Example usage for javax.xml.transform TransformerConfigurationException toString

List of usage examples for javax.xml.transform TransformerConfigurationException toString


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.xml.transform TransformerConfigurationException toString.


public String toString() 

Source Link


Returns a short description of this throwable.


From source file:eionet.gdem.conversion.converters.ConvertStrategy.java

 * Method transforms XML source using XSL stream.
 * @param in InputStream containing source XML.
 * @param xslStream InputStream containing XSL content.
 * @param out OutputStream for conversion result.
 * @throws GDEMException In case of unexpected XML or XSL errors.
 *///from  w ww .  j a v a2  s . co m
protected void runXslTransformation(InputStream in, InputStream xslStream, OutputStream out)
        throws GDEMException {
    try {
        TransformerFactory tFactory = transform.getTransformerFactoryInstance();
        TransformerErrorListener errors = new TransformerErrorListener();

        StreamSource transformerSource = new StreamSource(xslStream);
        if (getXslPath() != null) {

        Transformer transformer = tFactory.newTransformer(transformerSource);

        transformer.setParameter(DD_DOMAIN_PARAM, Properties.ddURL);
        long l = System.currentTimeMillis();
        transformer.transform(new StreamSource(in), new StreamResult(out));
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOGGER.debug((new StringBuilder()).append("generate: transformation needed ")
                    .append(System.currentTimeMillis() - l).append(" ms").toString());
    } catch (TransformerConfigurationException tce) {
        throw new GDEMException("Error transforming XML - incorrect stylesheet file: " + tce.toString(), tce);
    } catch (TransformerException tfe) {
        throw new GDEMException(
                "Error transforming XML - it's not probably well-formed xml file: " + tfe.toString(), tfe);
    } catch (Throwable th) {
        LOGGER.error("Error " + th.toString(), th);
        throw new GDEMException("Error transforming XML: " + th.toString());

From source file:eionet.gdem.conversion.converters.ConvertStrategy.java

 * Method transforms XML source to PDF using XSL-FO stream.
 * @param in InputStream containing source XML.
 * @param xsl InputStream containing XSL-FO content.
 * @param out OutputStream for conversion result.
 * @throws GDEMException In case of unexpected XML or XSL errors.
 *//* w  w w .ja va2 s  . co  m*/
protected void runFOPTransformation(InputStream in, InputStream xsl, OutputStream out) throws GDEMException {
    try {
        Driver driver = new Driver();
        Result res = new SAXResult(driver.getContentHandler());
        Source src = new StreamSource(in);
        TransformerFactory transformerFactory = transform.getTransformerFactoryInstance();
        TransformerErrorListener errors = new TransformerErrorListener();

        StreamSource transformerSource = new StreamSource(xsl);
        if (getXslPath() != null) {

        Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer(transformerSource);

        long l = System.currentTimeMillis();
        transformer.transform(src, res);
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOGGER.debug((new StringBuilder()).append("generate: transformation needed ")
                    .append(System.currentTimeMillis() - l).append(" ms").toString());

    } catch (TransformerConfigurationException tce) {
        throw new GDEMException("Error transforming XML to PDF - incorrect stylesheet file: " + tce.toString(),
    } catch (TransformerException tfe) {
        throw new GDEMException(
                "Error transforming XML to PDF - it's not probably well-formed xml file: " + tfe.toString(),
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        LOGGER.error("Error " + e.toString(), e);
        throw new GDEMException("Error transforming XML to PDF " + e.toString());

From source file:SubmitResults.java

private File populateRequest(final Main parent, String formStatus, String filePath, HttpPost req,
        final String changeIdXSLT, ContentType ct, MultipartEntityBuilder entityBuilder,
        final String newIdent) {

    File ammendedFile = null;//from  w  w w .ja  va 2 s  .  c  om

    final File instanceFile = new File(filePath);

    if (formStatus != null) {
        System.out.println("Setting form status in header: " + formStatus);
        req.setHeader("form_status", formStatus); // smap add form_status header
    } else {
        System.out.println("Form Status null");

