Example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration Configuration getBoolean

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.configuration Configuration getBoolean


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration Configuration getBoolean.


Boolean getBoolean(String key, Boolean defaultValue);

Source Link


Get a Boolean associated with the given configuration key.


From source file:org.zaproxy.zap.extension.pscan.PluginPassiveScanner.java

public void loadFrom(Configuration conf) {
    this.setEnabled(conf.getBoolean("pscans." + getClass().getCanonicalName() + ".enabled", true));
    this.setLevel(AlertThreshold.valueOf(conf.getString("pscans." + getClass().getCanonicalName() + ".level",

From source file:science.atlarge.graphalytics.graphmat.GraphmatPlatform.java

public GraphmatPlatform() {
    LOG.info("Parsing GraphMat configuration file.");

    Configuration granulaConfig;
    try {/*from  w  ww.java  2s  .  com*/
        benchmarkConfig = ConfigurationUtil.loadConfiguration(BENCHMARK_PROPERTIES_FILE);
        granulaConfig = ConfigurationUtil.loadConfiguration(GRANULA_PROPERTIES_FILE);
    } catch (InvalidConfigurationException e) {
        LOG.warn("Could not find or load \"{}\"", BENCHMARK_PROPERTIES_FILE);
        LOG.warn("Could not find or load \"{}\"", GRANULA_PROPERTIES_FILE);
        benchmarkConfig = new PropertiesConfiguration();
        granulaConfig = new PropertiesConfiguration();
    boolean granulaEnabled = granulaConfig.getBoolean(GRANULA_ENABLE_KEY, false);
    BINARY_DIRECTORY = granulaEnabled ? "./bin/granula" : BINARY_DIRECTORY;

From source file:science.atlarge.graphalytics.powergraph.PowergraphPlatform.java

public PowergraphPlatform() {

    Configuration granulaConfig;
    try {//  w  w  w . jav  a 2  s  .c  o m
        benchmarkConfig = ConfigurationUtil.loadConfiguration(BENCHMARK_PROPERTIES_FILE);
        granulaConfig = ConfigurationUtil.loadConfiguration(GRANULA_PROPERTIES_FILE);
    } catch (InvalidConfigurationException e) {
        LOG.warn("failed to load " + BENCHMARK_PROPERTIES_FILE, e);
        LOG.warn("Could not find or load \"{}\"", GRANULA_PROPERTIES_FILE);
        benchmarkConfig = new PropertiesConfiguration();
        granulaConfig = new PropertiesConfiguration();

    boolean granulaEnabled = granulaConfig.getBoolean(GRANULA_ENABLE_KEY, false);
    POWERGRAPH_BINARY_NAME = granulaEnabled ? "./bin/granula/main" : POWERGRAPH_BINARY_NAME;

From source file:tld.yourname.jms.client.ClockServiceStressTest.java

 * @param aArgs//from w w  w  .  jav  a2 s.c  o  m
public static void main(String[] aArgs) {

    // set up log4j logging
    // later this should be read from a shared log4j properties or xml file!
    Properties lProps = new Properties();
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.rootLogger", "ERROR, console");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.apache.activemq.spring", "WARN");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.apache.activemq.web.handler", "WARN");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.springframework", "WARN");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.apache.xbean", "WARN");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.apache.camel", "INFO");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.eclipse.jetty", "WARN");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.appender.console", "org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.appender.console.layout", "org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout");
            // "%p: %m%n"
            "%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p - %C{1}: %m%n");
    // set here the jWebSocket log level:
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.jwebsocket", "ERROR");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.appender.console.threshold", "ERROR");

    // only for debug purposes
    // JMSLogging.setFullTextLogging(true);
    mLog.info("jWebSocket JMS Gateway Demo Client");

    Configuration lConfig = null;
    boolean lConfigLoaded;
    try {
        // try to load properties files from local folder or jar
        String lPath = "JMSClient.properties";
        mLog.debug("Tring to read properties from: " + lPath);
        lConfig = new PropertiesConfiguration(lPath);
    } catch (ConfigurationException ex) {
    if (null == lConfig) {
        try {
            // try to load properties files from JWEBSOCKET_HOME/conf/JMSPlugIn
            String lPath = Tools.expandEnvVarsAndProps("${JWEBSOCKET_HOME}conf/JMSPlugIn/JMSClient.properties");
            // String lPath = Tools.expandEnvVarsAndProps("${JWEBSOCKET_HOME}conf/JMSPlugIn/JMSClient.properties");
            mLog.debug("Tring to read properties from: " + lPath);
            lConfig = new PropertiesConfiguration(lPath);
        } catch (ConfigurationException ex) {
    if (null == lConfig) {
        mLog.error("Configuration file could not be opened.");

    // the URL of the message broker
    String lBrokerURL = lConfig.getString("BrokerURL", "tcp://");
    // "failover:(tcp://,tcp://";
    // the name of the JMS Gateway topic
    String lGatewayTopic = lConfig.getString("GatewayTopic", "org.jwebsocket.jms.gateway");
    // endpoint id of JMS Gateway
    String lGatewayId = lConfig.getString("GatewayId", "org.jwebsocket.jms.gateway");
    String lEndPointId = lConfig.getString("EndPointId", UUID.randomUUID().toString());

    // get authentication information against jWebSocket
    final String lJWSUsername = lConfig.getString("JWSUsername");
    final String lJWSPassword = lConfig.getString("JWSPassword");
    final boolean lFullTextLogging = lConfig.getBoolean("FullTextLogging", false);

    mLog.info("Using: " + lBrokerURL + ", " + "topic: " + lGatewayTopic + ", " + "gateway-id: " + lGatewayId
            + ", " + "endpoint-id: " + lEndPointId);

    // todo: Comment that for production purposes

    try {
        lJWSEndPoint = JWSEndPoint.getInstance(lBrokerURL, lGatewayTopic, // gateway topic
                lGatewayId, // gateway endpoint id
                lEndPointId, // unique node id
                4, // thread pool size, messages being processed concurrently
                JMSEndPoint.TEMPORARY // durable (for servers) or temporary (for clients)

        // in case you will require the server LoadBalancer features
        // set the CPU updater for the instance
        // lCpuUpdater = new JWSLoadBalancerCpuUpdater(lJWSEndPoint, lTargetEndPointId);
        // lCpuUpdater.autoStart();
    } catch (JMSException lEx) {
        mLog.fatal("JMSEndpoint could not be instantiated: " + lEx.getMessage());

    // on welcome message from jWebSocket, authenticate against jWebSocket
    lJWSEndPoint.addRequestListener("org.jwebsocket.jms.gateway", "welcome",
            new JWSMessageListener(lJWSEndPoint) {
                public void processToken(String aSourceId, Token aToken) {
                    if ("org.jwebsocket.jms.gateway".equals(aSourceId)) {
                        // create a login token...
                        mLog.info("Authenticating against jWebSocket...");
                        Token lToken = TokenFactory.createToken("org.jwebsocket.plugins.system", "login");
                        if (null != lJWSUsername && null != lJWSPassword) {
                            lToken.setString("username", lJWSUsername);
                            lToken.setString("password", lJWSPassword);
                        // and send it to the gateway (which is was the source of the message)
                        sendToken(aSourceId, lToken,
                                new JWSResponseTokenListener(JWSResponseTokenListener.RESP_TIME_FIELD) {

                                    public void onTimeout() {
                                        mLog.info("Login timed out!");

                                    public void onFailure(Token aReponse) {
                                        mLog.error("Login failure!");

                                    public void onSuccess(Token aReponse) {
                                        if (mLog.isInfoEnabled()) {
                                            mLog.info("Login success (response received in "
                                                    + aReponse.getLong(JWSResponseTokenListener.RESP_TIME_FIELD)
                                                    + "ms).");

                                }, 1000);

    // process response of the JMS Gateway login...
    lJWSEndPoint.addResponseListener("org.jwebsocket.plugins.system", "login",
            new JWSMessageListener(lJWSEndPoint) {
                public void processToken(String aSourceId, Token aToken) {
                    mLog.info("Login successful, initiating stress test...");


    // start the endpoint all all listener have been assigned

    // add a listener to listen in coming messages
    // lJMSClient.addListener(new JMSClientMessageListener(lJMSClient));
    // this is a console app demo
    // so wait in a thread loop until the client get shut down
    try {
        while (lJWSEndPoint.isOpen()) {
    } catch (InterruptedException lEx) {
        // ignore a potential exception here

