Java javax.swing.event TreeModelEvent fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java javax.swing.event TreeModelEvent fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for javax.swing.event TreeModelEvent.

The text is from its open source code.


TreeModelEvent(Object source, Object[] path, int[] childIndices, Object[] children)
Used to create an event when nodes have been changed, inserted, or removed, identifying the path to the parent of the modified items as an array of Objects.
TreeModelEvent(Object source, TreePath path, int[] childIndices, Object[] children)
Used to create an event when nodes have been changed, inserted, or removed, identifying the path to the parent of the modified items as a TreePath object.
TreeModelEvent(Object source, Object[] path)
Used to create an event when the node structure has changed in some way, identifying the path to the root of a modified subtree as an array of Objects.
TreeModelEvent(Object source, TreePath path)
Used to create an event when the node structure has changed in some way, identifying the path to the root of the modified subtree as a TreePath object.


Returns the values of the child indexes.
Returns the objects that are children of the node identified by getPath at the locations specified by getChildIndices.
For all events, except treeStructureChanged, returns the parent of the changed nodes.