Example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration Configuration getKeys

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.configuration Configuration getKeys


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration Configuration getKeys.


Iterator getKeys();

Source Link


Get the list of the keys contained in the configuration.


From source file:org.apache.torque.JndiConfigurationTest.java

 * Binds a DataSource to the jndi and checks that we have successfully
 * bound it. Then Torque is configured to lookup the DataSource in jndi,
 * and it is checked if Torque can read from the database. Finally,
 * the DataSource is closed and unbound.
 * @throws Exception if the test fails/*from  ww w . ja v a  2 s .  c o  m*/
public void testTorqueBindTorqueLookup() throws Exception {
    // compose the correct configuration
    Configuration torqueConfiguration = getTorqueConfiguraton();
    String defaultDatabase = getDefaultDatabase(torqueConfiguration);

    // add the jndi configuration to the configuration
    torqueConfiguration.setProperty(Torque.TORQUE_KEY + "." + DataSourceFactory.DSFACTORY_KEY + "."
            + defaultDatabase + "." + DataSourceFactory.FACTORY_KEY, JndiDataSourceFactory.class.getName());
    torqueConfiguration.setProperty(Torque.TORQUE_KEY + "." + DataSourceFactory.DSFACTORY_KEY + "."
            + defaultDatabase + "." + JndiDataSourceFactory.JNDI_KEY + "." + JndiDataSourceFactory.PATH_KEY,
            Torque.TORQUE_KEY + "." + DataSourceFactory.DSFACTORY_KEY + "." + defaultDatabase + "."
                    + JndiDataSourceFactory.JNDI_KEY + "." + Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,

    // add the datasource configuration
            Torque.TORQUE_KEY + "." + DataSourceFactory.DSFACTORY_KEY + "." + defaultDatabase + "."
                    + JndiDataSourceFactory.DATASOURCE_KEY + "." + JndiDataSourceFactory.CLASSNAME_KEY,
        Map tempStore = new HashMap();
        Configuration connectionConfiguration = torqueConfiguration
                .subset(Torque.TORQUE_KEY + "." + DataSourceFactory.DSFACTORY_KEY + "." + defaultDatabase + "."
                        + AbstractDataSourceFactory.CONNECTION_KEY);
        for (Iterator keyIt = connectionConfiguration.getKeys(); keyIt.hasNext();) {
            String key = (String) keyIt.next();
            String value = connectionConfiguration.getString(key);

            if ("user".equals(key)) {
                // setUser() in SharedPoolDataSouce corresponds to
                // setUsername() in BasicDataSourceFactory
                key = "username";
            } else if ("driver".equals(key)) {
                // setDriver() in SharedPoolDataSouce corresponds to
                // setDriverClassName() in BasicDataSourceFactory
                key = "driverClassName";
            tempStore.put(Torque.TORQUE_KEY + "." + DataSourceFactory.DSFACTORY_KEY + "." + defaultDatabase
                    + "." + JndiDataSourceFactory.DATASOURCE_KEY + "." + key, value);
        // add the new keys
        for (Iterator keyIt = tempStore.keySet().iterator(); keyIt.hasNext();) {
            String key = (String) keyIt.next();
            String value = (String) tempStore.get(key);
            torqueConfiguration.setProperty(key, value);

        // remove the configuration for the original datasource
        Configuration poolConfiguration = torqueConfiguration
                .subset(Torque.TORQUE_KEY + "." + DataSourceFactory.DSFACTORY_KEY + "." + defaultDatabase + "."
                        + AbstractDataSourceFactory.POOL_KEY);

    //System.out.println("Configuration for testTorqueBindTorqueLookup:");

    try {
        // initialize torque with the created configuration
        // and check that we can connect to the database.
        try {
        } finally {
    } finally {

From source file:org.apache.torque.JndiConfigurationTest.java

 * Creates a Data Source from the Torque configuration without using Torque.
 * @return a SharedPoolDataSource source.
 * @throws Exception if we cannot create a Data source.
 *///from w w  w. j a v  a  2s . c  o  m
protected BasicDataSource getDataSource() throws Exception {
    Configuration torqueConfiguration = getTorqueConfiguraton();
    String defaultDatabase = getDefaultDatabase(torqueConfiguration);
    Configuration dsfactoryConfiguration = torqueConfiguration
            .subset(Torque.TORQUE_KEY + "." + DataSourceFactory.DSFACTORY_KEY + "." + defaultDatabase + "."
                    + AbstractDataSourceFactory.CONNECTION_KEY);

