Example usage for org.apache.commons.collections CollectionUtils exists

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.collections CollectionUtils exists


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.collections CollectionUtils exists.


public static boolean exists(Collection collection, Predicate predicate) 

Source Link


Answers true if a predicate is true for at least one element of a collection.


From source file:com.mylife.hbase.mapper.HBaseEntityMapper.java

 * Constructor: Sets up hTablePool and scans base package paths looking for classes annotated with @HBasePersistance
 * //ww w  .ja  v  a  2 s . co m
 * @param hTablePool
 * @param basePackages
public HBaseEntityMapper(HTablePool hTablePool, String... basePackages) {

    final HBaseAdmin hBaseAdmin;
    try {
        hBaseAdmin = new HBaseAdmin((Configuration) Whitebox.getInternalState(hTablePool, "config"));
    } catch (IOException e) {
        LOG.fatal("Could not connect to HBase failing HBase object mapping!", e);
        this.hTablePool = null;
        this.annotatedClassToAnnotatedHBaseRowKey = null;
        this.annotatedClassToAnnotatedFieldMappingWithCorrespondingGetterMethod = null;
        this.annotatedClassToAnnotatedObjectFieldMappingWithCorrespondingGetterMethod = null;
        this.annotatedClassToAnnotatedMapFieldMappingWithCorrespondingGetterMethod = null;

    this.hTablePool = hTablePool;

    final Map<Class<?>, AccessibleObject> annotatedClassToAnnotatedHBaseRowKeyMap = new HashMap<Class<?>, AccessibleObject>();

    final Map<Class<?>, ImmutableMap<Field, Method>> annotatedClassToAnnotatedFieldMappingWithCorrespondingGetterMethodMap = new HashMap<Class<?>, ImmutableMap<Field, Method>>();

    final Map<Class<?>, ImmutableMap<Field, Method>> annotatedClassToAnnotatedObjectFieldMappingWithCorrespondingGetterMethodMap = new HashMap<Class<?>, ImmutableMap<Field, Method>>();

    final Map<Class<?>, ImmutableMap<Field, Method>> annotatedClassToAnnotatedMapFieldMappingWithCorrespondingGetterMethodMap = new HashMap<Class<?>, ImmutableMap<Field, Method>>();

     * Only include classes annotated with @HBasePersistance
    scanner.addIncludeFilter(new AnnotationTypeFilter(HBasePersistance.class));

    for (final String basePackage : basePackages) {

        for (final BeanDefinition beanDefinition : scanner.findCandidateComponents(basePackage)) {
            final Class<?> annotatedClass;
            try {
                annotatedClass = Class.forName(beanDefinition.getBeanClassName());
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                // should never happen
                LOG.error("ClassNotFoundException while loading class for HBase entity mapper", e);
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
             * Get the hbase table name - required!
            final String tableName = annotatedClass.getAnnotation(HBasePersistance.class).tableName();
            if (StringUtils.isEmpty(tableName)) {
                LOG.error("@HBasePersistance must have a non-empty tableName. Ignoring: " + annotatedClass);

            try {
                if (!hBaseAdmin.tableExists(tableName)) {
                    LOG.error("table " + tableName
                            + " in @HBasePersistance.tableName() does not exist. Ignoring: " + annotatedClass);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOG.error("Could not verify table " + tableName
                        + "in @HBasePersistance.tableName() exists. Ignoring: " + annotatedClass, e);

