Example usage for javax.xml.stream.events XMLEvent isEndDocument

List of usage examples for javax.xml.stream.events XMLEvent isEndDocument


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.xml.stream.events XMLEvent isEndDocument.


public boolean isEndDocument();

Source Link


A utility function to check if this event is an EndDocument.


From source file:com.predic8.membrane.core.util.TextUtil.java

 * Checks whether s is a valid (well-formed and balanced) XML snippet.
 * Note that attributes escaped by single quotes are accepted (which is illegal by spec).
 *//*from w w w .  j av a2s.c  om*/
public static boolean isValidXMLSnippet(String s) {
    try {
        XMLEventReader parser;
        synchronized (xmlInputFactory) {
            parser = xmlInputFactory.createXMLEventReader(new StringReader("<a>" + s + "</a>"));
        XMLEvent event = null;
        while (parser.hasNext()) {
            event = (XMLEvent) parser.next();
        return event != null && event.isEndDocument();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("", e);
        return false;

From source file:com.amalto.core.load.io.XMLStreamUnwrapper.java

 * Moves to next record in stream and stores it in {@link #stringWriter}.
 *///w  ww .j  a  v a  2s.  com
private void moveToNext() {
    try {
        XMLStreamWriter writer = xmlOutputFactory.createXMLStreamWriter(stringWriter);
        boolean hasMadeChanges;
        do {
            if (!reader.hasNext()) {
            hasMadeChanges = false; // Keep a state to skip line feeds
            final XMLEvent event = reader.nextEvent();
            if (event.isEndElement()) {
            } else if (event.isStartElement()) {
            } else if (event.isEndDocument()) {
            if (level >= RECORD_LEVEL) {
                if (event.isEndElement()) {
                    hasMadeChanges = true;
                } else if (event.isStartElement()) {
                    final StartElement startElement = event.asStartElement();
                    final QName name = startElement.getName();
                    writer.writeStartElement(name.getNamespaceURI(), name.getLocalPart());
                    boolean isRecordRootElement = (RECORD_LEVEL == level - 1);
                    if (isRecordRootElement) {
                        for (int i = 0; i < rootNamespaceList.size(); i++) {
                            Namespace namespace = rootNamespaceList.get(i);
                            writer.writeNamespace(namespace.getPrefix(), namespace.getNamespaceURI());
                    // Declare namespaces (if any)
                    final Iterator elementNamespaces = startElement.getNamespaces();
                    while (elementNamespaces.hasNext()) {
                        Namespace elementNamespace = (Namespace) elementNamespaces.next();
                        if (isRecordRootElement) {
                            if (rootNamespaceList.size() > 0) {
                                for (int i = 0; i < rootNamespaceList.size(); i++) {
                                    Namespace namespace = rootNamespaceList.get(i);
                                    if (!namespace.getPrefix().equals(elementNamespace.getPrefix())
                                            || !namespace.getNamespaceURI()
                                                    .equals(elementNamespace.getNamespaceURI())) {
                            } else {
                        } else {
                    // Write attributes
                    final Iterator attributes = startElement.getAttributes();
                    while (attributes.hasNext()) {
                        Attribute attribute = (Attribute) attributes.next();
                        QName attributeName = attribute.getName();
                        String value = attribute.getValue();
                        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(attributeName.getNamespaceURI())) {
                            writer.writeAttribute(attributeName.getLocalPart(), value);
                        } else {
                            writer.writeAttribute(attributeName.getNamespaceURI(), attributeName.getLocalPart(),
                    hasMadeChanges = true;
                } else if (event.isCharacters()) {
                    final String text = event.asCharacters().getData().trim();
                    if (!text.isEmpty()) {
                        hasMadeChanges = true;
        } while (level > RECORD_LEVEL || !hasMadeChanges);
    } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected parsing exception.", e);

From source file:com.aionengine.gameserver.dataholders.loadingutils.XmlMerger.java