    // check if JMS client has already been shutdown by logic
    if (!lJWSEndPoint.isShutdown()) {
        // if not yet done...
        mLog.info("Shutting down JMS Client Endpoint...");
        // shut the client properly down

    // and show final status message in the console
    mLog.info("JMS Client Endpoint properly shutdown.");

From source file:tld.yourname.jms.client.JMSClient.java

 * @param aArgs/*from w ww .  j av  a 2  s  .com*/
public static void main(String[] aArgs) {

    // set up log4j logging
    // later this should be read from a shared log4j properties or xml file!
    Properties lProps = new Properties();
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.rootLogger", "INFO, console");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.apache.activemq.spring", "WARN");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.apache.activemq.web.handler", "WARN");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.springframework", "WARN");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.apache.xbean", "WARN");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.apache.camel", "INFO");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.eclipse.jetty", "WARN");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.appender.console", "org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.appender.console.layout", "org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout");
            // "%p: %m%n"
            "%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p - %C{1}: %m%n");
    // set here the jWebSocket log level:
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.jwebsocket", "DEBUG");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.appender.console.threshold", "DEBUG");

    // only for debug purposes
    // JMSLogging.setFullTextLogging(true);
    mLog.info("jWebSocket JMS Gateway Demo Client");

    Configuration lConfig = null;
    boolean lConfigLoaded;
    try {
        // try to load properties files from local folder or jar
        String lPath = "JMSClient.properties";
        mLog.debug("Tring to read properties from: " + lPath);
        lConfig = new PropertiesConfiguration(lPath);
    } catch (ConfigurationException ex) {
    if (null == lConfig) {
        try {
            // try to load properties files from JWEBSOCKET_HOME/conf/JMSPlugIn
            String lPath = Tools.expandEnvVarsAndProps("${JWEBSOCKET_HOME}conf/JMSPlugIn/JMSClient.properties");
            // String lPath = Tools.expandEnvVarsAndProps("${JWEBSOCKET_HOME}conf/JMSPlugIn/JMSClient.properties");
            mLog.debug("Tring to read properties from: " + lPath);
            lConfig = new PropertiesConfiguration(lPath);
        } catch (ConfigurationException ex) {
    if (null == lConfig) {
        mLog.error("Configuration file could not be opened.");

    // the URL of the message broker
    String lBrokerURL = lConfig.getString("BrokerURL", "tcp://");
    // "failover:(tcp://,tcp://";
    // the name of the JMS Gateway topic
    String lGatewayTopic = lConfig.getString("GatewayTopic", "org.jwebsocket.jms.gateway");
    // endpoint id of JMS Gateway
    String lGatewayId = lConfig.getString("GatewayId", "org.jwebsocket.jms.gateway");
    String lEndPointId = lConfig.getString("EndPointId", UUID.randomUUID().toString());

    lTargetEndPointId = lConfig.getString("TargetEndPointId", lGatewayId);

    // get authentication information against jWebSocket
    final String lJWSUsername = lConfig.getString("JWSUsername");
    final String lJWSPassword = lConfig.getString("JWSPassword");
    final boolean lFullTextLogging = lConfig.getBoolean("FullTextLogging", false);

    // set up OAuth Authenticator
    boolean lUseOAuth = lConfig.getBoolean("UseOAuth", false);

    if (lUseOAuth) {
        String lOAuthHost = lConfig.getString("OAuthHost");
        String lOAuthAppId = lConfig.getString("OAuthAppId");
        String lOAuthAppSecret = lConfig.getString("OAuthAppSecret");
        String lOAuthUsername = lConfig.getString("OAuthUsername");
        String lOAuthPassword = lConfig.getString("OAuthPassword");
        long lOAuthTimeout = lConfig.getLong("OAuthTimeout", 5000);

        lUseOAuth = lUseOAuth && null != lOAuthHost && null != lOAuthAppId && null != lOAuthAppSecret
                && null != lOAuthUsername && null != lOAuthPassword;

        if (lUseOAuth) {
            lOAuthAuthenticator.init(lOAuthHost, lOAuthAppId, lOAuthAppSecret, lOAuthUsername, lOAuthPassword,
            try {
                lOAuthAuthenticator.authDirect(lOAuthUsername, lOAuthPassword);
            } catch (JMSEndpointException lEx) {
                mLog.error("User '" + lOAuthUsername + "' could not be authenticated at client: "
                        + lEx.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + lEx.getMessage());
        } else {
            mLog.error("Missing OAuth required configuration parameters!");

    // set up LDAP Authenticator
    boolean lUseLDAP = lConfig.getBoolean("UseLDAP", false);

    if (lUseLDAP) {
        String lLDAPURL = lConfig.getString("LDAPURL");
        String lBaseDNGroups = lConfig.getString("BaseDNGroups");
        String lBaseDNUsers = lConfig.getString("BaseDNUsers");
        String lBindUsername = lConfig.getString("BindUsername");
        String lBindPassword = lConfig.getString("BindPassword");

        if (lUseLDAP) {
            lLDAPAuthenticator.init(lLDAPURL, lBaseDNGroups, lBaseDNUsers);
            // to authenticatie the client, if required
            try {
                lLDAPAuthenticator.bind(lBindUsername, lBindPassword);
            } catch (JMSEndpointException lEx) {
                mLog.error("User '" + lBindUsername + "' could not be authenticated at client: "
                        + lEx.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + lEx.getMessage());
        } else {
            mLog.error("Missing LDAP required configuration parameters!");

    // setup memory authenticator
    boolean lUseMemory = true;
    if (lUseMemory) {
        // statically adding user credentials (password require to be MD5 value)
        lMemoryAuthenticator.addCredentials("root", "63a9f0ea7bb98050796b649e85481845"); //root:root
        // registering the authenticator

    // TODO: Validate config data here!
    lConfigLoaded = true;

    if (!lConfigLoaded) {
        mLog.error("Config not loaded.");

    mLog.info("Using: " + lBrokerURL + ", " + "topic: " + lGatewayTopic + ", " + "gateway-id: " + lGatewayId
            + ", " + "endpoint-id: " + lEndPointId);

    // todo: Comment that for production purposes

    try {
        lJWSEndPoint = JWSEndPoint.getInstance(lBrokerURL, lGatewayTopic, // gateway topic
                lGatewayId, // gateway endpoint id
                lEndPointId, // unique node id
                5, // thread pool size, messages being processed concurrently
                JMSEndPoint.TEMPORARY // durable (for servers) or temporary (for clients)

        // in case you will require the server LoadBalancer features
        // set the CPU updater for the instance
        // lCpuUpdater = new JWSLoadBalancerCpuUpdater(lJWSEndPoint, lTargetEndPointId);
        // lCpuUpdater.autoStart();
    } catch (JMSException lEx) {
        mLog.fatal("JMSEndpoint could not be instantiated: " + lEx.getMessage());

    // on welcome message from jWebSocket, authenticate against jWebSocket
    lJWSEndPoint.addRequestListener("org.jwebsocket.jms.gateway", "welcome",
            new JWSMessageListener(lJWSEndPoint) {
                public void processToken(String aSourceId, Token aToken) {
                    mLog.info("Received 'welcome' from '" + aSourceId + ".");
                    if ("org.jwebsocket.jms.gateway".equals(aSourceId)) {
                        // create a login token...
                        mLog.info("Authenticating against jWebSocket...");
                        Token lToken = TokenFactory.createToken("org.jwebsocket.plugins.system", "login");
                        if (null != lJWSUsername && null != lJWSPassword) {
                            lToken.setString("username", lJWSUsername);
                            lToken.setString("password", lJWSPassword);
                        // and send it to the gateway (which is was the source of the message)
                        sendToken(aSourceId, lToken,
                                new JWSResponseTokenListener(JWSResponseTokenListener.RESP_TIME_FIELD) {

                                    public void onTimeout() {
                                        mLog.info("Login timed out!");

                                    public void onFailure(Token aReponse) {
                                        mLog.error("Login failure!");

                                    public void onSuccess(Token aReponse) {
                                        if (mLog.isInfoEnabled()) {
                                            mLog.info("Login success (response received in "
                                                    + aReponse.getLong(JWSResponseTokenListener.RESP_TIME_FIELD)
                                                    + "ms).");

                                }, 1000);

    // process response of the JMS Gateway login...
    lJWSEndPoint.addResponseListener("org.jwebsocket.plugins.system", "login",
            new JWSMessageListener(lJWSEndPoint) {
                public void processToken(String aSourceId, Token aToken) {
                    mLog.info("Login successful, initiating client communication process...");

