Example usage for javax.xml.crypto.dsig SignatureMethod DSA_SHA1

List of usage examples for javax.xml.crypto.dsig SignatureMethod DSA_SHA1


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.xml.crypto.dsig SignatureMethod DSA_SHA1.


String DSA_SHA1

To view the source code for javax.xml.crypto.dsig SignatureMethod DSA_SHA1.

Click Source Link


The <a href="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#dsa-sha1">DSA-SHA1</a> (DSS) signature method algorithm URI.


From source file:Main.java

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    KeyPairGenerator kpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("DSA");
    kpg.initialize(1024, new SecureRandom());
    KeyPair dsaKeyPair = kpg.generateKeyPair();

    XMLSignatureFactory sigFactory = XMLSignatureFactory.getInstance();
    Reference ref = sigFactory.newReference("#Body", sigFactory.newDigestMethod(DigestMethod.SHA1, null));
    SignedInfo signedInfo = sigFactory.newSignedInfo(
                    (C14NMethodParameterSpec) null),
            sigFactory.newSignatureMethod(SignatureMethod.DSA_SHA1, null), Collections.singletonList(ref));
    KeyInfoFactory kif = sigFactory.getKeyInfoFactory();
    KeyValue kv = kif.newKeyValue(dsaKeyPair.getPublic());
    KeyInfo keyInfo = kif.newKeyInfo(Collections.singletonList(kv));

    XMLSignature xmlSig = sigFactory.newXMLSignature(signedInfo, keyInfo);

From source file:MainClass.java

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

    KeyPairGenerator kpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("DSA");
    kpg.initialize(1024, new SecureRandom());
    KeyPair dsaKeyPair = kpg.generateKeyPair();

    XMLSignatureFactory sigFactory = XMLSignatureFactory.getInstance();
    Reference ref = sigFactory.newReference("#Body", sigFactory.newDigestMethod(DigestMethod.SHA1, null));
    SignedInfo signedInfo = sigFactory.newSignedInfo(
                    (C14NMethodParameterSpec) null),
            sigFactory.newSignatureMethod(SignatureMethod.DSA_SHA1, null), Collections.singletonList(ref));
    KeyInfoFactory kif = sigFactory.getKeyInfoFactory();
    KeyValue kv = kif.newKeyValue(dsaKeyPair.getPublic());
    KeyInfo keyInfo = kif.newKeyInfo(Collections.singletonList(kv));

    XMLSignature xmlSig = sigFactory.newXMLSignature(signedInfo, keyInfo);

From source file:Signing.java

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        SOAPMessage soapMessage = MessageFactory.newInstance().createMessage();
        SOAPPart soapPart = soapMessage.getSOAPPart();
        SOAPEnvelope soapEnvelope = soapPart.getEnvelope();

        SOAPHeader soapHeader = soapEnvelope.getHeader();
        SOAPHeaderElement headerElement = soapHeader.addHeaderElement(soapEnvelope.createName("Signature",
                "SOAP-SEC", "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/security/2000-12"));

        SOAPBody soapBody = soapEnvelope.getBody();
        soapBody.addAttribute(//  w  w w.j  a  v a2s.c  o  m
                soapEnvelope.createName("id", "SOAP-SEC", "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/security/2000-12"),
        Name bodyName = soapEnvelope.createName("FooBar", "z", "http://example.com");
        SOAPBodyElement gltp = soapBody.addBodyElement(bodyName);

        Source source = soapPart.getContent();
        Node root = null;
        if (source instanceof DOMSource) {
            root = ((DOMSource) source).getNode();
        } else if (source instanceof SAXSource) {
            InputSource inSource = ((SAXSource) source).getInputSource();
            DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
            DocumentBuilder db = null;

            db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();

            Document doc = db.parse(inSource);
            root = (Node) doc.getDocumentElement();