             * Get the default hbase column family name. This will be used as default column family where fields are
             * mapped to but not required if all annotated fields specifically mention the column family they belong
             * to.
             * TODO: Current implementation makes this field required but it really isn't based on my
             * comment made previously. That is, if all annotated fields specifically mention the column family
             * where they will be found then a default column family name is unneeded.
            final String defaultColumnFamilyName = annotatedClass.getAnnotation(HBasePersistance.class)
            if (StringUtils.isEmpty(defaultColumnFamilyName)) {
                LOG.error("@HBasePersistance must have a non-empty defaultColumnFamilyName. Ignoring: "
                        + annotatedClass);

            try {
                 * Confirm the hbase table and column family exists
                if (!hBaseAdmin.getTableDescriptor(Bytes.toBytes(tableName))
                        .hasFamily(Bytes.toBytes(defaultColumnFamilyName))) {
                    LOG.error("defaultColumnFamilyName (" + defaultColumnFamilyName + ") in " + tableName
                            + "in @HBasePersistance.defaultColumnFamilyName() does not exist. Ignoring: "
                            + annotatedClass);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOG.error("Could not verify defaultColumnFamilyName (" + defaultColumnFamilyName + ") in "
                        + tableName + "in @HBasePersistance.defaultColumnFamilyName() exists. Ignoring: "
                        + annotatedClass, e);

             * @HBaseField : Find fields with this annotation and their corresponding getter method
            Set<Field> hBaseFieldAnnotatedFieldsSet = Whitebox
                    .getFieldsAnnotatedWith(Whitebox.newInstance(annotatedClass), HBaseField.class);

             * Use a Predicate to look through all @HBaseField annotated fields and skip whole class if even one
             * field is not supported
            if (CollectionUtils.exists(hBaseFieldAnnotatedFieldsSet,
                    new org.apache.commons.collections.Predicate() {

                        public boolean evaluate(Object object) {

                            return !TypeHandler.supports(((Field) object).getType());
                    })) {
                LOG.error("Unsupported type annotated with @HBaseField. Ignoring: " + annotatedClass);

                    fieldsToGetterMap(annotatedClass, ImmutableSet.copyOf(hBaseFieldAnnotatedFieldsSet)));

             * @HBaseObjectField : Find all fields with this annotation and their corresponding getter method
                    fieldsToGetterMap(annotatedClass, ImmutableSet.copyOf(Whitebox.getFieldsAnnotatedWith(
                            Whitebox.newInstance(annotatedClass), HBaseObjectField.class))));

             * @HBaseMapField : See if this annotation exists and if so, make sure there is only one
            final Set<Field> hBaseMapFieldAnnotatedFieldsSet = Whitebox
                    .getFieldsAnnotatedWith(Whitebox.newInstance(annotatedClass), HBaseMapField.class);

            if (hBaseMapFieldAnnotatedFieldsSet.size() > 1) {
                        "@HBaseMapField can only be used on one field per class. Ignoring: " + annotatedClass);
            final Iterator<Field> hBaseMapFieldsIterator = hBaseMapFieldAnnotatedFieldsSet.iterator();
            if (hBaseMapFieldsIterator.hasNext()) {
                final Field field = hBaseMapFieldsIterator.next();
                final Type[] types = TypeHandler.getGenericTypesFromField(field);

                if ((Modifier.isAbstract(field.getType().getModifiers()) && !Map.class.equals(field.getType()))
                        || !Map.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType())
                        || !String.class.equals((Class<?>) types[0])
                        || !String.class.equals((Class<?>) types[1])) {
                            "@HBaseMapField must be used on a field of type java.util.Map<String, String> OR a concrete fields assignable from java.util.Map<String, String> . Ignoring: "
                                    + annotatedClass);


             * Figure out which method or field to use as the HBaseRowKey this has to be at the end since
             * @HBaseRowKey is required in the class we can use this to key the other maps we are collecting
            final Set<Field> hBaseRowKeyFields = Whitebox
                    .getFieldsAnnotatedWith(Whitebox.newInstance(annotatedClass), HBaseRowKey.class);
            if (hBaseRowKeyFields.size() > 1) {
                LOG.error("@HBaseRowKey can only be used once per class. Ignoring: " + annotatedClass);
            final Collection<Method> hBaseRowKeyMethods = Collections2.filter(
                    new Predicate<Method>() {

