Example usage for javax.xml.soap SOAPMessage CHARACTER_SET_ENCODING

List of usage examples for javax.xml.soap SOAPMessage CHARACTER_SET_ENCODING


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.xml.soap SOAPMessage CHARACTER_SET_ENCODING.



To view the source code for javax.xml.soap SOAPMessage CHARACTER_SET_ENCODING.

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Specifies the character type encoding for the SOAP Message.


From source file:org.apache.axis.transport.http.AxisServlet.java

 * Process a POST to the servlet by handing it off to the Axis Engine.
 * Here is where SOAP messages are received
 * @param req posted request//from  ww w.ja  v a2 s .c  om
 * @param res respose
 * @throws ServletException trouble
 * @throws IOException different trouble
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException {
    long t0 = 0, t1 = 0, t2 = 0, t3 = 0, t4 = 0;
    String soapAction = null;
    MessageContext msgContext = null;
    if (isDebug) {
        log.debug("Enter: doPost()");
    if (tlog.isDebugEnabled()) {
        t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();

    Message responseMsg = null;
    String contentType = null;

    try {
        AxisEngine engine = getEngine();

        if (engine == null) {
            // !!! should return a SOAP fault...
            ServletException se = new ServletException(Messages.getMessage("noEngine00"));
            log.debug("No Engine!", se);
            throw se;

        res.setBufferSize(1024 * 8); // provide performance boost.

        /** get message context w/ various properties set
        msgContext = createMessageContext(engine, req, res);

        // ? OK to move this to 'getMessageContext',
        // ? where it would also be picked up for 'doGet()' ?
        if (securityProvider != null) {
            if (isDebug) {
                log.debug("securityProvider:" + securityProvider);
            msgContext.setProperty(MessageContext.SECURITY_PROVIDER, securityProvider);

        /* Get request message
        Message requestMsg = new Message(req.getInputStream(), false,
        // Transfer HTTP headers to MIME headers for request message.
        MimeHeaders requestMimeHeaders = requestMsg.getMimeHeaders();
        for (Enumeration e = req.getHeaderNames(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
            String headerName = (String) e.nextElement();
            for (Enumeration f = req.getHeaders(headerName); f.hasMoreElements();) {
                String headerValue = (String) f.nextElement();
                requestMimeHeaders.addHeader(headerName, headerValue);

        if (isDebug) {
            log.debug("Request Message:" + requestMsg);

            /* Set the request(incoming) message field in the context */
        String url = HttpUtils.getRequestURL(req).toString();
        msgContext.setProperty(MessageContext.TRANS_URL, url);
        // put character encoding of request to message context
        // in order to reuse it during the whole process.
        String requestEncoding;
        try {
            requestEncoding = (String) requestMsg.getProperty(SOAPMessage.CHARACTER_SET_ENCODING);
            if (requestEncoding != null) {
                msgContext.setProperty(SOAPMessage.CHARACTER_SET_ENCODING, requestEncoding);
        } catch (SOAPException e1) {

        try {
             * Save the SOAPAction header in the MessageContext bag.
             * This will be used to tell the Axis Engine which service
             * is being invoked.  This will save us the trouble of
             * having to parse the Request message - although we will
             * need to double-check later on that the SOAPAction header
             * does in fact match the URI in the body.
            // (is this last stmt true??? (I don't think so - Glen))
            soapAction = getSoapAction(req);

            if (soapAction != null) {

            // Create a Session wrapper for the HTTP session.
            // These can/should be pooled at some point.
            // (Sam is Watching! :-)
            msgContext.setSession(new AxisHttpSession(req));

            if (tlog.isDebugEnabled()) {
                t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
            /* Invoke the Axis engine... */
            if (isDebug) {
                log.debug("Invoking Axis Engine.");
                //here we run the message by the engine
            if (isDebug) {
                log.debug("Return from Axis Engine.");
            if (tlog.isDebugEnabled()) {
                t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
            responseMsg = msgContext.getResponseMessage();