                    // runProgressTest();
                    // runOAuthTest();
                    Map<String, Object> lArgs = new FastMap<String, Object>();

                    // echo on login
                    int lCode = aToken.getInteger("code", -1);
                    if (0 == lCode) {
                        if (mLog.isInfoEnabled()) {
                            mLog.info("Authentication against jWebSocket JMS Gateway successful.");
                    } else {
                        mLog.error("Authentication against jWebSocket JMS Gateway failed!");

                    lArgs.put("echo", "This is the echo message");
                    lArgs.put("targetId", lTargetEndPointId);

                            // lTargetEndPointId,
                            "org.jwebsocket.jms.gateway", // target id
                            "org.jwebsocket.jms.demo", // ns
                            "echo", // type
                            lArgs, "any additional payload if required",
                            new JWSResponseTokenListener(JWSResponseTokenListener.RESP_TIME_FIELD) {

                                public void onTimeout() {
                                    mLog.info("Echo timed out!");

                                public void onFailure(Token aReponse) {
                                    mLog.error("Echo failure!");

                                public void onSuccess(Token aReponse) {
                                    if (mLog.isInfoEnabled()) {
                                        mLog.info("Echo success (response received in "
                                                + aReponse.getLong(JWSResponseTokenListener.RESP_TIME_FIELD)
                                                + "ms).");

                            }, 10000);

    // process response echo request to the JMS demo plug-in...
    lJWSEndPoint.addResponseListener("org.jwebsocket.plugins.jmsdemo", "echo",
            new JWSMessageListener(lJWSEndPoint) {
                public void processToken(String aSourceId, Token aToken) {
                    mLog.info("Response from '" + aSourceId + "' to 'echo' received: "
                            + (JMSLogging.isFullTextLogging() ? aToken.toString() : aToken.getLogString()));

    // process response of the JMS Gateway login...
    lJWSEndPoint.addResponseListener("org.jwebsocket.svcep.demo", "sso1", new JWSMessageListener(lJWSEndPoint) {
        public void processToken(String aSourceId, Token aToken) {
            int lCode = aToken.getInteger("code", -1);
            if (0 == lCode) {
                if (mLog.isInfoEnabled()) {
                    mLog.info("Username was detected by server: '" + aToken.getString("username") + "'");

    // process response of the get data response...
    lJWSEndPoint.addResponseListener("tld.yourname.jms", "getData", new JWSMessageListener(lJWSEndPoint) {
        public void processToken(String aSourceId, Token aToken) {
            int lCode = aToken.getInteger("code", -1);
            if (0 == lCode) {
                if (mLog.isInfoEnabled()) {
                    mLog.info("Data transfer successful.");
            } else {
                mLog.error("Data transfer failed!");

            // reading a file using Apache Commons IO into a byte array
            File lFile = new File("Apache License 2.0.txt");
            byte[] lBA = null;
            try {
                lBA = FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(lFile);
            } catch (IOException lEx) {
                mLog.error("Demo file " + lFile.getAbsolutePath() + " could not be loaded!");

            // if the file could properly being read...
            if (null != lBA) {
                // base64 encode it w/o any compression
                String lBase64Encoded = Tools.base64Encode(lBA);

                // or compress it as an zip archive
                String lBase64Zipped = null;
                try {
                    lBase64Zipped = Tools.base64Encode(Tools.zip(lBA, false));
                } catch (Exception lEx) {
                    mLog.error("File could not be compressed: " + lEx.getMessage());

                Token lToken = TokenFactory.createToken();
                // put base64 encoded only version into message
                lToken.setString("fileAsBase64", lBase64Encoded);
                // and the zipped version as well (for demo purposes)
                lToken.setString("fileAsZip", lBase64Zipped);

                // generate the payload as JSON
                String lPayload = JSONProcessor.tokenToPacket(lToken).getUTF8();
                // add some optional arguments to be passed to the target
                Map<String, Object> lArgs = new FastMap<String, Object>();
                lArgs.put("arg1", "value1");
                lArgs.put("arg2", "value2");

                // send the payload to the target (here the JMS demo service)
                lJWSEndPoint.sendPayload("JMSServer", "tld.yourname.jms", "transferFile", lArgs, lPayload);

            // and shut down the client
            mLog.info("Gracefully shutting down...");

    // start the endpoint all all listener have been assigned

    // add a listener to listen in coming messages
    // lJMSClient.addListener(new JMSClientMessageListener(lJMSClient));
    // this is a console app demo
    // so wait in a thread loop until the client get shut down
    try {
        while (lJWSEndPoint.isOpen()) {
    } catch (InterruptedException lEx) {
        // ignore a potential exception here

    // check if JMS client has already been shutdown by logic
    if (!lJWSEndPoint.isShutdown()) {
        // if not yet done...
        mLog.info("Shutting down JMS Client Endpoint...");
        // shut the client properly down

    // and show final status message in the console
    mLog.info("JMS Client Endpoint properly shutdown.");

From source file:tld.yourname.jms.client.OntologyPlugInUsage.java

 * @param aArgs/*from  w  w w  .  j  a  va  2 s . c  o  m*/
public static void main(String[] aArgs) {

    // set up log4j logging
    // later this should be read from a shared log4j properties or xml file!
    Properties lProps = new Properties();
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.rootLogger", "ERROR, console");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.apache.activemq.spring", "WARN");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.apache.activemq.web.handler", "WARN");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.springframework", "WARN");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.apache.xbean", "WARN");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.apache.camel", "INFO");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.eclipse.jetty", "WARN");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.appender.console", "org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.appender.console.layout", "org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout");
            // "%p: %m%n"
            "%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p - %C{1}: %m%n");
    // set here the jWebSocket log level:
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.jwebsocket", "DEBUG");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.appender.console.threshold", "DEBUG");

    // only for debug purposes
    // JMSLogging.setFullTextLogging(true);
    mLog.info("jWebSocket JMS Gateway Demo Client");

    Configuration lConfig = null;
    try {
        // try to load properties files from local folder or jar
        String lPath = "JMSClient.properties";
        mLog.debug("Tring to read properties from: " + lPath);
        lConfig = new PropertiesConfiguration(lPath);
    } catch (ConfigurationException ex) {
    if (null == lConfig) {
        try {
            // try to load properties files from JWEBSOCKET_HOME/conf/JMSPlugIn
            String lPath = Tools.expandEnvVarsAndProps("${JWEBSOCKET_HOME}conf/JMSPlugIn/JMSClient.properties");
            // String lPath = Tools.expandEnvVarsAndProps("${JWEBSOCKET_HOME}conf/JMSPlugIn/JMSClient.properties");
            mLog.debug("Tring to read properties from: " + lPath);
            lConfig = new PropertiesConfiguration(lPath);
        } catch (ConfigurationException ex) {
    if (null == lConfig) {
        mLog.error("Configuration file could not be opened.");

    // the URL of the message broker
    String lBrokerURL = lConfig.getString("BrokerURL", "tcp://");
    // "failover:(tcp://,tcp://";
    // the name of the JMS Gateway topic
    String lGatewayTopic = lConfig.getString("GatewayTopic", "org.jwebsocket.jms.gateway");
    // endpoint id of JMS Gateway
    String lGatewayId = lConfig.getString("GatewayId", "org.jwebsocket.jms.gateway");
    String lEndPointId = lConfig.getString("EndPointId", UUID.randomUUID().toString());

    // get authentication information against jWebSocket
    final String lJWSUsername = lConfig.getString("JWSUsername");
    final String lJWSPassword = lConfig.getString("JWSPassword");
    final boolean lFullTextLogging = lConfig.getBoolean("FullTextLogging", false);

    mLog.info("Using: " + lBrokerURL + ", " + "topic: " + lGatewayTopic + ", " + "gateway-id: " + lGatewayId
            + ", " + "endpoint-id: " + lEndPointId);

    // todo: Comment that for production purposes

    try {
        lJWSEndPoint = JWSEndPoint.getInstance(lBrokerURL, lGatewayTopic, // gateway topic
                lGatewayId, // gateway endpoint id
                lEndPointId, // unique node id
                4, // thread pool size, messages being processed concurrently
                JMSEndPoint.TEMPORARY // durable (for servers) or temporary (for clients)

        // in case you will require the server LoadBalancer features
        // set the CPU updater for the instance
        // lCpuUpdater = new JWSLoadBalancerCpuUpdater(lJWSEndPoint, lTargetEndPointId);
        // lCpuUpdater.autoStart();
    } catch (JMSException lEx) {
        mLog.fatal("JMSEndpoint could not be instantiated: " + lEx.getMessage());

