Example usage for org.apache.cassandra.tools NodeProbe NodeProbe

List of usage examples for org.apache.cassandra.tools NodeProbe NodeProbe


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.cassandra.tools NodeProbe NodeProbe.


public NodeProbe(String host, int port) throws IOException 

Source Link


Creates a NodeProbe using the specified JMX host and port.


From source file:com.github.odiszapc.casskit.repair.ProbeRunner.java

License:Apache License

public void execute() throws Exception {
    NodeProbe probe = new NodeProbe(opt(HOST), opt(JMX_PORT));
    PrintStream devNull = new PrintStream(NULL_OUTPUT_STREAM);
    probe.forceRepairRangeAsync(devNull, opt(KEYSPACE), opt(SEQ), opt(LOCAL), opt(TOKEN_FROM), opt(TOKEN_TO),
            opt(COLUMN_FAMILY));//from  ww w.ja  v a 2  s.c  o m

From source file:com.spotify.cassandra.opstools.autobalance.Main.java

License:Apache License

private void run(CommandLine cmd) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    boolean dryrun = cmd.hasOption("d");
    boolean force = cmd.hasOption("f");
    boolean noresolve = cmd.hasOption("r");
    int port = cmd.hasOption("p") ? Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("p")) : 7199;
    String nodehost = cmd.hasOption("h") ? cmd.getOptionValue("h") : "localhost";

    System.out.println("Collecting information about the cluster...");

    NodeProbe nodeProbe = new NodeProbe(nodehost, port);

    if (nodeProbe.getTokens().size() != 1) {
        System.err.println("Cluster is using vnodes and should already be automatically balanced!");
        System.exit(1);//from  www . j  av a  2  s  . c  om

    boolean hasData = false;
    if (!dryrun) {
        Map<String, String> loadMap = nodeProbe.getLoadMap();
        for (String s : loadMap.values()) {
            if (s.contains("KB"))
            if (s.contains("MB") || s.contains("GB") || s.contains("TB")) {
                hasData = true;
            throw new RuntimeException("Unknown suffix in load map; don't dare to continue");

    String partitioner = nodeProbe.getPartitioner();
    BigInteger minToken, maxToken;

    if (partitioner.equals(RandomPartitioner.class.getName())) {
        minToken = RandomPartitioner.ZERO;
        maxToken = RandomPartitioner.MAXIMUM;
    } else if (partitioner.equals(Murmur3Partitioner.class.getName())) {
        minToken = BigInteger.valueOf(Murmur3Partitioner.MINIMUM.token);
        maxToken = BigInteger.valueOf(Murmur3Partitioner.MAXIMUM);
    } else {
        throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported partitioner: " + partitioner);

    // Get current mapping of all live nodes

    List<String> liveNodes = nodeProbe.getLiveNodes();

    Map<String, BigInteger> hostTokenMap = new HashMap<String, BigInteger>();
    Map<String, String> hostDcMap = new HashMap<String, String>();

    for (String host : liveNodes) {
        String dc = nodeProbe.getEndpointSnitchInfoProxy().getDatacenter(host);

        String decoratedHost = host;

        if (!noresolve) {
            // Prefix host with canonical host name.
            // This makes things prettier and also causes tokens to be assigned in logical order.
            decoratedHost = InetAddress.getByName(host).getCanonicalHostName() + "/" + host;
        } else {
            decoratedHost = "/" + host;

        hostDcMap.put(decoratedHost, dc);

        List<String> tokens = nodeProbe.getTokens(host);

        if (tokens.size() > 1) {
            throw new RuntimeException("vnodes not supported");
        if (tokens.size() == 0) {
            throw new RuntimeException("No token for " + host + "; aborting");

        hostTokenMap.put(decoratedHost, new BigInteger(tokens.get(0)));

    Balancer balancer = new Balancer(hostTokenMap, hostDcMap, minToken, maxToken);
    Map<String, BigInteger> newMap = balancer.balance();