        KeyPairGenerator kpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("DSA");
        kpg.initialize(1024, new SecureRandom());
        KeyPair keypair = kpg.generateKeyPair();

        XMLSignatureFactory sigFactory = XMLSignatureFactory.getInstance();
        Reference ref = sigFactory.newReference("#Body", sigFactory.newDigestMethod(DigestMethod.SHA1, null));
        SignedInfo signedInfo = sigFactory.newSignedInfo(
                        (C14NMethodParameterSpec) null),
                sigFactory.newSignatureMethod(SignatureMethod.DSA_SHA1, null), Collections.singletonList(ref));
        KeyInfoFactory kif = sigFactory.getKeyInfoFactory();
        KeyValue kv = kif.newKeyValue(keypair.getPublic());
        KeyInfo keyInfo = kif.newKeyInfo(Collections.singletonList(kv));

        XMLSignature sig = sigFactory.newXMLSignature(signedInfo, keyInfo);

        System.out.println("Signing the message...");
        PrivateKey privateKey = keypair.getPrivate();
        Element envelope = getFirstChildElement(root);
        Element header = getFirstChildElement(envelope);
        DOMSignContext sigContext = new DOMSignContext(privateKey, header);
        sigContext.putNamespacePrefix(XMLSignature.XMLNS, "ds");
                "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/security/2000-12", "id");


        System.out.println("Validate the signature...");
        Element sigElement = getFirstChildElement(header);
        DOMValidateContext valContext = new DOMValidateContext(keypair.getPublic(), sigElement);
                "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/security/2000-12", "id");
        boolean valid = sig.validate(valContext);

        System.out.println("Signature valid? " + valid);

From source file:Main.java

private static boolean algEquals(String algURI, String algName) {
    if (algName.equalsIgnoreCase("DSA") && algURI.equalsIgnoreCase(SignatureMethod.DSA_SHA1)) {
        return true;
    } else if (algName.equalsIgnoreCase("RSA") && algURI.equalsIgnoreCase(SignatureMethod.RSA_SHA1)) {
        return true;
    } else {// w  w w .  j  a  v  a  2s .  c  om
        return false;

From source file:Main.java

public static void signEmbeded(Node doc, String uri, PrivateKey privKey, PublicKey pubKey)
        throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyException, MarshalException,
        XMLSignatureException {// w w  w. java2  s  .  co m

    XMLSignatureFactory fac = XMLSignatureFactory.getInstance("DOM");

    Reference ref = fac.newReference(uri, fac.newDigestMethod(DigestMethod.SHA1, null),
            Collections.singletonList(fac.newTransform(Transform.ENVELOPED, (TransformParameterSpec) null)),
            null, null);

    // Create the SignedInfo
    String method = SignatureMethod.RSA_SHA1; // default

    if ("DSA".equals(privKey.getAlgorithm()))
        method = SignatureMethod.DSA_SHA1;

    SignedInfo si = fac.newSignedInfo(fac.newCanonicalizationMethod(CanonicalizationMethod.INCLUSIVE, // Default canonical
            (C14NMethodParameterSpec) null), fac.newSignatureMethod(method, null),

    KeyInfoFactory kif = fac.getKeyInfoFactory();
    KeyValue kv = kif.newKeyValue(pubKey);

    // Create a KeyInfo and add the KeyValue to it
    List<XMLStructure> kidata = new ArrayList<XMLStructure>();
    KeyInfo ki = kif.newKeyInfo(kidata);

    // Create a DOMSignContext and specify the PrivateKey and
    // location of the resulting XMLSignature's parent element
    DOMSignContext dsc = new DOMSignContext(privKey, doc);

    // Create the XMLSignature (but don't sign it yet)
    XMLSignature signature = fac.newXMLSignature(si, ki);

