Example usage for org.apache.commons.collections IteratorUtils toArray

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.collections IteratorUtils toArray


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.collections IteratorUtils toArray.


public static Object[] toArray(Iterator iterator) 

Source Link


Gets an array based on an iterator.


From source file:com.example.ManualSpnegoNegotiateServlet.java

 * Use of Kerberos is wrapped in an HTTP auth-scheme of "Negotiate" [RFC 4559].
 * The auth-params exchanged use data formats defined for use with the GSS-API [RFC 2743]. In particular, they follow the formats set for the SPNEGO [RFC 4178] and
 * Kerberos [RFC 4121] mechanisms for GSSAPI. The "Negotiate" auth-scheme calls for the use of SPNEGO GSSAPI tokens that the specific mechanism type specifies.
 * The current implementation of this protocol is limited to the use of SPNEGO with the Kerberos protocol.
 * @param request//w  w w.  java 2 s .c o m
 * @param response
 * @throws ServletException
 * @return true upon successful authentication, false otherwise
protected boolean attemptNegotiation(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {
    log.debug("Attempting negotiation.");

    String header = request.getHeader("Authorization");

     * Guard clause to check for Negotiate header.
     * If the server receives a request for an access-protected object, and if an acceptable Authorization header has not been sent, the server responds with a "401
     * Unauthorized" status code, and a "WWW-Authenticate:" header as per the framework described in [RFC 2616]. The initial WWW-Authenticate header will not carry
     * any gssapi-data.
    if (header == null || header.length() < 10 || !header.startsWith("Negotiate ")) {
        response.setHeader("WWW-Authenticate", "Negotiate");
        log.debug("Proper authorization header not found, returning challenge.");
        return false;

     * A client may initiate a connection to the server with an "Authorization" header containing the initial token for the server. This form will bypass the initial
     * 401 error from the server when the client knows that the server will accept the Negotiate HTTP authentication type.
    log.debug("Authorization header found, continuing negotiation.");

     * The data following the word Negotiate is the GSS-API data to process.
    byte gssapiData[] = Base64.decode(header.substring(10));

    log.debug("GSS API data: " + Arrays.toString(gssapiData));

     * Guard clause to check for the unsupported NTLM authentication mechanism.
    if (isNtlmMechanism(gssapiData)) {
        log.warn("Got request for unsupported NTLM mechanism, aborting negotiation.");
        return false;

     * The server attempts to establish a security context. Establishment may result in tokens that the server must return to the client. Tokens are BASE-64 encoded
     * GSS-API data.
    GSSContext gssContext = null;
    LoginContext loginContext = null;
    String outToken = null;

    try {
        final String domainUsername = "Zeus";
        final String domainUserPassword = "Z3usP@55";
        final CallbackHandler handler = SpnegoProvider.getUsernamePasswordHandler(domainUsername,

        loginContext = new LoginContext("spnego-server", handler);
        Subject subject = loginContext.getSubject();

        Oid spnegoOid = new Oid(""); // for spnego answers
        Oid kerbv5Oid = new Oid("1.2.840.113554.1.2.2"); // for chromium (they send a kerbv5 token instead of spnego)
        final Oid[] oids = new Oid[] { spnegoOid, kerbv5Oid };

        final GSSManager manager = GSSManager.getInstance();
        final PrivilegedExceptionAction<GSSCredential> action = new PrivilegedExceptionAction<GSSCredential>() {
            public GSSCredential run() throws GSSException {
                return manager.createCredential(null, GSSCredential.INDEFINITE_LIFETIME, oids,

        GSSCredential serverCreds = Subject.doAs(subject, action);

        log.debug("Mechs: " + Arrays.toString(serverCreds.getMechs()));

        gssContext = manager.createContext(serverCreds);

        log.debug("Context created. " + gssContext);

        byte tokenBytes[] = gssContext.acceptSecContext(gssapiData, 0, gssapiData.length);
        outToken = Base64.encode(tokenBytes);
    } catch (PrivilegedActionException ex) {
        log.error("", ex);
    } catch (LoginException ex) {
        log.error("", ex);
    } catch (GSSException gsse) {
        log.error("GSSException:       " + gsse.getMessage());
        log.error("GSSException major: " + gsse.getMajorString());
        log.error("GSSException minor: " + gsse.getMinorString());
        throw new ServletException(gsse);

