Example usage for javax.xml.transform Result getSystemId

List of usage examples for javax.xml.transform Result getSystemId


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.xml.transform Result getSystemId.


public String getSystemId();

Source Link


Get the system identifier that was set with setSystemId.


From source file:com.betfair.cougar.marshalling.impl.databinding.xml.XMLUtils.java

public static Schema getSchema(JAXBContext context) {
    Result result = new ResultImplementation();
    SchemaOutputResolver outputResolver = new SchemaOutputResolverImpl(result);
    File tempFile = null;// w w  w .  j  a  va2 s  . c o m
    try {
        String schemaFile = result.getSystemId();
        if (schemaFile != null) {
            tempFile = new File(URI.create(schemaFile));
            String content = FileUtils.readFileToString(tempFile);

            // JAXB nicely generates a schema with element refs, unfortunately it also adds the nillable attribute to the
            // referencing element, which is invalid, it has to go on the target. this string manipulation is to move the
            // nillable attribute to the correct place, preserving it's value.
            Map<String, Boolean> referenceElementsWithNillable = new HashMap<>();
            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(content));
            String line;
            while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
                if (line.contains("<xs:element") && line.contains(" ref=\"") && line.contains(" nillable=\"")) {
                    // we've got a reference element with nillable set
                    int refStartIndex = line.indexOf(" ref=\"") + 6;
                    int refEndIndex = line.indexOf("\"", refStartIndex);
                    int nillableStartIndex = line.indexOf(" nillable=\"") + 11;
                    int nillableEndIndex = line.indexOf("\"", nillableStartIndex);
                    String ref = line.substring(refStartIndex, refEndIndex);
                    if (ref.startsWith("tns:")) {
                        ref = ref.substring(4);
                    String nillable = line.substring(nillableStartIndex, nillableEndIndex);
                    referenceElementsWithNillable.put(ref, Boolean.valueOf(nillable));
            // if we got some hits, then we need to rewrite this schema
            if (!referenceElementsWithNillable.isEmpty()) {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                br = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(content));
                while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
                    // these we need to remove the nillable section from
                    if (line.contains("<xs:element") && line.contains(" ref=\"")
                            && line.contains(" nillable=\"")) {
                        int nillableStartIndex = line.indexOf(" nillable=\"");
                        int nillableEndIndex = line.indexOf("\"", nillableStartIndex + 11);
                        line = line.substring(0, nillableStartIndex) + line.substring(nillableEndIndex + 1);
                    } else if (line.contains("<xs:element name=\"")) {
                        for (String key : referenceElementsWithNillable.keySet()) {
                            // this we need to add the nillable back to
                            String elementTagWithName = "<xs:element name=\"" + key + "\"";
                            if (line.contains(elementTagWithName)) {
                                int endOfElementName = line.indexOf(elementTagWithName)
                                        + elementTagWithName.length();
                                line = line.substring(0, endOfElementName) + " nillable=\""
                                        + referenceElementsWithNillable.get(key) + "\""
                                        + line.substring(endOfElementName);
                content = sb.toString();

            SchemaFactory sf = SchemaFactory.newInstance(javax.xml.XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI);
            return sf.newSchema(new StreamSource(new StringReader(content)));
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new PanicInTheCougar(e);
    } catch (SAXException e) {
        throw new PanicInTheCougar(e);
    } finally {
        if (tempFile != null)
    return null;

From source file:net.sf.joost.trax.TransformerHandlerImpl.java

 * Helpermethod//from w  w  w .j  a va 2s. co m
private void init(Result result) throws TransformerException {

    if (DEBUG)
        log.debug("init emitter-class according to result");

    if (this.transformer instanceof TransformerImpl) {
        this.processor = ((TransformerImpl) this.transformer).getStxProcessor();

        // initialize Emitter --> DOM-, SAX- or StreamEmitter
        stxEmitter = TrAXHelper.initStxEmitter(result, processor, null);
        // setting Handler

From source file:net.sf.joost.trax.TransformerImpl.java

 * Transforms a xml-source : SAXSource, DOMSource, StreamSource to SAXResult,
 * DOMResult and StreamResult//w w w.  j a v a2 s  .  co m
 * @param xmlSource A <code>Source</code>
 * @param result A <code>Result</code>
 * @throws TransformerException
public void transform(Source xmlSource, Result result) throws TransformerException {

    StxEmitter out = null;
    SAXSource saxSource = null;

    // should be synchronized
    synchronized (reentryGuard) {
        if (DEBUG)
            log.debug("perform transformation from " + "xml-source(SAXSource, DOMSource, StreamSource) "
                    + "to SAXResult, DOMResult or StreamResult");
        try {

            // init StxEmitter
            out = TrAXHelper.initStxEmitter(result, processor, null);


            // register ErrorListener
            if (this.errorListener != null) {

            // construct from source a SAXSource
            saxSource = TrAXHelper.getSAXSource(xmlSource, errorListener);

            InputSource isource = saxSource.getInputSource();

            if (isource != null) {
                if (DEBUG)
                    log.debug("perform transformation");

                if (saxSource.getXMLReader() != null) {
                    // should not be an DOMSource
                    if (xmlSource instanceof SAXSource) {

                        XMLReader xmlReader = ((SAXSource) xmlSource).getXMLReader();