                        public boolean apply(final Method method) {
                            return method.getAnnotation(HBaseRowKey.class) != null;
            if (hBaseRowKeyFields.size() + hBaseRowKeyMethods.size() > 1) {
                LOG.error("@HBaseRowKey can only be used once per class. Ignoring: " + annotatedClass);

            if (hBaseRowKeyFields.size() + hBaseRowKeyMethods.size() == 0) {
                LOG.error("@HBaseRowKey is required. Ignoring: " + annotatedClass);

            if (hBaseRowKeyFields.isEmpty()) {
                final Method hBaseRowKeyMethod = hBaseRowKeyMethods.iterator().next();
                if (hBaseRowKeyMethod.getParameterTypes().length > 0) {
                    LOG.error("@HBaseRowKey can only be used on a no arguemnt method. Ignoring: "
                            + annotatedClass);
                annotatedClassToAnnotatedHBaseRowKeyMap.put(annotatedClass, hBaseRowKeyMethod);
            } else {

     * keep only the valid classed in our maps

    // set our state
    this.annotatedClassToAnnotatedHBaseRowKey = ImmutableMap.copyOf(annotatedClassToAnnotatedHBaseRowKeyMap);
    this.annotatedClassToAnnotatedFieldMappingWithCorrespondingGetterMethod = ImmutableMap
    this.annotatedClassToAnnotatedObjectFieldMappingWithCorrespondingGetterMethod = ImmutableMap
    this.annotatedClassToAnnotatedMapFieldMappingWithCorrespondingGetterMethod = ImmutableMap

From source file:net.sf.wickedshell.facade.descriptor.ExtensionShellDescriptor.java

 * @see net.sf.wickedshell.facade.descriptor.IShellDescriptor#isExecutable(java.io.File)
 *//*from   w  w w.  j  a v  a  2s. c om*/
public boolean isExecutable(final File file) {
    return CollectionUtils.exists(Arrays.asList(executableFiles), new Predicate() {
         * @see org.apache.commons.collections.Predicate#evaluate(java.lang.Object)
        public boolean evaluate(Object object) {
            IExecutableFile executableFile = (IExecutableFile) object;
            return file.getName().endsWith(executableFile.getExtension());

From source file:com.cyberway.issue.crawler.extractor.ExtractorHTMLTest.java

 * Test a whitespace issue found in href.
 * //  w  w w .  j a  v  a 2s  .c om
 * See [ 963965 ] Either UURI or ExtractHTML should strip whitespace better.
 * https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=539099&aid=963965&group_id=73833
 * @throws URIException
public void testHrefWhitespace() throws URIException {
    CrawlURI curi = new CrawlURI(UURIFactory.getInstance("http://www.carsound.dk"));
    CharSequence cs = "<a href=\"http://www.carsound.dk\n\n\n"
            + "\"\ntarget=\"_blank\">C.A.R. Sound\n\n\n\n</a>";
    this.extractor.extract(curi, cs);
    assertTrue("Not stripping new lines", CollectionUtils.exists(curi.getOutLinks(), new Predicate() {
        public boolean evaluate(Object object) {
            return ((Link) object).getDestination().toString().indexOf("http://www.carsound.dk/") >= 0;

From source file:net.sf.wickedshell.facade.descriptor.ExtensionShellDescriptor.java

 * @see net.sf.wickedshell.facade.descriptor.IShellDescriptor#isAllowedForBatchList(java.io.File)
 *///w w  w .j a v  a 2 s.com
public boolean isAllowedForBatchList(final File file) {
    return CollectionUtils.exists(Arrays.asList(executableFiles), new Predicate() {
         * @see org.apache.commons.collections.Predicate#evaluate(java.lang.Object)
        public boolean evaluate(Object object) {
            IExecutableFile executableFile = (IExecutableFile) object;
            return executableFile.isBatchFile() && file.getName().endsWith(executableFile.getExtension());

From source file:net.sf.wickedshell.facade.descriptor.ExtensionShellDescriptor.java