     * If the context is established, we can attempt to retrieve the name of the "context initiator." In the case of the Kerberos mechanism, the context initiator is
     * the Kerberos principal of the client. Additionally, the client may be delegating credentials.
    if (gssContext != null && gssContext.isEstablished()) {
        log.debug("Context established, attempting Kerberos principal retrieval.");

        try {
            Subject subject = new Subject();
            GSSName clientGSSName = gssContext.getSrcName();
            KerberosPrincipal clientPrincipal = new KerberosPrincipal(clientGSSName.toString());
            log.info("Got client Kerberos principal: " + clientGSSName);
            response.getWriter().println("Hello, " + clientPrincipal);

             * Retrieve LogonInfo (for example, GroupSIDs) from the PAC Authorization Data
             * from a Kerberos Ticket that was issued by Active Directory.
            byte[] kerberosTokenData = gssapiData;
            try {
                SpnegoToken token = SpnegoToken.parse(gssapiData);
                kerberosTokenData = token.getMechanismToken();
            } catch (DecodingException dex) {
                // Chromium bug: sends a Kerberos response instead of an spnego response with a Kerberos mechanism
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                log.error("", ex);

            try {
                Object[] keyObjs = IteratorUtils
                KerberosKey[] keys = new KerberosKey[keyObjs.length];
                System.arraycopy(keyObjs, 0, keys, 0, keyObjs.length);

                KerberosToken token = new KerberosToken(kerberosTokenData, keys);
                log.info("Authorizations: ");
                for (KerberosAuthData authData : token.getTicket().getEncData().getUserAuthorizations()) {
                    if (authData instanceof KerberosPacAuthData) {
                        PacSid[] groupSIDs = ((KerberosPacAuthData) authData).getPac().getLogonInfo()
                        log.info("GroupSids: " + Arrays.toString(groupSIDs));
                        response.getWriter().println("Found group SIDs: " + Arrays.toString(groupSIDs));
                    } else {
                        log.info("AuthData without PAC: " + authData.toString());
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                log.error("", ex);

            if (gssContext.getCredDelegState()) {
                GSSCredential delegateCredential = gssContext.getDelegCred();
                GSSName delegateGSSName = delegateCredential.getName();
                Principal delegatePrincipal = new KerberosPrincipal(delegateGSSName.toString());
                log.info("Got delegated Kerberos principal: " + delegateGSSName);

             * A status code 200 status response can also carry a "WWW-Authenticate" response header containing the final leg of an authentication. In this case, the
             * gssapi-data will be present.
            if (outToken != null && outToken.length() > 0) {
                response.setHeader("WWW-Authenticate", "Negotiate " + outToken.getBytes());
                log.debug("Returning final authentication data to client to complete context.");
                log.debug("Negotiation completed.");
                return true;
        } catch (GSSException gsse) {
            log.error("GSSException:       " + gsse.getMessage());
            log.error("GSSException major: " + gsse.getMajorString());
            log.error("GSSException minor: " + gsse.getMinorString());

            response.addHeader("Client-Warning", gsse.getMessage());
    } else {
         * Any returned code other than a success 2xx code represents an authentication error. If a 401 containing a "WWW-Authenticate" header with "Negotiate" and
         * gssapi-data is returned from the server, it is a continuation of the authentication request.
        if (outToken != null && outToken.length() > 0) {
            response.setHeader("WWW-Authenticate", "Negotiate " + outToken.getBytes());
            log.debug("Additional authentication processing required, returning token.");
            return false;
        } else {
            log.warn("Kerberos negotiation failed.");

    log.debug("Negotiation completed.");

    return true;

From source file:org.amanzi.awe.statistics.ui.table.StatisticsTableProvider.java

public Object[] getElements(final Object inputElement) {
    if ((filter.getPeriod() != null) && (inputElement instanceof IStatisticsModel)) {
        IStatisticsModel statisticsModel = (IStatisticsModel) inputElement;
        try {//from w  ww.j av  a  2 s  . c  o  m
            return IteratorUtils
                            filter.getStartTime(), filter.getEndTime()).iterator());
        } catch (ModelException e) {
            LOGGER.error("Error on getting Statistics Table content", e);
    return ArrayUtils.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY;

From source file:org.amanzi.awe.ui.tree.provider.AWETreeContentProvider.java

private <T extends ITreeItem> Object[] toObject(final Iterator<T> itemIterator) {
    return IteratorUtils.toArray(itemIterator);

From source file:org.apache.metron.dataloads.bulk.ElasticsearchDataPruner.java

public Long prune() throws IOException {

    try {// ww w .ja v a2 s  .co  m


    } catch (Exception e) {

        LOG.error("Unable to update configs", e);


    String dateString = configuration.getGlobalConfig().get("es.date.format").toString();

    if (null != dateString) {
        dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(dateString);

