Example usage for javax.servlet.jsp.tagext FunctionInfo getName

List of usage examples for javax.servlet.jsp.tagext FunctionInfo getName


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.servlet.jsp.tagext FunctionInfo getName.


public String getName() 

Source Link


The name of the function.


From source file:org.tinygroup.jspengine.compiler.TagLibraryInfoImpl.java

private void parseTLD(JspCompilationContext ctxt, String uri, InputStream in, URL jarFileUrl)
        throws JasperException {
    Vector tagVector = new Vector();
    Vector tagFileVector = new Vector();
    Hashtable functionTable = new Hashtable();

    // Create an iterator over the child elements of our <taglib> element
    ParserUtils pu = new ParserUtils();
    TreeNode tld = pu.parseXMLDocument(uri, in);

    // Check to see if the <taglib> root element contains a 'version'
    // attribute, which was added in JSP 2.0 to replace the <jsp-version>
    // subelement
    this.jspversion = tld.findAttribute("version");

    // Process each child element of our <taglib> element
    Iterator list = tld.findChildren();

    while (list.hasNext()) {
        TreeNode element = (TreeNode) list.next();
        String tname = element.getName();

        if ("tlibversion".equals(tname) // JSP 1.1
                || "tlib-version".equals(tname)) { // JSP 1.2
            this.tlibversion = element.getBody();
        } else if ("jspversion".equals(tname) || "jsp-version".equals(tname)) {
            this.jspversion = element.getBody();
        } else if ("shortname".equals(tname) || "short-name".equals(tname))
            this.shortname = element.getBody();
        else if ("uri".equals(tname))
            this.urn = element.getBody();
        else if ("info".equals(tname) || "description".equals(tname))
            this.info = element.getBody();
        else if ("validator".equals(tname))
            this.tagLibraryValidator = createValidator(element);
        else if ("tag".equals(tname))
            tagVector.addElement(createTagInfo(element, jspversion));
        else if ("tag-file".equals(tname)) {
            TagFileInfo tagFileInfo = createTagFileInfo(element, uri, jarFileUrl);
        } else if ("function".equals(tname)) { // JSP2.0
            FunctionInfo funcInfo = createFunctionInfo(element);
            String funcName = funcInfo.getName();
            if (functionTable.containsKey(funcName)) {
                err.jspError("jsp.error.tld.fn.duplicate.name", funcName, uri);

            }//  w w w .j  a  v  a  2  s  .c o  m
            functionTable.put(funcName, funcInfo);
        } else if ("display-name".equals(tname) || // Ignored elements
                "small-icon".equals(tname) || "large-icon".equals(tname) || "listener".equals(tname)) {
        } else if ("taglib-extension".equals(tname)) {
            // Recognized but ignored
        } else {
            err.jspError("jsp.error.unknown.element.in.taglib", tname);

    if (tlibversion == null) {
        err.jspError("jsp.error.tld.mandatory.element.missing", "tlib-version");
    if (jspversion == null) {
        err.jspError("jsp.error.tld.mandatory.element.missing", "jsp-version");

    this.tags = new TagInfo[tagVector.size()];

    this.tagFiles = new TagFileInfo[tagFileVector.size()];

    this.functions = new FunctionInfo[functionTable.size()];
    int i = 0;
    Enumeration enumeration = functionTable.elements();
    while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
        this.functions[i++] = (FunctionInfo) enumeration.nextElement();