Example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration Configuration getInt

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.configuration Configuration getInt


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration Configuration getInt.


int getInt(String key, int defaultValue);

Source Link


Get a int associated with the given configuration key.


From source file:net.sf.jclal.activelearning.algorithm.ClassicalALAlgorithm.java

 * @param configuration//w ww  . j a v a 2 s . com
 *            The configuration object for the classic algorithm
 *            The XML labels supported are:
 *            <ul>
 *            <li>
 *            <p>
 *            <b>max-iteration= int</b>
 *            </p>
 *            </li>
 *            <li>
 *            <p>
 *            <b>scenario type= class.</b>
 *            </p>
 *            <p>
 *            Package: net.sf.jclal.activelearning.scenario
 *            </p>
 *            <p>
 *            Class: All
 *            </p>
 *            </li>
 *            <li>
 *            <p>
 *            <b>stop-criterio type= class.</b>
 *            <p>
 *            Package: net.sf.jclal.activelearning.stopcriterion
 *            </p>
 *            <p>
 *            Class: All
 *            </p>
 *            </li>
 *            </ul>
public void configure(Configuration configuration) {


    // Set max iteration
    int maxIterationT = configuration.getInt("max-iteration", maxIteration);

    // Set the stop criterion configure

    // Set the scenario configuration

From source file:com.appeligo.channelfeed.SendCaptions.java

protected void openSources(Configuration provider) {
    int tunerCount = provider.getList("tuners.tuner[@deviceNumber]").size();

    for (int j = 0; j < tunerCount; j++) {
        String deviceNumber = provider.getString("tuners.tuner(" + j + ")[@deviceNumber]");
        String channel = provider.getString("tuners.tuner(" + j + ")[@channel]");
        String callsign = provider.getString("tuners.tuner(" + j + ")[@callsign]");
        boolean capturetv = provider.getBoolean("tuners.tuner(" + j + ")[@capturetv]", false);
        String framesize = provider.getString("tuners.tuner(" + j + ")[@framesize]");
        int framerate = provider.getInt("tuners.tuner(" + j + ")[@framerate]", -1);
        boolean nocaptions = provider.getBoolean("tuners.tuner(" + j + ")[@nocaptions]", false);
        boolean xds = provider.getBoolean("tuners.tuner(" + j + ")[@xds]", false);
        boolean itv = provider.getBoolean("tuners.tuner(" + j + ")[@itv]", false);

        log.info("deviceNumber=" + deviceNumber + ", channel=" + channel + ", callsign=" + callsign
                + ", capturetv=" + capturetv + ", framesize=" + framesize + ", framerate=" + framerate
                + ", nocaptions=" + nocaptions + ", xds=" + xds + ", itv=" + itv);

        if (deviceNumber == null || channel == null || callsign == null) {
            log.error("Invalid configuration in: " + identifyMe());
            log.error("    deviceNumber=" + deviceNumber + ", channel=" + channel + ", callsign=" + callsign);
        }//  w w  w. j ava  2s. c o  m
        try {
            VideoDevice videoDevice = new VideoDevice(Integer.parseInt(deviceNumber), getFrequencyStandard());

            if (capturetv) {
                TVThread tvThread = new TVThread(
                        "Video record " + getLineupID() + ", channel " + channel + ", callsign " + callsign);
                if (framesize != null && (framesize.trim().length() > 0)) {
                if (framerate >= 0) {

            if (!nocaptions) {

                VideoDeviceReaderThread captionThread = new VideoDeviceReaderThread(
                        "Captions " + getLineupID() + ", channel " + channel + ", callsign " + callsign);

                Destinations destinations = setupDestinations();


                captionThread.setVideoDevice(videoDevice); // important to set destination and it's callsign before video device...sorry

        } catch (MalformedURLException e1) {
            log.error("Exception on a channel", e1);
        } catch (NumberFormatException e1) {
            log.error("Exception on a channel", e1);
        } catch (IOException e1) {
            log.error("Exception on a channel", e1);
        } catch (BadChannelException e1) {
            log.error("Exception on a channel", e1);
        } catch (Throwable e1) {
            log.error("Unexpected exception", e1);

