Example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration Configuration getList

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.configuration Configuration getList


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration Configuration getList.


List getList(String key);

Source Link


Get a List of strings associated with the given configuration key.


From source file:org.apache.wookie.server.LocaleHandler.java

private void getLocalesFromConfig(Configuration configuration) {
    List<Locale> localeList = new ArrayList<Locale>();
    List<String> localeStringList = configuration.getList("widget.locales");
    if ((localeStringList != null) && (localeStringList.size() > 0)) {
        for (final String language : localeStringList) {
            localeList.add(new Locale(language));
        }/*w  ww. j a  v  a 2  s . c o m*/
    } else {
        // using default
        localeList.add(new Locale(DEFAULT_LANGUGE));
    fLocales = localeList;
    localeStringList = null;

From source file:org.chenillekit.core.tests.TestConfigurationService.java

public void test2() {
    Resource configResource = new ClasspathResource("test.xml");
    Configuration testConfiguration = service.getConfiguration(configResource);

    String backColor = testConfiguration.getString("colors.background");
    String textColor = testConfiguration.getString("colors.text");
    String linkNormal = testConfiguration.getString("colors.link[@normal]");
    String defColor = testConfiguration.getString("colors.default");
    int rowsPerPage = testConfiguration.getInt("rowsPerPage");
    List buttons = testConfiguration.getList("buttons.name");

    assertNotNull(testConfiguration);//from w w w . j av  a 2  s  . c o  m
    assertEquals(backColor, "#808080");
    assertEquals(textColor, "#000000");
    assertEquals(linkNormal, "#000080");
    assertEquals(defColor, "#008000");
    assertEquals(rowsPerPage, 15);
    assertEquals(buttons.size(), 3);

From source file:org.csource.fastdfs.ClientGlobal.java

* load global variables//from ww  w . ja  v  a  2 s .  c  o m
* @param conf_filename config filename
 * @throws ConfigurationException 
public static void init(String conf_filename)
        throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, MyException, ConfigurationException {
    Configuration config;
    config = new PropertiesConfiguration(conf_filename);

    g_connect_timeout = config.getInt("connect_timeout", DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT);
    if (g_connect_timeout < 0) {
        g_connect_timeout = DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT;
    g_connect_timeout *= 1000; //millisecond

    g_network_timeout = config.getInt("network_timeout", DEFAULT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT);
    if (g_network_timeout < 0) {
        g_network_timeout = DEFAULT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT;
    g_network_timeout *= 1000; //millisecond

    g_charset = config.getString("charset");
    if (g_charset == null || g_charset.length() == 0) {
        g_charset = "ISO8859-1";

    List<Object> trackerServers = config.getList("tracker_server");
    InetSocketAddress[] tracker_servers = new InetSocketAddress[trackerServers.size()];
    String[] parts;

    for (int i = 0; i < trackerServers.size(); i++) {
        parts = ((String) trackerServers.get(i)).split("\\:", 2);
        if (parts.length != 2) {
            throw new MyException(
                    "the value of item \"tracker_server\" is invalid, the correct format is host:port");

        tracker_servers[i] = new InetSocketAddress(parts[0].trim(), Integer.parseInt(parts[1].trim()));
    g_tracker_group = new TrackerGroup(tracker_servers);

    g_tracker_http_port = config.getInt("http.tracker_http_port", 80);
    g_anti_steal_token = config.getBoolean("http.anti_steal_token", false);
    if (g_anti_steal_token) {
        g_secret_key = config.getString("http.secret_key");
    if (trackerServers.size() == 0) {
        throw new MyException("item \"tracker_server\" in " + conf_filename + " not found");