    // Marshal, generate (and sign) the enveloped signature


From source file:Main.java

 * Firma digitalmente usando la forma "enveloped signature" seg&uacute;n el
 * est&aacute;ndar de la W3C (<a//from   w ww. j  av  a 2s. c o  m
 * href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmldsig-core/">http://www.w3.org/TR/xmldsig-core/</a>).
 * <p>
 * Este m&eacute;todo adem&aacute;s incorpora la informaci&oacute;n del
 * certificado a la secci&oacute;n &lt;KeyInfo&gt; opcional del
 * est&aacute;ndar, seg&uacute;n lo exige SII.
 * <p>
 * @param doc
 *            El documento a firmar
 * @param uri
 *            La referencia dentro del documento que debe ser firmada
 * @param pKey
 *            La llave privada para firmar
 * @param cert
 *            El certificado digital correspondiente a la llave privada
 * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
 *             Si el algoritmo de firma de la llave no est&aacute; soportado
 *             (Actualmente soportado RSA+SHA1, DSA+SHA1 y HMAC+SHA1).
 * @throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException
 *             Si los algoritmos de canonizaci&oacute;n (parte del
 *             est&aacute;ndar XML Signature) no son soportados (actaulmente
 *             se usa el por defecto)
 * @throws KeyException
 *             Si hay problemas al incluir la llave p&uacute;blica en el
 *             &lt;KeyValue&gt;.
 * @throws MarshalException
 * @throws XMLSignatureException
 * @see javax.xml.crypto.dsig.XMLSignature#sign(javax.xml.crypto.dsig.XMLSignContext)
public static void signEmbeded(Node doc, String uri, PrivateKey pKey, X509Certificate cert)
        throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException, KeyException, MarshalException,
        XMLSignatureException {

    // Create a DOM XMLSignatureFactory that will be used to generate the
    // enveloped signature
    XMLSignatureFactory fac = XMLSignatureFactory.getInstance("DOM");

    // Create a Reference to the enveloped document (in this case we are
    // signing the whole document, so a URI of "" signifies that) and
    // also specify the SHA1 digest algorithm and the ENVELOPED Transform.

    Reference ref = fac.newReference(uri, fac.newDigestMethod(DigestMethod.SHA1, null),
            Collections.singletonList(fac.newTransform(Transform.ENVELOPED, (TransformParameterSpec) null)),
            null, null);

    // Create the SignedInfo
    String method = SignatureMethod.RSA_SHA1; // default by SII

    if ("DSA".equals(cert.getPublicKey().getAlgorithm()))
        method = SignatureMethod.DSA_SHA1;
    else if ("HMAC".equals(cert.getPublicKey().getAlgorithm()))
        method = SignatureMethod.HMAC_SHA1;

    SignedInfo si = fac.newSignedInfo(fac.newCanonicalizationMethod(CanonicalizationMethod.INCLUSIVE, // Default canonical and
            // default by SII
            (C14NMethodParameterSpec) null), fac.newSignatureMethod(method, null),

    KeyInfoFactory kif = fac.getKeyInfoFactory();
    KeyValue kv = kif.newKeyValue(cert.getPublicKey());

    // Create a KeyInfo and add the KeyValue to it
    List<XMLStructure> kidata = new ArrayList<XMLStructure>();
    KeyInfo ki = kif.newKeyInfo(kidata);

    // Create a DOMSignContext and specify the PrivateKey and
    // location of the resulting XMLSignature's parent element
    DOMSignContext dsc = new DOMSignContext(pKey, doc);

    // Create the XMLSignature (but don't sign it yet)
    XMLSignature signature = fac.newXMLSignature(si, ki);