    // on welcome message from jWebSocket, authenticate against jWebSocket
    lJWSEndPoint.addRequestListener("org.jwebsocket.jms.gateway", "welcome",
            new JWSMessageListener(lJWSEndPoint) {
                public void processToken(String aSourceId, Token aToken) {
                    if ("org.jwebsocket.jms.gateway".equals(aSourceId)) {
                        // create a login token...
                        mLog.info("Authenticating against jWebSocket...");
                        Token lToken = TokenFactory.createToken("org.jwebsocket.plugins.system", "login");
                        if (null != lJWSUsername && null != lJWSPassword) {
                            lToken.setString("username", lJWSUsername);
                            lToken.setString("password", lJWSPassword);
                        // and send it to the gateway (which is was the source of the message)
                        sendToken(aSourceId, lToken,
                                new JWSResponseTokenListener(JWSResponseTokenListener.RESP_TIME_FIELD) {

                                    public void onTimeout() {
                                        mLog.info("Login timed out!");

                                    public void onFailure(Token aReponse) {
                                        mLog.error("Login failure!");

                                    public void onSuccess(Token aReponse) {
                                        if (mLog.isInfoEnabled()) {
                                            mLog.info("Login success (response received in "
                                                    + aReponse.getLong(JWSResponseTokenListener.RESP_TIME_FIELD)
                                                    + "ms).");

                                }, 1000);

    // process response of the JMS Gateway login...
    lJWSEndPoint.addResponseListener("org.jwebsocket.plugins.system", "login",
            new JWSMessageListener(lJWSEndPoint) {
                public void processToken(String aSourceId, Token aToken) {
                    mLog.info("Login successful, initiating stress test...");


    // start the endpoint all all listener have been assigned

    // add a listener to listen in coming messages
    // lJMSClient.addListener(new JMSClientMessageListener(lJMSClient));
    // this is a console app demo
    // so wait in a thread loop until the client get shut down
    try {
        while (lJWSEndPoint.isOpen()) {
    } catch (InterruptedException lEx) {
        // ignore a potential exception here

    // check if JMS client has already been shutdown by logic
    if (!lJWSEndPoint.isShutdown()) {
        // if not yet done...
        mLog.info("Shutting down JMS Client Endpoint...");
        // shut the client properly down

    // and show final status message in the console
    mLog.info("JMS Client Endpoint properly shutdown.");

From source file:tld.yourname.jms.server.DemoService1.java

 * @param aArgs/* ww w . j  a v a 2  s.co  m*/
 * @return
public JWSEndPoint start(String[] aArgs) {
    // set up log4j logging
    // later this should be read from a shared log4j properties or xml file!
    Properties lProps = new Properties();
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.rootLogger", "INFO, console");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.apache.activemq", "WARN");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.springframework", "WARN");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.apache.xbean", "WARN");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.apache.camel", "INFO");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.eclipse.jetty", "WARN");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.appender.console", "org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.appender.console.layout", "org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout");
            // "%p: %m%n"
            "%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p - %C{1}: %m%n");
    // set here the jWebSocket log level:
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.jwebsocket", "DEBUG");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.appender.console.threshold", "DEBUG");

    // setting the endpoint service authenticator, clients commonly require 
    // to authenticate againts endpoint services
    final JWSAutoSelectAuthenticator lAuthenticator = new JWSAutoSelectAuthenticator();
    final JWSOAuthAuthenticator lOAuthAuthenticator = new JWSOAuthAuthenticator();
    final JWSLDAPAuthenticator lLDAPAuthenticator = new JWSLDAPAuthenticator();

    // hardcoding memory authenticator for example
    JWSMemoryAuthenticator lMemoryAuth = new JWSMemoryAuthenticator();
    lMemoryAuth.addCredentials("admin", "21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3"); //admin:admin

    mLog.info("jWebSocket JMS Gateway Server Endpoint");
    Configuration lConfig = null;
    boolean lConfigLoaded;
    try {
        // try to load properties files from local folder or jar
        String lPath = "JMSServer.properties";
        mLog.debug("Trying to read properties from: " + lPath);
        lConfig = new PropertiesConfiguration(lPath);
    } catch (ConfigurationException ex) {
    if (null == lConfig) {
        try {
            // try to load properties files from JWEBSOCKET_HOME/conf/JMSPlugIn
            String lPath = Tools
            mLog.debug("Tring to read properties from: " + lPath);
            lConfig = new PropertiesConfiguration(lPath);
        } catch (ConfigurationException ex) {
    if (null == lConfig) {
        mLog.error("Configuration file could not be opened.");
        return null;

    // the URL of the message broker
    String lBrokerURL = lConfig.getString("BrokerURL", "tcp://");
    // "failover:(tcp://,tcp://";
    // the name of the JMS Gateway topic
    String lGatewayTopic = lConfig.getString("GatewayTopic", "org.jwebsocket.jms.gateway");
    // endpoint id of JMS Gateway
    String lGatewayId = lConfig.getString("GatewayId", "org.jwebsocket.jms.gateway");
    String lEndPointId = lConfig.getString("EndPointId", UUID.randomUUID().toString());

    // get authentication information against jWebSocket
    final String lJWSUsername = lConfig.getString("JWSUsername");
    final String lJWSPassword = lConfig.getString("JWSPassword");
    final boolean lFullTextLogging = lConfig.getBoolean("FullTextLogging", false);

    // set up OAuth Authenticator
    boolean lUseOAuth = lConfig.getBoolean("UseOAuth", false);
    if (lUseOAuth) {
        String lOAuthHost = lConfig.getString("OAuthHost");
        String lOAuthAppId = lConfig.getString("OAuthAppId");
        String lOAuthAppSecret = lConfig.getString("OAuthAppSecret");
        String lOAuthUsername = lConfig.getString("OAuthUsername");
        String lOAuthPassword = lConfig.getString("OAuthPassword");
        long lOAuthTimeout = lConfig.getLong("OAuthTimeout", 5000);

        lUseOAuth = lUseOAuth && null != lOAuthHost && null != lOAuthAppId && null != lOAuthAppSecret
                && null != lOAuthUsername && null != lOAuthPassword;

        lOAuthAuthenticator.init(lOAuthHost, lOAuthAppId, lOAuthAppSecret, lOAuthTimeout);

    // set up LDAP Authenticator
    boolean lUseLDAP = lConfig.getBoolean("UseLDAP", false);
    if (lUseLDAP) {
        String lLDAPURL = lConfig.getString("LDAPURL");
        String lBaseDNGroups = lConfig.getString("BaseDNGroups");
        String lBaseDNUsers = lConfig.getString("BaseDNUsers");

        lLDAPAuthenticator.init(lLDAPURL, lBaseDNGroups, lBaseDNUsers);

    // TODO: Validate config data here!
    lConfigLoaded = true;

    if (!lConfigLoaded) {
        mLog.error("Config not loaded.");

    mLog.info("Using: " + lBrokerURL + ", " + "topic: " + lGatewayTopic + ", " + "gateway-id: " + lGatewayId
            + ", " + "endpoint-id: " + lEndPointId);

    // todo: Comment that for production purposes

    // instantiate a new jWebSocket JMS Gateway Client
    try {
        lJWSEndPoint = JWSEndPoint.getInstance(lBrokerURL, lGatewayTopic, // gateway topic
                lGatewayId, // gateway endpoint id
                lEndPointId, // unique node id
                5, // thread pool size, messages being processed concurrently
                JMSEndPoint.TEMPORARY // durable (for servers) or temporary (for clients)
    } catch (JMSException lEx) {
        mLog.fatal("JMSEndpoint could not be instantiated: " + lEx.getMessage());

    lJWSEndPoint.addRequestListener("org.jwebsocket.jms.gateway", "welcome",
            new JWSMessageListener(lJWSEndPoint) {
                public void processToken(String aSourceId, Token aToken) {
                    mLog.info("Received 'welcome', authenticating against jWebSocket...");
                    Token lToken = TokenFactory.createToken("org.jwebsocket.plugins.system", "login");
                    lToken.setString("username", lJWSUsername);
                    lToken.setString("password", lJWSPassword);
                    sendToken(aSourceId, lToken);

    // on response of the login...
    lJWSEndPoint.addResponseListener("org.jwebsocket.plugins.system", "login",
            new JWSMessageListener(lJWSEndPoint) {
                public void processToken(String aSourceId, Token aToken) {
                    int lCode = aToken.getInteger("code", -1);
                    if (0 == lCode) {
                        if (mLog.isInfoEnabled()) {
                            mLog.info("Authentication against jWebSocket successful.");
                    } else {
                        mLog.error("Authentication against jWebSocket failed!");