            // We used to throw exceptions on null response messages.
            // They are actually OK in certain situations (asynchronous
            // services), so fall through here and return an ACCEPTED
            // status code below.  Might want to install a configurable
            // error check for this later.
        } catch (AxisFault fault) {
            //log and sanitize
            configureResponseFromAxisFault(res, fault);
            responseMsg = msgContext.getResponseMessage();
            if (responseMsg == null) {
                responseMsg = new Message(fault);
                ((org.apache.axis.SOAPPart) responseMsg.getSOAPPart()).getMessage()
        } catch (Exception e) {
            //other exceptions are internal trouble
            responseMsg = msgContext.getResponseMessage();
            responseMsg = convertExceptionToAxisFault(e, responseMsg);
            ((org.apache.axis.SOAPPart) responseMsg.getSOAPPart()).getMessage().setMessageContext(msgContext);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            //other exceptions are internal trouble
            responseMsg = msgContext.getResponseMessage();
            responseMsg = new Message(new AxisFault(t.toString(), t));
            ((org.apache.axis.SOAPPart) responseMsg.getSOAPPart()).getMessage().setMessageContext(msgContext);
    } catch (AxisFault fault) {
        configureResponseFromAxisFault(res, fault);
        responseMsg = msgContext.getResponseMessage();
        if (responseMsg == null) {
            responseMsg = new Message(fault);
            ((org.apache.axis.SOAPPart) responseMsg.getSOAPPart()).getMessage().setMessageContext(msgContext);

    if (tlog.isDebugEnabled()) {
        t3 = System.currentTimeMillis();

    /* Send response back along the wire...  */
    if (responseMsg != null) {
        // Transfer MIME headers to HTTP headers for response message.
        MimeHeaders responseMimeHeaders = responseMsg.getMimeHeaders();
        for (Iterator i = responseMimeHeaders.getAllHeaders(); i.hasNext();) {
            MimeHeader responseMimeHeader = (MimeHeader) i.next();
            res.addHeader(responseMimeHeader.getName(), responseMimeHeader.getValue());
        // synchronize the character encoding of request and response
        String responseEncoding = (String) msgContext.getProperty(SOAPMessage.CHARACTER_SET_ENCODING);
        if (responseEncoding != null) {
            try {
                responseMsg.setProperty(SOAPMessage.CHARACTER_SET_ENCODING, responseEncoding);
            } catch (SOAPException e) {
        //determine content type from message response
        contentType = responseMsg.getContentType(msgContext.getSOAPConstants());
        sendResponse(contentType, res, responseMsg);
    } else {
        // No content, so just indicate accepted

    if (isDebug) {
        log.debug("Response sent.");
        log.debug("Exit: doPost()");
    if (tlog.isDebugEnabled()) {
        t4 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        tlog.debug("axisServlet.doPost: " + soapAction + " pre=" + (t1 - t0) + " invoke=" + (t2 - t1) + " post="
                + (t3 - t2) + " send=" + (t4 - t3) + " " + msgContext.getTargetService() + "."
                + ((msgContext.getOperation() == null) ? "" : msgContext.getOperation().getName()));


From source file:org.apache.axis.transport.http.SimpleAxisWorker.java

 * The main workhorse method./*w ww .  j  a va 2 s. com*/
public void execute() {
    byte buf[] = new byte[BUFSIZ];
    // create an Axis server
    AxisServer engine = server.getAxisServer();

    // create and initialize a message context
    MessageContext msgContext = new MessageContext(engine);
    Message requestMsg = null;

    // Reusuable, buffered, content length controlled, InputStream
    NonBlockingBufferedInputStream is = new NonBlockingBufferedInputStream();

    // buffers for the headers we care about
    StringBuffer soapAction = new StringBuffer();
    StringBuffer httpRequest = new StringBuffer();
    StringBuffer fileName = new StringBuffer();
    StringBuffer cookie = new StringBuffer();
    StringBuffer cookie2 = new StringBuffer();
    StringBuffer authInfo = new StringBuffer();
    StringBuffer contentType = new StringBuffer();
    StringBuffer contentLocation = new StringBuffer();