 * Read all {@link javax.xml.stream.events.XMLEvent}'s from specified file and write them onto the {@link javax.xml.stream.XMLEventWriter}
 * @param file     File to import// w ww  .  j av a 2 s .  c o  m
 * @param skipRoot Skip-root flag
 * @param writer   Destenation writer
 * @throws XMLStreamException    On event reading/writing error.
 * @throws FileNotFoundException if the reading file does not exist,
 *                               is a directory rather than a regular file,
 *                               or for some other reason cannot be opened for
 *                               reading.
private void importFile(File file, boolean skipRoot, XMLEventWriter writer, Properties metadata)
        throws XMLStreamException, IOException {
    logger.debug("Appending file " + file);
    metadata.setProperty(file.getPath(), makeHash(file));

    XMLEventReader reader = null;

    try {
        reader = inputFactory.createXMLEventReader(new FileReader(file));

        QName firstTagQName = null;

        while (reader.hasNext()) {
            XMLEvent event = reader.nextEvent();

            // skip start and end of document.
            if (event.isStartDocument() || event.isEndDocument())
            // skip all comments.
            if (event instanceof Comment)
            // skip white-spaces and all ignoreable white-spaces.
            if (event.isCharacters()) {
                if (event.asCharacters().isWhiteSpace() || event.asCharacters().isIgnorableWhiteSpace())

            // modify root-tag of imported file.
            if (firstTagQName == null && event.isStartElement()) {
                firstTagQName = event.asStartElement().getName();

                if (skipRoot) {
                } else {
                    StartElement old = event.asStartElement();

                    event = eventFactory.createStartElement(old.getName(), old.getAttributes(), null);

            // if root was skipped - skip root end too.
            if (event.isEndElement() && skipRoot && event.asEndElement().getName().equals(firstTagQName))

            // finally - write tag
    } finally {
        if (reader != null)
            try {
            } catch (Exception ignored) {

From source file:com.aionemu.gameserver.dataholders.loadingutils.XmlMerger.java

 * Read all {@link javax.xml.stream.events.XMLEvent}'s from specified file
 * and write them onto the {@link javax.xml.stream.XMLEventWriter}
 * @param file     File to import//from w w  w .ja va2s  . c  o  m
 * @param skipRoot Skip-root flag
 * @param writer   Destenation writer
 * @throws XMLStreamException    On event reading/writing error.
 * @throws FileNotFoundException if the reading file does not exist, is a
 *                               directory rather than a regular file, or for some other reason cannot be
 *                               opened for reading.
private void importFile(File file, boolean skipRoot, XMLEventWriter writer, Properties metadata)
        throws XMLStreamException, IOException {
    logger.debug("Appending file " + file);
    metadata.setProperty(file.getPath(), makeHash(file));

    XMLEventReader reader = null;

    try {
        reader = inputFactory.createXMLEventReader(new FileReader(file));

        QName firstTagQName = null;

        while (reader.hasNext()) {
            XMLEvent event = reader.nextEvent();

            // skip start and end of document.
            if (event.isStartDocument() || event.isEndDocument()) {
            // skip all comments.
            if (event instanceof Comment) {
            // skip white-spaces and all ignoreable white-spaces.
            if (event.isCharacters()) {
                if (event.asCharacters().isWhiteSpace() || event.asCharacters().isIgnorableWhiteSpace()) {

            // modify root-tag of imported file.
            if (firstTagQName == null && event.isStartElement()) {
                firstTagQName = event.asStartElement().getName();

                if (skipRoot) {
                } else {
                    StartElement old = event.asStartElement();

                    event = eventFactory.createStartElement(old.getName(), old.getAttributes(), null);

            // if root was skipped - skip root end too.
            if (event.isEndElement() && skipRoot && event.asEndElement().getName().equals(firstTagQName)) {

            // finally - write tag
    } finally {
        if (reader != null) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception ignored) {

From source file:edu.jhu.hlt.concrete.ingesters.webposts.WebPostIngester.java

public Communication fromCharacterBasedFile(final Path path) throws IngestException {
    if (!Files.exists(path))
        throw new IngestException("No file at: " + path.toString());

