Example usage for javax.xml.bind.util JAXBResult JAXBResult

List of usage examples for javax.xml.bind.util JAXBResult JAXBResult


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.xml.bind.util JAXBResult JAXBResult.


public JAXBResult(Unmarshaller _unmarshaller) throws JAXBException 

Source Link


Creates a new instance that uses the specified Unmarshaller to unmarshal an object.


From source file:Main.java

public static synchronized Object deserialize(Source source, InputStream xsltSource, Class cls)
        throws TransformerConfigurationException, JAXBException, TransformerException {
    Object obj = null;//from  w  w w  .j  av  a2s .c o  m
    JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(cls);

    if (xsltSource != null) {
        TransformerFactory factory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
        Transformer transformer;
        transformer = factory.newTransformer(new StreamSource(xsltSource));

        JAXBResult result = new JAXBResult(jc);
        transformer.transform(source, result);
        obj = result.getResult();
    } else {
        obj = jc.createUnmarshaller().unmarshal(source);
    return obj;

From source file:Main.java

 * @param elmnt/*from  ww w .  j  av  a 2 s .co  m*/
 * @param xsltSource
 * @param cls
 * @return
 * @throws TransformerConfigurationException
 * @throws JAXBException
 * @throws TransformerException
public static synchronized Object deserialize(Element elmnt, InputStream xsltSource, Class cls)
        throws TransformerConfigurationException, JAXBException, TransformerException {
    Object obj = null;
    JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(cls);

    if (xsltSource != null) {
        TransformerFactory factory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
        Transformer transformer;
        transformer = factory.newTransformer(new StreamSource(xsltSource));

        JAXBResult result = new JAXBResult(jc);
        transformer.transform(new DOMSource(elmnt), result);
        obj = result.getResult();
    } else {
        obj = jc.createUnmarshaller().unmarshal(elmnt);
    return obj;

From source file:Main.java

 * @param source//from   w w  w  .j  a  v a  2 s .  co m
 * @param xsltSource
 * @param cls
 * @return
 * @throws TransformerConfigurationException
 * @throws JAXBException
 * @throws TransformerException
public static synchronized Object deserialize(InputStream source, InputStream xsltSource, Class cls)
        throws TransformerConfigurationException, JAXBException, TransformerException {
    Object obj = null;
    JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(cls);

    if (xsltSource != null) {
        TransformerFactory factory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
        Transformer transformer;
        transformer = factory.newTransformer(new StreamSource(xsltSource));

        JAXBResult result = new JAXBResult(jc);
        transformer.transform(new StreamSource(source), result);
        obj = result.getResult();
    } else {
        obj = jc.createUnmarshaller().unmarshal(source);
    return obj;

From source file:com.netflix.subtitles.ttml.TtmlUtils.java

 * Does TTML document transformation to another TTML document.
 * @param tt          source TTML document root element
 * @param transformer transformer// w  w w  . j a v  a 2  s .  c om
 * @return TTML document after transformation
public static TtEltype transformTtmlDocument(TtEltype tt, Transformer transformer) {
    JAXBElement<TtEltype> ttJaxb = new ObjectFactory().createTt(tt);
    try {
        JAXBContext jaxbc = createTtmlJaxbContext();
        JAXBSource source = new JAXBSource(jaxbc, ttJaxb);
        JAXBResult result = new JAXBResult(jaxbc);

        // transform
        transformer.transform(source, result);

        return (TtEltype) ((JAXBElement<TtEltype>) result.getResult()).getValue();
    } catch (JAXBException | TransformerException e) {
        throw new ConvertException(e);

From source file:org.docx4j.openpackaging.parts.DrawingML.DiagramLayoutPart.java

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

    // Need the source doc as a DOM for later, and also
    // as XSLT input
    javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    dbf.setNamespaceAware(true);/*from   ww w.j a  va  2s.  co  m*/
    DocumentBuilder docBuilder = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();

    Document doc = docBuilder.parse(new File(System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/SmartArt/12hi.xml"));

    Source myList = new javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource(doc);

    // We need a source layout part
    // Could get it from a docx, or a glox
    String layoutSrcFilePath = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/sample-docs/glox/extracted/chevron1.glox";

    OpcPackage opcPackage = OpcPackage.load(new java.io.File(layoutSrcFilePath));
    DiagramLayoutPart thisPart = null;
    for (Entry<PartName, Part> entry : opcPackage.getParts().getParts().entrySet()) {

        if (entry.getValue().getContentType().equals(ContentTypes.DRAWINGML_DIAGRAM_LAYOUT)) {
            thisPart = (DiagramLayoutPart) entry.getValue();
    if (thisPart == null) {
        System.out.println("No SmartArt found in " + layoutSrcFilePath);

    // Generate XSLT .. can save this for reuse
    System.out.println("Generating xslt..");
    Templates xslLayoutNodeTree = generateLayoutTreeXSLT(thisPart.getJaxbElement());

    // Generate hierarchical layout tree
    String tmpXslStr = generateLayoutTree(myList, xslLayoutNodeTree);

    // Finally, apply your LT2DD to create DiagramData part
    System.out.println("Creating DiagramData part..");
    Templates xsltLT2DD;
    try {

        xsltLT2DD = XmlUtils.getTransformerTemplate(new StreamSource(org.docx4j.utils.ResourceUtils.getResource(

    } catch (Exception e) {

    //      ByteArrayOutputStream layoutBAOS3 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    //      Result result = new StreamResult(layoutBAOS3);
    JAXBResult result = new JAXBResult(Context.jc);
    java.util.HashMap<String, Object> settings = new java.util.HashMap<String, Object>();

    settings.put("list", doc);
    XmlUtils.transform(new javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource(new java.io.StringReader(tmpXslStr)),
            xsltLT2DD, settings, result);

    // What did we generate
    //      tmpXslStr = layoutBAOS3.toString("UTF-8");
    //      System.out.println(tmpXslStr);

    // Finally, inject this into your DiagramData part
    // .. first, we need to make the IDs Word friendly.
    Object ddJaxb = result.getResult();

    System.out.println(XmlUtils.marshaltoString(ddJaxb, false));

From source file:org.docx4j.XmlUtils.java

 * Prepare a JAXB transformation result for some given context.
 * @param context The JAXB context./*  w w  w  .ja  v a  2s.  c o m*/
 * @return The result data structure created.
 * @throws Docx4JException In case of configuration errors.
public static JAXBResult prepareJAXBResult(final JAXBContext context) throws Docx4JException {

    final JAXBResult result;
    try {
        final Unmarshaller unmarshaller = context.createUnmarshaller();
        unmarshaller.setEventHandler(new JaxbValidationEventHandler());
        result = new JAXBResult(unmarshaller);

    } catch (JAXBException e) {
        throw new Docx4JException("Error preparing empty JAXB result", e);
    return result;