Java PassiveExpiringMap fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java PassiveExpiringMap fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for PassiveExpiringMap.

The text is from its open source code.


PassiveExpiringMap(final ExpirationPolicy expiringPolicy, final Map map)
Construct a map decorator that decorates the given map and uses the given expiration policy to determine expiration times.
PassiveExpiringMap(final long timeToLiveMillis, final Map map)
Construct a map decorator using the given time-to-live value measured in milliseconds to create and use a ConstantTimeToLiveExpirationPolicy expiration policy.
PassiveExpiringMap(final long timeToLive, final TimeUnit timeUnit)
Construct a map decorator using the given time-to-live value measured in the given time units of measure to create and use a ConstantTimeToLiveExpirationPolicy expiration policy.
PassiveExpiringMap(final ExpirationPolicy expiringPolicy)
Construct a map decorator using the given expiration policy to determine expiration times.
PassiveExpiringMap(final long timeToLiveMillis)
Construct a map decorator that decorates the given map using the given time-to-live value measured in milliseconds to create and use a ConstantTimeToLiveExpirationPolicy expiration policy.
PassiveExpiringMap(final Map map)
Constructs a map decorator that decorates the given map and results in entries NEVER expiring.


Normal Map#clear() behavior with the addition of clearing all expiration entries as well.