From source file:com.cisco.oss.foundation.http.AbstractHttpClient.java

private InternalServerProxyMetadata loadServersMetadataConfiguration() {

    Configuration subset = configuration.subset(apiName);
    final Iterator<String> keysIterator = subset.getKeys();

    // read default values
    int readTimeout = subset.getInt("http." + LoadBalancerConstants.READ_TIME_OUT,
    int connectTimeout = subset.getInt("http." + LoadBalancerConstants.CONNECT_TIME_OUT,
    long waitingTime = subset.getLong("http." + LoadBalancerConstants.WAITING_TIME,
    int numberOfAttempts = subset.getInt("http." + LoadBalancerConstants.NUMBER_OF_ATTEMPTS,
    long retryDelay = subset.getLong("http." + LoadBalancerConstants.RETRY_DELAY,

    long idleTimeout = subset.getLong("http." + LoadBalancerConstants.IDLE_TIME_OUT,
    int maxConnectionsPerAddress = subset.getInt("http." + LoadBalancerConstants.MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_ADDRESS,
    int maxConnectionsTotal = subset.getInt("http." + LoadBalancerConstants.MAX_CONNECTIONS_TOTAL,
    int maxQueueSizePerAddress = subset.getInt("http." + LoadBalancerConstants.MAX_QUEUE_PER_ADDRESS,
    boolean followRedirects = subset.getBoolean("http." + LoadBalancerConstants.FOLLOW_REDIRECTS, false);
    boolean disableCookies = subset.getBoolean("http." + LoadBalancerConstants.DISABLE_COOKIES, false);
    boolean autoCloseable = subset.getBoolean("http." + LoadBalancerConstants.AUTO_CLOSEABLE, true);
    boolean autoEncodeUri = subset.getBoolean("http." + LoadBalancerConstants.AUTO_ENCODE_URI, true);
    boolean staleConnectionCheckEnabled = subset
            .getBoolean("http." + LoadBalancerConstants.IS_STALE_CONN_CHECK_ENABLED, false);
    boolean serviceDirectoryEnabled = subset
            .getBoolean("http." + LoadBalancerConstants.SERVICE_DIRECTORY_IS_ENABLED, false);
    String serviceName = subset.getString("http." + LoadBalancerConstants.SERVICE_DIRECTORY_SERVICE_NAME,

    String keyStorePath = subset.getString("http." + LoadBalancerConstants.KEYSTORE_PATH, "");
    String keyStorePassword = subset.getString("http." + LoadBalancerConstants.KEYSTORE_PASSWORD, "");
    String trustStorePath = subset.getString("http." + LoadBalancerConstants.TRUSTSTORE_PATH, "");
    String trustStorePassword = subset.getString("http." + LoadBalancerConstants.TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD, "");

    final List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>();

    while (keysIterator.hasNext()) {
        String key = keysIterator.next();
        keys.add(key);//from w  w  w.  j av a  2s . c  om


    List<Pair<String, Integer>> hostAndPortPairs = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Pair<String, Integer>>();

    for (String key : keys) {

        if (key.contains(LoadBalancerConstants.HOST)) {

            String host = subset.getString(key);

            // trim the host name
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(host)) {
                host = host.trim();
            final String portKey = key.replace(LoadBalancerConstants.HOST, LoadBalancerConstants.PORT);
            if (subset.containsKey(portKey)) {
                int port = subset.getInt(portKey);
                // save host and port for future creation of server list
                hostAndPortPairs.add(Pair.of(host, port));