    ImmutableOpenMap<String, IndexMetaData> allIndices = indexClient.admin().cluster().prepareState().get()
    Iterable indicesForDeletion = getFilteredIndices(allIndices);
    Object[] indexArray = IteratorUtils.toArray(indicesForDeletion.iterator());

    if (indexArray.length > 0) {
        String[] indexStringArray = new String[indexArray.length];
        System.arraycopy(indexArray, 0, indexStringArray, 0, indexArray.length);
        deleteIndex(indexClient.admin(), indexStringArray);

    return (long) indexArray.length;


From source file:org.apache.metron.dataloads.bulk.ElasticsearchDataPruner.java

protected Iterable<String> getFilteredIndices(ImmutableOpenMap<String, IndexMetaData> indices) {

    String[] returnedIndices = new String[indices.size()];
    Iterator it = indices.keysIt();
    System.arraycopy(IteratorUtils.toArray(it), 0, returnedIndices, 0, returnedIndices.length);
    Iterable<String> matches = Iterables.filter(Arrays.asList(returnedIndices), filterWithRegex);

    return matches;


From source file:org.apache.metron.dataloads.bulk.ElasticsearchDataPrunerTest.java

public void testFilter() throws Exception {

    ObjectObjectHashMap<String, IndexMetaData> indexNames = new ObjectObjectHashMap();
    SimpleDateFormat dateChecker = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");
    int numDays = 5;
    String[] expectedIndices = new String[24];
    Date indexDate = new Date();

    indexDate.setTime(testDate.getTime() - TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(numDays));

    for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < numDays * 24; i++) {

        String indexName = "sensor_index_" + dateFormat.format(indexDate);
        //Delete 20160330
        if (dateChecker.format(indexDate).equals("20160330")) {
            expectedIndices[j++] = indexName;
        }/*from   w w w  .j  a v a  2  s.c o  m*/

        indexNames.put(indexName, null);
        indexDate.setTime(indexDate.getTime() + TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(1));


    ImmutableOpenMap<String, IndexMetaData> testIndices = ImmutableOpenMap.copyOf(indexNames);

    ElasticsearchDataPruner pruner = new ElasticsearchDataPruner(testDate, 1, configuration, indexClient,
    pruner.indexClient = indexClient;

    Iterable<String> filteredIndices = pruner.getFilteredIndices(testIndices);

    Object[] indexArray = IteratorUtils.toArray(filteredIndices.iterator());

    assertArrayEquals(expectedIndices, indexArray);


From source file:org.apache.predictionio.examples.java.recommendations.tutorial3.Evaluator.java

public String evaluateAll(Iterable<Tuple2<Object, Double>> input) {
    return Arrays.toString(IteratorUtils.toArray(input.iterator()));

From source file:org.apache.sling.scripting.javascript.wrapper.ScriptableResource.java

public NativeArray jsFunction_getChildren() {
    return new NativeArray(IteratorUtils.toArray(resource.listChildren()));

From source file:org.apache.solr.search.xjoin.simple.TestSimpleXJoinResultsFactory.java

@Test(expected = PathNotFoundException.class)
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public void testNoJoinIdsAtPath() throws IOException {
    NamedList args = new NamedList();
    args.add(SimpleXJoinResultsFactory.INIT_PARAM_TYPE, SimpleXJoinResultsFactory.Type.JSON.toString());
    args.add(SimpleXJoinResultsFactory.INIT_PARAM_ROOT_URL, getClass().getResource("results.json").toString());

    NamedList globalPaths = new NamedList();
    args.add(SimpleXJoinResultsFactory.INIT_PARAM_GLOBAL_FIELD_PATHS, globalPaths);
    globalPaths.add("total", "$.count");

    args.add(SimpleXJoinResultsFactory.INIT_PARAM_JOIN_ID_PATH, "$.no.ids.at.this.path");

    SimpleXJoinResultsFactory factory = new SimpleXJoinResultsFactory();
    factory.init(args);//from  w ww.  ja v  a2s.  c  o  m

    SolrParams params = new ModifiableSolrParams();
    XJoinResults<String> results = factory.getResults(params);

    assertEquals(0, IteratorUtils.toArray(results.getJoinIds().iterator()).length);

From source file:org.metaabm.impl.SContextImpl.java

public EList<EObject> getAllAgents() {
    Object[] all = IteratorUtils.toArray(allAgentsTree());
    return new EcoreEList.UnmodifiableEList.FastCompare<EObject>(this,
            MetaABMPackage.Literals.IVALUE__ACCESSORS, all.length, all);