    AnalyticUUIDGeneratorFactory f = new AnalyticUUIDGeneratorFactory();
    AnalyticUUIDGenerator g = f.create();
    Communication c = new Communication();
    c.setUuid(g.next());/*  w  w  w  . ja v  a2 s  . c om*/

    try {
        ExistingNonDirectoryFile ef = new ExistingNonDirectoryFile(path);
    } catch (NoSuchFileException | NotFileException e) {
        // might throw if path is a directory.
        throw new IngestException(path.toString() + " is not a file, or is a directory.");

    String content;
    try (InputStream is = Files.newInputStream(path);
            BufferedInputStream bin = new BufferedInputStream(is, 1024 * 8 * 8);) {
        content = IOUtils.toString(bin, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new IngestException(e);

    try (InputStream is = Files.newInputStream(path);
            BufferedInputStream bin = new BufferedInputStream(is, 1024 * 8 * 8);
            BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(bin, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));) {
        XMLEventReader rdr = null;
        try {
            rdr = inF.createXMLEventReader(reader);

            // Below method moves the reader
            // to the headline end element.
            Section headline = this.handleBeginning(rdr, content, c);
            TextSpan sts = headline.getTextSpan();
            LOGGER.debug("headline text: {}", c.getText().substring(sts.getStart(), sts.getEnding()));

            int sectNumber = 1;
            int subSect = 0;

            int currOff = -1;
            // Big amounts of characters.
            while (rdr.hasNext()) {
                XMLEvent nextEvent = rdr.nextEvent();
                currOff = nextEvent.getLocation().getCharacterOffset();

                // First: see if document is going to end.
                // If yes: exit.
                if (nextEvent.isEndDocument())

                // region
                // enables ingestion of quotes inside a usenet webpost.
                // by Tongfei Chen
                if (nextEvent.isStartElement()
                        && nextEvent.asStartElement().getName().equals(QName.valueOf("QUOTE"))) {
                    Attribute attrQuote = nextEvent.asStartElement()
                    String quote = StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(attrQuote.getValue());
                    int location = attrQuote.getLocation().getCharacterOffset()
                            + "<QUOTE PREVIOUSPOST=\"".length();
                    Section quoteSection = new Section(g.next(), "quote")
                            .setTextSpan(new TextSpan(location, location + quote.length()));
                // endregion

                // Check if start element.
                if (nextEvent.isCharacters()) {
                    Characters chars = nextEvent.asCharacters();
                    if (!chars.isWhiteSpace()) {
                        String fpContent = chars.getData();
                        LOGGER.debug("Character offset: {}", currOff);
                        LOGGER.debug("Character based data: {}", fpContent);

                        SimpleImmutableEntry<Integer, Integer> pads = trimSpacing(fpContent);
                        final int tsb = currOff + pads.getKey();

                        final int tse = currOff + fpContent.replace("\"", "&quot;").replace("<", "&lt;")
                                .replace(">", "&gt;").length() - (pads.getValue());
                        // MAINTAIN CORRECT TEXT SPAN
                        // CANNOT USE StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml because it will escape "'", which
                        // is not escaped in the data
                        // @tongfei

                        LOGGER.debug("Section text: {}", content.substring(tsb, tse));
                        TextSpan ts = new TextSpan(tsb, tse);
                        String sk;
                        if (subSect == 0)
                            sk = "poster";
                        else if (subSect == 1)
                            sk = "postdate";
                            sk = "post";

                        Section s = new Section();
                        List<Integer> intList = new ArrayList<>();

                } else if (nextEvent.isEndElement()) {
                    EndElement ee = nextEvent.asEndElement();
                    currOff = ee.getLocation().getCharacterOffset();
                    QName name = ee.getName();
                    String localName = name.getLocalPart();
                    LOGGER.debug("Hit end element: {}", localName);
                    if (localName.equalsIgnoreCase(POST_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                        LOGGER.debug("Switching to new post.");
                        subSect = 0;
                    } else if (localName.equalsIgnoreCase(TEXT_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                        // done with document.