    /*        IniFileReader iniReader;
            String[] szTrackerServers;
             String[] parts;
            iniReader = new IniFileReader(conf_filename);
             g_connect_timeout = iniReader.getIntValue("connect_timeout", DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT);
            if (g_connect_timeout < 0)
               g_connect_timeout = DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT;
            g_connect_timeout *= 1000; //millisecond
            g_network_timeout = iniReader.getIntValue("network_timeout", DEFAULT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT);
            if (g_network_timeout < 0)
               g_network_timeout = DEFAULT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT;
            g_network_timeout *= 1000; //millisecond
            g_charset = iniReader.getStrValue("charset");
            if (g_charset == null || g_charset.length() == 0)
               g_charset = "ISO8859-1";
            szTrackerServers = iniReader.getValues("tracker_server");
            if (szTrackerServers == null)
               throw new MyException("item \"tracker_server\" in " + conf_filename + " not found");
            InetSocketAddress[] tracker_servers = new InetSocketAddress[szTrackerServers.length];
            for (int i=0; i<szTrackerServers.length; i++)
               parts = szTrackerServers[i].split("\\:", 2);
               if (parts.length != 2)
      throw new MyException("the value of item \"tracker_server\" is invalid, the correct format is host:port");
               tracker_servers[i] = new InetSocketAddress(parts[0].trim(), Integer.parseInt(parts[1].trim()));
            g_tracker_group = new TrackerGroup(tracker_servers);
            g_tracker_http_port = iniReader.getIntValue("http.tracker_http_port", 80);
            g_anti_steal_token = iniReader.getBoolValue("http.anti_steal_token", false);
            if (g_anti_steal_token)
               g_secret_key = iniReader.getStrValue("http.secret_key");


From source file:org.eclipse.jubula.documentation.gen.ConfigLoader.java

 * The constructor.//from  w  ww.  j  a  v  a2 s.  c  om
private ConfigLoader() {
    Configuration conf;
    try {
        conf = new PropertiesConfiguration(RESOURCES_TEXGEN_PROPERTIES);
    } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
    String[] groups = conf.getStringArray(TEX_GEN_GROUPS);
    for (int i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {
        String group = groups[i];
        m_groups.add(new ConfigGroup(group, conf));
    m_toolkitConfig = new ToolkitConfig(conf.getString(BASEDIR), conf.getString(XML_PATH),
            conf.getString(RESOURCE_BUNDLE_PATH), conf.getString(RESOURCE_BUNDLE_FQN),
            conf.getString(OUTPUTDIR), conf.getList(TOOLKIT_NAMES));

From source file:org.glite.slcs.shibclient.metadata.ShibbolethClientMetadata.java

 * Parses the <ShibbolethClientMetadata> element and return a map of (id,idpObject)
 * @return a Map of (idpID,idpObject)/*w ww  .  ja v  a 2s .  c  om*/
 * @throws SLCSConfigurationException
private Map<String, Provider> parseProviders() throws SLCSConfigurationException {
    Map<String, Provider> entities = new HashMap<String, Provider>();
    LOG.debug("get configuration subset: ShibbolethClientMetadata");
    Configuration metadata = getConfiguration().subset("ShibbolethClientMetadata");
    // external metadata defined with filename= attribute?
    String metadataFilename = metadata.getString("[@filename]");
    LOG.debug("metadata filename=" + metadataFilename);
    String metadataUrl = metadata.getString("[@url]");
    LOG.debug("metadata url=" + metadataUrl);
    if (metadataFilename != null) {
        // load external metadata file       
        try {
            LOG.info("load metadata from file: " + metadataFilename);
            FileConfiguration metadataFileConfiguration = loadConfiguration(metadataFilename);
            metadataSource_ = metadataFileConfiguration.getFile().getAbsolutePath();
            metadata = metadataFileConfiguration;
        } catch (SLCSConfigurationException e) {
            LOG.error("Failed to load external ShibbolethClientMetadata: " + metadataFilename, e);
            throw e;
    // check for metadata url and download
    else if (metadataUrl != null) {
        // download external metadata file
        try {
            URL url = new URL(metadataUrl);
            LOG.info("download metadata from url: " + url);
            // httpclient is used to download the config
            metadata = downloadConfiguration(url);
            metadataSource_ = metadataUrl;
        } catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
            LOG.error("Invalid URL for external ShibbolethClientMetadata: " + metadataUrl, mue);
            throw new SLCSConfigurationException(
                    "ShibbolethClientMetadata url=" + metadataUrl + " parameter is invalid", mue);
        } catch (SLCSConfigurationException sce) {
            LOG.error("Failed to download ShibbolethClientMetadata from: " + metadataUrl, sce);
            throw sce;
    } else {
        LOG.info("inline metadata from: " + getFilename());
        metadataSource_ = getFilename();

