Example usage for org.apache.commons.collections15 ListUtils intersection

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.collections15 ListUtils intersection


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.collections15 ListUtils intersection.


public static <E> List<E> intersection(final List<? extends E> list1, final List<? extends E> list2) 

Source Link


Returns a new list containing all elements that are contained in both given lists.


From source file:de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.wsd.graphconnectivity.iterative.wikipedia.algorithm.LinkInformationSequentialDisambiguation.java

private double computeLinkMeasureSimilarity(String target0, String target1) throws SimilarityException {
    if (target0.equals(target1)) {
        return 1.0;
    }//from   w ww. j  av  a2s.  co m

    List<String> linksA;
    List<String> linksB;
    try {
        linksA = getIncomingLinks(target0);
        linksB = getIncomingLinks(target1);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new SimilarityException();

    int linksBoth = ListUtils.intersection(linksA, linksB).size();

    double a = Math.log(linksA.size());
    double b = Math.log(linksB.size());
    double ab = Math.log(linksBoth);
    double m = Math.log(linkInformationReader.getNumberOfSenses());

    double sr = (Math.max(a, b) - ab) / (m - Math.min(a, b));

    if (Double.isNaN(sr) || Double.isInfinite(sr) || sr > 1) {
        sr = 1;

    sr = 1 - sr;

    return sr;


From source file:opendial.inference.exact.VariableElimination.java

 * In case of overlap between the query variables and the evidence (this happens
 * when a variable specified in the evidence also appears in the query), extends 
 * the distribution to add the evidence assignment pairs.
 * /*from  w  ww . j a  va 2  s.co  m*/
 * @param query the query
 * @param distribution the computed distribution
private DoubleFactor addEvidencePairs(DoubleFactor factor, Query query) {

    List<String> inter = ListUtils.intersection(new ArrayList<String>(query.getQueryVars()),
            new ArrayList<String>(query.getEvidence().getVariables()));

    if (!inter.isEmpty()) {
        DoubleFactor newFactor = new DoubleFactor();
        for (Assignment a : factor.getMatrix().keySet()) {
            Assignment assign = new Assignment(a, query.getEvidence().getTrimmed(inter));
            newFactor.addEntry(assign, factor.getProbEntry(a), factor.getUtilityEntry(a));
        return newFactor;
    } else {
        return factor;

From source file:org.dllearner.utilities.QueryUtils.java

public Set<Triple> extractTriplePattern(Query query, boolean ignoreOptionals) {
    triplePattern = new HashSet<>();
    optionalTriplePattern = new HashSet<>();


    //postprocessing: triplepattern in OPTIONAL clause
    if (!ignoreOptionals) {
        if (query.isSelectType()) {
            for (Triple t : optionalTriplePattern) {
                if (!ListUtils.intersection(new ArrayList<>(VarUtils.getVars(t)), query.getProjectVars())
                        .isEmpty()) {//  w  w w  .ja  va 2s. c  o m
    return triplePattern;

From source file:vnreal.algorithms.samples.SimpleDijkstraAlgorithm.java

protected boolean process(final VirtualLink p) {
    final SubstrateNode srcSnode;
    final SubstrateNode dstSnode;

    processedLinks++; // increase number of processed.

    VirtualNode srcVnode = ((VirtualNetwork) stack.getLayer(p.getLayer())).getSource(p);
    VirtualNode dstVnode = ((VirtualNetwork) stack.getLayer(p.getLayer())).getDest(p);

    // 1. Map source node.
    List<SubstrateNode> srcCandidates = null;
    for (AbstractDemand dem : srcVnode) {
        if (srcCandidates == null)
            srcCandidates = findFulfillingNodes(dem);
        else/*  ww w. jav  a 2s.  co m*/
            // Nodes that fulfill all requirements!
            srcCandidates = ListUtils.intersection(srcCandidates, findFulfillingNodes(dem));

    if (srcCandidates.isEmpty()) {
        System.out.println("Cannot find source for " + p);
        return true;
    } else {
        srcSnode = srcCandidates.get(0);

    // 2. Map destination node.
    List<SubstrateNode> dstCandidates = null;
    for (AbstractDemand dem : dstVnode) {
        if (dstCandidates == null)
            dstCandidates = findFulfillingNodes(dem);
            // Nodes that fulfill all requirements!
            dstCandidates = ListUtils.intersection(dstCandidates, findFulfillingNodes(dem));

    if (dstCandidates.isEmpty()) {
        System.out.println("Cannot find destination for " + p);
        return true;
    } else {
        dstSnode = dstCandidates.get(0);

    // 3. Build node filter predicate
    // Predicate<SubstrateNode> nodePredicate = new
    // Predicate<SubstrateNode>() {
    // @Override
    // public boolean evaluate(SubstrateNode n) {
    // if (n.equals(srcSnode) || n.equals(dstSnode))
    // return true; // Always include these!

    // FIXME For now, we ignore requirements on intermediate nodes!
    // for (AbstractRequest req : p) {
    // if (req instanceof INodeConstraint) {
    // if (!findNodeResource(req, n))
    // return false;
    // // Exclude nodes that do not fulfill
    // // all requirements.
    // }
    // }

    // return true;
    // }

    // private boolean findNodeResource(AbstractRequest req,
    // SubstrateNode n) {
    // for (AbstractResource res : n)
    // if (res.accepts(req) && res.fulfills(req))
    // return true;
    // return false;
    // }
    // };

    // 3. Build link filter predicate
    // Predicate<SubstrateLink> linkPredicate = new
    // Predicate<SubstrateLink>() {
    // @Override
    // public boolean evaluate(SubstrateLink l) {
    // for (AbstractDemand dem : p) {
    // if (!findLinkResource(dem, l))
    // return false;
    // // Exclude links that do not fulfill
    // // all requirements.
    // }
    // return true;
    // }
    // private boolean findLinkResource(AbstractDemand dem, SubstrateLink l)
    // {
    // for (AbstractResource res : l)
    // if (res.accepts(dem) && res.fulfills(dem))
    // return true;
    // return false;
    // }
    // };

    // 4. Do the filtering
    // GraphFilter filter = new GraphFilter(nodePredicate, linkPredicate);

    // 5. Search for path in filtered substrate using Dijkstra
    DijkstraShortestPath<SubstrateNode, SubstrateLink> shortestPath;
    shortestPath = new DijkstraShortestPath<SubstrateNode, SubstrateLink>(
            // filter.transform(
    // )
    List<SubstrateLink> path = shortestPath.getPath(srcSnode, dstSnode);

    // No path was found
    if (path.isEmpty()) {
        System.out.println("No path found for " + p);
        return true;

    // 6. Perform virtual node mapping (VNM) for source.
    vnm(srcVnode, srcSnode);

    // 7. Perform virtual node mapping (VNM) for destination.
    vnm(dstVnode, dstSnode);

    // 8. Perform virtual link mapping (VLM) for each link in the path.
    vlm(p, path);

    // If we get here, we succeeded with this link.

    return true; // Only return false to interrupt the algorithm!!