 * @see net.sf.wickedshell.facade.descriptor.IShellDescriptor#isCurrentOSSupported()
 *//*from w w  w. j  a  va2s .com*/
public boolean isCurrentOSSupported() {
    final String operatingSystem = System.getProperty(ShellID.OS_KEY);
    return CollectionUtils.exists(Arrays.asList(this.supportingOperatingSystems), new Predicate() {
         * @see org.apache.commons.collections.Predicate#evaluate(java.lang.Object)
        public boolean evaluate(Object object) {
            String supportingOperatingSystem = (String) object;
            return supportingOperatingSystem.equalsIgnoreCase(operatingSystem);

From source file:com.cyberway.issue.crawler.extractor.ExtractorHTMLTest.java

 * Test that relative URIs with late colons aren't misinterpreted
 * as absolute URIs with long, illegal scheme components. 
 * //from ww w.j  a  v a2s .  c  o m
 * See http://webteam.archive.org/jira/browse/HER-1268
 * @throws URIException
public void testBadRelativeLinks() throws URIException {
    CrawlURI curi = new CrawlURI(UURIFactory.getInstance("http://www.example.com"));
    CharSequence cs = "<a href=\"example.html;jsessionid=deadbeef:deadbeed?parameter=this:value\"/>"
            + "<a href=\"example.html?parameter=this:value\"/>";
    this.extractor.extract(curi, cs);

    assertTrue(CollectionUtils.exists(curi.getOutLinks(), new Predicate() {
        public boolean evaluate(Object object) {
            return ((Link) object).getDestination().toString()
                    .indexOf("/example.html;jsessionid=deadbeef:deadbeed?parameter=this:value") >= 0;

    assertTrue(CollectionUtils.exists(curi.getOutLinks(), new Predicate() {
        public boolean evaluate(Object object) {
            return ((Link) object).getDestination().toString()
                    .indexOf("/example.html?parameter=this:value") >= 0;

From source file:com.perceptive.epm.perkolcentral.bl.ExcelReportBL.java

public FileInputStream generateLicenseReport(File file) throws ExceptionWrapper {
    try {//from  w ww .  ja  v  a  2  s.c  o  m
        FileInputStream inp = new FileInputStream(file);
        //InputStream inp = new FileInputStream("workbook.xlsx");

        Workbook wb = WorkbookFactory.create(inp);
        HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> licenseInfoKeyedByLicenseName = licensesBL.getLicenseRelatedInfo();
        //Create The Summary Sheet
        Sheet sheetSummary = wb.getSheetAt(1);
        int iSummaryRowCounter = 1;
        for (String licenseType : licenseInfoKeyedByLicenseName.keySet()) {

            Row row = sheetSummary.getRow(iSummaryRowCounter);
            if (row == null)
                row = sheetSummary.createRow(iSummaryRowCounter);
            Cell cell = row.getCell(0);
            if (cell == null)
                cell = row.createCell(0);
            setCellBorder(wb, cell);

            row = sheetSummary.getRow(iSummaryRowCounter);
            if (row == null)
                row = sheetSummary.createRow(iSummaryRowCounter);
            cell = row.getCell(1);
            if (cell == null)
                cell = row.createCell(1);
            setCellBorder(wb, cell);

            row = sheetSummary.getRow(iSummaryRowCounter);
            if (row == null)
                row = sheetSummary.createRow(iSummaryRowCounter);
            cell = row.getCell(2);
            if (cell == null)
                cell = row.createCell(2);
            setCellBorder(wb, cell);

            row = sheetSummary.getRow(iSummaryRowCounter);
            if (row == null)
                row = sheetSummary.createRow(iSummaryRowCounter);
            cell = row.getCell(3);
            if (cell == null)
                cell = row.createCell(3);
            setCellBorder(wb, cell);
                    - Double.parseDouble(licenseInfoKeyedByLicenseName.get(licenseType).get(1)));

            iSummaryRowCounter = iSummaryRowCounter + 1;
        int iSheetCounter = 1;

