Example usage for javax.xml.stream.events StartElement asStartElement

List of usage examples for javax.xml.stream.events StartElement asStartElement


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.xml.stream.events StartElement asStartElement.


public StartElement asStartElement();

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Returns this event as a start element event, may result in a class cast exception if this event is not a start element.


From source file:org.jonross.coercion.v2.BinderSpec.java

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public void parse(Reader input) throws XMLStreamException {
    // Grab the first element in the binder file and verify that it's
    // our show; check for binder package name and class name.

    XMLEventReader reader = inputFactory.createXMLEventReader(input);
    StartElement start = nextStartElement(reader).asStartElement();

    if (!start.getName().equals(CO_UNMARSHALLER))
        throw new CoercionException(
                "Root element must be <" + CO_UNMARSHALLER.getLocalPart() + "> in namespace " + MY_NS);

    Attribute att = start.getAttributeByName(CO_PACKAGE_NAME);
    if (att != null)
        packageName = att.getValue();

    att = start.getAttributeByName(CO_CLASS_NAME);
    if (att != null)
        className = att.getValue();
        throw new CoercionException("Root <unmarshaller> element is missing className attribute");

    root = parse(reader, start.asStartElement());