            return c;

        } catch (XMLStreamException | ConcreteException | StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
                | ClassCastException x) {
            throw new IngestException(x);
        } finally {
            if (rdr != null)
                try {
                } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
                    // not likely.
                    LOGGER.info("Error closing XMLReader.", e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new IngestException(e);

From source file:edu.jhu.hlt.concrete.ingesters.bolt.BoltForumPostIngester.java

public Communication fromCharacterBasedFile(final Path path) throws IngestException {
    if (!Files.exists(path))
        throw new IngestException("No file at: " + path.toString());

    AnalyticUUIDGeneratorFactory f = new AnalyticUUIDGeneratorFactory();
    AnalyticUUIDGenerator gen = f.create();
    Communication c = new Communication();
    c.setUuid(gen.next());/*from  w  ww  . j  ava  2s  .c o m*/

    try {
        ExistingNonDirectoryFile ef = new ExistingNonDirectoryFile(path);
    } catch (NoSuchFileException | NotFileException e) {
        // might throw if path is a directory.
        throw new IngestException(path.toString() + " is not a file, or is a directory.");

    String content;
    try (InputStream is = Files.newInputStream(path);
            BufferedInputStream bin = new BufferedInputStream(is, 1024 * 8 * 8);) {
        content = IOUtils.toString(bin, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new IngestException(e);

    try (InputStream is = Files.newInputStream(path);
            BufferedInputStream bin = new BufferedInputStream(is, 1024 * 8 * 8);
            BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(bin, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));) {
        XMLEventReader rdr = null;
        try {
            rdr = inF.createXMLEventReader(reader);

            // Below method moves the reader
            // to the first post element.
            Section headline = handleHeadline(rdr, content);
            int start = headline.getTextSpan().getStart();
            int ending = headline.getTextSpan().getEnding();
            if (ending < start)
                ending = start; // @tongfei: handle empty headlines
            String htxt = c.getText().substring(start, ending);
            LOGGER.debug("headline text: {}", htxt);

            // Section indices.
            int sectNumber = 1;
            int subSect = 0;

            // Move iterator to post start element.

            // Offset pointer.
            int currOff = -1;

            SectionFactory sf = new SectionFactory(gen);

            // First post element.
            while (rdr.hasNext()) {
                XMLEvent nextEvent = rdr.nextEvent();
                currOff = nextEvent.getLocation().getCharacterOffset();
                if (currOff > 0) {
                    int currOffPlus = currOff + 20;
                    int currOffLess = currOff - 20;
                    LOGGER.debug("Offset: {}", currOff);
                    if (currOffPlus < content.length())
                        LOGGER.debug("Surrounding text: {}", content.substring(currOffLess, currOffPlus));

                // First: see if document is going to end.
                // If yes: exit.
                if (nextEvent.isEndDocument())

                // XMLEvent peeker = rdr.peek();

                // Check if start element.
                if (nextEvent.isStartElement()) {
                    StartElement se = nextEvent.asStartElement();
                    QName name = se.getName();
                    final String localName = name.getLocalPart();
                    LOGGER.debug("Hit start element: {}", localName);

                    // Add sections for authors and datetimes for each bolt post
                    // by Tongfei Chen
                    Attribute attrAuthor = se.getAttributeByName(QName.valueOf("author"));
                    Attribute attrDateTime = se.getAttributeByName(QName.valueOf("datetime"));

                    if (attrAuthor != null && attrDateTime != null) {

                        int loc = attrAuthor.getLocation().getCharacterOffset();

                        int sectAuthorBeginningOffset = loc + "<post author=\"".length();

                        Section sectAuthor = sf.fromTextSpan(new TextSpan(sectAuthorBeginningOffset,
                                sectAuthorBeginningOffset + attrAuthor.getValue().length()), "author");