        for (String licenseType : licenseInfoKeyedByLicenseName.keySet()) {
            Sheet sheet = wb.cloneSheet(0);
            wb.setSheetName(wb.getSheetIndex(sheet), licenseType);
            CellReference cellReference = new CellReference("B1");
            Row row = sheet.getRow(cellReference.getRow());
            Cell cell = row.getCell(cellReference.getCol());
            if (cell == null)
                cell = row.createCell(cellReference.getCol());
            setCellBorder(wb, cell);

            cellReference = new CellReference("B2");
            row = sheet.getRow(cellReference.getRow());
            cell = row.getCell(cellReference.getCol());
            if (cell == null)
                cell = row.createCell(cellReference.getCol());
            setCellBorder(wb, cell);

            cellReference = new CellReference("B3");
            row = sheet.getRow(cellReference.getRow());
            cell = row.getCell(cellReference.getCol());
            if (cell == null)
                cell = row.createCell(cellReference.getCol());
            setCellBorder(wb, cell);
                    - Double.parseDouble(licenseInfoKeyedByLicenseName.get(licenseType).get(1)));

            ArrayList<EmployeeBO> allEmployees = new ArrayList<EmployeeBO>(
            final String selectedLicenseTypeName = licenseType;
            CollectionUtils.filter(allEmployees, new Predicate() {
                public boolean evaluate(Object o) {
                    EmployeeBO emp = (EmployeeBO) o;
                    if (CollectionUtils.exists(emp.getLicenses(), new Predicate() {
                        public boolean evaluate(Object o) {
                            return ((LicenseBO) o).getLicenseTypeName()
                                    .equalsIgnoreCase(selectedLicenseTypeName); //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates.
                        return true;
                        return false;

            int iRowCounter = 5;
            for (EmployeeBO employeeBO : allEmployees) {
                row = sheet.getRow(iRowCounter);
                if (row == null)
                    row = sheet.createRow(iRowCounter);
                cell = row.getCell(0);
                if (cell == null)
                    cell = row.createCell(0);
                setCellBorder(wb, cell);

                cell = row.getCell(1);
                if (cell == null)
                    cell = row.createCell(1);
                setCellBorder(wb, cell);

                cell = row.getCell(2);
                if (cell == null)
                    cell = row.createCell(2);
                setCellBorder(wb, cell);

                cell = row.getCell(3);
                if (cell == null)
                    cell = row.createCell(3);
                setCellBorder(wb, cell);

                cell = row.getCell(4);
                if (cell == null)
                    cell = row.createCell(4);
                setCellBorder(wb, cell);

                cell = row.getCell(5);
                if (cell == null)
                    cell = row.createCell(5);
                setCellBorder(wb, cell);

                cell = row.getCell(6);
                if (cell == null)
                    cell = row.createCell(6);
                setCellBorder(wb, cell);

                cell = row.getCell(7);
                if (cell == null)
                    cell = row.createCell(7);
                setCellBorder(wb, cell);

                iRowCounter = iRowCounter + 1;
        iSheetCounter = iSheetCounter + 1;
        FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(file);
        return new FileInputStream(file);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new ExceptionWrapper(ex);


From source file:com.perceptive.epm.perkolcentral.action.ajax.EmployeeDetailsAction.java

public String executeEmployeesByTeamAjax() throws ExceptionWrapper {
    try {// w ww.j a  v  a  2 s.c  om
        LoggingHelpUtil.printDebug("Page " + getPage() + " Rows " + getRows() + " Sorting Order " + getSord()
                + " Index Row :" + getSidx());
        LoggingHelpUtil.printDebug("Search :" + searchField + " " + searchOper + " " + searchString);

        // Calcalate until rows ware selected
        int to = (rows * page);

        // Calculate the first row to read
        int from = to - rows;
        LinkedHashMap<Long, EmployeeBO> employeeLinkedHashMap = new LinkedHashMap<Long, EmployeeBO>();

        employeeLinkedHashMap = employeeBL.getAllEmployees();

