Example usage for org.apache.commons.collections15 Buffer size

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.collections15 Buffer size


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.collections15 Buffer size.


int size();

Source Link


Returns the number of elements in this collection.


From source file:edu.brown.benchmark.seats.SEATSClient.java

 * Take an existing Reservation that we know is legit and randomly decide to 
 * either queue it for a later update or delete transaction 
 * @param r//from   w w  w  . j  a  v a2  s . c om
protected void requeueReservation(Reservation r) {
    int idx = rng.nextInt(100);
    if (idx > 20)

    // Queue this motha trucka up for a deletin' or an updatin'
    CacheType ctype = null;
    if (rng.nextBoolean()) {
        ctype = CacheType.PENDING_DELETES;
    } else {
        ctype = CacheType.PENDING_UPDATES;
    assert (ctype != null);

    Buffer<Reservation> cache = CACHE_RESERVATIONS.get(ctype);
    assert (cache != null);
    if (debug.val)
        LOG.debug(String.format("Queued %s for %s [cacheSize=%d]\nFlightId: %d\nCustomerId: %d", r, ctype,
                cache.size(), r.flight_id, r.customer_id));

From source file:edu.brown.benchmark.seats.SEATSClient.java

protected Pair<Object[], ProcedureCallback> getNewReservationParams() {
    Reservation reservation = null;/*from   www.  j av a2 s.  c  o m*/
    BitSet seats = null;
    Buffer<Reservation> cache = CACHE_RESERVATIONS.get(CacheType.PENDING_INSERTS);
    assert (cache != null) : "Unexpected " + CacheType.PENDING_INSERTS;

    if (debug.val)
        LOG.debug(String.format("Attempting to get a new pending insert Reservation [totalPendingInserts=%d]",
    while (reservation == null) {
        Reservation r = null;
        synchronized (cache) {
            if (cache.isEmpty() == false)
                r = cache.remove();
        } // SYNCH
        if (r == null) {
            if (debug.val)
                LOG.warn("Unable to execute " + Transaction.DELETE_RESERVATION
                        + " - No available reservations to insert");

        seats = this.getSeatsBitSet(r.flight_id);

        if (this.isFlightFull(seats)) {
            if (debug.val)
                LOG.debug(String.format("%s is full", r.flight_id));
        // PAVLO: Not sure why this is always coming back as reserved? 
        //            else if (seats.get(r.seatnum)) {
        //                if (debug.val)
        //                    LOG.debug(String.format("Seat #%d on %s is already booked", r.seatnum, r.flight_id));
        //                continue;
        //            }
        else if (this.isCustomerBookedOnFlight(r.customer_id, r.flight_id)) {
            if (debug.val)
                LOG.debug(String.format("%s is already booked on %s", r.customer_id, r.flight_id));
        reservation = r;
    } // WHILE
    if (reservation == null) {
        if (debug.val)
            LOG.debug("Failed to find a valid pending insert Reservation\n" + this.toString());
        return (null);

    // Generate a random price for now
    double price = 2.0 * rng.number(SEATSConstants.RESERVATION_PRICE_MIN, SEATSConstants.RESERVATION_PRICE_MAX);

    // Generate random attributes
    long attributes[] = new long[SEATSConstants.NEW_RESERVATION_ATTRS_SIZE];
    for (int i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {
        attributes[i] = rng.nextLong();
    } // FOR

    // boolean updateCustomer = (rng.nextInt(100) < SEATSConstants.PROB_UPDATE_CUSTOMER_NEW_RESERVATION);

    Object params[] = new Object[] { reservation.id, reservation.customer_id, reservation.flight_id,
            reservation.seatnum, price, attributes, new TimestampType() };
    if (trace.val)
        LOG.trace("Calling " + Transaction.NEW_RESERVATION.getExecName());
    return new Pair<Object[], ProcedureCallback>(params, new NewReservationCallback(reservation));