Example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration Configuration getInt

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.configuration Configuration getInt


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration Configuration getInt.


int getInt(String key);

Source Link


Get a int associated with the given configuration key.


From source file:org.lockss.servlet.LockssOiosamlSpFilter.java

private void setRuntimeConfiguration(Configuration conf) {
    restartCRLChecker(conf);//from  w  w  w.j  a va  2 s .  co m
    if (!IdpMetadata.getInstance().enableDiscovery()) {
        log.info("Discovery profile disabled, only one metadata file found");
    } else {
        if (conf.getString(Constants.DISCOVERY_LOCATION) == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "Discovery location cannot be null when discovery profile is active");
    sessionHandlerFactory = SessionHandlerFactory.Factory.newInstance(conf);
    log.info("Home url: " + conf.getString(Constants.PROP_HOME));
    log.info("Assurance level: " + conf.getInt(Constants.PROP_ASSURANCE_LEVEL));
    log.info("SP entity ID: " + SPMetadata.getInstance().getEntityID());
    log.info("Base hostname: " + hostname);

From source file:org.loggo.server.Server.java

private void registerInZookeeper(Configuration config)
        throws IOException, KeeperException, InterruptedException {
    String zookeepers = config.getString("zookeepers");
    if (zookeepers != null) {
        final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
        ZooKeeper zookeeper = new ZooKeeper(zookeepers, 30 * 1000, new Watcher() {
            @Override/* www . j  ava 2 s.co m*/
            public void process(WatchedEvent event) {
        try {
            try {
                zookeeper.create("/udp", new byte[] {}, ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT);
            } catch (KeeperException.NodeExistsException ex) {
                // expected
            String host = config.getString("host");
            int port = config.getInt("udp.port");
            zookeeper.create("/udp/logger-", (host + ":" + port).getBytes(UTF_8), ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE,

            try {
                zookeeper.create("/tcp", new byte[] {}, ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT);
            } catch (KeeperException.NodeExistsException ex) {
                // expected
            port = config.getInt("tcp.port");
            zookeeper.create("/tcp/logger-", (host + ":" + port).getBytes(UTF_8), ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE,
        } finally {

From source file:org.matsim.contrib.taxi.optimizer.assignment.AssignmentTaxiOptimizerParams.java

public AssignmentTaxiOptimizerParams(Configuration optimizerConfig) {
    super(optimizerConfig, true, true);

    mode = Mode.valueOf(optimizerConfig.getString(MODE));

    // when the cost is measured in time units (seconds),
    // 48 * 36000 s (2 days) seem big enough to prevent such assignments
    nullPathCost = optimizerConfig.getDouble(NULL_PATH_COST, 48 * 3600);

    vehPlanningHorizonOversupply = optimizerConfig.getInt(VEH_PLANNING_HORIZON_OVERSUPPLY);
    vehPlanningHorizonUndersupply = optimizerConfig.getInt(VEH_PLANNING_HORIZON_UNDERSUPPLY);

    nearestRequestsLimit = optimizerConfig.getInt(NEAREST_REQUESTS_LIMIT);
    nearestVehiclesLimit = optimizerConfig.getInt(NEAREST_VEHICLES_LIMIT);

From source file:org.matsim.contrib.taxi.optimizer.rules.RuleBasedTaxiOptimizerParams.java

public RuleBasedTaxiOptimizerParams(Configuration optimizerConfig) {
    super(optimizerConfig, false, false);

    goal = Goal.valueOf(optimizerConfig.getString(GOAL));

    nearestRequestsLimit = optimizerConfig.getInt(NEAREST_REQUESTS_LIMIT);
    nearestVehiclesLimit = optimizerConfig.getInt(NEAREST_VEHICLES_LIMIT);

    cellSize = optimizerConfig.getDouble(CELL_SIZE);// 1000 m tested for Berlin

From source file:org.mobicents.servlet.restcomm.sms.smpp.SmppService.java

private void initializeSmppConnections() {
    Configuration smppConfiguration = this.configuration.subset("smpp");

