Java org.apache.commons.collections MapUtils fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.apache.commons.collections MapUtils fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.apache.commons.collections MapUtils.

The text is from its open source code.


org.apache.commons.collections.MapUtils has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.


An empty unmodifiable map.


voiddebugPrint(final PrintStream out, final Object label, final Map map)
Prints the given map with nice line breaks.
BooleangetBoolean(Map map, Object key, Boolean defaultValue)
Looks up the given key in the given map, converting the result into a boolean, using the default value if the the conversion fails.
BooleangetBoolean(final Map map, final Object key)
Gets a Boolean from a Map in a null-safe manner.
booleangetBooleanValue(final Map map, final Object key)
Gets a boolean from a Map in a null-safe manner.
booleangetBooleanValue(final Map map, final Object key, boolean defaultValue)
Gets a boolean from a Map in a null-safe manner, using the default value if the the conversion fails.
DoublegetDouble(final Map map, final Object key)
Gets a Double from a Map in a null-safe manner.
DoublegetDouble(Map map, Object key, Double defaultValue)
Looks up the given key in the given map, converting the result into a double, using the default value if the the conversion fails.
doublegetDoubleValue(final Map map, final Object key)
Gets a double from a Map in a null-safe manner.
doublegetDoubleValue(final Map map, final Object key, double defaultValue)
Gets a double from a Map in a null-safe manner, using the default value if the the conversion fails.
IntegergetInteger(Map map, Object key, Integer defaultValue)
Looks up the given key in the given map, converting the result into an integer, using the default value if the the conversion fails.
IntegergetInteger(final Map map, final Object key)
Gets a Integer from a Map in a null-safe manner.
intgetIntValue(final Map map, final Object key)
Gets an int from a Map in a null-safe manner.
intgetIntValue(final Map map, final Object key, int defaultValue)
Gets an int from a Map in a null-safe manner, using the default value if the the conversion fails.
LonggetLong(Map map, Object key, Long defaultValue)
Looks up the given key in the given map, converting the result into a long, using the default value if the the conversion fails.
LonggetLong(final Map map, final Object key)
Gets a Long from a Map in a null-safe manner.
longgetLongValue(final Map map, final Object key, long defaultValue)
Gets a long from a Map in a null-safe manner, using the default value if the the conversion fails.
longgetLongValue(final Map map, final Object key)
Gets a long from a Map in a null-safe manner.
MapgetMap(Map map, Object key, Map defaultValue)
Looks up the given key in the given map, converting the result into a map, using the default value if the the conversion fails.
ObjectgetObject(final Map map, final Object key)
Gets from a Map in a null-safe manner.
ObjectgetObject(Map map, Object key, Object defaultValue)
Looks up the given key in the given map, converting null into the given default value.
StringgetString(final Map map, final Object key)
Gets a String from a Map in a null-safe manner.
StringgetString(Map map, Object key, String defaultValue)
Looks up the given key in the given map, converting the result into a string, using the default value if the the conversion fails.
MapinvertMap(Map map)
Inverts the supplied map returning a new HashMap such that the keys of the input are swapped with the values.
MaplazyMap(Map map, Factory factory)
Returns a "lazy" map whose values will be created on demand.
MaplazyMap(Map map, Transformer transformerFactory)
Returns a "lazy" map whose values will be created on demand.
MapputAll(Map map, Object[] array)
Puts all the keys and values from the specified array into the map.
voidsafeAddToMap(Map map, Object key, Object value)
Protects against adding null values to a map.
PropertiestoProperties(final Map map)
Gets a new Properties object initialised with the values from a Map.
MaptransformedMap(Map map, Transformer keyTransformer, Transformer valueTransformer)
Returns a transformed map backed by the given map.
MapunmodifiableMap(Map map)
Returns an unmodifiable map backed by the given map.
voidverbosePrint(final PrintStream out, final Object label, final Map map)
Prints the given map with nice line breaks.