Example usage for javax.servlet ServletRequestListener interface-usage

List of usage examples for javax.servlet ServletRequestListener interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.servlet ServletRequestListener interface-usage.


From source file ReqListener.java

public class ReqListener implements ServletRequestListener {

    private static long reqCount;

    public void requestInitialized(ServletRequestEvent sre) {

From source file nl.surfnet.coin.shared.log.ApiCallLogContextListener.java

 * {@link ServletRequestListener} for storing information that needs to end up
 * in the log regarding calls to SURFconext endpoints in the Request local
 * thread. Because not all information is 'present' on the place where we
 * actually store the log record (e.g. shindig service implementation) and we
 * can't modify all Shindig interfaces to pass the info we need to apply the

From source file devbury.threadscope.ThreadScopeManager.java

 * Scope that binds thread scoped beans to a thread local.  This class functions in a similar way to
 * {@link org.springframework.context.support.SimpleThreadScope}.  The difference being ThreadScopeManager
 * supports destruction callbacks such as {@link javax.annotation.PreDestroy}.  If used in conjunction with {@link
 * devbury.threadscope.ThreadScopePropagatingScheduler} as an executor, tasks will be able to access the thread
 * scoped beans of the thread scheduling the task.

From source file org.springframework.web.context.request.RequestContextListener.java

 * Servlet 2.4+ listener that exposes the request to the current thread,
 * through both {@link org.springframework.context.i18n.LocaleContextHolder} and
 * {@link RequestContextHolder}. To be registered as listener in <code>web.xml</code>.
 * <p>Alternatively, Spring's {@link org.springframework.web.filter.RequestContextFilter}

From source file com.jsmartframework.web.manager.RequestControl.java

public class RequestControl implements ServletRequestListener {

    private RequestContextListener requestContextListener = new RequestContextListener();

    public void requestInitialized(ServletRequestEvent event) {

From source file com.boylesoftware.web.RouterRequestLifecycle.java

 * Listener of the router request lifecycle used to ensure framework integrity.
 * @author Lev Himmelfarb

From source file org.mayocat.multitenancy.DefaultTenantResolver.java

public class DefaultTenantResolver implements TenantResolver, ServletRequestListener {
     * Request-scoped cache so that we don't call the store multiple times per request for the same host. FIXME: maybe
     * setup a global cache instead.

From source file com.ineunet.knife.upload.WebPaths.java

 * ?web.xml?listener????
 * @author hilbert.wang@hotmail.com
 * @since 2.2.6
public class WebPaths implements ServletRequestListener {

From source file com.krawler.common.listeners.LocaleResolverListener.java

 * Web application lifecycle listener.
 * @author krawler-user
public class LocaleResolverListener implements ServletRequestListener {

From source file com.fatwire.gst.web.status.StatusRequestListener.java

 * ServletRequestListener that signals the {@link RequestCounter} when requests start and end. Registers the
 * {@link StatusCounter} as a JMX MBean.
 * @author Dolf.Dijkstra
 * @since Jun 10, 2010