    // process metadata
    String name = null;
    String url = null;
    String id = null;
    Configuration config = null;
    // SLCS SP
    config = metadata.subset("ServiceProvider");
    if (!config.isEmpty()) {
        LOG.debug("ServiceProvider element found");
        id = config.getString("[@id]");
        if (id == null || id.equals("")) {
        this.slcsProviderId_ = id;
        name = config.getString("name");
        url = config.getString("url");
        ServiceProvider sp = new ServiceProvider(id, name, url);
        LOG.debug("add " + sp);
        entities.put(id, sp);
    } else {
        throw new SLCSConfigurationException("ServiceProvider element not found in metadata");
    // All IdPs
    Configuration idpsConfig = metadata.subset("IdentityProviders");
    if (idpsConfig.isEmpty()) {
        throw new SLCSConfigurationException("IdentityProviders element not found in metadata");
    List<String> idps = idpsConfig.getList("IdentityProvider[@id]");
    int nIdp = idps.size();
    if (nIdp < 1) {
        throw new SLCSConfigurationException("No IdentityProvider element found in metadata");
    LOG.debug(nIdp + " IdentityProvider elements found");
    for (int i = 0; i < nIdp; i++) {
        config = idpsConfig.subset("IdentityProvider(" + i + ")");
        id = config.getString("[@id]");
        name = config.getString("name");
        url = config.getString("url");
        String authTypeName = config.getString("authentication[@type]");
        String authUrl = config.getString("authentication.url");
        if (authUrl == null) {
            authUrl = url;
        IdentityProvider idp = new IdentityProvider(id, name, url, authTypeName, authUrl);
        // optional entityID for SAML2 support
        String entityID = config.getString("[@entityID]");
        if (entityID != null) {
        if (idp.getAuthType() == IdentityProvider.SSO_AUTHTYPE_CAS
                || idp.getAuthType() == IdentityProvider.SSO_AUTHTYPE_PUBCOOKIE
                || idp.getAuthType() == IdentityProvider.SSO_AUTHTYPE_FORM) {
            // read form name and username and password field names
            String formName = config.getString("authentication.form[@name]", "");
            String formUsername = config.getString("authentication.form.username");
            String formPassword = config.getString("authentication.form.password");
        } else {
            // basic or ntlm
            String realm = config.getString("authentication.realm");
        LOG.debug("add " + idp);
        entities.put(id, idp);
    return entities;

From source file:org.j2free.invoker.InvokerFilter.java

 * Internal method for adding a servlet config
 * @param config//from  www  .  j  a v  a  2s  .com
 * @param pathProp
 * @param defaultPath
 * @param servletClass
private synchronized void addServletMapping(Configuration config, String pathProp, String defaultPath,
        Class<? extends HttpServlet> servletClass) {
    String path;
    Class oldKlass;

    Iterator itr;

    List paths = config.getList(pathProp);

    if (paths == null) {
        oldKlass = addServletMapping(defaultPath, servletClass);
        if (oldKlass != null)
            log.error("Error mapping " + servletClass.getSimpleName() + ", " + oldKlass.getSimpleName()
                    + " was alread mapped to " + defaultPath);
    } else {
        itr = paths.iterator();
        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            path = (String) itr.next();
            oldKlass = addServletMapping(path, servletClass);
            if (oldKlass != null)
                log.error("Error mapping " + servletClass.getSimpleName() + ", " + oldKlass.getSimpleName()
                        + " was alread mapped to " + path);