                        int sectDateTimeBeginningOffset = sectAuthorBeginningOffset
                                + attrAuthor.getValue().length() + " datetime=".length();

                        Section sectDateTime = sf.fromTextSpan(
                                new TextSpan(sectDateTimeBeginningOffset,
                                        sectDateTimeBeginningOffset + attrDateTime.getValue().length()),

                    // Move past quotes, images, and links.
                    if (localName.equals(QUOTE_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                    } else if (localName.equals(IMG_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                    } else if (localName.equals(LINK_LOCAL_NAME)) {

                    // not a start element
                } else if (nextEvent.isCharacters()) {
                    Characters chars = nextEvent.asCharacters();
                    int coff = chars.getLocation().getCharacterOffset();
                    if (!chars.isWhiteSpace()) {
                        // content to be captured
                        String fpContent = chars.getData();
                        LOGGER.debug("Character offset: {}", coff);
                        LOGGER.debug("Character based data: {}", fpContent);
                        // LOGGER.debug("Character data via offset diff: {}", content.substring(coff - fpContent.length(), coff));

                        SimpleImmutableEntry<Integer, Integer> pads = trimSpacing(fpContent);
                        final int tsb = currOff + pads.getKey();
                        final int tse = currOff + fpContent.length() - pads.getValue();
                        final String subs = content.substring(tsb, tse);
                        if (subs.replaceAll("\\p{Zs}", "").replaceAll("\\n", "").isEmpty()) {
                            LOGGER.info("Found empty section: skipping.");

                        LOGGER.debug("Section text: {}", subs);
                        TextSpan ts = new TextSpan(tsb, tse);

                        Section s = sf.fromTextSpan(ts, "post");
                        List<Integer> intList = new ArrayList<>();

                } else if (nextEvent.isEndElement()) {
                    EndElement ee = nextEvent.asEndElement();
                    currOff = ee.getLocation().getCharacterOffset();
                    QName name = ee.getName();
                    String localName = name.getLocalPart();
                    LOGGER.debug("Hit end element: {}", localName);
                    if (localName.equalsIgnoreCase(POST_LOCAL_NAME)) {
                        subSect = 0;
            return c;
        } catch (XMLStreamException | ConcreteException | StringIndexOutOfBoundsException x) {
            throw new IngestException(x);
        } finally {
            if (rdr != null)
                try {
                } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
                    // not likely.
                    LOGGER.info("Error closing XMLReader.", e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new IngestException(e);

From source file:edu.uci.ics.jung.io.graphml.GraphMLReader2.java

 * Reads a single graph object from the GraphML document. Automatically
 * calls <code>init</code> to initialize the state of the reader.
 * @return the graph that was read if one was found, otherwise null.
 *//*from ww  w  .java  2s  .  c  om*/
public G readGraph() throws GraphIOException {

    try {

        // Initialize if not already.

        while (xmlEventReader.hasNext()) {

            XMLEvent event = xmlEventReader.nextEvent();
            if (event.isStartElement()) {
                StartElement element = (StartElement) event;
                String name = element.getName().getLocalPart();

                // The element should be one of: key, graph, graphml
                if (GraphMLConstants.KEY_NAME.equals(name)) {

                    // Parse the key object.
                    Key key = (Key) parserRegistry.getParser(name).parse(xmlEventReader, element);

                    // Add the key to the key map.

                } else if (GraphMLConstants.GRAPH_NAME.equals(name)) {

                    // Parse the graph.
                    GraphMetadata graph = (GraphMetadata) parserRegistry.getParser(name).parse(xmlEventReader,

                    // Add it to the graph metadata list.