    // Marshal, generate (and sign) the enveloped signature


From source file:org.apache.jcp.xml.dsig.internal.dom.DOMSignatureMethod.java

static SignatureMethod unmarshal(Element smElem) throws MarshalException {
    String alg = DOMUtils.getAttributeValue(smElem, "Algorithm");
    if (alg.equals(SignatureMethod.RSA_SHA1)) {
        return new SHA1withRSA(smElem);
    } else if (alg.equals(RSA_SHA256)) {
        return new SHA256withRSA(smElem);
    } else if (alg.equals(RSA_SHA384)) {
        return new SHA384withRSA(smElem);
    } else if (alg.equals(RSA_SHA512)) {
        return new SHA512withRSA(smElem);
    } else if (alg.equals(SignatureMethod.DSA_SHA1)) {
        return new SHA1withDSA(smElem);
    } else if (alg.equals(ECDSA_SHA1)) {
        return new SHA1withECDSA(smElem);
    } else if (alg.equals(ECDSA_SHA256)) {
        return new SHA256withECDSA(smElem);
    } else if (alg.equals(ECDSA_SHA384)) {
        return new SHA384withECDSA(smElem);
    } else if (alg.equals(ECDSA_SHA512)) {
        return new SHA512withECDSA(smElem);
    } else if (alg.equals(SignatureMethod.HMAC_SHA1)) {
        return new DOMHMACSignatureMethod.SHA1(smElem);
    } else if (alg.equals(DOMHMACSignatureMethod.HMAC_SHA256)) {
        return new DOMHMACSignatureMethod.SHA256(smElem);
    } else if (alg.equals(DOMHMACSignatureMethod.HMAC_SHA384)) {
        return new DOMHMACSignatureMethod.SHA384(smElem);
    } else if (alg.equals(DOMHMACSignatureMethod.HMAC_SHA512)) {
        return new DOMHMACSignatureMethod.SHA512(smElem);
    } else if (alg.equals(GOSTR34102001_GOSTR3411)) {
        return new GOST3411withGOST3410(smElem);
    } else if (alg.equals(GOSTR34102001_GOSTR3411URN)) {
        return new GOST3411withGOST3410URN(smElem);
    } else {/* w  w w .  java 2  s . co m*/
        throw new MarshalException("unsupported SignatureMethod algorithm: " + alg);

From source file:org.asimba.wa.integrationtest.saml2.model.AuthnRequest.java

public String getSignedRequest(int format, InputStream keystoreStream, String keystorePassword, String keyAlias,
        String keyPassword) {/*  w  w  w. j a  v  a2s . c  o m*/
    DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();

    DocumentBuilder builder;
    Document doc;
    try {
        builder = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
        doc = builder.parse(new InputSource(new ByteArrayInputStream(getRequest(plain).getBytes("utf-8"))));

        // Prepare doc by marking attributes as referenceable:

        // Prepare cryptographic environemnt
        KeyStore keystore = getKeystore("JKS", keystoreStream, keystorePassword);
        if (keystore == null)
            return null;

        KeyPair kp;

        kp = getKeyPairFromKeystore(keystore, keyAlias, keyPassword);
        if (kp == null) {
            // Generate key, to prove that it works...
            KeyPairGenerator kpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("DSA");
            kp = kpg.generateKeyPair();

        // Set signing context with PrivateKey and root of the Document
        DOMSignContext dsc = new DOMSignContext(kp.getPrivate(), doc.getDocumentElement());

        // Get SignatureFactory for creating signatures in DOM:
        XMLSignatureFactory fac = XMLSignatureFactory.getInstance("DOM");

        // Create reference for "" -> root of the document
        // SAML requires enveloped transform
        Reference ref = fac.newReference("#" + this._id, fac.newDigestMethod(DigestMethod.SHA1, null),
                Collections.singletonList(fac.newTransform(Transform.ENVELOPED, (TransformParameterSpec) null)),
                null, null);

        // Create SignedInfo (SAML2: Exclusive with or without comments is specified)
        SignedInfo si = fac.newSignedInfo(
                        (C14NMethodParameterSpec) null),
                fac.newSignatureMethod(SignatureMethod.DSA_SHA1, null), Collections.singletonList(ref));

        // Add KeyInfo to the document:
        KeyInfoFactory kif = fac.getKeyInfoFactory();

        // .. get key from the generated keypair:
        KeyValue kv = kif.newKeyValue(kp.getPublic());
        KeyInfo ki = kif.newKeyInfo(Collections.singletonList(kv));

        XMLSignature signature = fac.newXMLSignature(si, ki);

        String before = docToString(doc);

        // Sign!