    BasicDataSource dataSource = new BasicDataSource();
    for (Iterator i = dsfactoryConfiguration.getKeys(); i.hasNext();) {
        String key = (String) i.next();
        String stringValue = dsfactoryConfiguration.getString(key);

        if ("user".equals(key)) {
            // setUser() in SharedPoolDataSouce corresponds to
            // setUsername() in BasicDataSourceFactory
            key = "username";
        } else if ("driver".equals(key)) {
            // setDriver() in SharedPoolDataSouce corresponds to
            // setDriverClassName() in BasicDataSourceFactory
            key = "driverClassName";

        Class propertyType = PropertyUtils.getPropertyType(dataSource, key);
        Object value = ConvertUtils.convert(stringValue, propertyType);
        PropertyUtils.setSimpleProperty(dataSource, key, value);

    return dataSource;

From source file:org.apache.torque.JndiConfigurationTest.java

 * Prints the contents of the configuration to System.out
 * @param configuration the configuration to be debugged.
 *//*from w  w w.  j a  v  a2  s  .c o  m*/
public static void debugConfiguration(Configuration configuration) {
    for (Iterator dsKeyIt = configuration.getKeys(); dsKeyIt.hasNext();) {

        String key = (String) dsKeyIt.next();
        System.out.println(key + " = " + configuration.getString(key));

From source file:org.apache.torque.TorqueInstance.java

 * Reads the adapter settings from the configuration and
 * assigns the appropriate database adapters and Id Generators
 * to the databases./*  w w w .  j a va 2  s. c  o  m*/
 * @param conf the Configuration representing the torque section of the
 *        properties file.
 * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be
 *         rethrown wrapped into a TorqueException.
private void initAdapters(Configuration conf) throws TorqueException {
    log.debug("initAdapters(" + conf + ")");

    Configuration c = conf.subset(Torque.DATABASE_KEY);
    if (c == null || c.isEmpty()) {
        String error = "Invalid configuration : " + "No keys starting with " + Torque.TORQUE_KEY + "."
                + Torque.DATABASE_KEY + " found in configuration";
        throw new TorqueException(error);

    try {
        for (Iterator<?> it = c.getKeys(); it.hasNext();) {
            String key = (String) it.next();
            if (key.endsWith(Adapter.ADAPTER_KEY) || key.endsWith(Adapter.DRIVER_KEY)) {
                String adapterKey = c.getString(key);
                String handle = key.substring(0, key.indexOf('.'));

                Database database = getOrCreateDatabase(handle);
                Adapter adapter = null;

                if (StringUtils.equals(Adapter.AUTODETECT_ADAPTER, adapterKey)) {
                    Connection con = null;
                    try {
                        con = database.getDataSourceFactory().getDataSource().getConnection();
                        adapter = AdapterFactory.autoDetectAdapter(con);
                    } catch (SQLException e) {
                        log.error("Could not get product information from JDBC", e);
                    } finally {
                } else {
                    adapter = AdapterFactory.create(adapterKey);

                // Not supported, try manually defined adapter class
                if (adapter == null) {
                    String adapterClassName = c.getString(key + "." + adapterKey + ".className", null);
                    adapter = AdapterFactory.create(adapterKey, adapterClassName);

                // register the adapter for this name
                log.debug("Adding " + adapterKey + " -> " + handle + " as Adapter");

                // add Id generators
                for (IDMethod idMethod : IDGeneratorFactory.ID_GENERATOR_METHODS) {
                    database.addIdGenerator(idMethod, IDGeneratorFactory.create(adapter, handle));
    } catch (InstantiationException e) {
        log.error("Error creating a database adapter instance", e);
        throw new TorqueException(e);

