength() > 0) {
                "Client has issued a malformed or illegal request; " + "GET cannot include entity body");
        return null;

    // the DELETE method also cannot include an entity body; however, the
    // servlet containers already ignore them. so no need to check for that

    // see if json object arrived
    boolean jsonObjectPresent = (method.isPost() || method.isPut())
            && (request.getContentLength() > 0 && request.getContentType().equalsIgnoreCase(jsonContentType));

    LOG.debug(getBeanName() + ": jsonObjectPresent = " + jsonObjectPresent);

    // see if this is a PUT with entity. we've learned that for PUTs,
    // getParameterMap does not work the same across all servlet containers.
    // so we need take care of this ourselves
    boolean putWithBodyPresent = (method.isPut()) && (request.getContentLength() > 0
            && request.getContentType().equalsIgnoreCase(urlEncodedContentType));

    LOG.debug(getBeanName() + ": putWithBodyPresent = " + putWithBodyPresent);

    // collect incoming parameters and place them in a common bucket
    List<Map<String, String>> cParams = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>();

    // first, get the incoming query or form parameters (if any); we will
    // assume that each key has only one parameter. in other words,
    // we're not dealing with drop-down boxes or things similar
    if (!putWithBodyPresent && !jsonObjectPresent) {
        Map<String, String[]> qParams = request.getParameterMap();
        if (qParams != null && !qParams.isEmpty()) {
            Map<String, String> qMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
            for (String key : qParams.keySet()) {
                qMap.put(key.toLowerCase(), qParams.get(key)[0]);
            if (!qMap.isEmpty()) {
                LOG.debug(getBeanName() + ": query params = " + qMap.toString());

    // a put with entity body arrived, so get the parameters from the
    // body and place them in the common bucket
    else if (putWithBodyPresent) {

        try {
            Map<String, String> putParams = null;
            // parseUrlEncoded will force keys to lower case
            putParams = Utils.parseUrlEncoded(request.getInputStream());
            if (putParams != null && !putParams.isEmpty()) {
        } catch (Exception exc) {
            LOG.error(getBeanName() + ": ERROR, caught this " + "exception while parsing urlencoded string: "
                    + exc.toString());
            LOG.error(getBeanName() + ": exception stack trace follows:");
            if (exc.getCause() != null) {
                LOG.error(getBeanName() + ": Caused by " + exc.getCause().toString());
                LOG.error(getBeanName() + ": causing exception stack trace follows:");
            response.sendError(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "urlencoded string parsing error: " + exc.getMessage());
            return null;

    // ok, a json object arrived, so get parameters defined in that object
    // and place them in the common bucket
    else {
        // its a json object, so parse it to extract params from it
        try {
            List<Map<String, String>> jParams = null;
            // parseJson will ensure that all passed-in JSON objects have
            // the same set of identical keys
            jParams = Utils.parseJson(request.getInputStream());
            if (jParams != null && !jParams.isEmpty()) {
                // if we also got query params then ensure they have the
                // same set of keys as the json params. why anyone would
                // ever do this is beyond me, but I'll leave it in for now
                if (!cParams.isEmpty()) {
                    Map<String, String> cMap = cParams.get(0);
                    Map<String, String> jMap = jParams.get(0);
                    for (String key : cMap.keySet()) {
                        if (jMap.get(key) == null) {
                            String eStr = getBeanName() + ": ERROR, json "
                                    + "object key set does not match query " + "param key set";
                            response.sendError(SC_BAD_REQUEST, eStr);
                            return null;
                    // place the passed in query params in the jParams
                    // bucket
                // assign the jParams bucket to the common bucket
                cParams = jParams;
        } catch (Exception exc) {
            LOG.error(getBeanName() + ": ERROR, caught this " + "exception while parsing json object: "
                    + exc.toString());
            LOG.error(getBeanName() + ": exception stack trace follows:");
            if (exc.getCause() != null) {
                LOG.error(getBeanName() + ": Caused by " + exc.getCause().toString());
                LOG.error(getBeanName() + ": causing exception stack trace follows:");
            response.sendError(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "json parsing error: " + exc.getMessage());
            return null;

