Example usage for javax.xml.namespace QName QName

List of usage examples for javax.xml.namespace QName QName


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.xml.namespace QName QName.


public QName(final String namespaceURI, final String localPart) 

Source Link


QName constructor specifying the Namespace URI and local part.

If the Namespace URI is null, it is set to javax.xml.XMLConstants#NULL_NS_URI XMLConstants.NULL_NS_URI .


From source file:com.predic8.membrane.core.interceptor.WADLInterceptor.java

protected void rewrite(Exchange exc) throws Exception, IOException {

    log.debug("Changing endpoint address in WADL");

    ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

    Relocator relocator = new Relocator(new OutputStreamWriter(stream, exc.getResponse().getCharset()),
            getLocationProtocol(), getLocationHost(exc), getLocationPort(exc), pathRewriter);

    relocator.getRelocatingAttributes().put(new QName(WADL_NS, "resources"), "base");
    relocator.getRelocatingAttributes().put(new QName(WADL_NS, "include"), "href");

    relocator.relocate(//  w  ww .j a  va  2 s .  c o m
            new InputStreamReader(exc.getResponse().getBodyAsStreamDecoded(), exc.getResponse().getCharset()));


From source file:org.javelin.sws.ext.bind.SweJaxbContextFactoryTest.java

public void defaultPackage() throws Exception {
    JAXBContext ctx = SweJaxbContextFactory.createContext("", null);
    // but we may marshal objects of built-in classes - XSD simple types
    ctx.createMarshaller().marshal(/*w w  w . j  a v  a2 s  .c om*/
            new JAXBElement<String>(new QName("urn:test", "str"), String.class, "content"), System.out);

From source file:org.apache.servicemix.http.HttpAddressingTest.java

public void testOk() throws Exception {
    DefaultServiceMixClient client = new DefaultServiceMixClient(jbi);
    InOut me = client.createInOutExchange();
    me.setService(new QName("http://test", "MyProviderService"));
    InputStream fis = getClass().getResourceAsStream("addressing-request.xml");
    me.getInMessage().setContent(new StreamSource(fis));
    client.sendSync(me);//from   ww w  .j  a  v a 2s  .c  o  m
    if (me.getStatus() == ExchangeStatus.ERROR) {
        if (me.getError() != null) {
            throw me.getError();
        } else {
            fail("Received ERROR status");
    } else if (me.getFault() != null) {
        String txt = new SourceTransformer().toString(me.getFault().getContent());
        fail("Received fault: " + txt);
    } else {
        Node node = new SourceTransformer().toDOMNode(me.getOutMessage());
        log.info(new SourceTransformer().toString(node));
        assertEquals("myid", textValueOfXPath(node, "//*[local-name()='RelatesTo']"));
        assertNotNull(textValueOfXPath(node, "//*[local-name()='MessageID']"));

From source file:com.myrealtor.service.external.AxisRPCClient.java

public void registerProvider(Provider provider) throws AxisFault {
    log.debug("registerProvider: " + provider);

    // QName of the target method
    QName qName = new QName("http://service.apartment.com", "registerProvider");

    // Constructing the arguments array for the method invocation
    Object[] opAddEntryArgs = new Object[] { provider };

    // Invoking the method
    serviceClient.invokeRobust(qName, opAddEntryArgs);

    serviceClient.cleanup();/* w  ww.j  a  v a 2  s.c o  m*/

From source file:org.semispace.ws.client.SemiSpaceProxy.java

protected static WsSpace readSpaceServiceAsStandardPort(String endpointAddress) {
    QName SERVICE_NAME = new QName("http://ws.semispace.org/", "WsSpace");
    QName PORT_NAME = new QName("http://ws.semispace.org/", "WsSpacePort");

    Service service = Service.create(SERVICE_NAME);

    // Add a port to the Service
    service.addPort(PORT_NAME, SOAPBinding.SOAP11HTTP_BINDING, endpointAddress);

    WsSpace hw = service.getPort(WsSpace.class);
    return hw;/*from w w  w  . j  a  v  a 2 s.co m*/

From source file:io.mapzone.arena.csw.UpdateRecordRequest.java

protected void prepare(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws Exception {
    writeElement(CSW, "Update", () -> {
        // record
        QName name = new QName(Namespaces.CSW, "Record");
        writeObject(new JAXBElement(name, RecordXML.class, null, record));

        // constraint
        writeElement(CSW, "Constraint", () -> {
            out().writeNamespace("ogc", OGC);
            writeElement(OGC, "Filter", () -> {
                writeElement(OGC, "PropertyIsEqualTo", () -> {
                    writeElement(OGC, "PropertyName", () -> {
                    });//from   w ww . j av  a 2  s . c om
                    writeElement(OGC, "Literal", () -> {

From source file:edu.internet2.middleware.shibboleth.idp.config.profile.ProfileHandlerGroupBeanDefinitionParser.java