    // adding service 'getTime' command implementation ...
    lJWSEndPoint.addRequestListener("somecompany.service.clock", "getTime",
            new JWSMessageListener(lJWSEndPoint) {
                public void processToken(String aSourceId, Token aToken) {
                    try {
                        String lUser = lAuthenticator.authenticate(aToken);
                        if (null == lUser) {
                            lJWSEndPoint.respondPayload(aToken, -1, // return code
                                    "access denied", // return message
                                    null, null);
                        } else {
                            if (mLog.isInfoEnabled()) {
                                mLog.info("Processing 'getTime' request from '" + lUser + "' user...");
                            lJWSEndPoint.respondPayload(aToken, 0, // return code
                                    "OK", // return message
                                    new MapAppender().append("time", System.currentTimeMillis()).getMap(),
                    } catch (JMSEndpointException lEx) {
                        mLog.error("Unexpected error during service request processing", lEx);

    // on response of the login...
    lJWSEndPoint.addRequestListener("org.jwebsocket.jms.demo", "echo", new JWSMessageListener(lJWSEndPoint) {
        public void processToken(String aSourceId, Token aToken) {
            String lPayload = aToken.getString("payload");
            if (mLog.isInfoEnabled()) {
                mLog.info("Processing 'demo1 with Payload '" + lPayload + "'");
            Map<String, Object> lAdditionalResults = new FastMap<String, Object>();
            // lAdditionalResults.remove("sourceId");
            lJWSEndPoint.respondPayload(aToken, 0, // return code
                    "Ok", // return message
                    lAdditionalResults, aToken.getString("payload"));

    // on response of the login...
    lJWSEndPoint.addRequestListener("org.jwebsocket.jms.demo", "testProgress",
            new JWSMessageListener(lJWSEndPoint) {
                public void processToken(String aSourceId, Token aToken) {
                    int lMax = 10;
                    for (int lIdx = 0; lIdx < lMax; lIdx++) {
                        mLog.debug("Progress iteration " + lIdx + "...");
                        try {
                        } catch (InterruptedException lEx) {
                        lJWSEndPoint.sendProgress(aToken, ((lIdx + 1.0) / lMax) * 100, 0, "Iteration #" + lIdx,
                    lJWSEndPoint.respondPayload(aToken, 0, // return code
                            "Ok", // return message
                            null, aToken.getString("payload"));

    // start the endpoint all all listener have been assigned
    return lJWSEndPoint;

From source file:tld.yourname.jms.server.DemoService2.java

 * @param aArgs//from   ww w . j  av a  2  s  .  c o m
 * @return
public JWSEndPoint start(String[] aArgs) {
    // set up log4j logging
    // later this should be read from a shared log4j properties or xml file!
    Properties lProps = new Properties();
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.rootLogger", "INFO, console");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.apache.activemq", "WARN");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.springframework", "WARN");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.apache.xbean", "WARN");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.apache.camel", "INFO");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.eclipse.jetty", "WARN");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.appender.console", "org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.appender.console.layout", "org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout");
            // "%p: %m%n"
            "%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p - %C{1}: %m%n");
    // set here the jWebSocket log level:
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.jwebsocket", "DEBUG");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.appender.console.threshold", "DEBUG");

    // setting the endpoint service authenticator, clients commonly require 
    // to authenticate againts endpoint services
    final JWSAutoSelectAuthenticator lAuthenticator = new JWSAutoSelectAuthenticator();
    final JWSOAuthAuthenticator lOAuthAuthenticator = new JWSOAuthAuthenticator();
    final JWSLDAPAuthenticator lLDAPAuthenticator = new JWSLDAPAuthenticator();

    // hardcoding memory authenticator for example
    JWSMemoryAuthenticator lMemoryAuth = new JWSMemoryAuthenticator();
    lMemoryAuth.addCredentials("admin", "21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3"); //admin:admin

    mLog.info("jWebSocket JMS Gateway Server Endpoint");
    Configuration lConfig = null;
    boolean lConfigLoaded;
    try {
        // try to load properties files from local folder or jar
        String lPath = "JMSServer.properties";
        mLog.debug("Trying to read properties from: " + lPath);
        lConfig = new PropertiesConfiguration(lPath);
    } catch (ConfigurationException ex) {
    if (null == lConfig) {
        try {
            // try to load properties files from JWEBSOCKET_HOME/conf/JMSPlugIn
            String lPath = Tools
            mLog.debug("Tring to read properties from: " + lPath);
            lConfig = new PropertiesConfiguration(lPath);
        } catch (ConfigurationException ex) {
    if (null == lConfig) {
        mLog.error("Configuration file could not be opened.");
        return null;

    // the URL of the message broker
    String lBrokerURL = lConfig.getString("BrokerURL", "tcp://");
    // "failover:(tcp://,tcp://";
    // the name of the JMS Gateway topic
    String lGatewayTopic = lConfig.getString("GatewayTopic", "org.jwebsocket.jms.gateway");
    // endpoint id of JMS Gateway
    String lGatewayId = lConfig.getString("GatewayId", "org.jwebsocket.jms.gateway");
    String lEndPointId = lConfig.getString("EndPointId", UUID.randomUUID().toString());

    // get authentication information against jWebSocket
    final String lJWSUsername = lConfig.getString("JWSUsername");
    final String lJWSPassword = lConfig.getString("JWSPassword");
    final boolean lFullTextLogging = lConfig.getBoolean("FullTextLogging", false);

    // set up OAuth Authenticator
    boolean lUseOAuth = lConfig.getBoolean("UseOAuth", false);
    if (lUseOAuth) {
        String lOAuthHost = lConfig.getString("OAuthHost");
        String lOAuthAppId = lConfig.getString("OAuthAppId");
        String lOAuthAppSecret = lConfig.getString("OAuthAppSecret");
        String lOAuthUsername = lConfig.getString("OAuthUsername");
        String lOAuthPassword = lConfig.getString("OAuthPassword");
        long lOAuthTimeout = lConfig.getLong("OAuthTimeout", 5000);

        lUseOAuth = lUseOAuth && null != lOAuthHost && null != lOAuthAppId && null != lOAuthAppSecret
                && null != lOAuthUsername && null != lOAuthPassword;

        lOAuthAuthenticator.init(lOAuthHost, lOAuthAppId, lOAuthAppSecret, lOAuthTimeout);

    // set up LDAP Authenticator
    boolean lUseLDAP = lConfig.getBoolean("UseLDAP", false);
    if (lUseLDAP) {
        String lLDAPURL = lConfig.getString("LDAPURL");
        String lBaseDNGroups = lConfig.getString("BaseDNGroups");
        String lBaseDNUsers = lConfig.getString("BaseDNUsers");

        lLDAPAuthenticator.init(lLDAPURL, lBaseDNGroups, lBaseDNUsers);

    // TODO: Validate config data here!
    lConfigLoaded = true;

    if (!lConfigLoaded) {
        mLog.error("Config not loaded.");

    mLog.info("Using: " + lBrokerURL + ", " + "topic: " + lGatewayTopic + ", " + "gateway-id: " + lGatewayId
            + ", " + "endpoint-id: " + lEndPointId);

    // todo: Comment that for production purposes

    // instantiate a new jWebSocket JMS Gateway Client
    try {
        lJWSEndPoint = JWSEndPoint.getInstance(lBrokerURL, lGatewayTopic, // gateway topic
                lGatewayId, // gateway endpoint id
                lEndPointId, // unique node id
                5, // thread pool size, messages being processed concurrently
                JMSEndPoint.TEMPORARY // durable (for servers) or temporary (for clients)
    } catch (JMSException lEx) {
        mLog.fatal("JMSEndpoint could not be instantiated: " + lEx.getMessage());

    lJWSEndPoint.addRequestListener("org.jwebsocket.jms.gateway", "welcome",
            new JWSMessageListener(lJWSEndPoint) {
                public void processToken(String aSourceId, Token aToken) {
                    mLog.info("Received 'welcome', authenticating against jWebSocket...");
                    Token lToken = TokenFactory.createToken("org.jwebsocket.plugins.system", "login");
                    lToken.setString("username", lJWSUsername);
                    lToken.setString("password", lJWSPassword);
                    sendToken(aSourceId, lToken);