        _authnRequestDocument = doc; // persist, as we've worked hard for it

        String after = docToString(doc);

        if (_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            _logger.debug("Before: {}", before);
            _logger.debug("After : {}", after);

        return after;

    } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (SAXException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (IOException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
        // key generation exception
    } catch (InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e) {
        // digest algorithm selection exception
    } catch (KeyException e) {
        // when key-value was not available (when adding to KeyInfo)
    } catch (MarshalException e) {
        // sign didn't work:
    } catch (XMLSignatureException e) {
        // sign didn't work:
    return null;

From source file:org.asimba.wa.integrationtest.saml2.model.Response.java

public String getSignedMessage(SignatureHelper signatureHelper) {
    if (_responseDocument == null) {
        try {//from  w  ww.  jav a  2s. com
            _responseDocument = XMLUtils.getDocumentFromString(getResponse(plain), true);
        } catch (OAException | XMLStreamException e) {
            _logger.error("Problem when establishing XML document to sign: {}", e.getMessage(), e);
            return null;


    KeyPair keypair = signatureHelper.getKeyPairFromKeystore();

    // Set signing context with PrivateKey and root of the Document
    DOMSignContext dsc = new DOMSignContext(keypair.getPrivate(), _responseDocument.getDocumentElement());

    // Get SignatureFactory for creating signatures in DOM:
    XMLSignatureFactory fac = XMLSignatureFactory.getInstance("DOM");

    Reference ref = null;
    SignedInfo si = null;
    XMLSignature signature = null;

    try {
        // Create reference for "" -> root of the document
        // SAML requires enveloped transform
        List<Transform> transformsList = new ArrayList<>();
        transformsList.add(fac.newTransform(Transform.ENVELOPED, (TransformParameterSpec) null));
        // transformsList.add(fac.newTransform(Transforms.TRANSFORM_C14N_OMIT_COMMENTS, (TransformParameterSpec) null));

        ref = fac.newReference("#" + getId(), fac.newDigestMethod(DigestMethod.SHA1, null), transformsList,
                null, null);

        // Create SignedInfo (SAML2: Exclusive with or without comments is specified)
        // .. some selection here; nothing fancy, just trying to switch based on signing key format
        String sigMethod;
        String keyAlg = keypair.getPrivate().getAlgorithm();
        if (keyAlg.contains("RSA")) {
            sigMethod = SignatureMethod.RSA_SHA1;
        } else if (keyAlg.contains("DSA")) {
            sigMethod = SignatureMethod.DSA_SHA1;
        } else {
            _logger.error("Unknown signing key algorithm: {}", keyAlg);
            return null;

        si = fac.newSignedInfo(
                        (C14NMethodParameterSpec) null),
                fac.newSignatureMethod(sigMethod, null), Collections.singletonList(ref));

        // Add KeyInfo to the document:
        KeyInfoFactory kif = fac.getKeyInfoFactory();

        // .. get key from the generated keypair:
        KeyValue kv = kif.newKeyValue(keypair.getPublic());
        KeyInfo ki = kif.newKeyInfo(Collections.singletonList(kv));

        signature = fac.newXMLSignature(si, ki);

        // Sign!