    // check that at least the default database has got an adapter.
    Database defaultDatabase = databases.get(getDefaultDB());
    if (defaultDatabase == null || defaultDatabase.getAdapter() == null) {
        String error = "Invalid configuration : " + "No adapter definition found for default DB "
                + "An adapter must be defined under " + Torque.TORQUE_KEY + "." + Torque.DATABASE_KEY + "."
                + getDefaultDB() + "." + Adapter.ADAPTER_KEY;
        throw new TorqueException(error);

From source file:org.apache.torque.TorqueInstance.java

 * Reads the settings for the DataSourceFactories from the
 * configuration and creates and/or configures the DataSourceFactories
 * and the database objects.//from  w w w  .j  a v  a  2  s  . c  om
 * If no DataSorceFactory is assigned to the database with the name
 * <code>DEFAULT_NAME</code>, a reference to the DataSourceFactory
 * of the default database is made from the database with the name
 * <code>DEFAULT_NAME</code>.
 * @param conf the Configuration representing the properties file.
 * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be
 *         rethrown wrapped into a TorqueException.
private void initDataSourceFactories(Configuration conf) throws TorqueException {
    log.debug("initDataSourceFactories(" + conf + ")");

    Configuration c = conf.subset(DataSourceFactory.DSFACTORY_KEY);
    if (c == null || c.isEmpty()) {
        String error = "Invalid configuration: " + "No keys starting with " + Torque.TORQUE_KEY + "."
                + DataSourceFactory.DSFACTORY_KEY + " found in configuration";
        throw new TorqueException(error);

    // read dsfactory config (may contain schema)
    try {
        for (Iterator<?> it = c.getKeys(); it.hasNext();) {
            String key = (String) it.next();
            if (key.endsWith(DataSourceFactory.FACTORY_KEY)) {
                String classname = c.getString(key);
                String handle = key.substring(0, key.indexOf('.'));
                log.debug("handle: " + handle + " DataSourceFactory: " + classname);
                Class<?> dsfClass = Class.forName(classname);
                DataSourceFactory dsf = (DataSourceFactory) dsfClass.newInstance();
                Configuration subConf = c.subset(handle);

                Database database = getOrCreateDatabase(handle);

                // deprecated method of schema configuration
                // TODO: remove in Torque 4.1
                String schema = subConf.getString(Torque.SCHEMA_KEY, null);
                if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(schema)) {
                    log.warn("Defining the schema in the dsfactory " + "is deprecated, please configure it "
                            + "via the config key " + "torque.database.${databasename}.schema");
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        log.error("Error reading DataSourceFactory configuration", e);
        throw new TorqueRuntimeException(e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("Error reading DataSourceFactory configuration", e);
        throw new TorqueException(e);

    Database defaultDatabase = databases.get(defaultDBName);
    if (defaultDatabase == null || defaultDatabase.getDataSourceFactory() == null) {
        String error = "Invalid configuration : " + "No DataSourceFactory definition for default DB found. "
                + "A DataSourceFactory must be defined under the key" + Torque.TORQUE_KEY + "."
                + DataSourceFactory.DSFACTORY_KEY + "." + defaultDBName + "." + DataSourceFactory.FACTORY_KEY;
        throw new TorqueException(error);

From source file:org.apache.torque.TorqueInstance.java

 * Reads the schema configuration from the database definitions in
 * the configuration and assigns the defined schemata to the databases.
 * @param conf the Configuration representing the properties file.
 * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be
 *         rethrown wrapped into a TorqueException.
 *///from w ww  . ja  v a 2 s  .  c  o m
private void initSchemata(Configuration conf) throws TorqueException {
    log.debug("initSchemata(" + conf + ")");

    // read schema configuration from database setting
    Configuration c = conf.subset(Torque.DATABASE_KEY);
    if (c == null || c.isEmpty()) {
        String error = "Invalid configuration: " + "No keys starting with " + Torque.TORQUE_KEY + "."
                + Torque.DATABASE_KEY + " found in configuration";
        throw new TorqueException(error);
    try {
        for (Iterator<?> it = c.getKeys(); it.hasNext();) {
            String key = (String) it.next();
            int indexOfDot = key.indexOf('.');
            if (indexOfDot == -1) {
            String handle = key.substring(0, indexOfDot);

            log.debug("database handle: " + handle);
            Configuration subConf = c.subset(handle);

