Example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration Configuration containsKey

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.configuration Configuration containsKey


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration Configuration containsKey.


boolean containsKey(String key);

Source Link


Check if the configuration contains the specified key.


From source file:au.edu.flinders.ehl.filmweekly.FwImporter.java

 * Main method for the class/*www.java  2s .  com*/
 * @param args array of command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {

    // before we do anything, output some useful information
    for (int i = 0; i < APP_HEADER.length; i++) {

    // parse the command line options
    CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser();
    CommandLine cmd = null;

    try {
        cmd = parser.parse(createOptions(), args);
    } catch (org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException e) {
        // something bad happened so output help message
        printCliHelp("Error in parsing options:\n" + e.getMessage());

    // get and check on the log4j properties path option if required
    if (cmd.hasOption("log4j") == true) {
        String log4jPath = cmd.getOptionValue("log4j");
        if (FileUtils.isAccessible(log4jPath) == false) {
            printCliHelp("Unable to access the specified log4j properties file\n   " + log4jPath);

        // configure the log4j framework

    // get and check on the properties path option
    String propertiesPath = cmd.getOptionValue("properties");
    if (FileUtils.isAccessible(propertiesPath) == false) {
        printCliHelp("Unable to access the specified properties file\n   " + propertiesPath);

    // get and check on the input file path option
    String inputPath = cmd.getOptionValue("input");
    if (FileUtils.isAccessible(inputPath) == false) {
        printCliHelp("Unable to access the specified input file");

    // open the properties file
    Configuration config = null;
    try {
        config = new PropertiesConfiguration(propertiesPath);
    } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
        printCliHelp("Unable to read the properties file file: \n" + e.getMessage());

    // check to make sure all of the required configuration properties are present
    for (int i = 0; i < REQD_PROPERTIES.length; i++) {
        if (config.containsKey(REQD_PROPERTIES[i]) == false) {
            printCliHelp("Unable to find the required property: " + REQD_PROPERTIES[i]);

    if (cmd.hasOption("debug_coord_list") == true) {

        // output debug info
        logger.debug("undertaking the debug-coord-list task");

        // undertake the debug coordinate list task
        if (FileUtils.doesFileExist(cmd.getOptionValue("debug_coord_list")) == true) {
            printCliHelp("the debug_coord_list file already exists");
        } else {
            CoordList list = new CoordList(inputPath, cmd.getOptionValue("debug_coord_list"));

            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                logger.error("unable to undertake the debug-coord-list task", e);

            System.out.println("Task completed");

    if (cmd.hasOption("debug_json_list") == true) {

        // output debug info
        logger.debug("undertaking the debug-json-list task");

        // undertake the debug coordinate list task
        if (FileUtils.doesFileExist(cmd.getOptionValue("debug_json_list")) == true) {
            printCliHelp("the debug_json_list file already exists");
        } else {
            JsonList list = new JsonList(inputPath, cmd.getOptionValue("debug_json_list"));

            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                logger.error("unable to undertake the debug_json_list task", e);

            System.out.println("Task completed");

    // if no debug options present assume import
    System.out.println("Importing data into the database.");
            "*Note* if this input file has been processed before duplicate records *will* be created.");

    // get a connection to the database
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("unable to load the MySQL database classes", e);

    Connection database = null;

    //private static final String[] REQD_PROPERTIES = {"db-host", "db-user", "db-password", "db-name"};

    String connectionString = "jdbc:mysql://" + config.getString(REQD_PROPERTIES[0]) + "/"
            + config.getString(REQD_PROPERTIES[1]) + "?user=" + config.getString(REQD_PROPERTIES[2])
            + "&password=" + config.getString(REQD_PROPERTIES[3]);

    try {
        database = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionString);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        logger.error("unable to connect to the MySQL database", e);

    // do the import
    DataImporter importer = new DataImporter(database, inputPath);

    try {

        System.out.println("Task completed");
    } catch (IOException e) {
        logger.error("unable to complete the import");
    } catch (ImportException e) {
        logger.error("unable to complete the import");
    } finally {
        // play nice and tidy up
        try {
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            logger.error("Unable to close the database connection: ", e);


From source file:edu.berkeley.sparrow.daemon.util.ConfigUtil.java

 * Parses the list of backends from a {@link Configuration}.
 * Returns a map of address of backends to a {@link TResourceVector} describing the
 * total resource capacity for that backend.
 *///from   ww w  .  j  ava  2s .c o  m
public static Set<InetSocketAddress> parseBackends(Configuration conf) {
    if (!conf.containsKey(SparrowConf.STATIC_NODE_MONITORS)) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Missing configuration node monitor list");