    InternalServerProxyMetadata metadata = new InternalServerProxyMetadata(readTimeout, connectTimeout,
            idleTimeout, maxConnectionsPerAddress, maxConnectionsTotal, maxQueueSizePerAddress, waitingTime,
            numberOfAttempts, retryDelay, hostAndPortPairs, keyStorePath, keyStorePassword, trustStorePath,
            trustStorePassword, followRedirects, autoCloseable, staleConnectionCheckEnabled, disableCookies,
            serviceDirectoryEnabled, serviceName, autoEncodeUri);
    //        metadata.getHostAndPortPairs().addAll(hostAndPortPairs);
    //        metadata.setReadTimeout(readTimeout);
    //        metadata.setConnectTimeout(connectTimeout);
    //        metadata.setNumberOfRetries(numberOfAttempts);
    //        metadata.setRetryDelay(retryDelay);
    //        metadata.setWaitingTime(waitingTime);

    return metadata;


From source file:edu.berkeley.sparrow.examples.FairnessTestingFrontend.java

public void run(String[] args) {
    try {//from www.  j  ava2s. c o m
        OptionParser parser = new OptionParser();
        parser.accepts("c", "configuration file").withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class);
        parser.accepts("help", "print help statement");
        OptionSet options = parser.parse(args);

        if (options.has("help")) {

        // Logger configuration: log to the console

        Configuration conf = new PropertiesConfiguration();

        if (options.has("c")) {
            String configFile = (String) options.valueOf("c");
            conf = new PropertiesConfiguration(configFile);

        double warmup_lambda = conf.getDouble("warmup_job_arrival_rate_s", DEFAULT_WARMUP_JOB_ARRIVAL_RATE_S);
        int warmup_duration_s = conf.getInt("warmup_s", DEFAULT_WARMUP_S);
        int post_warmup_s = conf.getInt("post_warmup_s", DEFAULT_POST_WARMUP_S);

        // We use this to represent the the rate to fully load the cluster. This is a hack.
        double lambda = conf.getDouble("job_arrival_rate_s", DEFAULT_JOB_ARRIVAL_RATE_S);
        int experiment_duration_s = conf.getInt("experiment_s", DEFAULT_EXPERIMENT_S);
        LOG.debug("Using arrival rate of  " + lambda + " tasks per second and running experiment for "
                + experiment_duration_s + " seconds.");
        int tasksPerJob = conf.getInt("tasks_per_job", DEFAULT_TASKS_PER_JOB);
        int numPreferredNodes = conf.getInt("num_preferred_nodes", DEFAULT_NUM_PREFERRED_NODES);
        LOG.debug("Using " + numPreferredNodes + " preferred nodes for each task.");
        int benchmarkIterations = conf.getInt("benchmark.iterations", DEFAULT_BENCHMARK_ITERATIONS);
        int benchmarkId = conf.getInt("benchmark.id", DEFAULT_TASK_BENCHMARK);

        List<String> backends = new ArrayList<String>();
        if (numPreferredNodes > 0) {
            /* Attempt to parse the list of slaves, which we'll need to (randomly) select preferred
             * nodes. */
            if (!conf.containsKey(BACKENDS)) {
                LOG.fatal("Missing configuration backend list, which is needed to randomly select "
                        + "preferred nodes (num_preferred_nodes set to " + numPreferredNodes + ")");
            for (String node : conf.getStringArray(BACKENDS)) {
            if (backends.size() < numPreferredNodes) {
                LOG.fatal("Number of backends smaller than number of preferred nodes!");

        List<SubExperiment> experiments = new ArrayList<SubExperiment>();
        double fullyUtilizedArrivalRate = lambda;

        // For the first twenty seconds, the first user submits at a rate to fully utilize the cluster.
        List<UserInfo> onlyUser0 = new ArrayList<UserInfo>();
        onlyUser0.add(new UserInfo("user0", 1, 0));
        experiments.add(new SubExperiment(onlyUser0, 20, fullyUtilizedArrivalRate));

        // For the next 10 seconds, user1 increases her rate to 25% of the cluster.
        List<UserInfo> user1QuarterDemand = new ArrayList<UserInfo>();
        user1QuarterDemand.add(new UserInfo("user0", 4, 0));
        user1QuarterDemand.add(new UserInfo("user1", 5, 0));
        experiments.add(new SubExperiment(user1QuarterDemand, 10, 1.25 * fullyUtilizedArrivalRate));