    List<Object> smppConnections = smppConfiguration.getList("connections.connection.name");

    int smppConnecsSize = smppConnections.size();
    if (smppConnecsSize == 0) {
        logger.warning("No SMPP Connections defined!");
        return;/*  w  w  w.j av a 2s  .  co  m*/

    for (int count = 0; count < smppConnecsSize; count++) {
        String name = smppConfiguration.getString("connections.connection(" + count + ").name");
        String systemId = smppConfiguration.getString("connections.connection(" + count + ").systemid");
        String peerIp = smppConfiguration.getString("connections.connection(" + count + ").peerip");
        int peerPort = smppConfiguration.getInt("connections.connection(" + count + ").peerport");
        SmppBindType bindtype = SmppBindType
                .valueOf(smppConfiguration.getString("connections.connection(" + count + ").bindtype"));

        if (bindtype == null) {
            logger.warning("Bindtype for SMPP name=" + name + " is not specified. Using default TRANSCEIVER");

        String password = smppConfiguration.getString("connections.connection(" + count + ").password");
        String systemType = smppConfiguration.getString("connections.connection(" + count + ").systemtype");

        byte interfaceVersion = smppConfiguration
                .getByte("connections.connection(" + count + ").interfaceversion");

        byte ton = smppConfiguration.getByte("connections.connection(" + count + ").ton");
        byte npi = smppConfiguration.getByte("connections.connection(" + count + ").npi");
        String range = smppConfiguration.getString("connections.connection(" + count + ").range");

        Address address = null;
        if (ton != -1 && npi != -1 && range != null) {
            address = new Address(ton, npi, range);

        int windowSize = smppConfiguration.getInt("connections.connection(" + count + ").windowsize");

        long windowWaitTimeout = smppConfiguration
                .getLong("connections.connection(" + count + ").windowwaittimeout");

        long connectTimeout = smppConfiguration.getLong("connections.connection(" + count + ").connecttimeout");
        long requestExpiryTimeout = smppConfiguration
                .getLong("connections.connection(" + count + ").requestexpirytimeout");
        long windowMonitorInterval = smppConfiguration
                .getLong("connections.connection(" + count + ").windowmonitorinterval");
        boolean logBytes = smppConfiguration.getBoolean("connections.connection(" + count + ").logbytes");
        boolean countersEnabled = smppConfiguration
                .getBoolean("connections.connection(" + count + ").countersenabled");

        long enquireLinkDelay = smppConfiguration
                .getLong("connections.connection(" + count + ").enquirelinkdelay");

        Smpp smpp = new Smpp(name, systemId, peerIp, peerPort, bindtype, password, systemType, interfaceVersion,
                address, connectTimeout, windowSize, windowWaitTimeout, requestExpiryTimeout,
                windowMonitorInterval, countersEnabled, logBytes, enquireLinkDelay);


        if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
            logger.info("creating new SMPP connection " + smpp);


    // for monitoring thread use, it's preferable to create your own
    // instance of an executor and cast it to a ThreadPoolExecutor from
    // Executors.newCachedThreadPool() this permits exposing thinks like
    // executor.getActiveCount() via JMX possible no point renaming the
    // threads in a factory since underlying Netty framework does not easily
    // allow you to customize your thread names
    this.executor = (ThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newCachedThreadPool();

    // to enable automatic expiration of requests, a second scheduled
    // executor is required which is what a monitor task will be executed
    // with - this is probably a thread pool that can be shared with between
    // all client bootstraps
    this.monitorExecutor = (ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1,
            new ThreadFactory() {
                private AtomicInteger sequence = new AtomicInteger(0);

                public Thread newThread(Runnable r) {
                    Thread t = new Thread(r);
                    t.setName("SmppServer-SessionWindowMonitorPool-" + sequence.getAndIncrement());
                    return t;