/** {@inheritDoc} */
public BeanDefinition parse(Element config, ParserContext context) {
    Map<QName, List<Element>> configChildren = XMLHelper.getChildElements(config);
    List<Element> children;

    children = configChildren.get(new QName(ProfileHandlerNamespaceHandler.NAMESPACE, "ErrorHandler"));
    log.debug("{} error handler definitions found", children.size());
    SpringConfigurationUtils.parseInnerCustomElement(children.get(0), context);

    children = configChildren.get(new QName(ProfileHandlerNamespaceHandler.NAMESPACE, "ProfileHandler"));
    log.debug("{} profile handler definitions found", children.size());
    SpringConfigurationUtils.parseInnerCustomElements(children, context);

    children = configChildren.get(new QName(ProfileHandlerNamespaceHandler.NAMESPACE, "LoginHandler"));
    log.debug("{} login handler definitions found", children.size());
    SpringConfigurationUtils.parseInnerCustomElements(children, context);

    return null;/*from   w  ww .ja va 2  s  .  c  o  m*/

From source file:de.ii.xtraplatform.ogc.api.gml.parser.GMLParser.java

public void parse(ListenableFuture<HttpEntity> entity, String ns, String ft) throws ExecutionException {

    QName featureType = new QName(ns, ft);

    LOGGER.debug("Parsing GetFeature response for '{}'", ft);
    try {//  w w  w  .ja  v  a 2s  .  c  om

        ListenableFuture<SMInputCursor> rootFuture = Futures.transform(entity,
                new Function<HttpEntity, SMInputCursor>() {
                    public SMInputCursor apply(HttpEntity e) {
                        try {
                            return staxFactory.rootElementCursor(e.getContent()).advance();
                        } catch (IOException | IllegalStateException | XMLStreamException ex) {
                            LOGGER.debug("Error parsing WFS GetFeature (IOException) {}", ex.getMessage());
                            return null;

        parseRoot(rootFuture, ns, ft);
    } finally {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {


From source file:org.eclipse.lyo.client.oslc.samples.DoorsOauthSample.java

 * Login to the DWA server and perform some OSLC actions
 * @param args//from   ww  w. ja  v  a 2 s .c  o  m
 * @throws ParseException 
public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException {

    Options options = new Options();

    options.addOption("url", true, "url");
    options.addOption("user", true, "user ID");
    options.addOption("password", true, "password");
    options.addOption("project", true, "project area");

    CommandLineParser cliParser = new GnuParser();

    //Parse the command line
    CommandLine cmd = cliParser.parse(options, args);

    if (!validateOptions(cmd)) {
                "Syntax:  java <class_name> -url https://<server>:port/<context>/ -user <user> -password <password> -project \"<project_area>\"");
                "Example: java DoorsOauthSample -url https://exmple.com:9443/dwa -user ADMIN -password ADMIN -project \"JKE Banking (Requirements Management)\"");

    String webContextUrl = cmd.getOptionValue("url");
    String user = cmd.getOptionValue("user");
    String passwd = cmd.getOptionValue("password");
    String projectArea = cmd.getOptionValue("project");

    try {

        //STEP 1: Initialize a Jazz rootservices helper and indicate we're looking for the RequirementManagement catalog
        // The root services for DOORs is found at /public level
        JazzRootServicesHelper helper = new JazzRootServicesHelper(webContextUrl + "/public",

        //STEP 2: Create a new OSLC OAuth capable client, the parameter of following call should be provided
        // by the system administrator of the DOORs Web Access server
        OslcOAuthClient client = helper.initOAuthClient("1234567890", "123");

        if (client != null) {

            //STEP 3: Try to access the context URL to trigger the OAuth dance and login
            try {
                client.getResource(webContextUrl, OSLCConstants.CT_RDF);
            } catch (OAuthRedirectException oauthE) {
                        oauthE.getRedirectURL() + "?oauth_token=" + oauthE.getAccessor().requestToken, user,
                        passwd, webContextUrl + "/j_acegi_security_check");
                // Try to access again
                ClientResponse response = client.getResource(webContextUrl, OSLCConstants.CT_RDF);

            //STEP 4: Get the URL of the OSLC catalog
            String catalogUrl = helper.getCatalogUrl();

            //STEP 5: Find the OSLC Service Provider for the project area we want to work with
            String serviceProviderUrl = lookupServiceProviderUrl(catalogUrl, "Services for " + projectArea,

            //STEP 6: Get the Query Capabilities URL so that we can run some OSLC queries
            String queryCapability = client.lookupQueryCapability(serviceProviderUrl, OSLCConstants.OSLC_RM_V2,

            //STEP 7: Get the Creation Factory URL for default Requirements so that we can create one
            Requirement requirement = new Requirement();
            String requirementFactory = client.lookupCreationFactory(serviceProviderUrl,
                    OSLCConstants.OSLC_RM_V2, requirement.getRdfTypes()[0].toString());