        // For the next 10 seconds, user 1 increases her rate to 50% of the cluster (using exactly
        // her share, but no more).
        List<UserInfo> user1HalfDemand = new ArrayList<UserInfo>();
        user1HalfDemand.add(new UserInfo("user0", 2, 0));
        user1HalfDemand.add(new UserInfo("user1", 3, 0));
        experiments.add(new SubExperiment(user1HalfDemand, 10, 1.5 * fullyUtilizedArrivalRate));

        // Next user 1 goes back down to 25%.
        experiments.add(new SubExperiment(user1QuarterDemand, 10, 1.25 * fullyUtilizedArrivalRate));

        // Finally user 1 goes back to 0.
        experiments.add(new SubExperiment(onlyUser0, 20, fullyUtilizedArrivalRate));

        SparrowFrontendClient client = new SparrowFrontendClient();
        int schedulerPort = conf.getInt("scheduler_port", SchedulerThrift.DEFAULT_SCHEDULER_THRIFT_PORT);
        client.initialize(new InetSocketAddress("localhost", schedulerPort), APPLICATION_ID, this);

        if (warmup_duration_s > 0) {
            List<SubExperiment> warmupExperiment = new ArrayList<SubExperiment>();
            List<UserInfo> warmupUsers = new ArrayList<UserInfo>();
            warmupUsers.add(new UserInfo("warmupUser", 1, 0));
            warmupExperiment.add(new SubExperiment(warmupUsers, warmup_duration_s, warmup_lambda));
            LOG.debug("Warming up for " + warmup_duration_s + " seconds at arrival rate of " + warmup_lambda
                    + " jobs per second");
            launchTasks(warmupExperiment, tasksPerJob, numPreferredNodes, benchmarkIterations, benchmarkId,
                    backends, client);
            LOG.debug("Waiting for queues to drain after warmup (waiting " + post_warmup_s + " seconds)");
            Thread.sleep(post_warmup_s * 1000);
        LOG.debug("Launching experiment for " + experiment_duration_s + " seconds");
        launchTasks(experiments, tasksPerJob, numPreferredNodes, benchmarkIterations, benchmarkId, backends,
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.error("Fatal exception", e);

From source file:dk.dma.ais.abnormal.analyzer.analysis.FreeFlowAnalysis.java

public FreeFlowAnalysis(Configuration configuration, AppStatisticsService statisticsService,
        EventEmittingTracker trackingService, EventRepository eventRepository) {
    super(eventRepository, trackingService, null);
    this.statisticsService = statisticsService;

    this.xL = configuration.getInt(CONFKEY_ANALYSIS_FREEFLOW_XL, 8);
    this.xB = configuration.getInt(CONFKEY_ANALYSIS_FREEFLOW_XB, 8);
    this.dCog = configuration.getFloat(CONFKEY_ANALYSIS_FREEFLOW_DCOG, 15f);
    this.minReportingIntervalMillis = configuration

    String csvFileNameTmp = configuration.getString(CONFKEY_ANALYSIS_FREEFLOW_CSVFILE, null);
    if (csvFileNameTmp == null || isBlank(csvFileNameTmp)) {
        this.csvFileName = null;
        LOG.warn("Writing of free flow events to CSV file is disabled");
    } else {/* w w w .j a v  a  2  s  .c  o m*/
        this.csvFileName = csvFileNameTmp.trim();
        LOG.info("Free flow events are appended to CSV file: " + this.csvFileName);

    List<Object> bboxConfig = configuration.getList(CONFKEY_ANALYSIS_FREEFLOW_BBOX);
    if (bboxConfig != null) {
        final double n = Double.valueOf(bboxConfig.get(0).toString());
        final double e = Double.valueOf(bboxConfig.get(1).toString());
        final double s = Double.valueOf(bboxConfig.get(2).toString());
        final double w = Double.valueOf(bboxConfig.get(3).toString());
        this.areaToBeAnalysed = BoundingBox.create(Position.create(n, e), Position.create(s, w),

    setTrackPredictionTimeMax(configuration.getInteger(CONFKEY_ANALYSIS_FREEFLOW_PREDICTIONTIME_MAX, -1));
    setAnalysisPeriodMillis(configuration.getInt(CONFKEY_ANALYSIS_FREEFLOW_RUN_PERIOD, 30000) * 1000);