                         * URIs for Identifying Feature Flags and Properties :
                         * There is no fixed set of features or properties
                         * available for SAX2, except for two features that all XML
                         * parsers must support. Implementors are free to define
                         * new features and properties as needed, using URIs to
                         * identify them.
                         * All XML readers are required to recognize the
                         * "http://xml.org/sax/features/namespaces" and the
                         * "http://xml.org/sax/features/namespace-prefixes"
                         * features (at least to get the feature values, if not set
                         * them) and to support a true value for the namespaces
                         * property and a false value for the namespace-prefixes
                         * property. These requirements ensure that all SAX2 XML
                         * readers can provide the minimal required Namespace
                         * support for higher-level specs such as RDF, XSL, XML
                         * Schemas, and XLink. XML readers are not required to
                         * recognize or support any other features or any
                         * properties.
                         * For the complete list of standard SAX2 features and
                         * properties, see the {@link org.xml.sax} Package
                         * Description.
                        if (xmlReader != null) {
                            try {
                                // set the required
                                // "http://xml.org/sax/features/namespaces" Feature
                                xmlReader.setFeature(FEAT_NS, true);
                                // set the required
                                // "http://xml.org/sax/features/namespace-prefixes"
                                // Feature
                                xmlReader.setFeature(FEAT_NSPREFIX, false);
                                // maybe there would be other features
                            } catch (SAXException sE) {
                                getErrorListener().warning(new TransformerException(sE.getMessage(), sE));
                    // set the the SAXSource as the parent of the STX-Processor

                // perform transformation
            } else {
                TransformerException tE = new TransformerException(
                        "InputSource is null - could not perform transformation");
            // perform result
            performResults(result, out);
        } catch (SAXException ex) {
            TransformerException tE;
            Exception emb = ex.getException();
            if (emb instanceof TransformerException) {
                tE = (TransformerException) emb;
            } else {
                tE = new TransformerException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            // will this ever happen?
            getErrorListener().fatalError(new TransformerException(ex.getMessage(), ex));

From source file:net.sf.joost.trax.TrAXHelper.java

 * HelperMethod for initiating StxEmitter.
 * @param result A <code>Result</code> object.
 * @return An <code>StxEmitter</code>.
 * @throws javax.xml.transform.TransformerException
 *///w  w w.  j a  v  a  2 s. c om
public static StxEmitter initStxEmitter(Result result, Processor processor, Properties outputProperties)
        throws TransformerException {

    if (outputProperties == null)
        outputProperties = processor.outputProperties;

    if (DEBUG)
        log.debug("init StxEmitter");
    // Return the content handler for this Result object
    try {
        // Result object could be SAXResult, DOMResult, or StreamResult
        if (result instanceof SAXResult) {
            final SAXResult target = (SAXResult) result;
            final ContentHandler handler = target.getHandler();
            if (handler != null) {
                if (DEBUG)
                    log.debug("return SAX specific Implementation for " + "StxEmitter");
                //SAX specific Implementation
                return new SAXEmitter(handler);
        } else if (result instanceof DOMResult) {
            if (DEBUG)
                log.debug("return DOM specific Implementation for " + "StxEmitter");
            //DOM specific Implementation
            return new DOMEmitter((DOMResult) result);
        } else if (result instanceof StreamResult) {
            if (DEBUG)
                log.debug("return StreamResult specific Implementation " + "for StxEmitter");
            // Get StreamResult
            final StreamResult target = (StreamResult) result;
            // StreamResult may have been created with a java.io.File,
            // java.io.Writer, java.io.OutputStream or just a String
            // systemId.
            // try to get a Writer from Result object
            final Writer writer = target.getWriter();
            if (writer != null) {
                if (DEBUG)
                    log.debug("get a Writer object from Result object");
                return StreamEmitter.newEmitter(writer, DEFAULT_ENCODING, outputProperties);
            // or try to get an OutputStream from Result object
            final OutputStream ostream = target.getOutputStream();
            if (ostream != null) {
                if (DEBUG)
                    log.debug("get an OutputStream from Result object");
                return StreamEmitter.newEmitter(ostream, outputProperties);
            // or try to get just a systemId string from Result object
            String systemId = result.getSystemId();
            if (DEBUG)
                log.debug("get a systemId string from Result object");
            if (systemId == null) {
                if (DEBUG)
                throw new TransformerException("JAXP_NO_RESULT_ERR");
            // System Id may be in one of several forms, (1) a uri
            // that starts with 'file:', (2) uri that starts with 'http:'
            // or (3) just a filename on the local system.
            OutputStream os = null;
            URL url = null;
            if (systemId.startsWith("file:")) {
                url = new URL(systemId);
                os = new FileOutputStream(url.getFile());
                return StreamEmitter.newEmitter(os, outputProperties);
            } else if (systemId.startsWith("http:")) {
                url = new URL(systemId);
                URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
                os = connection.getOutputStream();
                return StreamEmitter.newEmitter(os, outputProperties);
            } else {
                // system id is just a filename
                File tmp = new File(systemId);
                url = tmp.toURL();
                os = new FileOutputStream(url.getFile());
                return StreamEmitter.newEmitter(os, outputProperties);
        // If we cannot create the file specified by the SystemId
    } catch (IOException iE) {
        if (DEBUG)
        throw new TransformerException(iE);
    } catch (ParserConfigurationException pE) {
        if (DEBUG)
        throw new TransformerException(pE);
    return null;