    // a single instance of a client bootstrap can technically be shared
    // between any sessions that are created (a session can go to any
    // different number of SMSCs) - each session created under a client
    // bootstrap will use the executor and monitorExecutor set in its
    // constructor - just be *very* careful with the "expectedSessions"
    // value to make sure it matches the actual number of total concurrent
    // open sessions you plan on handling - the underlying netty library
    // used for NIO sockets essentially uses this value as the max number of
    // threads it will ever use, despite the "max pool size", etc. set on
    // the executor passed in here

    // Setting expected session to be 25. May be this should be
    // configurable?
    this.clientBootstrap = new DefaultSmppClient(this.executor, 25, monitorExecutor);

    this.smppClientOpsThread = new SmppClientOpsThread(this.clientBootstrap, outboundInterface("udp").getPort(),

    (new Thread(this.smppClientOpsThread)).start();

    for (Smpp smpp : this.smppList) {

    if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
        logger.info("SMPP Service started");

From source file:org.mot.core.MyOpenTraderCore.java

 * This method creates the actual JMS message listener for all stock prices. 
 * //from   ww  w  .j  a  va2  s. c  o m
 * @param symbol - which symbol to listen for
 * @param type - type of the symbol (FX, STK etc)
 * @param currency - which currency is in use
 * @param genericProperties - generic properties
private void startTickMessageListener(String symbol, String type, String currency,
        Configuration genericProperties) {

    AverageCalculationDAO acd = new AverageCalculationDAO();
    ActiveMQFactory amf = new ActiveMQFactory();
    logger.debug("Creating new tick message listener ...");
    TickMessageListener tml = new TickMessageListener();
    Destination ticks = amf.createDestination("tickPriceChannel");

     * The following section would automatically create a moving average algo with the best known combination

    if (genericProperties.getBoolean("engine.startup.autoCreateBestCombination")) {
        Iterator<Entry<Integer, Integer>> lm = acd
                .getBestAverageCombination(symbol, "TICK",
        if (lm.hasNext()) {
            Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> lm2 = lm.next();
            String name = symbol + lm2.getKey() * 10 + "-" + lm2.getValue() * 10 + "-mvg";
            //loadAlgorithm(genericProperties.getString("engine.startup.autoCreateBestCombineation.class"), name, symbol, lm2.getKey()*10, lm2.getValue()*10, 10, true);


    if (type.equals("FX")) {
        // If type is FX also provide the currency
        amf.createMessageConsumer(ticks, tml, symbol, currency);
    } else {
        amf.createMessageConsumer(ticks, tml, symbol);


From source file:org.mot.core.simulation.SimulationRunner.java

private void startThreads(Configuration genericProperties) {
    int threadCount = genericProperties.getInt("engine.core.simulation.threads");

    Thread[] threads = new Thread[threadCount];
    //Thread[] threads = new Thread[1];
    for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++) {

        threads[i] = new Thread() {
            public void run() {

                ActiveMQFactory amc = new ActiveMQFactory();

                logger.debug("Creating new simulation message listener ...");
                SimulationMessageListener sml = new SimulationMessageListener();
                Destination simulations = amc.createDestination("simulationChannel?consumer.prefetchSize=1");

                amc.createMessageConsumer(simulations, sml);
            }// www  .  j a va  2s .  com


From source file:org.mot.feeder.iab.MyOpenTraderFeederIAB.java

 * This is the main start method. Both, the servlet, as well as the main class will call this function.
 * /*from  w  w  w.ja va  2s.com*/
 * @param PathToConfigDir - provide a configuration directory
 * @param name - name of the executor
protected void startWorkers(String PathToConfigDir, String name) {
    try {

        // First make sure to set the config directory
        // Make sure to init the propertiesfactory! 
        PropertyConfigurator.configure(pf.getConfigDir() + "/log4j.properties");

        // Get the client instance
        EClientSocket ecs = IABConnector.getInstance();

        // Generate a new client ID
        int clientID = Integer.valueOf(new IDGenerator().getUniqueIntID());

        // Read out the TraderWorkstation & generic properties
        Configuration twsProperties = new PropertiesConfiguration(PathToConfigDir + "/tws.properties");
        Configuration genericProperties = new PropertiesConfiguration(PathToConfigDir + "/config.properties");
        ecs.eConnect(twsProperties.getString("iab.tws.host"), twsProperties.getInt("iab.tws.port"), clientID);
        logger.info("Connected: " + ecs.isConnected());