                    // Return the graph object.
                    return (G) graph.getGraph();

                } else if (GraphMLConstants.GRAPHML_NAME.equals(name)) {
                    // Ignore the graphML object.
                } else {

                    // Encounted an unknown element - just skip by it.
                    parserRegistry.getUnknownElementParser().parse(xmlEventReader, element);

            } else if (event.isEndDocument()) {

    } catch (Exception e) {

    // We didn't read anything from the document.
    throw new GraphIOException("Unable to read Graph from document - the document could be empty");

From source file:edu.monash.merc.system.parser.xml.HPAWSXmlParser.java

public List<HPAEntryBean> parseHPAXml(String fileName, XMLInputFactory2 factory2) {
    xmlif2 = factory2;/*from w w  w .ja va 2 s.co  m*/
    logger.info("Starting to parse " + fileName);
    List<HPAEntryBean> hpaEntryBeans = new ArrayList<HPAEntryBean>();
    XMLEventReader2 xmlEventReader = null;
    try {
        xmlEventReader = (XMLEventReader2) xmlif2.createXMLEventReader(new FileInputStream(fileName));

        QName entryQN = new QName(ELE_ENTRY);
        QName versionQN = new QName(ATTR_VERSION);
        QName urlQN = new QName(ATTR_URL);
        QName nameQN = new QName(ELE_NAME);
        QName identiferQN = new QName(ELE_IDENTIFIER);
        QName idQN = new QName(ATTR_ID);
        QName xrefQN = new QName(ELE_XREF);
        QName dbQN = new QName(ATTR_DB);
        QName tissueExpQN = new QName(ELE_TISSUE_EXPRESSION);
        QName typeQN = new QName(ATTR_TYPE);
        QName verificationQN = new QName(ELE_VERIFICATION);
        QName dataQN = new QName(ELE_DATA);
        QName tissueQN = new QName(ELE_TISSUE);
        QName statusQN = new QName(ATTR_STATUS);
        QName cellTypeQN = new QName(ELE_CELLTYPE);
        QName levelQN = new QName(ELE_LEVEL);
        QName antibodyQN = new QName(ELE_ANTIBODY);

        String version = null;
        String url = null;

        String geneName = null;
        String geneAccession = null;
        String dbNameForIdentifier = null;

        String xrefAc = null;
        String xrefDb = null;
        boolean tissueExpressionPresent = false;

        boolean antibodyPresent = false;

        String tissueStatus = null;
        String tissue = null;
        String cellType = null;
        String levelType = null;
        String level = null;

        String verificationType = null;
        String verification = null;

        HPAEntryBean hpaEntryBean = null;

        GeneBean geneBean = null;

        List<DbSourceAcEntryBean> dbSourceAcEntryBeans = new ArrayList<DbSourceAcEntryBean>();

        List<PEEvidenceBean> peAntiIHCNormEvidenceBeans = new ArrayList<PEEvidenceBean>();

        PEEvidenceBean antiIHCNormEvidenceBean = null;

        AccessionBean identifiedAcBean = null;

        while (xmlEventReader.hasNextEvent()) {
            //eventType = reader.next();
            XMLEvent event = xmlEventReader.nextEvent();
            if (event.isStartElement()) {
                StartElement element = event.asStartElement();

                //hpa entry
                if (element.getName().equals(entryQN)) {
                    //start to create a hpaEntryBean
                    hpaEntryBean = new HPAEntryBean();
                    //create a GeneBean
                    geneBean = new GeneBean();
                    //create a list of DbSourceAcEntryBean to store all DbSource and Ac
                    dbSourceAcEntryBeans = new ArrayList<DbSourceAcEntryBean>();
                    //create a list of PEEvidenceBean to store all antibody evidencs for the current gene
                    peAntiIHCNormEvidenceBeans = new ArrayList<PEEvidenceBean>();

                    //get the version attribute
                    Attribute versionAttr = element.getAttributeByName(versionQN);
                    if (versionAttr != null) {
                        version = versionAttr.getValue();
                    //get the url attribute
                    Attribute urlAttr = element.getAttributeByName(urlQN);
                    if (urlAttr != null) {
                        url = urlAttr.getValue();