    LOG.info(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " created (" + this + ").");

From source file:ch.epfl.eagle.daemon.nodemonitor.NodeMonitor.java

public void initialize(Configuration conf, int nodeMonitorInternalPort) throws UnknownHostException {
    String mode = conf.getString(EagleConf.DEPLOYMENT_MODE, "unspecified");
    stealing = conf.getBoolean(EagleConf.STEALING, EagleConf.DEFAULT_STEALING);
    maxStealingAttempts = conf.getInt(EagleConf.STEALING_ATTEMPTS, EagleConf.DEFAULT_STEALING_ATTEMPTS);
    smallPartition = conf.getInt(EagleConf.SMALL_PARTITION, EagleConf.DEFAULT_SMALL_PARTITION);
    bigPartition = conf.getInt(EagleConf.BIG_PARTITION, EagleConf.DEFAULT_BIG_PARTITION);
    gossiping = conf.getBoolean(EagleConf.GOSSIPING, EagleConf.DEFAULT_GOSSIPING);

    stealingAttempts = 0;/*from   w w  w.  ja v a  2  s . co  m*/
    LOG.info("STEALING set to : " + stealing);
    if (mode.equals("standalone")) {
        state = new StandaloneNodeMonitorState();
    } else if (mode.equals("configbased")) {
        state = new ConfigNodeMonitorState();
    } else {
        throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported deployment mode: " + mode);
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        LOG.fatal("Error initializing node monitor state.", e);

    longStatusTimestamp = -1;
    // At the beginning all nodes will be free from Long jobs
    notExecutingLong = new ArrayList<String>();
    List<InetSocketAddress> nodeList = Lists.newArrayList(state.getNodeMonitors());
    // TODO EAGLE add itself to the list
    for (InetSocketAddress isa : nodeList)

    int mem = Resources.getSystemMemoryMb(conf);
    LOG.info("Using memory allocation: " + mem);

    ipAddress = Network.getIPAddress(conf);

    int cores = Resources.getSystemCPUCount(conf);
    LOG.info("Using core allocation: " + cores);

    String task_scheduler_type = conf.getString(EagleConf.NM_TASK_SCHEDULER_TYPE, "fifo");
    LOG.info("Task scheduler type: " + task_scheduler_type);
    if (task_scheduler_type.equals("round_robin")) {
        scheduler = new RoundRobinTaskScheduler(cores);
    } else if (task_scheduler_type.equals("fifo")) {
        scheduler = new FifoTaskScheduler(cores, this);
    } else if (task_scheduler_type.equals("priority")) {
        scheduler = new PriorityTaskScheduler(cores);
    } else {
        throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported task scheduler type: " + mode);
    scheduler.initialize(conf, nodeMonitorInternalPort);
    taskLauncherService = new TaskLauncherService();
    taskLauncherService.initialize(conf, scheduler, nodeMonitorInternalPort);

From source file:com.splout.db.engine.RedisManager.java

public void init(File dbFile, Configuration config, List<String> initStatements) throws EngineException {

    File dbFolder = dbFile.getParentFile();

    String redisExecutable = config.getString(REDIS_EXECUTABLE_CONF, null);
    if (redisExecutable == null) {
        throw new EngineException(
                "A Redis executable path should be specified in configuration '" + REDIS_EXECUTABLE_CONF + "'",
                null);/*ww  w.  j  a v  a 2 s  .  c  o m*/

    if (!new File(redisExecutable).exists()) {
        throw new EngineException("The specified Redis executable doesn't exist: " + redisExecutable, null);

    int basePort = config.getInt(BASE_PORT_CONF, DEFAULT_BASE_PORT);

    logger.info("Redis executable -> " + redisExecutable + "; base port -> " + basePort);

