Java javax.xml.soap SOAPFactory fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java javax.xml.soap SOAPFactory fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for javax.xml.soap SOAPFactory.

The text is from its open source code.


Creates a new Detail object which serves as a container for DetailEntry objects.
SOAPElementcreateElement(String localName, String prefix, String uri)
Creates a new SOAPElement object with the given local name, prefix and uri.
SOAPElementcreateElement(Element domElement)
Creates a SOAPElement object from an existing DOM Element .
SOAPElementcreateElement(Name name)
Creates a SOAPElement object initialized with the given Name object.
SOAPElementcreateElement(QName qname)
Creates a SOAPElement object initialized with the given QName object.
SOAPElementcreateElement(String localName)
Creates a SOAPElement object initialized with the given local name.
SOAPFaultcreateFault(String reasonText, QName faultCode)
Creates a new SOAPFault object initialized with the given reasonText and faultCode
Creates a new default SOAPFault object
NamecreateName(String localName, String prefix, String uri)
Creates a new Name object initialized with the given local name, namespace prefix, and namespace URI.
NamecreateName(String localName)
Creates a new Name object initialized with the given local name.
Creates a new SOAPFactory object that is an instance of the default implementation (SOAP 1.1).
SOAPFactorynewInstance(String protocol)
Creates a new SOAPFactory object that is an instance of the specified implementation, this method uses the SAAJMetaFactory to locate the implementation class and create the SOAPFactory instance.