            Database database = getOrCreateDatabase(handle);

            String schema = subConf.getString(Torque.SCHEMA_KEY, null);
            // check database schema because schema may have already been
            // set via the dsfactory
            if (StringUtils.isEmpty(schema)) {
                schema = database.getSchema();
            if (StringUtils.isEmpty(schema)) {
                schema = conf.getString(Torque.DEFAULT_SCHEMA_KEY, null);
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        log.error("Error reading DataSourceFactory configuration", e);
        throw new TorqueRuntimeException(e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("Error reading DataSourceFactory configuration", e);
        throw new TorqueException(e);


From source file:org.apache.torque.TorqueInstance.java

 * Creates a mapping between classes and their manager classes.
 * The mapping is built according to settings present in
 * properties file.  The entries should have the
 * following form:// w  ww .  j  a  v  a  2  s .  co m
 * <pre>
 * torque.managed_class.com.mycompany.Myclass.manager= \
 *          com.mycompany.MyManagerImpl
 * services.managed_class.com.mycompany.Myotherclass.manager= \
 *          com.mycompany.MyOtherManagerImpl
 * </pre>
 * <br>
 * Generic ServiceBroker provides no Services.
 * @param conf the Configuration representing the properties file
 * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be
 *         rethrown wrapped into a TorqueException.
protected synchronized void initManagerMappings(Configuration conf) throws TorqueException {
    int pref = Torque.MANAGER_PREFIX.length();
    int suff = Torque.MANAGER_SUFFIX.length();

    for (Iterator<?> it = conf.getKeys(); it.hasNext();) {
        String key = (String) it.next();

        if (key.startsWith(Torque.MANAGER_PREFIX) && key.endsWith(Torque.MANAGER_SUFFIX)) {
            String managedClassKey = key.substring(pref, key.length() - suff);
            if (!managers.containsKey(managedClassKey)) {
                String managerClass = conf.getString(key);
                log.info("Added Manager for Class: " + managedClassKey + " -> " + managerClass);
                try {
                    initManager(managedClassKey, managerClass);
                } catch (TorqueException e) {
                    // the exception thrown here seems to disappear.
                    // At least when initialized by Turbine, should find
                    // out why, but for now make sure it is noticed.
                    log.error("", e);
                    throw e;

From source file:org.apache.whirr.ClusterSpecTest.java

public void testGetConfigurationForKeysWithPrefix() throws ConfigurationException, JSchException, IOException {
    Configuration conf = new PropertiesConfiguration();
    conf.setProperty("a.b", 1);
    conf.setProperty("b.a", 2);
    conf.setProperty("a.c", 3);

    ClusterSpec spec = ClusterSpec.withNoDefaults(conf);
    Configuration prefixConf = spec.getConfigurationForKeysWithPrefix("a");

    List<String> prefixKeys = Lists.newArrayList();
    Iterators.addAll(prefixKeys, prefixConf.getKeys());

    assertThat(prefixKeys.size(), is(2));
    assertThat(prefixKeys.get(0), is("a.b"));
    assertThat(prefixKeys.get(1), is("a.c"));

From source file:org.apache.whirr.service.chef.Recipe.java

 * Package protected to be used only by {@link ChefClusterActionHandler}.
 * /*from  w  ww  .  ja  v  a 2  s .c  o  m*/
 * @param config
Recipe(String cookbook, String recipe, Configuration config) {
    this(cookbook, recipe);
    for (Iterator<?> iter = config.getKeys(); iter.hasNext();) {
        String key = (String) iter.next();
        String attribute = key.substring(cookbook.length() + 1, key.length());
        if (attribute.equals("url")) {
            this.url = config.getString(key);
        } else {
            attribs.put(attribute, config.getProperty(key));

From source file:org.apache.whirr.service.cinderella.CommonsConfigurationToCinderellaConfig.java

static String getPropertyOrThrowReasonableNPE(String propertyKey, Configuration config) {
    return checkNotNull(config.getString(propertyKey), "%s not in %s", propertyKey,