    // on response of the login...
    lJWSEndPoint.addResponseListener("org.jwebsocket.plugins.system", "login",
            new JWSMessageListener(lJWSEndPoint) {
                public void processToken(String aSourceId, Token aToken) {
                    int lCode = aToken.getInteger("code", -1);
                    if (0 == lCode) {
                        if (mLog.isInfoEnabled()) {
                            mLog.info("Authentication against jWebSocket successful.");
                    } else {
                        mLog.error("Authentication against jWebSocket failed!");

    // adding service 'getTime' command implementation ...
    lJWSEndPoint.addRequestListener("somecompany.service.clock", "getTime",
            new JWSMessageListener(lJWSEndPoint) {
                public void processToken(String aSourceId, Token aToken) {
                    try {
                        String lUser = lAuthenticator.authenticate(aToken);
                        if (null == lUser) {
                            lJWSEndPoint.respondPayload(aToken, -1, // return code
                                    "access denied", // return message
                                    null, null);
                        } else {
                            if (mLog.isInfoEnabled()) {
                                mLog.info("Processing 'getTime' request from '" + lUser + "' user...");
                            lJWSEndPoint.respondPayload(aToken, 0, // return code
                                    "OK", // return message
                                    new MapAppender().append("time", System.currentTimeMillis()).getMap(),
                    } catch (JMSEndpointException lEx) {
                        mLog.error("Unexpected error during service request processing", lEx);

    // on response of the login...
    lJWSEndPoint.addRequestListener("org.jwebsocket.jms.demo", "echo", new JWSMessageListener(lJWSEndPoint) {
        public void processToken(String aSourceId, Token aToken) {
            String lPayload = aToken.getString("payload");
            if (mLog.isInfoEnabled()) {
                mLog.info("Processing 'demo1 with Payload '" + lPayload + "'");
            Map<String, Object> lAdditionalResults = new FastMap<String, Object>();
            // lAdditionalResults.remove("sourceId");
            lJWSEndPoint.respondPayload(aToken, 0, // return code
                    "Ok", // return message
                    lAdditionalResults, aToken.getString("payload"));

    // on response of the login...
    lJWSEndPoint.addRequestListener("org.jwebsocket.jms.demo", "testProgress",
            new JWSMessageListener(lJWSEndPoint) {
                public void processToken(String aSourceId, Token aToken) {
                    int lMax = 10;
                    for (int lIdx = 0; lIdx < lMax; lIdx++) {
                        mLog.debug("Progress iteration " + lIdx + "...");
                        try {
                        } catch (InterruptedException lEx) {
                        lJWSEndPoint.sendProgress(aToken, ((lIdx + 1.0) / lMax) * 100, 0, "Iteration #" + lIdx,
                    lJWSEndPoint.respondPayload(aToken, 0, // return code
                            "Ok", // return message
                            null, aToken.getString("payload"));

    // start the endpoint all all listener have been assigned
    return lJWSEndPoint;

From source file:tld.yourname.jms.server.DemoService3.java

 * @param aArgs/*  ww w .j a  v a 2s . c o m*/
 * @return
public JWSEndPoint start(String[] aArgs) {
    // set up log4j logging
    // later this should be read from a shared log4j properties or xml file!
    Properties lProps = new Properties();
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.rootLogger", "INFO, console");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.apache.activemq", "WARN");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.springframework", "WARN");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.apache.xbean", "WARN");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.apache.camel", "INFO");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.eclipse.jetty", "WARN");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.appender.console", "org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.appender.console.layout", "org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout");
            // "%p: %m%n"
            "%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p - %C{1}: %m%n");
    // set here the jWebSocket log level:
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.jwebsocket", "DEBUG");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.appender.console.threshold", "DEBUG");

    // setting the endpoint service authenticator, clients commonly require 
    // to authenticate againts endpoint services
    final JWSAutoSelectAuthenticator lAuthenticator = new JWSAutoSelectAuthenticator();
    final JWSOAuthAuthenticator lOAuthAuthenticator = new JWSOAuthAuthenticator();
    final JWSLDAPAuthenticator lLDAPAuthenticator = new JWSLDAPAuthenticator();

    // hardcoding memory authenticator for example
    JWSMemoryAuthenticator lMemoryAuth = new JWSMemoryAuthenticator();
    lMemoryAuth.addCredentials("admin", "21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3"); //admin:admin

    mLog.info("jWebSocket JMS Gateway Server Endpoint");
    Configuration lConfig = null;
    boolean lConfigLoaded;
    try {
        // try to load properties files from local folder or jar
        String lPath = "JMSServer.properties";
        mLog.debug("Trying to read properties from: " + lPath);
        lConfig = new PropertiesConfiguration(lPath);
    } catch (ConfigurationException ex) {
    if (null == lConfig) {
        try {
            // try to load properties files from JWEBSOCKET_HOME/conf/JMSPlugIn
            String lPath = Tools
            mLog.debug("Tring to read properties from: " + lPath);
            lConfig = new PropertiesConfiguration(lPath);
        } catch (ConfigurationException ex) {
    if (null == lConfig) {
        mLog.error("Configuration file could not be opened.");
        return null;

    // the URL of the message broker
    String lBrokerURL = lConfig.getString("BrokerURL", "tcp://");
    // "failover:(tcp://,tcp://";
    // the name of the JMS Gateway topic
    String lGatewayTopic = lConfig.getString("GatewayTopic", "org.jwebsocket.jms.gateway");
    // endpoint id of JMS Gateway
    String lGatewayId = lConfig.getString("GatewayId", "org.jwebsocket.jms.gateway");
    String lEndPointId = lConfig.getString("EndPointId", UUID.randomUUID().toString());

    // get authentication information against jWebSocket
    final String lJWSUsername = lConfig.getString("JWSUsername");
    final String lJWSPassword = lConfig.getString("JWSPassword");
    final boolean lFullTextLogging = lConfig.getBoolean("FullTextLogging", false);

    // set up OAuth Authenticator
    boolean lUseOAuth = lConfig.getBoolean("UseOAuth", false);
    if (lUseOAuth) {
        String lOAuthHost = lConfig.getString("OAuthHost");
        String lOAuthAppId = lConfig.getString("OAuthAppId");
        String lOAuthAppSecret = lConfig.getString("OAuthAppSecret");
        String lOAuthUsername = lConfig.getString("OAuthUsername");
        String lOAuthPassword = lConfig.getString("OAuthPassword");
        long lOAuthTimeout = lConfig.getLong("OAuthTimeout", 5000);

        lUseOAuth = lUseOAuth && null != lOAuthHost && null != lOAuthAppId && null != lOAuthAppSecret
                && null != lOAuthUsername && null != lOAuthPassword;

        lOAuthAuthenticator.init(lOAuthHost, lOAuthAppId, lOAuthAppSecret, lOAuthTimeout);

    // set up LDAP Authenticator
    boolean lUseLDAP = lConfig.getBoolean("UseLDAP", false);
    if (lUseLDAP) {
        String lLDAPURL = lConfig.getString("LDAPURL");
        String lBaseDNGroups = lConfig.getString("BaseDNGroups");
        String lBaseDNUsers = lConfig.getString("BaseDNUsers");

        lLDAPAuthenticator.init(lLDAPURL, lBaseDNGroups, lBaseDNUsers);

    // TODO: Validate config data here!
    lConfigLoaded = true;

    if (!lConfigLoaded) {
        mLog.error("Config not loaded.");

    mLog.info("Using: " + lBrokerURL + ", " + "topic: " + lGatewayTopic + ", " + "gateway-id: " + lGatewayId
            + ", " + "endpoint-id: " + lEndPointId);

    // todo: Comment that for production purposes

    // instantiate a new jWebSocket JMS Gateway Client
    try {
        lJWSEndPoint = JWSEndPoint.getInstance(lBrokerURL, lGatewayTopic, // gateway topic
                lGatewayId, // gateway endpoint id
                lEndPointId, // unique node id
                5, // thread pool size, messages being processed concurrently
                JMSEndPoint.TEMPORARY // durable (for servers) or temporary (for clients)
    } catch (JMSException lEx) {
        mLog.fatal("JMSEndpoint could not be instantiated: " + lEx.getMessage());

    lJWSEndPoint.addRequestListener("org.jwebsocket.jms.gateway", "welcome",
            new JWSMessageListener(lJWSEndPoint) {
                public void processToken(String aSourceId, Token aToken) {
                    mLog.info("Received 'welcome', authenticating against jWebSocket...");
                    Token lToken = TokenFactory.createToken("org.jwebsocket.plugins.system", "login");
                    lToken.setString("username", lJWSUsername);
                    lToken.setString("password", lJWSPassword);
                    sendToken(aSourceId, lToken);