    // if trace is on, dump the params (if any) to the log
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        if (!cParams.isEmpty()) {
            for (int i = 0; i < cParams.size(); i++) {
                LOG.debug(getBeanName() + ": handleRequestInternal - received these params: "
                        + cParams.get(i).toString());
        } else {
            LOG.debug(getBeanName() + ": handleRequestInternal - did not receive any params");

    // ensure none of the params' values have been black listed
    if (!cParams.isEmpty() && getBlackList().length() > 0) {
        char[] bl = getBlackList().toCharArray();
        for (int i = 0; i < cParams.size(); i++) {
            for (String value : cParams.get(i).values()) {
                if (Utils.isOnBlackList(value, bl)) {
                            "encountered black listed character in this param " + "value: " + value);
                    LOG.error(getBeanName() + "handleRequestInternal - encountered black listed "
                            + "character in this param value: " + value);
                    return null;


    // find the proper SQL statement based on the incoming parameters' (if
    // any) keys
    SqlStmnt sqlStmnt = null;
    try {
        // getMatch will try and find a match, even if no params were
        // provided.
        // @formatter:off
        sqlStmnt = (cParams.isEmpty()) ? SqlStmnt.getMatch(sqlStmnts, null)
                : SqlStmnt.getMatch(sqlStmnts, cParams.get(0).keySet());
        // @formatter:on

        if (sqlStmnt == null && !cParams.isEmpty()) {
            LOG.error(getBeanName() + ":ERROR, unable to find sql " + "statement with this incoming param set: "
                    + cParams.toString());
            response.sendError(SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "internal server error: mapping error");
            return null;
        } else if (sqlStmnt == null) {
            LOG.warn(getBeanName() + ": warning, unable to find sql "
                    + "statement on first pass, will use extra path info");
        } else {
            LOG.debug(getBeanName() + ": handleRequestInternal - matching sql stmt = " + sqlStmnt.toString());
    } catch (Exception exc) {
        LOG.error(getBeanName() + ":ERROR, caught this exception " + "while mapping sql to params: "
                + exc.toString());
        LOG.error(getBeanName() + ": exception stack trace follows:");
        if (exc.getCause() != null) {
            LOG.error(getBeanName() + ": Caused by " + exc.getCause().toString());
            LOG.error(getBeanName() + ": causing exception stack trace follows:");
        response.sendError(SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "mapping error");
        return null;

    // if getMatch could not find a match - perhaps input params were not
    // provided - then use the URI's 'extended path' information as an input
    // param
    if (sqlStmnt == null) {
        LOG.debug(getBeanName() + ": invoking getExtraPathInfo");
        String[] xtraPathInfo = Utils.getExtraPathInfo(request.getPathInfo());
        if (xtraPathInfo != null && xtraPathInfo.length >= 2) {
            LOG.debug(getBeanName() + ": extra path key:value = " + xtraPathInfo[0] + ":" + xtraPathInfo[1]);
        } else {
            LOG.error(getBeanName() + ":ERROR, getExtraPathInfo failed to find info");
            response.sendError(SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "internal server error: mapping error");
            return null;
        // put the xtra path info in the common param bucket and try again
        Map<String, String> xMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
        xMap.put(xtraPathInfo[0], xtraPathInfo[1]);
        // try again with the extra path info
        sqlStmnt = SqlStmnt.getMatch(sqlStmnts, xMap.keySet());
        if (sqlStmnt == null) {
            LOG.error(getBeanName() + ":ERROR, unable to find sql " + "statement with this xtra path info: "
                    + cParams.toString());
            response.sendError(SC_NOT_FOUND, "internal server error: mapping error");
            return null;

    // if we've gotten this far, we've gotten past the security gauntlet and
    // we have a SQL statement to work with.
    SqlResult sqlResult = null;
    try {
        // get the output stream
        OutputStream os = response.getOutputStream();

        // FIRE IN THE DB HOLE :)
        if ((sqlResult = sqlStmnt.execute(cParams)) == null) {
            // execute will have logged the necessary debug/error info
            return null;