    Message responseMsg = null;

    // prepare request (do as much as possible while waiting for the
    // next connection).  Note the next two statements are commented
    // out.  Uncomment them if you experience any problems with not
    // resetting state between requests:
    //   msgContext = new MessageContext();
    //   requestMsg = new Message("", "String");
    //msgContext.setProperty("transport", "HTTPTransport");

    responseMsg = null;

    try {
        // assume the best
        byte[] status = OK;

        // assume we're not getting WSDL
        boolean doWsdl = false;

        // cookie for this session, if any
        String cooky = null;

        String methodName = null;

        try {
            // wipe cookies if we're doing sessions
            if (server.isSessionUsed()) {
                cookie.delete(0, cookie.length());
                cookie2.delete(0, cookie2.length());
            authInfo.delete(0, authInfo.length());

            // read headers
            // parse all headers into hashtable
            MimeHeaders requestHeaders = new MimeHeaders();
            int contentLength = parseHeaders(is, buf, contentType, contentLocation, soapAction, httpRequest,
                    fileName, cookie, cookie2, authInfo, requestHeaders);

            int paramIdx = fileName.toString().indexOf('?');
            if (paramIdx != -1) {
                // Got params
                String params = fileName.substring(paramIdx + 1);

                log.debug(Messages.getMessage("filename00", fileName.toString()));
                log.debug(Messages.getMessage("params00", params));

                if ("wsdl".equalsIgnoreCase(params))
                    doWsdl = true;

                if (params.startsWith("method=")) {
                    methodName = params.substring(7);

            // Real and relative paths are the same for the
            // SimpleAxisServer
            msgContext.setProperty(Constants.MC_REALPATH, fileName.toString());
            msgContext.setProperty(Constants.MC_RELATIVE_PATH, fileName.toString());
            msgContext.setProperty(Constants.MC_JWS_CLASSDIR, "jwsClasses");
            msgContext.setProperty(Constants.MC_HOME_DIR, ".");

            // !!! Fix string concatenation
            String url = "http://" + getLocalHost() + ":" + server.getServerSocket().getLocalPort() + "/"
                    + fileName.toString();
            msgContext.setProperty(MessageContext.TRANS_URL, url);

            String filePart = fileName.toString();
            if (filePart.startsWith("axis/services/")) {
                String servicePart = filePart.substring(14);
                int separator = servicePart.indexOf('/');
                if (separator > -1) {
                    msgContext.setProperty("objectID", servicePart.substring(separator + 1));
                    servicePart = servicePart.substring(0, separator);

            if (authInfo.length() > 0) {
                // Process authentication info
                //authInfo = new StringBuffer("dXNlcjE6cGFzczE=");
                byte[] decoded = Base64.decode(authInfo.toString());
                StringBuffer userBuf = new StringBuffer();
                StringBuffer pwBuf = new StringBuffer();
                StringBuffer authBuf = userBuf;
                for (int i = 0; i < decoded.length; i++) {
                    if ((char) (decoded[i] & 0x7f) == ':') {
                        authBuf = pwBuf;
                    authBuf.append((char) (decoded[i] & 0x7f));

                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug(Messages.getMessage("user00", userBuf.toString()));


            // if get, then return simpleton document as response
            if (httpRequest.toString().equals("GET")) {

                OutputStream out = socket.getOutputStream();
                if (fileName.length() == 0) {
                    out.write("301 Redirect\nLocation: /axis/\n\n".getBytes());

                if (methodName != null) {
                    String body = "<" + methodName + ">" +
                    //                               args +
                            "</" + methodName + ">";
                    String msgtxt = "<SOAP-ENV:Envelope" + " xmlns:SOAP-ENV=\"" + Constants.URI_SOAP12_ENV
                            + "\">" + "<SOAP-ENV:Body>" + body + "</SOAP-ENV:Body>" + "</SOAP-ENV:Envelope>";

                    ByteArrayInputStream istream = new ByteArrayInputStream(msgtxt.getBytes());
                    requestMsg = new Message(istream);
                } else if (doWsdl) {