    // on response of the login...
    lJWSEndPoint.addResponseListener("org.jwebsocket.plugins.system", "login",
            new JWSMessageListener(lJWSEndPoint) {
                public void processToken(String aSourceId, Token aToken) {
                    int lCode = aToken.getInteger("code", -1);
                    if (0 == lCode) {
                        if (mLog.isInfoEnabled()) {
                            mLog.info("Authentication against jWebSocket successful.");
                    } else {
                        mLog.error("Authentication against jWebSocket failed!");

    // adding service 'getTime' command implementation ...
    lJWSEndPoint.addRequestListener("somecompany.service.clock", "getTime",
            new JWSMessageListener(lJWSEndPoint) {
                public void processToken(String aSourceId, Token aToken) {
                    try {
                        String lUser = lAuthenticator.authenticate(aToken);
                        if (null == lUser) {
                            lJWSEndPoint.respondPayload(aToken, -1, // return code
                                    "access denied", // return message
                                    null, null);
                        } else {
                            if (mLog.isInfoEnabled()) {
                                mLog.info("Processing 'getTime' request from '" + lUser + "' user...");
                            lJWSEndPoint.respondPayload(aToken, 0, // return code
                                    "OK", // return message
                                    new MapAppender().append("time", System.currentTimeMillis()).getMap(),
                    } catch (JMSEndpointException lEx) {
                        mLog.error("Unexpected error during service request processing", lEx);

    // on response of the login...
    lJWSEndPoint.addRequestListener("org.jwebsocket.jms.demo", "echo", new JWSMessageListener(lJWSEndPoint) {
        public void processToken(String aSourceId, Token aToken) {
            String lPayload = aToken.getString("payload");
            if (mLog.isInfoEnabled()) {
                mLog.info("Processing 'demo1 with Payload '" + lPayload + "'");
            Map<String, Object> lAdditionalResults = new FastMap<String, Object>();
            // lAdditionalResults.remove("sourceId");
            lJWSEndPoint.respondPayload(aToken, 0, // return code
                    "Ok", // return message
                    lAdditionalResults, aToken.getString("payload"));

    // on response of the login...
    lJWSEndPoint.addRequestListener("org.jwebsocket.jms.demo", "testProgress",
            new JWSMessageListener(lJWSEndPoint) {
                public void processToken(String aSourceId, Token aToken) {
                    int lMax = 10;
                    for (int lIdx = 0; lIdx < lMax; lIdx++) {
                        mLog.debug("Progress iteration " + lIdx + "...");
                        try {
                        } catch (InterruptedException lEx) {
                        lJWSEndPoint.sendProgress(aToken, ((lIdx + 1.0) / lMax) * 100, 0, "Iteration #" + lIdx,
                    lJWSEndPoint.respondPayload(aToken, 0, // return code
                            "Ok", // return message
                            null, aToken.getString("payload"));

    // start the endpoint all all listener have been assigned
    return lJWSEndPoint;

From source file:tld.yourname.jms.server.JMSServer.java

 * @param aArgs//from  w w  w .  j  av  a  2s  .  c  o  m
 * @return
public JWSEndPoint start(String[] aArgs) {
    // set up log4j logging
    // later this should be read from a shared log4j properties or xml file!
    Properties lProps = new Properties();
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.rootLogger", "INFO, console");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.apache.activemq", "WARN");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.springframework", "WARN");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.apache.xbean", "WARN");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.apache.camel", "INFO");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.eclipse.jetty", "WARN");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.appender.console", "org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.appender.console.layout", "org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout");
            // "%p: %m%n"
            "%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p - %C{1}: %m%n");
    // set here the jWebSocket log level:
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.logger.org.jwebsocket", "DEBUG");
    lProps.setProperty("log4j.appender.console.threshold", "DEBUG");

    final JWSAutoSelectAuthenticator lAuthenticator = new JWSAutoSelectAuthenticator();
    final JWSOAuthAuthenticator lOAuthAuthenticator = new JWSOAuthAuthenticator();
    final JWSLDAPAuthenticator lLDAPAuthenticator = new JWSLDAPAuthenticator();

    mLog.info("jWebSocket JMS Gateway Server Endpoint");
    Configuration lConfig = null;
    boolean lConfigLoaded;
    try {
        // try to load properties files from local folder or jar
        String lPath = "JMSServer.properties";
        mLog.debug("Trying to read properties from: " + lPath);
        lConfig = new PropertiesConfiguration(lPath);
    } catch (ConfigurationException ex) {
    if (null == lConfig) {
        try {
            // try to load properties files from JWEBSOCKET_HOME/conf/JMSPlugIn
            String lPath = Tools.expandEnvVarsAndProps("/private/JMSServer.properties");
            // String lPath = Tools.expandEnvVarsAndProps("${JWEBSOCKET_HOME}conf/JMSPlugIn/JMSServer.properties");
            mLog.debug("Tring to read properties from: " + lPath);
            lConfig = new PropertiesConfiguration(lPath);
        } catch (ConfigurationException ex) {
    if (null == lConfig) {
        mLog.error("Configuration file could not be opened.");
        return null;

    // the URL of the message broker
    String lBrokerURL = lConfig.getString("BrokerURL", "tcp://");
    // "failover:(tcp://,tcp://";
    // the name of the JMS Gateway topic
    String lGatewayTopic = lConfig.getString("GatewayTopic", "org.jwebsocket.jms.gateway");
    // endpoint id of JMS Gateway
    String lGatewayId = lConfig.getString("GatewayId", "org.jwebsocket.jms.gateway");
    String lEndPointId = lConfig.getString("EndPointId", UUID.randomUUID().toString());

    // get authentication information against jWebSocket
    final String lJWSUsername = lConfig.getString("JWSUsername");
    final String lJWSPassword = lConfig.getString("JWSPassword");
    final boolean lFullTextLogging = lConfig.getBoolean("FullTextLogging", false);

    // set up OAuth Authenticator
    boolean lUseOAuth = lConfig.getBoolean("UseOAuth", false);

    String lOAuthHost = lConfig.getString("OAuthHost");
    String lOAuthAppId = lConfig.getString("OAuthAppId");
    String lOAuthAppSecret = lConfig.getString("OAuthAppSecret");
    String lOAuthUsername = lConfig.getString("OAuthUsername");
    String lOAuthPassword = lConfig.getString("OAuthPassword");
    long lOAuthTimeout = lConfig.getLong("OAuthTimeout", 5000);

    lUseOAuth = lUseOAuth && null != lOAuthHost && null != lOAuthAppId && null != lOAuthAppSecret
            && null != lOAuthUsername && null != lOAuthPassword;

    if (lUseOAuth) {
        lOAuthAuthenticator.init(lOAuthHost, lOAuthAppId, lOAuthAppSecret, lOAuthTimeout);

    // set up LDAP Authenticator
    boolean lUseLDAP = lConfig.getBoolean("UseLDAP", false);

    String lLDAPURL = lConfig.getString("LDAPURL");
    String lBaseDNGroups = lConfig.getString("BaseDNGroups");
    String lBaseDNUsers = lConfig.getString("BaseDNUsers");

    if (lUseLDAP) {
        lLDAPAuthenticator.init(lLDAPURL, lBaseDNGroups, lBaseDNUsers);

    // TODO: Validate config data here!
    lConfigLoaded = true;

    if (!lConfigLoaded) {
        mLog.error("Config not loaded.");

    mLog.info("Using: " + lBrokerURL + ", " + "topic: " + lGatewayTopic + ", " + "gateway-id: " + lGatewayId
            + ", " + "endpoint-id: " + lEndPointId);

    // todo: Comment that for production purposes

    // instantiate a new jWebSocket JMS Gateway Client
    try {
        lJWSEndPoint = JWSEndPoint.getInstance(lBrokerURL, lGatewayTopic, // gateway topic
                lGatewayId, // gateway endpoint id
                lEndPointId, // unique node id
                5, // thread pool size, messages being processed concurrently
                JMSEndPoint.TEMPORARY // durable (for servers) or temporary (for clients)
    } catch (JMSException lEx) {
        mLog.fatal("JMSEndpoint could not be instantiated: " + lEx.getMessage());

    lJWSEndPoint.addRequestListener("org.jwebsocket.jms.gateway", "welcome",
            new JWSMessageListener(lJWSEndPoint) {
                public void processToken(String aSourceId, Token aToken) {
                    mLog.info("Received 'welcome', authenticating against jWebSocket...");
                    Token lToken = TokenFactory.createToken("org.jwebsocket.plugins.system", "login");
                    lToken.setString("username", lJWSUsername);
                    lToken.setString("password", lJWSPassword);
                    sendToken(aSourceId, lToken);