    List<Operation> operations = new ArrayList<Operation>();

    boolean movesNeeded = false;
    for (Map.Entry<String, BigInteger> entry : hostTokenMap.entrySet()) {
        String host = entry.getKey();
        BigInteger oldToken = entry.getValue();
        BigInteger newToken = newMap.get(host);
        if (!oldToken.equals(newToken)) {
            movesNeeded = true;
        operations.add(new Operation(host, hostDcMap.get(host), oldToken, newToken));

    if (movesNeeded && hasData && !dryrun && !force) {
        dryrun = true;
                "The cluster is unbalanced but has data, so no operations will actually be carried out. Use --force if you want the cluster to balance anyway.");


    boolean unbalanced = false, moved = false;
    for (Operation op : operations) {
        if (op.oldToken.equals(op.newToken)) {
            System.out.println(op.host + ": Stays on token " + op.oldToken);
        } else {
            System.out.println(op.host + ": Moving from token " + op.oldToken + " to token " + op.newToken);
            if (!dryrun) {
                String ip = op.host.substring(op.host.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
                NodeProbe np = new NodeProbe(ip, 7199);
                moved = true;
            } else {
                unbalanced = true;

    if (!unbalanced && moved) {
        System.out.println("The cluster is now balanced!");

From source file:com.spotify.cassandra.opstools.TruncateHints.java

License:Apache License

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    if (args.length < 1) {
        System.out.println(String.format("Usage: %s [ALL | host [host ...]]", TruncateHints.class.getName()));
        System.exit(1);//from  w ww.  j av a2s  .  c o m

    NodeProbe nodeProbe = new NodeProbe(InetAddress.getLocalHost().getCanonicalHostName(), 7199);

    for (String arg : args) {
        if (arg.equals("ALL")) {
        } else {

    System.out.println("Hints truncated!");

From source file:edu.tsinghua.software.cassandra.tools.ClusterConnection.java

License:Apache License

public void connect() throws IOException, InterruptedException, TTransportException {
    if (!connected) {
        // Updating the transport to Framed one as it has been depreciated with Cassandra 0.7.0
        transport = new TFramedTransport(new TSocket(host, thriftPort));
        protocol = new TBinaryProtocol(transport);
        client = new Client(protocol);
        setProbe(new NodeProbe(host, jmxPort));
        transport.open();// ww w  .  j  a  va  2 s . co m

        connected = true;

From source file:edu.tsinghua.software.cassandra.tools.ClusterManager.java

License:Apache License

 * Class Constructor/* w w w .  j  a v  a  2  s .  c o  m*/
 * @param probe
* @throws InterruptedException 
* @throws IOException 
* @throws TTransportException 
 * */
public ClusterManager(ClusterConnection clusterConnection, String host, int jmxPort)
        throws TTransportException, IOException, InterruptedException {
    if (!clusterConnection.isConnected()) {
    this.client = clusterConnection.getClient();
    this.probe = new NodeProbe(host, jmxPort);


From source file:Tools.ClusterConnection.java

License:Apache License

public void connect() throws IOException, InterruptedException, TTransportException {
    if (!connected) {
        // Updating the transport to Framed one as it has been depreciated with Cassandra 0.7.0
        transport = new TFramedTransport(new TSocket(host, thriftPort));
        protocol = new TBinaryProtocol(transport);
        client = new Client(protocol);
        setProbe(new NodeProbe(host, jmxPort));
        transport.open();/*w w  w  . j  a v  a  2  s  .  co m*/
        connected = true;

From source file:Tools.ClusterManager.java

License:Apache License

public ClusterManager(ClusterConnection clusterConnection, String host, int jmxPort)
        throws TTransportException, IOException, InterruptedException {
    if (!clusterConnection.isConnected()) {
        clusterConnection.connect();//from  w w  w .  ja v a  2 s .c  o m
    this.client = clusterConnection.getClient();
    this.probe = new NodeProbe(host, jmxPort);