    Set<InetSocketAddress> backends = new HashSet<InetSocketAddress>();

    for (String node : conf.getStringArray(SparrowConf.STATIC_NODE_MONITORS)) {
        Optional<InetSocketAddress> addr = Serialization.strToSocket(node);
        if (!addr.isPresent()) {
            LOG.warn("Bad backend address: " + node);

    return backends;

From source file:ch.epfl.eagle.daemon.util.ConfigUtil.java

 * Parses the list of backends from a {@link Configuration}.
 * Returns a map of address of backends to a {@link TResourceVector} describing the
 * total resource capacity for that backend.
 *///from  w  w w .  ja v  a  2 s  . c  om
public static Set<InetSocketAddress> parseBackends(Configuration conf) {
    if (!conf.containsKey(EagleConf.STATIC_NODE_MONITORS)) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Missing configuration node monitor list");

    Set<InetSocketAddress> backends = new HashSet<InetSocketAddress>();

    for (String node : conf.getStringArray(EagleConf.STATIC_NODE_MONITORS)) {
        Optional<InetSocketAddress> addr = Serialization.strToSocket(node);
        if (!addr.isPresent()) {
            LOG.warn("Bad backend address: " + node);

    return backends;

From source file:com.manydesigns.elements.configuration.CommonsConfigurationFunctions.java

public static boolean containsKey(Configuration configuration, String key) {
    return configuration.containsKey(key);

From source file:edu.cornell.med.icb.R.RConfigurationUtils.java

 * Gets the configuration for the RServe processes.
 * @return A url that for the RConnectionPool configuration file.
 *//*from  www .  ja v a  2  s  .  c o  m*/
static URL getConfigurationURL() {
    URL poolConfigURL; // if the user defined a configuration, use it
    final ResourceFinder resourceFinder = new ResourceFinder(".", "config");
    final Configuration systemConfiguration = new SystemConfiguration();
    if (systemConfiguration.containsKey(DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_KEY)) {
        final String poolConfig = systemConfiguration.getString(DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_KEY);
        try {
            // First see if we have a URL from the system configuration
            poolConfigURL = new URL(poolConfig);
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
            // resource is not a URL, attempt to get the resource from the class path
            poolConfigURL = resourceFinder.findResource(poolConfig);
    } else {
        poolConfigURL = resourceFinder.findResource(DEFAULT_XML_CONFIGURATION_FILE);
    return poolConfigURL;

From source file:com.gs.obevo.db.apps.reveng.DbMergeInfo.java

public static MutableCollection<DbMergeInfo> parseFromProperties(Configuration config) {
    Set<String> dbs = new HashSet<String>(config.getList("instances"));

    MutableList<DbMergeInfo> dbMergeInfos = Lists.mutable.empty();
    for (String db : dbs) {
        Configuration subset = config.subset(db);
        if (subset.containsKey("inputDir")) {
            File inputDir = new File(subset.getString("inputDir"));
            DbMergeInfo mergeInfo = new DbMergeInfo(db, inputDir);
            if (subset.containsKey("driverClassName")) {
            }//from   w  ww. j a v  a2s .c o m


    return dbMergeInfos;

From source file:com.zavakid.mushroom.impl.ConfigUtil.java

static void assertEq(Configuration expected, Configuration actual) {
    // Check that the actual config contains all the properties of the expected
    for (Iterator<?> it = expected.getKeys(); it.hasNext();) {
        String key = (String) it.next();
        assertTrue("actual should contain " + key, actual.containsKey(key));
        assertEquals("value of " + key, expected.getProperty(key), actual.getProperty(key));
    }//from ww  w .  j a v  a2 s  . co  m
    // Check that the actual config has no extra properties
    for (Iterator<?> it = actual.getKeys(); it.hasNext();) {
        String key = (String) it.next();
        assertTrue("expected should contain " + key, expected.containsKey(key));

From source file:com.cloudera.whirr.cm.integration.BaseITServer.java

private static int clusterBootstrap(Map<String, String> configuration) {
    int returnValue = 0;
    try {//from  ww w . j  a  va  2s . c o  m
        if (!isClusterBootstrapped()) {
            Configuration configurationAggregate = clusterConfig();
            for (String key : configuration.keySet()) {
                if (configurationAggregate.containsKey(key)) {
                configurationAggregate.addProperty(key, configuration.get(key));
            new ClusterController().launchCluster(ClusterSpec.withNoDefaults(configurationAggregate));
    } catch (Exception exception) {
        returnValue = 1;
    return returnValue;

From source file:com.github.mbredel.commons.configuration.ConfigurationAssert.java

 * Checks the content of a configuration.
 * @param expected the expected properties
 * @param actual the configuration to check
 *///  w  w w  .j  a va2s  .c  om
public static void assertEquals(Configuration expected, Configuration actual) {
    // check that the actual configuration contains all the properties of the expected configuration
    for (Iterator<String> it = expected.getKeys(); it.hasNext();) {
        String key = it.next();
        Assert.assertTrue("The actual configuration doesn't contain the expected key '" + key + "'",
        Assert.assertEquals("Value of the '" + key + "' property", expected.getProperty(key),