    File thisServer = new File(dbFolder, "redis-server");
    File thisDataFile = new File(dbFolder, "dump.rdb");
    File actualDataFile = dbFile;
    try {
                new String[] { "ln", "-s", actualDataFile.getAbsolutePath(), thisDataFile.getAbsolutePath() })
        FileUtils.copyFile(new File(redisExecutable), thisServer);

        PortLock portLock = PortUtils.getNextAvailablePort(basePort);
        try {
            logger.info("Using port from port lock: " + portLock.getPort());
            redisServer = new RedisServer(thisServer, portLock.getPort());
            jedis = new Jedis("localhost", portLock.getPort());
        } finally {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        throw new EngineException(e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new EngineException(e);

From source file:com.github.nethad.clustermeister.provisioning.local.AddNodesCommand.java

public void execute(CommandLineArguments arguments) {
    logger.info("AddNodesCommand local execute.");
    if (isArgumentsCountFalse(arguments)) {
        return;//from  w  w  w.j a v  a  2  s .c  o  m

    Scanner scanner = arguments.asScanner();

    int numberOfNodes = scanner.nextInt();
    int numberOfCpusPerNode = scanner.nextInt();
    final Configuration configuration = getNodeManager().getConfiguration();

    Collection<File> artifactsToPreload = DependencyConfigurationUtil.getConfiguredDependencies(configuration);

    String jvmOptions = configuration.getString(ConfigurationKeys.JVM_OPTIONS_NODE,

    String nodeLogLevel = configuration.getString(ConfigurationKeys.LOGGING_NODE_LEVEL,

    boolean nodeRemoteLogging = configuration.getBoolean(ConfigurationKeys.LOGGING_NODE_REMOTE,

    int nodeRemoteLoggingPort = configuration.getInt(ConfigurationKeys.LOGGING_NODE_REMOTE_PORT,

    final LocalNodeConfiguration nodeConfiguration = LocalNodeConfiguration.configurationFor(artifactsToPreload,
            jvmOptions, nodeLogLevel, nodeRemoteLogging, nodeRemoteLoggingPort, numberOfCpusPerNode);

    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfNodes; i++) {

From source file:dk.dma.ais.abnormal.analyzer.analysis.ShipTypeAndSizeAnalysis.java

public ShipTypeAndSizeAnalysis(Configuration configuration, AppStatisticsService statisticsService,
        StatisticDataRepository statisticsRepository, EventEmittingTracker trackingService,
        EventRepository eventRepository, BehaviourManager behaviourManager) {
    super(eventRepository, statisticsRepository, trackingService, behaviourManager);
    this.statisticsService = statisticsService;

    setTrackPredictionTimeMax(configuration.getInteger(CONFKEY_ANALYSIS_TYPESIZE_PREDICTIONTIME_MAX, -1));

    PD = configuration.getFloat(CONFKEY_ANALYSIS_TYPESIZE_PD, 0.001f);
    LOG.info(getAnalysisName() + " created (" + this + ").");

From source file:com.appeligo.captions.CaptionListener.java

 * /*  w w w. ja v  a  2 s . c  o  m*/
public CaptionListener() throws MalformedURLException {
    if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
        log.info("Instantiated a " + this.getClass().getName());
    Configuration config = ConfigUtils.getSystemConfig();
    programIndexLocation = config.getString("luceneIndex");
    compositeIndexLocation = config.getString("compositeIndex");
    liveIndexLocation = config.getString("luceneLiveIndex");
    liveLineup = config.getString("liveLineup");

    //Set the optimization duraction of the live index to 30 minutes.
    int liveIndexOptimization = config.getInt("luceneLiveIndexOptimization", 30);
    LuceneIndexer liveIndex = LuceneIndexer.getInstance(liveIndexLocation);
    epg = DefaultEpg.getInstance();
    captions = new HashMap<String, ProgramCaptions>();
    //PENDING(CE): We should probably get this list form the EPG?  Seems like we should.
    Configuration lineupConfiguration = ConfigurationService.getConfiguration("lineups");
    lineupIds = (List<String>) lineupConfiguration.getList("lineups.lineup.id");
