Example usage for javax.xml.transform.dom DOMResult setNode

List of usage examples for javax.xml.transform.dom DOMResult setNode


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.xml.transform.dom DOMResult setNode.


public void setNode(Node node) 

Source Link


Set the node that will contain the result DOM tree.


From source file:com.oracle.tutorial.jdbc.RSSFeedsTable.java

public void addRSSFeed(String fileName) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException,
        XPathExpressionException, TransformerConfigurationException, TransformerException, SQLException {
    // Parse the document and retrieve the name of the RSS feed

    String titleString = null;//  w  w  w  . jav  a2 s  .c o m

    javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory factory = javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
    Document doc = builder.parse(fileName);

    XPathFactory xPathfactory = XPathFactory.newInstance();

    XPath xPath = xPathfactory.newXPath();

    Node titleElement = (Node) xPath.evaluate("/rss/channel/title[1]", doc, XPathConstants.NODE);

    if (titleElement == null) {
        System.out.println("Unable to retrieve title element");
    } else {
        titleString = titleElement.getTextContent().trim().toLowerCase().replaceAll("\\s+", "_");
        System.out.println("title element: [" + titleString + "]");


    PreparedStatement insertRow = null;
    SQLXML rssData = null;

    System.out.println("Current DBMS: " + this.dbms);

    try {
        if (this.dbms.equals("mysql")) {
            // For databases that support the SQLXML data type, this creates a
            // SQLXML object from org.w3c.dom.Document.

            System.out.println("Adding XML file " + fileName);
            String insertRowQuery = "insert into RSS_FEEDS (RSS_NAME, RSS_FEED_XML) values" + " (?, ?)";
            insertRow = con.prepareStatement(insertRowQuery);
            insertRow.setString(1, titleString);

            System.out.println("Creating SQLXML object with MySQL");
            rssData = con.createSQLXML();
            System.out.println("Creating DOMResult object");
            DOMResult dom = (DOMResult) rssData.setResult(DOMResult.class);

            insertRow.setSQLXML(2, rssData);
            System.out.println("Running executeUpdate()");


        else if (this.dbms.equals("derby")) {

            System.out.println("Adding XML file " + fileName);
            String insertRowQuery = "insert into RSS_FEEDS (RSS_NAME, RSS_FEED_XML) values"
                    + " (?, xmlparse(document cast (? as clob) preserve whitespace))";
            insertRow = con.prepareStatement(insertRowQuery);
            insertRow.setString(1, titleString);
            String convertedDoc = JDBCTutorialUtilities.convertDocumentToString(doc);
            insertRow.setClob(2, new StringReader(convertedDoc));

            System.out.println("Running executeUpdate()");


    } catch (SQLException e) {
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        System.out.println("Another exception caught:");

    finally {
        if (insertRow != null) {

From source file:eu.betaas.service.securitymanager.service.impl.AuthorizationService.java

 * Check the condition specified in the token with the condition saved in the 
 * GW (concerning the specific thingService)
 * @param ct: extracted Condition from the token
 * @param req: RequestCtx (required by XACML API)
 * @return boolean true or false (true if the condition matches)
 *//*from  ww w .  j  av a 2  s.com*/
private boolean checkCondition(ConditionType ct, RequestCtx req) {
    boolean access = false;

    JAXBElement<ConditionType> jaxbCT = of.createCondition(ct);
    JAXBContext jc = null;
    try {
        jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(ConditionType.class);
        Marshaller mar = jc.createMarshaller();

        // create DOM Document
        DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
        DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
        Document doc = db.newDocument();

        mar.marshal(jaxbCT, doc);

        // convert ConditionType to XML Node (org.w3c.dom.Node)
        DOMResult res = new DOMResult();
        Node conditionNode = res.getNode();

        // prepare for the Condition
        PolicyMetaData metadata = new PolicyMetaData(2, 0);
        VariableManager vm = new VariableManager(new HashMap(), metadata);
        Condition condition = Condition.getInstance(conditionNode, metadata, vm);

        // evaluate condition -- first convert RequestCtx into EvaluationCtx
        EvaluationCtx context = new BasicEvaluationCtx(req);
        EvaluationResult result = condition.evaluate(context);
        BooleanAttribute bool = (BooleanAttribute) (result.getAttributeValue());
        // get the condition evaluation result in boolean
        access = bool.getValue();
    } catch (JAXBException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (ParsingException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    log.info("Checking Condition in the Access Right return: " + access);

    return access;

From source file:org.springframework.oxm.support.AbstractMarshaller.java

 * Template method for handling {@code DOMResult}s.
 * <p>This implementation delegates to {@code marshalDomNode}.
 * @param graph the root of the object graph to marshal
 * @param domResult the {@code DOMResult}
 * @throws XmlMappingException if the given object cannot be marshalled to the result
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the {@code domResult} is empty
 * @see #marshalDomNode(Object, org.w3c.dom.Node)
 *//*from   ww  w  . j  av a 2 s  .co  m*/
protected void marshalDomResult(Object graph, DOMResult domResult) throws XmlMappingException {
    if (domResult.getNode() == null) {
    marshalDomNode(graph, domResult.getNode());