            //STEP 8 Get the default Requirement Type URL
            ResourceShape reqInstanceShape = RmUtil.lookupRequirementsInstanceShapes(serviceProviderUrl,
                    OSLCConstants.OSLC_RM_V2, requirement.getRdfTypes()[0].toString(), client,
                    "Resource shape for a requirement in the " + projectArea);

            if ((reqInstanceShape != null) && (requirementFactory != null)) {
                //STEP 9: Create a Requirement
                // Add a link
                        new Link(new URI("http://google.com"), "Link created by an Eclipse Lyo user"));
                requirement.setDescription("Created By EclipseLyo");

                // Add the PrimaryText
                String primaryText = "My Eclipse Lyo CREATED Primary Text";
                Element obj = RmUtil.convertStringToHTML(primaryText);
                requirement.getExtendedProperties().put(RmConstants.PROPERTY_PRIMARY_TEXT, obj);

                //Create the Requirement
                ClientResponse creationResponse = client.createResource(requirementFactory, requirement,
                        OslcMediaType.APPLICATION_RDF_XML, OslcMediaType.APPLICATION_RDF_XML);
                String req01URL = creationResponse.getHeaders().getFirst(HttpHeaders.LOCATION);


            //STEP 10: Query of changed values
            OslcQueryParameters queryParams = new OslcQueryParameters();
            OslcQuery query = new OslcQuery(client, queryCapability, 10, queryParams);
            OslcQueryResult result = query.submit();
            boolean processAsJavaObjects = false;
            int resultsSize = result.getMembersUrls().length;
            processPagedQueryResults(result, client, processAsJavaObjects);
            System.out.println("Number of Results for query 1 = " + resultsSize + "\n");

            //STEP 11: Now get the artifact with identifier = 9 
            queryParams = new OslcQueryParameters();
            query = new OslcQuery(client, queryCapability, 10, queryParams);
            result = query.submit();
            String requirementURL = null;
            // Get the URL of returned requirement
            if (result != null) {
                String[] returnedURLS = result.getMembersUrls();
                if ((returnedURLS != null) && (returnedURLS.length > 0)) {
                    requirementURL = returnedURLS[0];

            // STEP 12 If requirement found, lets get it an modify
            if (requirementURL != null) {
                // Get the requirement
                ClientResponse getResponse = client.getResource(requirementURL,
                requirement = getResponse.getEntity(Requirement.class);
                // Get the eTAG, we need it to update
                String etag = getResponse.getHeaders().getFirst(OSLCConstants.ETAG);

                // Following code is needed to workaround an issue in DWA that exposes the Heading inf as encoded XML
                    // Get the type for "Object Heading"
                    org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.core.model.Property[] properties = reqInstanceShape.getProperties();
                    String attrDef = null;
                    for (org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.core.model.Property property : properties) {
                        if (property.getTitle().equalsIgnoreCase("Object Heading")) {
                            attrDef = property.getPropertyDefinition().toString();
                    if (attrDef != null) {
                        String url = attrDef.substring(0, attrDef.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
                        String name = attrDef.substring(attrDef.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
                        // QName attr12Name = new QName("https://slot12.gdl.mex.ibm.com:8443/dwa/rm/urn:rational::1-514b30b9627b2a31-M-00000062/types/", "attrDef-12");
                        QName attr12Name = new QName(url, name);
                        String attr12 = (String) requirement.getExtendedProperties().get(attr12Name);
                        attr12 = removeXMLEscape(attr12);
                        Element objattr12 = RmUtil.convertStringToHTML(attr12);
                        requirement.getExtendedProperties().put(attr12Name, objattr12);

                // Change the Primary text
                String primaryText = "My Eclipse Lyo CHANGED Primary Text";
                // Put in the proper object ( Element for XML Strings )
                Element obj = RmUtil.convertStringToHTML(primaryText);
                requirement.getExtendedProperties().put(RmConstants.PROPERTY_PRIMARY_TEXT, obj);

                // Add a couple of links 
                requirement.addImplementedBy(new Link(new URI("http://google.com"), "ImplementedBy example"));
                requirement.addElaboratedBy(new Link(new URI("http://terra.com.mx"), "ElaboratedBy example"));
                // Update the requirement with the proper etag 
                ClientResponse updateResponse = client.updateResource(requirementURL, requirement,
                        OslcMediaType.APPLICATION_RDF_XML, OslcMediaType.APPLICATION_RDF_XML, etag);


    } catch (RootServicesException re) {
                "Unable to access the Jazz rootservices document at: " + webContextUrl + "/public/rootservices",
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e);


From source file:org.javelin.sws.ext.jws.invocation.MessageFactoryTest.java

public void createDocumentWrapper() throws Exception {
    OperationDescription op = new OperationDescription();
    op.setRootName(new QName("urn:test", "document"));
    WebServiceInvocationMessage message = this.invocationFactory.createInvocation(op);