                    Document doc = (Document) msgContext.getProperty("WSDL");
                    if (doc != null) {
                        String response = XMLUtils.PrettyDocumentToString(doc);
                        byte[] respBytes = response.getBytes();

                        putInt(buf, out, respBytes.length);
                } else {
                    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
                    sb.append("<h2>And now... Some Services</h2>\n");
                    Iterator i = engine.getConfig().getDeployedServices();
                    while (i.hasNext()) {
                        ServiceDesc sd = (ServiceDesc) i.next();
                        sb.append(" <a href=\"services/");
                        ArrayList operations = sd.getOperations();
                        if (!operations.isEmpty()) {
                            for (Iterator it = operations.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                                OperationDesc desc = (OperationDesc) it.next();
                                sb.append("<li>" + desc.getName());

                    byte[] bytes = sb.toString().getBytes();

                    putInt(buf, out, bytes.length);
            } else {

                // this may be "" if either SOAPAction: "" or if no SOAPAction at all.
                // for now, do not complain if no SOAPAction at all
                String soapActionString = soapAction.toString();
                if (soapActionString != null) {
                requestMsg = new Message(is, false, contentType.toString(), contentLocation.toString());

            // Transfer HTTP headers to MIME headers for request message.
            MimeHeaders requestMimeHeaders = requestMsg.getMimeHeaders();
            for (Iterator i = requestHeaders.getAllHeaders(); i.hasNext();) {
                MimeHeader requestHeader = (MimeHeader) i.next();
                requestMimeHeaders.addHeader(requestHeader.getName(), requestHeader.getValue());
            // put character encoding of request to message context
            // in order to reuse it during the whole process.   
            String requestEncoding = (String) requestMsg.getProperty(SOAPMessage.CHARACTER_SET_ENCODING);
            if (requestEncoding != null) {
                msgContext.setProperty(SOAPMessage.CHARACTER_SET_ENCODING, requestEncoding);

            // set up session, if any
            if (server.isSessionUsed()) {
                // did we get a cookie?
                if (cookie.length() > 0) {
                    cooky = cookie.toString().trim();
                } else if (cookie2.length() > 0) {
                    cooky = cookie2.toString().trim();

                // if cooky is null, cook up a cooky
                if (cooky == null) {
                    // fake one up!
                    // make it be an arbitrarily increasing number
                    // (no this is not thread safe because ++ isn't atomic)
                    int i = SimpleAxisServer.sessionIndex++;
                    cooky = "" + i;


            // invoke the Axis engine

            // Retrieve the response from Axis
            responseMsg = msgContext.getResponseMessage();

            if (responseMsg == null) {
                status = NOCONTENT;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            AxisFault af;
            if (e instanceof AxisFault) {
                af = (AxisFault) e;
                log.debug(Messages.getMessage("serverFault00"), af);
                QName faultCode = af.getFaultCode();
                if (Constants.FAULT_SOAP12_SENDER.equals(faultCode)) {
                    status = SENDER;
                } else if ("Server.Unauthorized".equals(af.getFaultCode().getLocalPart())) {
                    status = UNAUTH; // SC_UNAUTHORIZED
                } else {
                    status = ISE; // SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
            } else {
                status = ISE; // SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
                af = AxisFault.makeFault(e);

            // There may be headers we want to preserve in the
            // response message - so if it's there, just add the
            // FaultElement to it.  Otherwise, make a new one.
            responseMsg = msgContext.getResponseMessage();
            if (responseMsg == null) {
                responseMsg = new Message(af);
            } else {
                try {
                    SOAPEnvelope env = responseMsg.getSOAPEnvelope();
                    env.addBodyElement(new SOAPFault((AxisFault) e));
                } catch (AxisFault fault) {
                    // Should never reach here!