From source file:org.lable.oss.dynamicconfig.core.commonsconfiguration.ConcurrentConfigurationTest.java

public void testMethodWrappers() {
    CombinedConfiguration mockConfiguration = mock(CombinedConfiguration.class);
    Configuration concurrentConfiguration = new ConcurrentConfiguration(mockConfiguration, null);

    concurrentConfiguration.isEmpty();// ww  w.j av  a  2  s.  c  o m
    concurrentConfiguration.getBoolean("getboolean2", true);
    concurrentConfiguration.getBoolean("getboolean3", Boolean.FALSE);
    concurrentConfiguration.getByte("getbyte2", (byte) 0);
    concurrentConfiguration.getByte("getbyte3", Byte.valueOf((byte) 0));
    concurrentConfiguration.getDouble("getdouble2", 0.2);
    concurrentConfiguration.getDouble("getdouble3", Double.valueOf(0.2));
    concurrentConfiguration.getFloat("getfloat2", 0f);
    concurrentConfiguration.getFloat("getfloat3", Float.valueOf(0f));
    concurrentConfiguration.getInt("getint2", 0);
    concurrentConfiguration.getInteger("getint3", 0);
    concurrentConfiguration.getLong("getlong2", 0L);
    concurrentConfiguration.getLong("getlong3", Long.valueOf(0L));
    concurrentConfiguration.getShort("getshort2", (short) 0);
    concurrentConfiguration.getShort("getshort3", Short.valueOf((short) 0));
    concurrentConfiguration.getBigDecimal("getbigd2", BigDecimal.valueOf(0.4));
    concurrentConfiguration.getBigInteger("getbigi2", BigInteger.valueOf(2L));
    concurrentConfiguration.getString("getstring2", "def");
    concurrentConfiguration.getList("getlist2", Arrays.asList("a", "b"));

    verify(mockConfiguration, times(1)).subset("subset");
    verify(mockConfiguration, times(1)).isEmpty();
    verify(mockConfiguration, times(1)).containsKey("key");
    verify(mockConfiguration, times(1)).getProperty("getprop");
    verify(mockConfiguration, times(1)).getKeys("getkeys");
    verify(mockConfiguration, times(1)).getKeys();
    verify(mockConfiguration, times(1)).getProperties("getprops");
    verify(mockConfiguration, times(1)).getBoolean("getboolean1");
    verify(mockConfiguration, times(1)).getBoolean("getboolean2", true);
    verify(mockConfiguration, times(1)).getBoolean("getboolean3", Boolean.FALSE);
    verify(mockConfiguration, times(1)).getByte("getbyte1");
    verify(mockConfiguration, times(1)).getByte("getbyte2", (byte) 0);
    verify(mockConfiguration, times(1)).getByte("getbyte3", Byte.valueOf((byte) 0));
    verify(mockConfiguration, times(1)).getDouble("getdouble1");
    verify(mockConfiguration, times(1)).getDouble("getdouble2", 0.2);
    verify(mockConfiguration, times(1)).getDouble("getdouble3", Double.valueOf(0.2));
    verify(mockConfiguration, times(1)).getFloat("getfloat1");
    verify(mockConfiguration, times(1)).getFloat("getfloat2", 0f);
    verify(mockConfiguration, times(1)).getFloat("getfloat3", Float.valueOf(0f));
    verify(mockConfiguration, times(1)).getInt("getint1");
    verify(mockConfiguration, times(1)).getInt("getint2", 0);
    verify(mockConfiguration, times(1)).getInteger("getint3", Integer.valueOf(0));
    verify(mockConfiguration, times(1)).getLong("getlong1");
    verify(mockConfiguration, times(1)).getLong("getlong2", 0L);
    verify(mockConfiguration, times(1)).getLong("getlong3", Long.valueOf(0L));
    verify(mockConfiguration, times(1)).getShort("getshort1");
    verify(mockConfiguration, times(1)).getShort("getshort2", (short) 0);
    verify(mockConfiguration, times(1)).getShort("getshort3", Short.valueOf((short) 0));
    verify(mockConfiguration, times(1)).getBigDecimal("getbigd1");
    verify(mockConfiguration, times(1)).getBigDecimal("getbigd2", BigDecimal.valueOf(0.4));
    verify(mockConfiguration, times(1)).getBigInteger("getbigi1");
    verify(mockConfiguration, times(1)).getBigInteger("getbigi2", BigInteger.valueOf(2L));
    verify(mockConfiguration, times(1)).getString("getstring1");
    verify(mockConfiguration, times(1)).getString("getstring2", "def");
    verify(mockConfiguration, times(1)).getStringArray("stringarray");
    verify(mockConfiguration, times(1)).getList("getlist1");
    verify(mockConfiguration, times(1)).getList("getlist2", Arrays.asList("a", "b"));