    if (newIdent != null) {
        // Transform the survey ID
        try {
            System.out.println("Transformaing Instance file: " + instanceFile);
            PipedInputStream in = new PipedInputStream();
            final PipedOutputStream outStream = new PipedOutputStream(in);
            new Thread(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    try {
                        InputStream xslStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(changeIdXSLT.getBytes("UTF-8"));
                        Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance()
                                .newTransformer(new StreamSource(xslStream));
                        StreamSource source = new StreamSource(instanceFile);
                        StreamResult out = new StreamResult(outStream);
                        transformer.setParameter("surveyId", newIdent);
                        transformer.transform(source, out);
                    } catch (TransformerConfigurationException e1) {
                        parent.appendToStatus("Error changing ident: " + e1.toString());
                    } catch (TransformerFactoryConfigurationError e1) {
                        parent.appendToStatus("Error changing ident: " + e1.toString());
                    } catch (TransformerException e) {
                        parent.appendToStatus("Error changing ident: " + e.toString());
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        parent.appendToStatus("Error changing ident: " + e.toString());
            System.out.println("Saving stream to file");
            ammendedFile = saveStreamTemp(in);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            parent.appendToStatus("Error changing ident: " + e.toString());

     * Add submission file as file body, hence save to temporary file first
    if (newIdent == null) {
        ct = ContentType.create("text/xml");
        entityBuilder.addBinaryBody("xml_submission_file", instanceFile, ct, instanceFile.getPath());
    } else {
        FileBody fb = new FileBody(ammendedFile);
        entityBuilder.addPart("xml_submission_file", fb);

    parent.appendToStatus("Instance file path: " + instanceFile.getPath());

     *  find all files referenced by the survey
     *  Temporarily check to see if the parent directory is "uploadedSurveys". If it is
     *   then we will need to scan the submission file to get the list of attachments to 
     *   send. 
     *  Alternatively this is a newly submitted survey stored in its own directory just as
     *  surveys are stored on the phone.  We can then just add all the surveys that are in 
     *  the same directory as the submission file.
    File[] allFiles = instanceFile.getParentFile().listFiles();

    // add media files ignoring invisible files and the submission file
    List<File> files = new ArrayList<File>();
    for (File f : allFiles) {
        String fileName = f.getName();
        if (!fileName.startsWith(".") && !fileName.equals(instanceFile.getName())) { // ignore invisible files and instance xml file    

    for (int j = 0; j < files.size(); j++) {

        File f = files.get(j);
        String fileName = f.getName();
        ct = ContentType.create(getContentType(parent, fileName));
        FileBody fba = new FileBody(f, ct, fileName);
        entityBuilder.addPart(fileName, fba);



    return ammendedFile;

From source file:org.toobsframework.transformpipeline.domain.TransletTransformer.java

protected void doTransform(String xslTranslet, StreamSource xmlSource, Map params,
        IXMLTransformerHelper transformerHelper, StreamResult xmlResult) throws XMLTransformerException {

    try {//ww  w.  j  a v a  2 s.  c om
        // Dont rely on the system property to get the right transformer
        TransformerFactory tFactory = new org.apache.xalan.xsltc.trax.TransformerFactoryImpl();
        // set the URI Resolver for the transformer factory      

        Source source = uriResolver.resolve(xslTranslet + ".xsl", "");

        String tPkg = source.getSystemId().substring(0, source.getSystemId().lastIndexOf("/"))
                .replaceAll("/", ".").replaceAll("-", "_");

        try {
            //tFactory.setAttribute("use-classpath", Boolean.TRUE);
            tFactory.setAttribute("auto-translet", Boolean.TRUE);
            tFactory.setAttribute("package-name", tPkg);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
            log.error("Error setting XSLTC specific attribute", iae);
            throw new XMLTransformerException(iae);

        Transformer transformer = tFactory.newTransformer(source);

        // 2.2 Set character encoding for all transforms to UTF-8.
        transformer.setOutputProperty("encoding", "UTF-8");

        // 2.5 Set Parameters necessary for transformation.
        if (params != null) {
            Iterator paramIt = params.entrySet().iterator();
            while (paramIt.hasNext()) {
                Map.Entry thisParam = (Map.Entry) paramIt.next();
                transformer.setParameter((String) thisParam.getKey(), (String) thisParam.getValue());
        if (transformerHelper != null) {
            transformer.setParameter(TRANSFORMER_HELPER, transformerHelper);

        // 3. Use the Transformer to transform an XML Source and send the
        //    output to a Result object.
        transformer.transform(xmlSource, xmlResult);
    } catch (TransformerConfigurationException tce) {
        log.error(tce.toString(), tce);
        throw new XMLTransformerException(tce);
    } catch (TransformerException te) {
        log.error(te.toString(), te);
        throw new XMLTransformerException(te);