    // check that the actual configuration has no extra properties
    for (Iterator<String> it = actual.getKeys(); it.hasNext();) {
        String key = it.next();
        Assert.assertTrue("The actual configuration contains an extra key '" + key + "'",

From source file:de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dariah.pipeline.RunPipeline.java

private static void parseConfig(String configFile) throws ConfigurationException, ClassNotFoundException {
    Configuration config = new PropertiesConfiguration(configFile);

    if (config.containsKey("useSegmenter"))
        optSegmenter = config.getBoolean("useSegmenter", true);
    if (config.containsKey("segmenter"))
        optSegmenterCls = getClassFromConfig(config, "segmenter");
    if (config.containsKey("segmenterArguments"))
        optSegmenterArguments = parseParameters(config, "segmenterArguments");

    if (config.containsKey("usePosTagger"))
        optPOSTagger = config.getBoolean("usePosTagger", true);
    if (config.containsKey("posTagger"))
        optPOSTaggerCls = getClassFromConfig(config, "posTagger");
    if (config.containsKey("posTaggerArguments"))
        optPOSTaggerArguments = parseParameters(config, "posTaggerArguments");

    if (config.containsKey("useLemmatizer"))
        optLemmatizer = config.getBoolean("useLemmatizer", true);
    if (config.containsKey("lemmatizer"))
        optLemmatizerCls = getClassFromConfig(config, "lemmatizer");
    if (config.containsKey("lemmatizerArguments"))
        optLemmatizerArguments = parseParameters(config, "lemmatizerArguments");

    if (config.containsKey("useChunker"))
        optChunker = config.getBoolean("useChunker", true);
    if (config.containsKey("chunker"))
        optChunkerCls = getClassFromConfig(config, "chunker");
    if (config.containsKey("chunkerArguments"))
        optChunkerArguments = parseParameters(config, "chunkerArguments");

    if (config.containsKey("useMorphTagger"))
        optMorphTagger = config.getBoolean("useMorphTagger", true);
    if (config.containsKey("morphTagger"))
        optMorphTaggerCls = getClassFromConfig(config, "morphTagger");
    if (config.containsKey("morphTaggerArguments"))
        optMorphTaggerArguments = parseParameters(config, "morphTaggerArguments");

    if (config.containsKey("useHyphenation"))
        optHyphenation = config.getBoolean("useHyphenation", true);
    if (config.containsKey("hyphenationAlgorithm"))
        optHyphenationCls = getClassFromConfig(config, "hyphenationAlgorithm");
    if (config.containsKey("hyphenationArguments"))
        optHyphenationArguments = parseParameters(config, "hyphenationArguments");

    if (config.containsKey("useDependencyParser"))
        optDependencyParser = config.getBoolean("useDependencyParser", true);
    if (config.containsKey("dependencyParser"))
        optDependencyParserCls = getClassFromConfig(config, "dependencyParser");
    if (config.containsKey("dependencyParserArguments"))
        optDependencyParserArguments = parseParameters(config, "dependencyParserArguments");

    if (config.containsKey("useConstituencyParser"))
        optConstituencyParser = config.getBoolean("useConstituencyParser", true);
    if (config.containsKey("constituencyParser"))
        optConstituencyParserCls = getClassFromConfig(config, "constituencyParser");
    if (config.containsKey("constituencyParserArguments"))
        optConstituencyParserArguments = parseParameters(config, "constituencyParserArguments");

    if (config.containsKey("useNER"))
        optNER = config.getBoolean("useNER", true);
    if (config.containsKey("ner"))
        optNERCls = getClassFromConfig(config, "ner");
    if (config.containsKey("nerArguments"))
        optNERArguments = parseParameters(config, "nerArguments");

    if (config.containsKey("useSRL"))
        optSRL = config.getBoolean("useSRL", true);
    if (config.containsKey("srl"))
        optSRLCls = getClassFromConfig(config, "srl");
    if (config.containsKey("srlArguments"))
        optSRLArguments = parseParameters(config, "srlArguments");

    if (config.containsKey("useCoref"))
        optCoref = config.getBoolean("useCoref", true);
    if (config.containsKey("coref"))
        optCorefCls = getClassFromConfig(config, "coref");
    if (config.containsKey("corefArguments"))
        optCorefArguments = parseParameters(config, "corefArguments");

    if (config.containsKey("splitParagraphOnSingleLineBreak"))
        optParagraphSingleLineBreak = config.getBoolean("splitParagraphOnSingleLineBreak", false);
    if (config.containsKey("startingQuotes"))
        optStartQuote = config.getString("startingQuotes", "\"");

    if (config.containsKey("language"))
        optLanguage = config.getString("language");