From source file:org.mobicents.servlet.restcomm.entities.shiro.Realm.java

private void loadSecurityRoles(final Configuration configuration) {
    final List<String> roleNames = (List<String>) configuration.getList("role[@name]");
    final int numberOfRoles = roleNames.size();
    if (numberOfRoles > 0) {
        for (int roleIndex = 0; roleIndex < numberOfRoles; roleIndex++) {
            StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
            final String prefix = buffer.toString();
            final String name = configuration.getString(prefix + "[@name]");
            final List<String> permissions = configuration.getList(prefix + ".permission");
            final int numberOfPermissions = permissions.size();
            if (name != null) {
                if (numberOfPermissions > 0) {
                    final SimpleRole role = new SimpleRole(name);
                    for (int permissionIndex = 0; permissionIndex < numberOfPermissions; permissionIndex++) {
                        String permissionName = permissions.get(permissionIndex);
                        //buffer = new StringBuilder();
                        final Permission permission = new WildcardPermission(permissionName);
                    }//  www .jav  a 2  s.  com
                    roles.put(name, role);

From source file:org.mobicents.servlet.restcomm.identity.shiro.RestcommRoles.java

private void loadSecurityRoles(final Configuration configuration) {
    final List<String> roleNames = (List<String>) configuration.getList("role[@name]");
    final int numberOfRoles = roleNames.size();
    if (numberOfRoles > 0) {
        for (int roleIndex = 0; roleIndex < numberOfRoles; roleIndex++) {
            StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
            final String prefix = buffer.toString();
            final String name = configuration.getString(prefix + "[@name]");
            final List<String> permissions = configuration.getList(prefix + ".permission");

            if (name != null) {
                if (permissions.size() > 0) {
                    final SimpleRole role = new SimpleRole(name);
                    for (String permissionString : permissions) {
                        //logger.info("loading permission " + permissionString + " into " + name + " role");
                        final Permission permission = new WildcardPermission(permissionString);
                    }/*from   w ww  .j av  a2  s . c  om*/
                    roles.put(name, role);

From source file:org.mobicents.servlet.restcomm.sms.smpp.SmppService.java

private void initializeSmppConnections() {
    Configuration smppConfiguration = this.configuration.subset("smpp");

    List<Object> smppConnections = smppConfiguration.getList("connections.connection.name");

    int smppConnecsSize = smppConnections.size();
    if (smppConnecsSize == 0) {
        logger.warning("No SMPP Connections defined!");
        return;/* ww w.  j  av a2  s. c  o  m*/

    for (int count = 0; count < smppConnecsSize; count++) {
        String name = smppConfiguration.getString("connections.connection(" + count + ").name");
        String systemId = smppConfiguration.getString("connections.connection(" + count + ").systemid");
        String peerIp = smppConfiguration.getString("connections.connection(" + count + ").peerip");
        int peerPort = smppConfiguration.getInt("connections.connection(" + count + ").peerport");
        SmppBindType bindtype = SmppBindType
                .valueOf(smppConfiguration.getString("connections.connection(" + count + ").bindtype"));

        if (bindtype == null) {
            logger.warning("Bindtype for SMPP name=" + name + " is not specified. Using default TRANSCEIVER");