        // synchronize the character encoding of request and response
        String responseEncoding = (String) msgContext.getProperty(SOAPMessage.CHARACTER_SET_ENCODING);
        if (responseEncoding != null && responseMsg != null) {
            responseMsg.setProperty(SOAPMessage.CHARACTER_SET_ENCODING, responseEncoding);
        // Send it on its way...
        OutputStream out = socket.getOutputStream();

        if (responseMsg != null) {
            if (server.isSessionUsed() && null != cooky && 0 != cooky.trim().length()) {
                // write cookie headers, if any
                // don't sweat efficiency *too* badly
                // optimize at will
                StringBuffer cookieOut = new StringBuffer();
                cookieOut.append("\r\nSet-Cookie: ").append(cooky).append("\r\nSet-Cookie2: ").append(cooky);
                // OH, THE HUMILITY!  yes this is inefficient.

            out.write(("\r\n" + HTTPConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE + ": "
                    + responseMsg.getContentType(msgContext.getSOAPConstants())).getBytes());
            // Writing the length causes the entire message to be decoded twice.
            //out.write(("\r\n" + HTTPConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH + ": " + responseMsg.getContentLength()).getBytes());
            // putInt(out, response.length);

            // Transfer MIME headers to HTTP headers for response message.
            for (Iterator i = responseMsg.getMimeHeaders().getAllHeaders(); i.hasNext();) {
                MimeHeader responseHeader = (MimeHeader) i.next();


        // out.write(response);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.info(Messages.getMessage("exception00"), e);
    } finally {
        try {
            if (socket != null)
        } catch (Exception e) {
    if (msgContext.getProperty(MessageContext.QUIT_REQUESTED) != null) {
        // why then, quit!
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {


From source file:org.apache.axis.utils.XMLUtils.java

public static String getEncoding(Message message, MessageContext msgContext, XMLEncoder defaultEncoder) {
    String encoding = null;//from w w w  .  j  a  v a 2s.c o  m
    try {
        if (message != null) {
            encoding = (String) message.getProperty(SOAPMessage.CHARACTER_SET_ENCODING);
    } catch (SOAPException e) {
    if (msgContext == null) {
        msgContext = MessageContext.getCurrentContext();
    if (msgContext != null && encoding == null) {
        encoding = (String) msgContext.getProperty(SOAPMessage.CHARACTER_SET_ENCODING);
    if (msgContext != null && encoding == null && msgContext.getAxisEngine() != null) {
        encoding = (String) msgContext.getAxisEngine().getOption(AxisEngine.PROP_XML_ENCODING);
    if (encoding == null && defaultEncoder != null) {
        encoding = defaultEncoder.getEncoding();
    return encoding;

From source file:org.openhab.binding.fritzboxtr064.internal.Tr064Comm.java

 * Sets all required namespaces and prepares the SOAP message to send.
 * Creates skeleton + body data./*  w  ww.j av  a  2s  .c  om*/
 * @param bodyData
 *            is attached to skeleton to form entire SOAP message
 * @return ready to send SOAP message
private SOAPMessage constructTr064Msg(SOAPBodyElement bodyData) {
    SOAPMessage soapMsg = null;

    try {
        MessageFactory msgFac;
        msgFac = MessageFactory.newInstance();
        soapMsg = msgFac.createMessage();
        soapMsg.setProperty(SOAPMessage.WRITE_XML_DECLARATION, "true");
        soapMsg.setProperty(SOAPMessage.CHARACTER_SET_ENCODING, "UTF-8");
        SOAPPart part = soapMsg.getSOAPPart();

        // valid for entire SOAP msg
        String namespace = "s";

        // create suitable fbox envelope
        SOAPEnvelope envelope = part.getEnvelope();
        envelope.removeNamespaceDeclaration("SOAP-ENV"); // delete standard namespace which was already set
        envelope.addNamespaceDeclaration(namespace, "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/");
        Name nEncoding = envelope.createName("encodingStyle", namespace,
        envelope.addAttribute(nEncoding, "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/");

        // create empty header
        SOAPHeader header = envelope.getHeader();

        // create body with command based on parameter
        SOAPBody body = envelope.getBody();
        body.addChildElement(bodyData); // bodyData already prepared. Needs only be added

    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("Error creating SOAP message for fbox request with data {}", bodyData);

    return soapMsg;