                //parse the gene name in the name element
                if (element.getName().equals(nameQN)) {
                    if (xmlEventReader.peek().isCharacters()) {
                        event = xmlEventReader.nextEvent();
                        Characters geneCharacters = event.asCharacters();
                        if (geneCharacters != null) {
                            geneName = geneCharacters.getData();

                //parse the ensg accession and db in the identifier element
                if (element.getName().equals(identiferQN)) {
                    Attribute idAttr = element.getAttributeByName(idQN);
                    if (idAttr != null) {
                        geneAccession = idAttr.getValue();
                    Attribute dbAttr = element.getAttributeByName(dbQN);
                    if (dbAttr != null) {
                        dbNameForIdentifier = dbAttr.getValue();

                //parse all db and accession pair in xref element
                if (element.getName().equals(xrefQN)) {
                    Attribute idAttr = element.getAttributeByName(idQN);
                    if (idAttr != null) {
                        xrefAc = idAttr.getValue();
                    Attribute dbAttr = element.getAttributeByName(dbQN);
                    if (dbAttr != null) {
                        xrefDb = dbAttr.getValue();

                //parse tissueExpression
                if (element.getName().equals(tissueExpQN)) {
                    //we only focus on the tissueExpression element in the path /entry/tissueExpression
                    if (!antibodyPresent) {
                        //set the tissueExpression present flag into true;
                        tissueExpressionPresent = true;
                        //create a list of PEEvidenceBean to store the PEEvidence for antibody
                        peAntiIHCNormEvidenceBeans = new ArrayList<PEEvidenceBean>();

                //parse the verification element to get reliability or validation value
                if (element.getName().equals(verificationQN)) {
                    //we only focus on the verification element in the path /entry/tissueExpression/verification
                    if (!antibodyPresent && tissueExpressionPresent) {
                        Attribute verifAttr = element.getAttributeByName(typeQN);
                        if (verifAttr != null) {
                            verificationType = element.getAttributeByName(typeQN).getValue();
                        if (xmlEventReader.peek().isCharacters()) {
                            event = xmlEventReader.nextEvent();
                            verification = event.asCharacters().getData();
                //start of the data element
                if (element.getName().equals(dataQN)) {
                    //we only focus on the data element in the path /entry/tissueExpression/data
                    if (!antibodyPresent && tissueExpressionPresent) {
                        antiIHCNormEvidenceBean = new PEEvidenceBean();
                        TPBDataTypeBean dataTypeBean = createTPBDataTypeBeanForPEANTIIHCNORM();

                //start of tissue
                if (element.getName().equals(tissueQN)) {
                    //we only focus on the tissue element in the path /entry/tissueExpression/data/tissue
                    if (!antibodyPresent && tissueExpressionPresent) {
                        Attribute tissueStatusAttr = element.getAttributeByName(statusQN);
                        if (tissueStatusAttr != null) {
                            tissueStatus = tissueStatusAttr.getValue();
                        if (xmlEventReader.peek().isCharacters()) {
                            event = xmlEventReader.nextEvent();
                            tissue = event.asCharacters().getData();

                //start of cellType
                if (element.getName().equals(cellTypeQN)) {
                    //we only focus on the cellType element in the path /entry/tissueExpression/data/cellType
                    if (!antibodyPresent && tissueExpressionPresent) {
                        if (xmlEventReader.peek().isCharacters()) {
                            event = xmlEventReader.nextEvent();
                            cellType = event.asCharacters().getData();

                //start of level
                if (element.getName().equals(levelQN)) {
                    //we only focus on the level element in the path /entry/tissueExpression/data/level
                    if (!antibodyPresent && tissueExpressionPresent) {
                        Attribute typeAttr = element.getAttributeByName(typeQN);
                        if (typeAttr != null) {
                            levelType = typeAttr.getValue();
                        if (xmlEventReader.peek().isCharacters()) {
                            event = xmlEventReader.nextEvent();
                            level = event.asCharacters().getData();
                //start of antibody element
                if (element.getName().equals(antibodyQN)) {
                    //we have to setup antibodyPresent flag as true
                    antibodyPresent = true;