        String password = smppConfiguration.getString("connections.connection(" + count + ").password");
        String systemType = smppConfiguration.getString("connections.connection(" + count + ").systemtype");

        byte interfaceVersion = smppConfiguration
                .getByte("connections.connection(" + count + ").interfaceversion");

        byte ton = smppConfiguration.getByte("connections.connection(" + count + ").ton");
        byte npi = smppConfiguration.getByte("connections.connection(" + count + ").npi");
        String range = smppConfiguration.getString("connections.connection(" + count + ").range");

        Address address = null;
        if (ton != -1 && npi != -1 && range != null) {
            address = new Address(ton, npi, range);

        int windowSize = smppConfiguration.getInt("connections.connection(" + count + ").windowsize");

        long windowWaitTimeout = smppConfiguration
                .getLong("connections.connection(" + count + ").windowwaittimeout");

        long connectTimeout = smppConfiguration.getLong("connections.connection(" + count + ").connecttimeout");
        long requestExpiryTimeout = smppConfiguration
                .getLong("connections.connection(" + count + ").requestexpirytimeout");
        long windowMonitorInterval = smppConfiguration
                .getLong("connections.connection(" + count + ").windowmonitorinterval");
        boolean logBytes = smppConfiguration.getBoolean("connections.connection(" + count + ").logbytes");
        boolean countersEnabled = smppConfiguration
                .getBoolean("connections.connection(" + count + ").countersenabled");

        long enquireLinkDelay = smppConfiguration
                .getLong("connections.connection(" + count + ").enquirelinkdelay");

        Smpp smpp = new Smpp(name, systemId, peerIp, peerPort, bindtype, password, systemType, interfaceVersion,
                address, connectTimeout, windowSize, windowWaitTimeout, requestExpiryTimeout,
                windowMonitorInterval, countersEnabled, logBytes, enquireLinkDelay);


        if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
            logger.info("creating new SMPP connection " + smpp);


    // for monitoring thread use, it's preferable to create your own
    // instance of an executor and cast it to a ThreadPoolExecutor from
    // Executors.newCachedThreadPool() this permits exposing thinks like
    // executor.getActiveCount() via JMX possible no point renaming the
    // threads in a factory since underlying Netty framework does not easily
    // allow you to customize your thread names
    this.executor = (ThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newCachedThreadPool();

    // to enable automatic expiration of requests, a second scheduled
    // executor is required which is what a monitor task will be executed
    // with - this is probably a thread pool that can be shared with between
    // all client bootstraps
    this.monitorExecutor = (ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1,
            new ThreadFactory() {
                private AtomicInteger sequence = new AtomicInteger(0);

                public Thread newThread(Runnable r) {
                    Thread t = new Thread(r);
                    t.setName("SmppServer-SessionWindowMonitorPool-" + sequence.getAndIncrement());
                    return t;

    // a single instance of a client bootstrap can technically be shared
    // between any sessions that are created (a session can go to any
    // different number of SMSCs) - each session created under a client
    // bootstrap will use the executor and monitorExecutor set in its
    // constructor - just be *very* careful with the "expectedSessions"
    // value to make sure it matches the actual number of total concurrent
    // open sessions you plan on handling - the underlying netty library
    // used for NIO sockets essentially uses this value as the max number of
    // threads it will ever use, despite the "max pool size", etc. set on
    // the executor passed in here

    // Setting expected session to be 25. May be this should be
    // configurable?
    this.clientBootstrap = new DefaultSmppClient(this.executor, 25, monitorExecutor);

    this.smppClientOpsThread = new SmppClientOpsThread(this.clientBootstrap, outboundInterface("udp").getPort(),

    (new Thread(this.smppClientOpsThread)).start();

    for (Smpp smpp : this.smppList) {

    if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
        logger.info("SMPP Service started");