Example usage for javax.servlet.jsp PageContext subclass-usage

List of usage examples for javax.servlet.jsp PageContext subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.servlet.jsp PageContext subclass-usage.


From source file org.efs.openreports.util.displaytag.MockDisplayTablePageContext.java

 * Mock PageContext that implements the methods and sets the attributes required to use the
 * DisplayTag exporting code outside of an actual servlet context.
 * @author eswenson@oreports.com

From source file org.apache.struts2.jasper.runtime.JspContextWrapper.java

 * Implementation of a JSP Context Wrapper.
 * <p/>
 * The JSP Context Wrapper is a JspContext created and maintained by a tag
 * handler implementation. It wraps the Invoking JSP Context, that is, the
 * JspContext instance passed to the tag handler by the invoking page via

From source file de.micromata.genome.gwiki.page.gspt.StandAlonePageContext.java

 * TODO See ServletStandalonePageContext, this class superflous?
 * @author Roger Rene Kommer (r.kommer@micromata.de)

From source file org.grails.gsp.jsp.GroovyPagesPageContext.java

 * A JSP PageContext implementation for use with GSP.
 * @author Graeme Rocher
 * @since 1.1

From source file org.grails.web.pages.ext.jsp.GroovyPagesPageContext.java

 * A JSP PageContext implementation for use with GSP.
 * @author Graeme Rocher
 * @since 1.1

From source file de.micromata.genome.gwiki.page.gspt.ServletStandalonePageContext.java

 * Implementation of a standalone PageContext.
 * @author Roger Rene Kommer (r.kommer@micromata.de)

From source file org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages.ext.jsp.GroovyPagesPageContext.java

 * A JSP PageContext implementation for use with GSP.
 * @author Graeme Rocher
 * @since 1.1

From source file org.apache.struts2.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.java

 * Implementation of the PageContext class from the JSP spec.
 * Also doubles as a VariableResolver for the EL.
 * @author Anil K. Vijendran
 * @author Larry Cable

From source file org.tinygroup.jspengine.runtime.PageContextImpl.java

 * Implementation of the PageContext class from the JSP spec.
 * @author Anil K. Vijendran
 * @author Larry Cable
 * @author Hans Bergsten

From source file org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspContextWrapper.java

 * Implementation of a JSP Context Wrapper.
 * The JSP Context Wrapper is a JspContext created and maintained by a tag
 * handler implementation. It wraps the Invoking JSP Context, that is, the
 * JspContext instance passed to the tag handler by the invoking page via