        String s = XMLUtils.getStringFromDocument(_responseDocument);
        _logger.info("Document after signing whole message:\n{}", s);
        return s;

    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e) {
        _logger.error("Could not create reference to signable content: {}", e.getMessage(), e);
        return null;
    } catch (KeyException e) {
        _logger.error("Could not establish key info: {}", e.getMessage(), e);
        return null;
    } catch (MarshalException | XMLSignatureException e) {
        _logger.error("Error signing document: {}", e.getMessage(), e);
        return null;
    } catch (OAException e) {
        _logger.error("Error creating string from XML document: {}", e.getMessage(), e);
        return null;

From source file:org.asimba.wa.integrationtest.saml2.model.Response.java

 * Requires the responseDocument to be already initialized, just adding another
 * Signature section to the existing documnet
 * @param signatureHelper// ww  w .java2s . c o  m
 * @return
public String getMessageWithSignedAssertion(SignatureHelper signatureHelper) {
    if (_responseDocument == null) {
        try {
            _responseDocument = XMLUtils.getDocumentFromString(getResponse(plain), true);
        } catch (OAException | XMLStreamException e) {
            _logger.error("Problem when establishing XML document to sign: {}", e.getMessage(), e);
            return null;

    KeyPair keypair = signatureHelper.getKeyPairFromKeystore();

    // Set signing context with PrivateKey and root of the Document
    Node localRoot = _assertion.getAssertionNode();

    DOMSignContext dsc = new DOMSignContext(keypair.getPrivate(), localRoot);

    // Get SignatureFactory for creating signatures in DOM:
    XMLSignatureFactory fac = XMLSignatureFactory.getInstance("DOM");

    Reference refAssertion = null;
    SignedInfo si = null;
    XMLSignature signature = null;

    try {
        // Create reference for "" -> Assertion in the document
        // SAML requires enveloped transform
        List<Transform> transformsList = new ArrayList<>();
        transformsList.add(fac.newTransform(Transform.ENVELOPED, (TransformParameterSpec) null));
        // transformsList.add(fac.newTransform(Transforms.TRANSFORM_C14N_OMIT_COMMENTS, (TransformParameterSpec) null));

        refAssertion = fac.newReference("#" + getAssertion().getId(),
                fac.newDigestMethod(DigestMethod.SHA1, null), transformsList, null, null);

        // Create SignedInfo (SAML2: Exclusive with or without comments is specified)
        // .. some selection here; nothing fancy, just trying to switch based on signing key format
        String sigMethod;
        String keyAlg = keypair.getPrivate().getAlgorithm();
        if (keyAlg.contains("RSA")) {
            sigMethod = SignatureMethod.RSA_SHA1;
        } else if (keyAlg.contains("DSA")) {
            sigMethod = SignatureMethod.DSA_SHA1;
        } else {
            _logger.error("Unknown signing key algorithm: {}", keyAlg);
            return null;

        si = fac.newSignedInfo(
                fac.newCanonicalizationMethod(CanonicalizationMethod.EXCLUSIVE, (C14NMethodParameterSpec) null),
                fac.newSignatureMethod(sigMethod, null), Collections.singletonList(refAssertion));

        // Add KeyInfo to the document:
        KeyInfoFactory kif = fac.getKeyInfoFactory();

        // .. get key from the generated keypair:
        KeyValue kv = kif.newKeyValue(keypair.getPublic());
        KeyInfo ki = kif.newKeyInfo(Collections.singletonList(kv));

        signature = fac.newXMLSignature(si, ki);

        // before:
        _logger.info("Signing assertion in document");
        //         _logger.info("Document to sign:\n{}", XMLUtils.getStringFromDocument(localRoot.getOwnerDocument()));

        // Sign!

        return XMLUtils.getStringFromDocument(localRoot.getOwnerDocument());

    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e) {
        _logger.error("Could not create reference to signable content: {}", e.getMessage(), e);
        return null;
    } catch (KeyException e) {
        _logger.error("Could not establish key info: {}", e.getMessage(), e);
        return null;
    } catch (MarshalException | XMLSignatureException e) {
        _logger.error("Error signing document: {}", e.getMessage(), e);
        return null;
    } catch (OAException e) {
        _logger.error("Error creating string from XML document: {}", e.getMessage(), e);
        return null;