        ArrayList<EmployeeBO> allEmployees = new ArrayList<EmployeeBO>(employeeLinkedHashMap.values());
        CollectionUtils.filter(allEmployees, new Predicate() {
            public boolean evaluate(Object o) {
                EmployeeBO emp = (EmployeeBO) o;
                if (CollectionUtils.exists(emp.getGroups(), new Predicate() {
                    public boolean evaluate(Object o) {
                        return ((GroupBO) o).getGroupId().equalsIgnoreCase(selectedGroupId); //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates.
                    return true;
                    return false;

        //// Handle Order By
        if (sidx != null && !sidx.equals("")) {

            Collections.sort(allEmployees, new Comparator<EmployeeBO>() {
                public int compare(EmployeeBO e1, EmployeeBO e2) {
                    if (sidx.equalsIgnoreCase("employeeName"))
                        return sord.equalsIgnoreCase("asc")
                                ? e1.getEmployeeName().compareTo(e2.getEmployeeName())
                                : e2.getEmployeeName().compareTo(e1.getEmployeeName());
                    else if (sidx.equalsIgnoreCase("jobTitle"))
                        return sord.equalsIgnoreCase("asc") ? e1.getJobTitle().compareTo(e2.getJobTitle())
                                : e2.getJobTitle().compareTo(e1.getJobTitle());
                    else if (sidx.equalsIgnoreCase("manager"))
                        return sord.equalsIgnoreCase("asc") ? e1.getManager().compareTo(e2.getManager())
                                : e2.getManager().compareTo(e1.getManager());
                        return sord.equalsIgnoreCase("asc")
                                ? e1.getEmployeeName().compareTo(e2.getEmployeeName())
                                : e2.getEmployeeName().compareTo(e1.getEmployeeName());


        records = allEmployees.size();
        total = (int) Math.ceil((double) records / (double) rows);

        gridModel = new ArrayList<EmployeeBO>();
        to = to > records ? records : to;
        for (int iCounter = from; iCounter < to; iCounter++) {
            EmployeeBO employeeBO = allEmployees.get(iCounter);
            //new EmployeeBO((Employee) employeeLinkedHashMap.values().toArray()[iCounter]);

    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new ExceptionWrapper(ex);
    return SUCCESS;

From source file:gov.nih.nci.firebird.web.action.investigator.registration.RegistrationTabAction.java

 * @return if there are any expired credentials in the profile.
 *//*from w w  w. j a v  a 2  s.c o  m*/
// called from JSP pages
public boolean profileContainsExpiredCredentials() {
    InvestigatorProfile profile = getRegistration().getProfile();
    return CollectionUtils.exists(profile.getCredentials(), new Predicate() {

        public boolean evaluate(Object object) {
            AbstractCredential<?> credential = (AbstractCredential<?>) object;
            return credential.isExpired();

From source file:com.cyberway.issue.crawler.extractor.ExtractorHTMLTest.java

 * Test if scheme is maintained by speculative hops onto exact 
 * same host//  w  ww .ja v a 2  s .c o  m
 * [HER-1524] speculativeFixup in ExtractorJS should maintain URL scheme
public void testSpeculativeLinkExtraction() throws URIException {
    CrawlURI curi = new CrawlURI(UURIFactory.getInstance("https://www.example.com"));
    CharSequence cs = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">_parameter=\"www.anotherexample.com\";"
            + "_anotherparameter=\"www.example.com/index.html\"" + ";</script>";
    this.extractor.extract(curi, cs);

    assertTrue(CollectionUtils.exists(curi.getOutLinks(), new Predicate() {
        public boolean evaluate(Object object) {
            return ((Link) object).getDestination().toString().equals("http://www.anotherexample.com/");
    assertTrue(CollectionUtils.exists(curi.getOutLinks(), new Predicate() {
        public boolean evaluate(Object object) {
            return ((Link) object).getDestination().toString().equals("https://www.example.com/index.html");