            //End of element
            if (event.isEndElement()) {
                EndElement endElement = event.asEndElement();
                //hpa entry end
                if (endElement.getName().equals(entryQN)) {
                    //set hpa version
                    //hpaEntryBean set gene bean
                    //create the primary dbsource bean
                    DBSourceBean primaryDbSourceBean = createPrimaryDBSourceBeanForHPA();

                    //set the primary DBSourceBean

                    //set the identified accesion bean

                    //set DbSourceAcEntryBean list

                    //set all the PeAntiIHCBody evidences
                    if (peAntiIHCNormEvidenceBeans.size() == 0) {


                    //add the current hpa entry bean into list
                    //reset version and url
                    version = null;
                    url = null;
                    identifiedAcBean = null;

                //end of gene name, populate the gene name
                if (endElement.getName().equals(nameQN)) {
                    //set gene name

                //end of identifier, populating for gene accession, db and accessions if any
                if (endElement.getName().equals(identiferQN)) {
                    //set the gene accession

                    identifiedAcBean = createIdentifiedAcBean(geneAccession, dbNameForIdentifier);
                    //create a DbSourceAcEntryBean based on the identifier element
                    DbSourceAcEntryBean dbSourceAcEntryBean = createDbSourceAcEntry(dbNameForIdentifier,
                    //add this DbSourceAcEntryBean into list

                //end of xref element.  populate for db and accessions if any
                if (endElement.getName().equals(xrefQN)) {
                    //create a DbSourceAcEntryBean based on the xref element
                    DbSourceAcEntryBean dbSourceAcEntryBean = createDbSourceAcEntry(xrefDb, xrefAc);
                    //add this DbSoureAcEntryBean into list
                    //set rest of db and accession values
                    xrefDb = null;
                    xrefAc = null;
                //end of the tissueExpression
                if (endElement.getName().equals(tissueExpQN)) {
                    //we only focus on the tissueExpression element in the path /entry/tissueExpression
                    if (!antibodyPresent) {
                        //the tissueExpression is end. we have to reset tissueExpressionPresent,
                        //verificationType and verification values under the tissueExpression element level
                        //reset tissueExpression present flag into false
                        tissueExpressionPresent = false;
                        //reset verification type
                        verificationType = null;
                        //reset verification value
                        verification = null;

                //end of data element
                if (endElement.getName().equals(dataQN)) {
                    //we only focus on the data element in the path /entry/tissueExpression/data
                    if (!antibodyPresent && tissueExpressionPresent) {
                        //we only consider the tissue status is normal one
                        if (StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(tissueStatus, TISSUE_STATUS_NORMAL)) {
                            setAntiEvidence(antiIHCNormEvidenceBean, url, verification, tissue, cellType, level,
                            //add anti evidence
                        //the data element is end. we have to reset the tissueStatus, tissue, cellType and level values under the data element level
                        tissueStatus = null;
                        tissue = null;
                        cellType = null;
                        level = null;
                        levelType = null;
                //end of antibody
                if (endElement.getName().equals(antibodyQN)) {
                    //we have to reset antibodyPresent flag as false
                    antibodyPresent = false;
            //End of XML document
            if (event.isEndDocument()) {
                // finished to parse the whole document;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new DMXMLParserException(ex);
    } finally {
        if (xmlEventReader != null) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                //ignore whatever caught.
    return hpaEntryBeans;

From source file:org.mcisb.util.xml.XmlWriter.java

 * /*from ww  w.  j  a v  a  2s.co  m*/
 * @param event
 * @throws XMLStreamException
protected void write(final XMLEvent event) throws XMLStreamException {
    if (event.isStartDocument()) {
    } else if (event.isEndDocument()) {
    } else if (event.isStartElement()) {
    } else if (event.isEndElement()) {
    } else if (event.isCharacters()) {
        if (event.asCharacters().getData().matches(WHITE_SPACE)) {
            // Ignore...