        // execute went through ok, lets see how to respond
        switch (method) {
        case GET:
            // if a resultset was returned, then set the content type,
            // convert it to json, and write it out
            List<Map<String, Object>> listMap = sqlResult.getResultSet();
            if (listMap != null) {
                // tell the client the content type
                String jsonOutput = Utils.generateJson(sqlResult.getResultSet());
                LOG.trace(getBeanName() + ": returning this payload - " + jsonOutput);

                // ensure that only the client can cache the data and tell
                // the client how long the data can remain active
                        (getCacheControl() != null) ? getCacheControl() : DFLT_CACHE_CNTRL_STR);
                response.setHeader(PRAGMA_HDR, PRAGMA_NO_CACHE_STR);
                response.setDateHeader(EXPIRES_HDR, currentTime + (getExpires() * 1000));
            } else {
                LOG.debug(getBeanName() + ": NOT returning json message");
        case DELETE:
            // a DELETE should not send back an entity body
        case PUT:
             * PUTs are idempotent; therefore, they must provide ALL the
             * properties that pertain to the resource/entity that they are
             * creating or updating. Updates cannot be partial updates; they
             * must be full updates. A PUT is issued by a client that knows
             * the identifier (in our case, primary key) of the
             * resource/entity. Therefore, we do not have to send back a
             * Location header in response to a PUT that has created a
             * resource.
            if (sqlStmnt.isInsert()) {
            } else {
        case POST:
             * A POST is not idempotent; therefore, it can be used to
             * perform a 'partial' update, as well as a full create. When
             * creating a resource via POST, the client does not know the
             * primary key, and it assumes it will be auto-generated;
             * therefore, a Location header with auto-generated key must be
             * returned to client.
            if (sqlStmnt.isInsert()) {
                // we need to return the new key, but only if it was not a
                // batch insert. the new key should be returned via the
                // location header

                // check if a key holder exists; if not, then table was not
                // configured with auto-generated key.
                String locationPath = request.getRequestURL().toString();
                if (sqlResult.getKeyHolder() != null) {
                    // key holder exists, check and see if a key is
                    // present
                    if (sqlResult.getKeyHolder().getKey() != null) {
                        String id = sqlResult.getKeyHolder().getKey().toString();
                        LOG.debug(getBeanName() + ": getKey() returns " + id);
                        locationPath += ("/" + id);
                        LOG.debug(getBeanName() + ": locationPath = " + locationPath);
                        response.setHeader(LOCATION_HDR, locationPath);
                    // no key, check for multiple keys
                    // TODO: should we send back all keys?
                    else if (sqlResult.getKeyHolder().getKeys() != null) {
                        Map<String, Object> keyMap = sqlResult.getKeyHolder().getKeys();
                        LOG.debug(getBeanName() + ": getKeys() returns " + keyMap);
                    // maybe map of keys?
                    // TODO: should we send back all keys?
                    else if (sqlResult.getKeyHolder().getKeyList() != null) {
                        for (Map<String, Object> map : sqlResult.getKeyHolder().getKeyList()) {
                            LOG.debug(getBeanName() + ": Map from getKeyList(): " + map);
                } else {
                    // if it was not an insert, then it was an update.
                    LOG.debug(getBeanName() + ": key holder was not returned for the insert");
            } else {
                // it was not an insert, so just send back an OK for the
                // update
    } catch (JsonProcessingException exc) {
        LOG.error(getBeanName() + ":ERROR, caught this " + "JsonProcessingException while trying to gen json "
                + "message: " + exc.toString());
        LOG.error(getBeanName() + ": exception stack trace follows:");
        if (exc.getCause() != null) {
            LOG.error(getBeanName() + ": Caused by " + exc.getCause().toString());
            LOG.error(getBeanName() + ": causing exception stack trace follows:");
        response.sendError(SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "parsing error");
        return null;
    } catch (Exception exc) {
        LOG.error(getBeanName() + ":ERROR, caught this " + "Exception while trying to gen json " + "message: "
                + exc.toString());
        LOG.error(getBeanName() + ": exception stack trace follows:");
        if (exc.getCause() != null) {
            LOG.error(getBeanName() + ": Caused by " + exc.getCause().toString());
            LOG.error(getBeanName() + ": causing exception stack trace follows:");
        response.sendError(SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "parsing error");
        return null;

    } finally {
        if (sqlResult != null) {

    // must return null, because we're not using views!
    return null;