        // If connected ...
        if (ecs.isConnected()) {

            // If no executor name is specified, use ALL as wildcard
            if (name == null) {
                // Get the engine name
                name = genericProperties.getString("engine.core.name", "ALL");

            // Check which objects from the watchlist should run within this executor
            WatchListDAO wfw = new WatchListDAO();
            WatchList[] wl = wfw.getWatchlistByExecutorAsObject(name);

            // Start the market data feeds individually
            for (int i = 0; i < wl.length; i++) {
                String symbol = wl[i].getSymbol();
                Integer ID = Integer.valueOf(wl[i].getID());
                String currency = wl[i].getCurrency();

                // By default, assume the currency is USD, if not specified otherwise
                if (currency == null) {
                    currency = "USD";

                logger.info("*** Starting new MarketDataFeeder for " + symbol + " ...");
                new MarketDataReader(ecs, ID, symbol, currency);

            // Request for news updates from the API
            logger.info("Subscribing to News Bulletins ...");

            // Make sure to listen to outgoing orders from the core engine
            ActiveMQFactory amf = ActiveMQFactory.getInstance();

            logger.debug("Creating new order message listener ...");
            OrderMessageListener tml = new OrderMessageListener();
            Destination orders = amf.createDestination("orderChannel");

            new ActiveMQFactory().createMessageConsumer(orders, tml);

        } else {
            logger.error("Can not connect to local ECClient - check your configuration ... will exit");

    } catch (Exception e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

From source file:org.restcomm.connect.commons.configuration.sets.impl.MgAsrConfigurationSet.java

public MgAsrConfigurationSet(ConfigurationSource source, Configuration config) {
    drivers = Collections.unmodifiableList(config.getList("runtime-settings.mg-asr-drivers.driver"));
    defaultDriver = config.getString("runtime-settings.mg-asr-drivers[@default]");
    languages = Collections.unmodifiableList(config.getList("runtime-settings.asr-languages.language"));
    defaultLanguage = config.getString("runtime-settings.asr-languages[@default]");
    asrMRT = config.containsKey("runtime-settings.asr-mrt-timeout")
            ? config.getInt("runtime-settings.asr-mrt-timeout")
            : 60;/*from   ww  w  .ja  v a2 s .  c  o m*/
    defaultGatheringTimeout = config.containsKey("runtime-settings.default-gathering-timeout")
            ? config.getInt("runtime-settings.default-gathering-timeout")
            : 5;

From source file:org.restcomm.sbc.ConfigurationCache.java

private ConfigurationCache(SipFactory factory, Configuration configuration) {
    sipFactory = factory;/*from w w  w .ja v  a  2 s .  c om*/
    mzIface = configuration.getString("runtime-settings.militarized-zone.iface-name");
    mzIPAddress = configuration.getString("runtime-settings.militarized-zone.ip-address");
    mzTransport = configuration.getString("runtime-settings.militarized-zone.transport");
    mzPort = configuration.getInt("runtime-settings.militarized-zone.port");

    dmzIface = configuration.getString("runtime-settings.de-militarized-zone.iface-name");
    dmzIPAddress = configuration.getString("runtime-settings.de-militarized-zone.ip-address");
    dmzTransport = configuration.getString("runtime-settings.de-militarized-zone.transport");
    dmzPort = configuration.getInt("runtime-settings.de-militarized-zone.port");

    routeMZIPAddress = configuration
    routeMZTransport = configuration
    routeMZPort = configuration.getInt("runtime-settings.routing-policy.militarized-zone-target.port");

    regThrottleEnabled = configuration.getBoolean("registrar-throttle.enable");
    regThrottleMinRegistartTTL = configuration.getInt("registrar-throttle.min-registrar-expiration");
    regThrottleMaxUATTL = configuration.getInt("registrar-throttle.max-ua-expiration");