    // on response of the login...
    lJWSEndPoint.addResponseListener("org.jwebsocket.plugins.system", "login",
            new JWSMessageListener(lJWSEndPoint) {
                public void processToken(String aSourceId, Token aToken) {
                    int lCode = aToken.getInteger("code", -1);
                    if (0 == lCode) {
                        if (mLog.isInfoEnabled()) {
                            mLog.info("Authentication against jWebSocket successful.");
                    } else {
                        mLog.error("Authentication against jWebSocket failed!");

    // on response of the login...
    lJWSEndPoint.addRequestListener("org.jwebsocket.jms.demo", "getUser", new JWSMessageListener(lJWSEndPoint) {
        public void processToken(String aSourceId, Token aToken) {
            String lPayload = aToken.getString("payload");
            if (mLog.isInfoEnabled()) {
                mLog.info("Processing 'getUser'...");

    // on response of the login...
    lJWSEndPoint.addRequestListener("org.jwebsocket.jms.demo", "echo", new JWSMessageListener(lJWSEndPoint) {
        public void processToken(String aSourceId, Token aToken) {
            String lPayload = aToken.getString("payload");
            if (mLog.isInfoEnabled()) {
                mLog.info("Processing 'demo1 with Payload '" + lPayload + "'");
            Map<String, Object> lAdditionalResults = new FastMap<String, Object>();
            // lAdditionalResults.remove("sourceId");
            lJWSEndPoint.respondPayload(aToken, 0, // return code
                    "Ok", // return message
                    lAdditionalResults, aToken.getString("payload"));

    // on response of the login...
    lJWSEndPoint.addRequestListener("org.jwebsocket.jms.demo", "testProgress",
            new JWSMessageListener(lJWSEndPoint) {
                public void processToken(String aSourceId, Token aToken) {
                    int lMax = 10;
                    for (int lIdx = 0; lIdx < lMax; lIdx++) {
                        mLog.debug("Progress iteration " + lIdx + "...");
                        try {
                        } catch (InterruptedException lEx) {
                        lJWSEndPoint.sendProgress(aToken, ((lIdx + 1.0) / lMax) * 100, 0, "Iteration #" + lIdx,
                    lJWSEndPoint.respondPayload(aToken, 0, // return code
                            "Ok", // return message
                            null, aToken.getString("payload"));

    // ...
    lJWSEndPoint.addRequestListener("org.jwebsocket.jms.demo", "testCaughtException",
            new JWSMessageListener(lJWSEndPoint) {
                public void processToken(String aSourceId, Token aToken) {
                    mLog.debug("Testing caught exception...");
                    // provoke null pointer exception and DO catch it for test purposes
                    int a = 1;
                    int b = 0;
                    try {
                        int c = a / b;
                        lJWSEndPoint.respondPayload(aToken, 0, // return code
                                "Ok", // return message
                                null, aToken.getString("payload"));
                    } catch (Exception Ex) {
                        lJWSEndPoint.respondPayload(aToken, -1, // return code
                                Ex.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + Ex.getMessage(), // return message
                                null, aToken.getString("payload"));

    // ...
    lJWSEndPoint.addRequestListener("org.jwebsocket.jms.demo", "testUncaughtException",
            new JWSMessageListener(lJWSEndPoint) {
                public void processToken(String aSourceId, Token aToken) {
                    mLog.debug("Testing uncaught exception...");
                    // provoke null pointer exception and do NOT catch it for test purposes
                    int a = 1;
                    int b = 0;
                    int c = a / b;

                    lJWSEndPoint.respondPayload(aToken, 0, // return code
                            "Ok", // return message
                            null, aToken.getString("payload"));

    // test for the OAuth interface
    lJWSEndPoint.addRequestListener("org.jwebsocket.jms.demo", "testOAuth",
            new JWSMessageListener(lJWSEndPoint) {
                public void processToken(String aSourceId, Token aToken) {

                    Map<String, Object> lArgs = new FastMap<String, Object>();

                    String lUsername;
                    int lCode = 0;
                    String lMessage = "Ok";
                    try {
                        lUsername = lOAuthAuthenticator.authToken(aToken);
                        if (null == lUsername) {
                            lCode = -1;
                            lMessage = "User could not be authenticated!";
                        } else {
                            lArgs.put("username", lUsername);
                    } catch (JMSEndpointException ex) {
                        lCode = -1;
                        lMessage = ex.getClass().getSimpleName() + " on authentication: " + ex.getMessage();

                    lJWSEndPoint.respondPayload(aToken, lCode, // return code
                            lMessage, // return message
                            lArgs, // additional result fields
                            null); // payload

    // test for the LDAP interface
    lJWSEndPoint.addRequestListener("org.jwebsocket.jms.demo", "testLDAP",
            new JWSMessageListener(lJWSEndPoint) {
                public void processToken(String aSourceId, Token aToken) {

                    Map<String, Object> lArgs = new FastMap<String, Object>();

                    String lUsername;
                    int lCode = 0;
                    String lMessage = "Ok";
                    try {
                        lUsername = lLDAPAuthenticator.authToken(aToken);
                        if (null == lUsername) {
                            lCode = -1;
                            lMessage = "User could not be authenticated!";
                        } else {
                            lArgs.put("username", lUsername);
                    } catch (JMSEndpointException ex) {
                        lCode = -1;
                        lMessage = ex.getClass().getSimpleName() + " on authentication: " + ex.getMessage();

                    lJWSEndPoint.respondPayload(aToken, lCode, // return code
                            lMessage, // return message
                            lArgs, // additional result fields
                            null); // payload

    // test for the auto authentication interface
    lJWSEndPoint.addRequestListener("org.jwebsocket.jms.demo", "testAuth",
            new JWSMessageListener(lJWSEndPoint) {
                public void processToken(String aSourceId, Token aToken) {

                    mLog.debug("Testing auto authenticator...");
                    Map<String, Object> lArgs = new FastMap<String, Object>();

                    String lUsername;
                    int lCode = 0;
                    String lMessage = "Ok";
                    try {
                        lUsername = lAuthenticator.authToken(aToken);
                        if (null == lUsername) {
                            lCode = -1;
                            lMessage = "User could not be authenticated!";
                        } else {
                            lArgs.put("username", lUsername);
                    } catch (JMSEndpointException lEx) {
                        lCode = -1;
                        lMessage = lEx.getClass().getSimpleName() + " on auto authentication: "
                                + lEx.getMessage();

                    lJWSEndPoint.respondPayload(aToken, lCode, // return code
                            lMessage, // return message
                            lArgs, // additional result fields
                            null); // payload

    lJWSEndPoint.addRequestListener("tld.yourname.jms", "transferFile", new JWSMessageListener(lJWSEndPoint) {
        public void processToken(String aSourceId, Token aToken) {
            // here you can get the additional arguments
            mLog.info("Received 'transferFile' with additional args" + " (arg1=" + aToken.getString("arg1")
                    + " (arg2=" + aToken.getString("arg2") + ")...");
            // here you get the payload from the requester
            String lPayload = aToken.getString("payload");
            // parse the JSON payload into a Token (for simpler processing)
            Token lToken = JSONProcessor.JSONStringToToken(lPayload);
            // extract the base64 and compressed file contents into Strings 
            // (it's a text message)
            // String lBase64Encoded = lToken.getString("fileAsBase64");
            String lBase64Zipped = lToken.getString("fileAsZip");

            // specify the target file
            File lFile = new File("Apache License 2.0 (copy).txt");
            try {
                // take the zipped version of the file... 
                byte[] lBA = Tools.unzip(lBase64Zipped.getBytes("UTF-8"), Boolean.TRUE);
                // and save it to the hard disk
                FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(lFile, lBA);
            } catch (Exception lEx) {
                mLog.error("Demo file " + lFile.getAbsolutePath() + " could not be saved!");

    // add a high level listener to listen in coming messages
    lJWSEndPoint.addRequestListener("org.jwebsocket.jms.demo", "helloWorld",
            new JWSMessageListener(lJWSEndPoint) {
                public void processToken(String aSourceId, Token aToken) {
                    mLog.info("Received 'helloWorld'...");
                    lJWSEndPoint.respondPayload(aToken.getString("sourceId"), aToken, 0, // return code
                            "Ok", // return message
                            null, // here you can add additional results beside the payload
                            "Hello World!");

    // start the endpoint all all listener have been assigned
    return lJWSEndPoint;